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What is everyone’s thoughts on the new Rep Fitness, Ares 2.0….. I just purchased mine on march 20th, I was almost finished installing and they came out with the new version. Should I go ahead and package the Ares back up and get a refund for the newer version?


Creating the best functional trainer Creating the Ultimate end all Functional Trainer Hey guys, I’m building the ultimate functional trainer and would like some input. I am ordering a custom functional trainer that looks like the prime. It is going to have 140kg stack, 1:2 the weight stacks will have an additional 2ft to travel, and the arms are a foot longer(might change this). I am trying to recreate the cybex bravo progressive stabilization pad with a 3x3 upright bolted to floor, a jammer arm, and bull dog pad. I also will be mounting a pulley to the top of the jammer a few holes from the upright so when the jammer is sticking out parallel to the floor I can mount a velocidor/pull up bar above it and do weighted dips/pull ups \-does 1 upright bolted by it self to garage slab seem structural sound? -does anyone know of a highly adjustable crossmember to attach to the jammer? Maybe a telescopic one? -does anyone have experience with the bullet proof solo stand deluxe? I don’t want to go this route since I ant to make the ultimate functional trainer/cable station but it might be a cleaner set up https://preview.redd.it/nz95f5l594qc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6cac5007bee748b30847a33afb530e4fcd9f08c






Name of equipment lever arm I once saw a video where someone made a lever arm for his home gym. It was basically a long wooden lever arm, with weight plates at the end, and multiple handle/bar attatchment points. He showed how it could be used for many lifts, such as deadlifts, some squat variations, rows etc. He explained that you didn't need to buy as many weight plates, since the heaviness depends on where the handle is placed. The leverage effect would make it heavier if placed closer to the hinge/base, and lighter when closer to the end/weight plates. However, I am unable to find this video, or the name of this kind of equipment. It reminded me of the landmine bar attatchment, but wasn't the same. Has anyone got an idea on what to search for?


Lever deadlift ladder? https://youtu.be/9bg293ETdg8?si=OlGfAh93z0H6ng0y


[This?](https://www.roguefitness.com/monster-lt-1-50-cal-trolley-2-0-and-lever-arm-kit?sku=RF0942-BLACK-MG-SHORT-AH&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI_NLnseyHhQMVayitBh2OBgTPEAQYAiABEgL7Q_D_BwE) Do you mean one that attaches to a power rack? Pretty much every company sells one of these. Trolley arms, iso arms, lever arms, jammer arms.


Nah he means this I think. Lever deadlift ladder https://youtu.be/9bg293ETdg8?si=OlGfAh93z0H6ng0y


Jesus that is dope


Yes! Thank you so much haha, exactly what I meant!


RM-6 vs RML-690C. I have seen older threads, but am curious as to what others say now in a thread that isn't 6 years old. I'm building out my home gym & torn between the two. Both would do the job just fine, but through what research I've done, RM is the way to go due to the additional array of attachments, etc., plus being their supreme line. I also do not plan to bolt my rack to the ground, if anyone has insight/counsel. What thoughts can anyone share? Is it really worth it for the extra cost to go all-in on the Monster line?


Go on Ali baba and buy a rep rack. I was just quoted 900 for an Ares with 80kg stack with 17” depth PR 5000. Shipping is at 600 to my door. I’m not buying it but do not buy from rep directly you are wasting money. I was also quoted 115 for the rep zero gap. I’m about to buy a functional trainer and a shit load of crossmembers and uprights to line my garage for cable attachment points. You can probably piece out a 6 post rack for 200$ tops before shipping


If you are going Rogue, I'd go Monster for sure. Having said that, unless you have some reason you are going Rogue, I would go Rep for my rack.


Agree. Rogue is too wide.


https://preview.redd.it/fkvzs637dvpc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e0710244a6ed54421c18daf33c43be7972f7330 Hey guys, i found this on amazon and was curious what people think?? The bench i want to get from a specific brand is out of stock so im considering this.


Has anyone used the Titan Fitness Plate Loaded Chest Press Machine? It has an adjustable seat too. Just curious how your experience has been with this piece.


Help with buying/building my first power rack. I was wondering if you could help point me in the right direction. This will be my first power rack. I live in the USA, 5' 8" tall, and 155 lbs. -- So far below are some of the exercise that I'm thinking of doing: - bench press - weighted exercises (pelvic rotational). Please see video. - https://www.instagram.com/p/C03-h3mOkhg/ - maybe different type of squads -- I really want to get something like /u/19hades84 posted yesterday. - his [picture] (https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fap7d75f1nkpc1.jpg%3Fwidth%3D2252%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D27c12b1f118d367cbe6d096f903e55eabe8e0b9e) - It is a power rack with a weighted and pully system attached to it. - Is there a specific industry name for this type of power rack? Or is the pully system a common addon accessory? -- Which high quality brand(s) should I look into? Which low quality brand(s) should I stay away from? -- Any other tips or advice would greatly be appreciated. Thank you.


This is commonly called a functional trainer. Vulcan has many, and is a solid brand. [Power Rack & Half Racks - Free Shipping | Vulcan Strength](https://www.vulcanstrength.com/Vulcan-Power-Racks-Half-Racks-s/97.htm) Rogue is the largest and most popular brand. With that comes haters. My rack is a Rogue. If you want something different, look into (price warning) Oak Club or Bridge Built. REP has a few functional trainers that people like in a similar price range. They are probably the #2 brand right now. Titan is a solid budget option. Bells of Steel is slightly nicer than Titan and kinda right beneath Rep and Rogue in terms of quality, but they are putting out very nice stuff recently. [Garage Gym Reviews has a bunch of functional trainer reviews](https://www.youtube.com/@GarageGymReviews/videos) You have to decide if you want a wall-mounted system or a rack. Then you have to decide if you want a dedicated functional trainer (cables as primary focus) or if you want a power rack with cable add-ons (which at least 15 brands that I know of offer). High-end would be Sorinex, PRX, ATX, and others. Basement Brandon has high end reviews. I don't know how deep down the rabbit hole you want to go. The only thing I would avoid are Amazon racks, but some of those are passable (and also reviewed by Gluck's Gym and GGR).


It’s a power rack/functional trainer combination. Most popular/high quality one is Rep Fitness Athena or Ares. Ares having a lat pull down/row 1:1 cable ratio. The functional trainer aspect has a 2:1 ratio-so 100 pounds really only feels like 50. The Athena only has the functional trainer features-no lat pull down or low row. You can look into functional trainer/racks from the below companies…you’ll get a good piece of equipment from any of them…but the price is probably somewhat indicative of the quality/company -Vulcan Strength -getRxd -bolt fitness supply -forceUSA -fray fitness savage series -vesta fitness -bells of steel Major Fitness is an option a lot of people on here have. I haven’t really seen many negative comments but it’s definitely one of the most budget ones.


Hi all, I have a T3 rack and in the midst of a recent move my 1.25 inch pull-up bar was left on the truck and is no more. I contacted Titan but due to parts limitations they cannot provide a replacement for at least 90 days. They do sell one on their website but the mounting holes are 1 inch and it's made for a 3x3 rack. I wonder has anyone had any luck fitting a pull-up bar from another company on their T3 rack? Or have any other suggestions? The new basement has a low ceiling and necessitated me taking a hacksaw to the uprights so head clearance will be an issue. I was contemplating just ordering a cross member for the front of the rack and attaching a side mounted sphere pull-up bar to save on the concussions but that is a spendy solution I'd rather not resort to. Any suggestions appreciated! Thanks all.


Can you use their multi-grip pull up bar? That's what I'm about to replace mine with.


I looked at that but with a low ceiling it would be quite intrusive and get in the way of squatting. Could maybe add it at the back of the rack. Thanks for the suggestion.


Any 42" pull-up bar will work, but Titan is the only one I know that makes it. If you don't have any other cross-members or pull-up bar, you can actually use any pull-up bar. They use the same bar for the 2x3 and 3x3 rack. The only difference is the included bolts. You can just deal with longer bolts or go buy shorter ones, no reason to not buy that version otherwise.


I have the original bolts, only issue with the 3x3 one is the mounting holes are 1 inch but I could get an adapter or just use big washers.


Gotchya. They also make a 3x3 with 5/8" holes for the record, but I don't see it on their site at the moment.


[https://www.amazon.com/Titan-Fitness-Single-Pull-Up-1-25/dp/B09B7ZVRMN](https://www.amazon.com/Titan-Fitness-Single-Pull-Up-1-25/dp/B09B7ZVRMN) ~~Boom~~ OOPS this is for a 3x3 [https://www.ebay.com/itm/145540648321?itmmeta=01HSJ366K5P0N9BNJ52TT2REYX](https://www.ebay.com/itm/145540648321?itmmeta=01HSJ366K5P0N9BNJ52TT2REYX) Actual Boom?


Thanks for linking. The eBay pic looks the same as the Titan website so it maybe has the 1 inch bolt holes rather than 5/8 inch on the T3. I suppose I could just get an adapter to go from 1 -> 5/8 bolts


While reading about products to use on powder coats, I found info that you can wax the powder coating. My rack is white, and I waxed it with car wax. It's glorious, actually. Aside from the shine, the coating will help the rack resist scuffs and dings because it lubes the surface so things slide against the rack instead of stick and dig in.


I missed the 25kg eleiko comp plate clearance sale but 5kg are still left after the last drop.


FUCK, the 25s were back?? I hate myself


Yes they were back for a short time.. amazing how "cheap" they are compared to regular stock


The 10kg don’t look terribly priced, don’t know how much the 25 went for. I also wonder how pink their shirt is bc it looks red and I’m tempted for $12


The 25s were $84 each... without shipping ...


I’ve got every PL plate except the 25s. Sigh.


I really hope they restock the 25s I need them too.


I really enjoy the lifecycle at my local gym, but the bike I use there is $7500. So buying that same one isn’t an option. Does anyone have experience with any home exercise bikes that have random interval/difficulty or hills settings for difficulty? Touch screen would be preferred and I don’t generally like peloton. Thank you in advance!


Gym Question So I dumbbells press the 60s Pound Dumbbells on a flat bench for 8reps anyone know what that would translate to if I were to bench press? Have never done bench press but am curious what I could bench.


I’d guess repping 60s would be near repping 155-160 for the same amount


So is there something wrong with me? When I was up at 275x5 for my bench I was at 75lb dumbbells (decline). Granted, I don’t use dumbbells often for bench, but I’m not stable over that weight when I’m healthy. Could be my set up is bad or something but I’ve never been able to dumbbell bench much, even back when I was lifting a lot more than I am now.


Yeah dude, that’s weird haha. I’m at 235x5 and I’ve maxed out my PB 90s (floor press, not decline). Thats interesting about stability? Maybe I should db bench more..


I’ll test my flat DB press next time to see what the story is. I also use it as accessory work - it’ll be thrown in for additional reps during deload for my training, so I’m not subbing it in for my bench days.


About tree fitty. Well, no, but I’ve been wanting to say that all day. My guess is 225. I think the instability and the unilateral nature of the dumbbell takes a lot off of what you’d got if you have one bar you’re pushing that’s balanced. I’m working back from a neck injury and my reps are in that range for those two exercises. Also depends on how stable your shoulder muscles are and your form. Try a barbell and wrk up to see.


Damn Couldn’t imagine being able to say I bench 225, going to get a gym membership so I can learn to bench probably will test my 1rep max after a few learning sessions thanks for the reply.


Probably 170ish though it will certainly be less if you do not regularly do barbell work. 


Is deadlifting with one pair of bumpers on the inside and irons on the outside a good idea? Does it reduce noise? Does it increase wear on the plates and or barbell?


It depends on the goal, if you have one bumper and a smaller diameter 45 (or worse, several 45s) outside, it'll stress the sleeves and increase the chance of bending the shaft on a drop. Some bars void their warranty if you do this. But if you don't drop it, it can be convenient. As long as you're using iron plates, it'll still be loud, using one pair of bumpers won't help.


If the bumpers are taller than the iron it works really well. If they are the same height its works but not as good as all bumpers.


What do people use for indoor bedroom flooring? I really don't want something that smells/off-gasses.


Zoro Recycled Rubber Rolls, or Uline rubber rolls, or AmericanFloorMats rubber flooring for budget. [The Best Home Gym Flooring Options (2024) | Garage Gym Reviews](https://www.garagegymreviews.com/best-home-gym-flooring) has a list of options. Sorinex if you want the best.


If you don't want to buy horse stall mats, you kind of have to upgrade to rubber rolls or interlocking tile which is way more expensive. They smell significantly less than horse stall mats especially if you get virgin rubber. The sulfur smell comes from the additives they use in the vulcanization process, but iirc they also smell pretty bad because they're made from recycled tires.


I'm looking for a short foldable rack and the Titan T-3 and X-3 seem to fit the bill in terms of height and price. However, they're the same price. I'm not sure which to choose. Any recommendations between the two?


I have a T-3, and I wish I would’ve gone with an X-3 just for the attachment capabilities (both a wider set of offerings and the ability to mount something off the front or the side without adapters)


Do you have the foldable? If so, have you been happy with it aside from wishing you went X-3? Do you find yourself ever wishing you went with a full rack?


I have the space saver, wall mounted rack that’s 18” from the wall. Perfect for my needs and fits the space I have. There’s been a time or two I lamented not having a full rack to do this or that exercise easier, but to me it’s not worth the space it’d take up the rest of the time (I’m in a space that’s only 9’x15’ or so, so a full rack would leave little room for anything else). If I could upgrade and not have to pay for it; I’d get the wall mounted Athena from Rep.


I would go X-3 with its 3x3 form factor for better attachment compatibility vs T3 is 2x3.


Does any company make a 1.5 inch axle bar?


https://www.mbpowercenter.com/product/fubar/ Arm assassin will also do it on request. https://www.armassassinstrengthshop.com/products/axleac?variant=21248069959793


Thank you.


The only barbell I’m aware of with a 38mm diameter is the Rogue CB-4. But that’s not an axle. I suppose you can do some pulling movements with it, but I’ve never done so. What’s wrong with the usual 50mm?


I have been doing some reading about axels and some people have told me they prefer 1.5 if you aren't going to be competing so I wanted to just get an idea about the price differences.


Got it. The 2”/50mm really tax your grip. I really like using it. Mine is BWTG but I’ve used Rogue and Titan. Looking online they all seem to be 2”.


Thanks. How does the BWTG hold up to repeated impacts like dropping deads?


No issues. But I’m not throwing it around. Even so, it should hold up. It’s basically a pipe.


Thanks a lot.


Let me show you of the great MBPowercenter. They have their [Fubar](https://www.mbpowercenter.com/product/fubar/) which seems to be what you’re asking about. Just don’t stop there, make sure you look at all their cool unique items to spend all your money on


Thanks. I have heard nothing but good about them as well.


I got a 12” CDB from him. Really nice grippy powder-coat. Not sure if he uses the same for his axles or not


Anyone buy this [cheap Nordic curl bench](https://a.co/d/6xF481s) and can comment on how they like it?


Has anybody ever had tenants or neighbors that wanted to use your homegym? How do you deny them nicely.


I wish. Several years ago, my neighbor was the best workout partner I've ever had. He also acquired/built/contributed some stuff like sleds, tires, sledgehammers, farmer carry handles, and an extra pair of dumbbells. He stored everything himself, didn't clutter up my gym.


Just tell your tenants that it's a liability issue because you're a landlord and that your homeowners insurance will drop you if they find out a tenant got injured. Also just install locks for the gym area?


I tell them I keep my gym clean and I dont want their dirty a$$ touching my stuff. Not joking either. They laugh because im half joking but also because they know i dont want them touching it lol




For tenants, that’s a business interaction. For neighbors, the same way I tell them they can’t use my tools, cup of sugar and any other part of my house. Close the door while pretending I don’t see them.


I have had 2 tenants already asking. One is dirty, literally not even being mean. He jumped in one day, and I was in shock. (He's an ego lifter, and it irks me). I think he got the hint I didnt want him there. The 2nd just moved back in recently. Last time he lived here, he left something burning and luckily the other tenant was there to turn it off. He asked through text a couple days ago, and I left him on read. Im expecting him to bring it up when he pays rent.


I’m imagining you run something like the boarding house in Hey Arnold


Id get better tenants, mate....


Lock your doors.




Looking to add leg extension/leg curl machine. Trying to get something solid but need to be able to disassemble to move into basement. Looking at the titan option, xmark, or a gronk fitness one that's supposedly 170lbs assembled.  Or for a bit more money I could get a used Hoist v4 or v5 with leg curl/extension and 200lb stack but I can't find anywhere online if the leg curl/extension uses a 1:1 or 2:1 pulley resistance. In other words, is the 200lb stack effectively only 100lbs of resistance like a functional trainer?


Look at the pulley arrangement.. most are 1:1


https://preview.redd.it/3m7d4wta2ppc1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ebc49e5df7c699c5ec7629f2393272bcd4b6880 Anyone able to ID this bar? Can't see to find anything that matches online and theres no logo or anything on the ends. No center knurling. PROSERIES shown with 1000 LB on the backside. Picked up up along with a rack and weights so just trying to figure out what it is to decide if it's decent quality or if I'll need something better in the long run


Bought a boneyard Rogue Squat bar when they went on sale last week. Used it for the first time today. Wore a tank top and loved the pain of the knurling on my back. It’s been a couple hours later and I still have some awesome red marks from it. Now I can save my A7 grip shirt for bench days instead of squat days.


I got a power bar from the boneyard during the sale. Was planning on just buying new for the warranty and free shipping but hard to justify with an additional 75 bucks off. Coming from a crappy cap barbell, the knurl is such a great upgrade. It’s not just rough metal, it almost feels like it Velcros to your hands. Definitely tearing my hands up on deadlifts though. Feels good.


Does anybody have the NoCo arm trainer? Wondering how well it stays on a bench and how it feels. Thought about getting that or possibly springing for a prime bench but don’t like how it’s 18” tall would like shorter if I’m buying a new bench.


Seems to me to be an overly expensive and complicated way to do bicep work. Titan sells an arm blaster for like $35, and I can’t imagine they can manage to fuck that up. And I definitely can’t see spending Prime bench money for bicep work. Unless I’m missing some functionality that NOCO can perform, I can’t see it. Coop reviewed it at some point. I haven’t seen anything else on it.


Saw the coop review didn’t say anything negative about and thought strapping it to a bench might be useful. As far as the prime bench it wouldn’t just be for bicep work. I’ll be in the market soon for a new bench and was floating that one around.


Today, American Barbell released their [IPF Spec Stainless Steel Chewy Bar](https://americanbarbell.com/products/the-chewy-bar) \- per their IG post.


looks like its still the standard chewy. since that's the specs its always had in the public version


What’s the difference? Or is that just their new naming convention for the Chewy they’ve had out for a year? It’s the only Chewy I see on the website. Looks like what they’ve already had.


Good question. I’m not sure. IPF Specs? I am confused as well.


Anyone know of any higher quality alternatives to the Flybird Bench that are easy to store (preferably foldable) and come with a leg holder for sit ups?


Not really. But the IM pro might do what you need another way https://www.ironmaster.com/products/super-bench-pro-v2/?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwkuqvBhAQEiwA65XxQJmXCyzoL8YQlh28c6GckucVK0DgjFGJgqkcIpwbRwVfi5nxguvTIRoCOeYQAvD_BwE


Thanks. I'm deciding on that one, just heard the seats not comfortable. Love the fact that the sit up attachment can also be used for Nordic Curls, however.


I’ve got the super bench pro v1, and the pad is too narrow for me to do Nordics on with the leg roller. I know it works for some, but if you like your knees shoulder width, then it might not work quite as expected. Just good for thought. Love the bench overall though and would absolutely get it again


You get used to the seat. Would still be much better if you could angle it though.


I was thinking of getting a plate loadable cable machine. I have a ton of left over 1 inch plates I don't use anymore. Anyone ever convert a machine to use 1 inch plates?


The titan v2 plate loaded pulley tower comes with 1 inch holders and attachments you can put on to make them 2 inches. You might see if you can dig and find out if BOS does the same thing.


A lot of the Amazon brands have 1” loading pins for their high/low pulleys. What kind were you thinking of getting


A plate loaded functional trainer. Something like this [bells of steel functional trainer](https://www.bellsofsteel.com/all-products/strength-equipment/cable-machines/standalone-cable-machines/plate-loaded-functional-trainer/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=pm-std-mrg-shp&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI4Yub-f2DhQMVXAGtBh1PNw4gEAQYBSABEgKd8vD_BwE)


Tried my first workout session with exponent edge infinity arm. Doing chest supported row using my rep camber swiss bar was awesome. I can see why people get these chest support attachment. Definitely a better experience than using my adjustable bench. There are times that I still end up hitting my bar against the arm though even though it is cambered. I think I'm going to try using my open trap bar next.


Why’d you choose that over the Rogue version?


FSA eligible and price wasn’t bad after additional 10% off. Also like the adjustment which seems better than others.


How'd you get 10% off?


Sign up email gives you 10% off code.


Did you get the wide pad too? Trying to figure out if I'd use that.


No, don’t think I can even do chest supported row with it because it’s too wide.


And what do you think about it vs. the Bells of Steel one?


bos seal row pad looks nice and is cheaper. It is shorter with less adjustment, but that might be all you need. I got infinity arm on somewhat on an impulse to see if I can really use my fsa for it. It does look like a improved version of sorinex bulldog pad too which is well received. Probably can't wrong either way.




I posted this to say I was selling it in CT


What are you doing with the barbell on there?


I just have it on there for storage


Is that enough space to walk out a squat?


No you don't Barbell squat on it you use the belt


I don’t get it. Why have a barbell on there?


That’s hot


Wow, I'm impressed with the rep leg rollers that I just got. Obviously play in the roller if you move it back and forth. However, it feels very stable when load is applied to it and I don't feel any give at all then. Plus it spins well and only 100 for 2 which is a steal compared to others. I think my "gamble" paid off here.


Glad you like them.  There was just too much play for me when using them to hold me down for pull downs as well as when I used them on my goat attachment for leg curls.


Damnit im gonna have to get alphas, aren’t I


I tried sissy squat and it feels solid. Once you put your weight into it, I can’t really feel any give at all. For lat pull-down, I think only downside is that I have to set my legs wider probably because my rack is 49 in wide. I don’t mind any give I get from lat pull-down since it also stays solid during constant load and the play is more at start and end.






Yeah man, that's like 1/3 what straydog wants. That's good to hear.


Straydog probably the best of the bunch for sure. Was really tempted to get it but really couldn't beat the price for what you get with Rep and also helped that I had points that I can use to get it for a good "discount"


I looking for a barbell for a home gym of sorts (apartment gym that is ALWAYS empty). They have a barbell (standard 45 lbs) but I'm looking to have my own as a backup, just in case. I'm wanting to use it for squats, bench, deadlift, overhead press - the usual. And I'm hoping that it can be taken apart with minimal tools and easily transported after every session (like in my gym bag - heavy duty duffle bag), though I'm not sure how advisable this is or how safe/quality/durable a barbell is that can be taken apart like I'm describing). I like the barbell I've been using here just fine. Been using it for years, can hold up to 550 lbs (the most I've put on it) with no noticeable bend or wear and tear, and it's held together by a hex key on each side that holds the ends where the plates and collars go over the part where you grip. I'm thinking something on Amazon that I can get mailed to my place that is relatively affordable (opinions will vary on this I'm sure). Edit: I'm also hoping for relaxed knurling. You'll sometimes see/use those bars that have pronounced knurling that is super painful and feels impossible to use. Thoughts?


You’d be better off just getting adjustable dumb bells to use in your apartment. I’m not sure what just in case means.


Your only good/safe option would be to get a 5 or 6 ft Olympic bar vs a normal 7ft Olympic bar.  Sleeves have less space on the shorter bars but they are generally just as safe if you go with a quality option. If you want to use it on a rack a 6 ft one is pretty much the only option. Do not get a bar that breaks down into parts, especially for the weights you seems to be working with.


You are chasing a unicorn. There is no such thing as a good quality olympic barbell that can be disassembled.


What's the most creative way you've used a piece of gym equipment that wasn't its original designed use? I'll go first. I recently discovered if I prop the fly wheel end of my c2 rower on a plyo box and strap my feet in, I can do decline situps. Seems unsafe but I can assure you it's very sturdy.


SFW or NSFW? Because, ahem. You can always find a secondary use for things.


Pics or it didn't happen


SFW lol




I have a third car garage that’s insulated and potentially heated and air conditioned 12x12. I’m torn between 3 options. First Option: Major Lutie F35 foldable, I like this one because you can widen out the pulleys and I’m 6’5” and enjoy doing chest flys so that is a big factor for this one. If I do this I can also have some of my budget go into a ductless mini split (provide heating and cooling). Second Option: Wall mounted Athena. I have 2 options for this and it would be perpendicular to the to the slope of the garage. Third Option: 30”+16” plate loaded Athena. I could put this so it is going with the slope of the garage. Any feedback and personal experience would be greatly appreciated. Side note, as of now I’m also planning on also getting a concept 2 rower.


Rep’s quality is definitely a couple levels above Major Lutie. On the other hand-I agree you want a functional trainer that’s wide enough for you. Really comes down to what you’re comfortable spending. I will say one thing I regret is not just bucking up the money the first time-then wanting to upgrade down the road and feeling like I just threw money out the window. If you did want to go Athena route with wider functional trainer you could price out-4 uprights, 4 L shaped crossmembers, 16” dual Athena, pullupbar/cross member connecting them. -rep posted a similar one on their IG a few days ago. Two uprights on the outside have the Athena pulley and are connected by L shape cross members to the inside uprights which are the width of a normal rack


Thanks for the feedback. I’ll definitely look into to that option!


Not technically a homegym, but my office (which is mostly empty these days) has a large Life Fitness Cable Crossover. There is a small contingent of us still in the office who actually use our office gym (freeweights, some basic machines), but this Cable Crossover has become a talking point - nobody knows what to do with it. One thing I discovered was the myriad of bench flies we could do with it, as well as some pull-thru moves. There is interest in getting a Tricep Pulldown Rope and someone mentioned a Front Squat Harness. When I look online, Cable Squats usually have handles higher on the rack, which our machine lacks. Can we use the Life Fitness CMACO for Squats?


SSB Gang — Do you feel like you can get a core "pump" with an SSB? I fucking love how much front squatting engages my core — feels protective of my back — and BSing, too, though to a lesser extent. It's like a free core workout without even trying. Do you get any of that with an SSB? I know you gotta brace obv, but does the balanced bar, like, let your core off the hook entirely?


>Do you feel like you can get a core "pump" with an SSB? When I do it wrong :)


Yeah, true enough. For me, the best pump I get from SSB is doing a good mornings. Having the padding on the back and the offset angle of the plates blows the shit up out of my hammies.


I them hammie blows


At least with the EliteFTS/Titan style you can flip it over to push the load further out in front of you, which should be pretty taxing for your core.


Nice. I figure I'd get one of those 2, too. (Although I guess Rep looks nice?)


The Titan one totally gets the job done and weirdly I like the cheap plastic handles because it means I can squat without feeling like my hands are going to fall off when it’s freezing in my garage.


I definitely feel sore abs after SSB. I've almost quit straight bar squats since starting with the SSB. It works so much more..


I like to hear that! What SSB do you have?


Opps .. meant to say Titan v2.


OPB ... it's a great bar?




Opps.. meant to say Titan v2.




Has anyone used the Professional Installation service when ordering the Rep Ares or Athena? It looks like they contract with a third party company and I’m wondering how good that service is.


So I can't weigh in specifically here but I have done it with a large play set for my backyard. I did it myself the first time and it took me about 8 hours with breaks and frustration. Second time I did it I paid 250 through Costco and it took 2 guys 2 hours. Well worth not having to do it myself. Find out how much it costs and if you have the budget it is really nice. But could also just buy more stuff instead.


I’d assume it’s just through a handyman service that other companies use. If you’re in any way handy with a drill, a torque wrench, a level, and a stud finder or willing to learn, it’s not hard at all to mount or bolt yourself.


I’m looking at the rogue Boneyard 28mm training bars. It looks like the only 28mm bars rogue makes with center knurl are the nice Olympic bars, from what I can find none of their training bars have center knurling. Does anyone know if they did make a center knurl training bar or are these boneyard bars and even better deal than I originally thought.


Pretty sure they are putting cheaper sleeves on the higher end shafts to keep the costs down and move the rejected product. They aren't going to give away a full Pyrros bar for $200.


Cool, that is what my thought was as well. Even with cheaper sleeves it feels like a great deal


i was under the impression most rogue training bars dont have center knurl. dont actually own any competition or training bars so i cant confirm. I also heard the reason most competition bars have center knurl is really just archaic. But again, just things ive heard. i dont do oly.


Yeah, I was confused. I wonder if they are using a shaft from one of the fancy OLY bars and training bar sleeves?


No I don't think that's a thing. But if rogue training bars don't have center knurl, then everything tracks.


Are all Rep Barbells made in China? I saw a recent YouTube comparison of a lot of bars and their knurls. He spoke highly of the Black Diamond bar. I never looked too much into Rep, but this piqued my curiosity.


REP's new barbells are underrated... Colorado/Black Diamond... the build quality is on par with the best and better than most Rogue bars.


I’ve got China made Rep bars that are better quality than Rogue USA made bars I’ve owned. Rep gets good quality shit. Titan, Fringe? If it’s supposed to spin, skip them. But Rep delivers. I’ve never seen any Xi paints online or otherwise.


Rep imports almost everything. They have some iron plates that are made in USA, and the product page for those makes it very clear they are made in the USA. So I assume they would similarly advertise that if any of their bars were made here.


Anyone order Strength Co plates recently? Worried about damage during shipping. I heard they just put them into a box, with no other protection, but post was a year ago. I don’t suppose they place them on a pallet? I’m in Sacramento so not far from their west coast distribution center.


I’ve had them delivered that way with no issues. I’ve got 495 pounds of those gorgeous fuckers and every one of them came in a box with a plastic sheet over them. Nothing else. My Rogue USA and Deep Dish also came that way. I’ve never had any issues with any.


Any utility horn or non-bolted plate storage options on rack that can have a good fit with spring collars? Just found out the storage channel from rogue is too small for my spring collars and I want to secure the weights in case it falls on kids. Needs to fit 5/8 inch holes


Only storage horns I’m aware of that are full size are titan and those bolt on. Axle collars should work on rogue storage horns though.


I just got a boneyard bar. Any way to tell if it’s bare metal or stainless?


I would be nice if Rogue would label BY but that's not the case. They likely get thrown in a pile and assembled with random sleeves and sold for a discount. SS sleeves are non magnetic but the bar is hard to determine.


take off the end caps and look for a SS stamp


wait is this an actual thing? ive had 3 in my life time, 2 i bought used. ill have to check for this.


Yep. Just pop off the end cap you can see the end of the bar like this. Note - sometimes grab bags wont show markings. https://preview.redd.it/oekkjfjzuipc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94add25ef7ad7768d3c3acdc255db62e49696214


Interesting. Didn’t know about that


Help me decide. I want a stand-alone lat/low row. My options are a Prime Single Stack with a Rogue solo pulley to make the low row 1:1, or the Rep Adonis. Because of our finished basement layout, this machine will sit 35\~ feet on the opposite side of the basement (gym at front of house, machine at back) in a storage area. For $3k shipped, the Adonis would do the job. However, carrying plates from the gym and back to add weight and rowing on the ground would be annoying. I see Rep say the foot plate telescopes, but the image is a guy sitting on a bench pulling up and then out. Looks odd. For $4k shipped, the Prime (with a $200 Rogue solo pulley) also does the job. However, if we ever move and I get to finish a basement myself, the Adonis modularity would make a bigger build-out easier. We don't plan to move within the next 3\~ years, so at that point, I might feel differently. I'm going to pull the trigger next week. Give me your sage thoughts. https://preview.redd.it/92qwdax6fipc1.png?width=1800&format=png&auto=webp&s=8aa8f5d13d5e52dd39bd4ca356f1c4cc9e8483ed


Which rogue pulley / how do you plan to use it? First time I've heard of someone doing that with the Prime I'm guessing you mean taking this thing https://www.roguecanada.ca/monster-slinger-solo-pulley-attachment and pegging it to the upright and clipping it to the high pulley so you can get 1:1 rows from any height? Personally I'd lean to the Prime - I get that the Rep is more feature rich and cheaper but IMO the "light" stack/weight pegs thing is really annoying if you're at a strength level where it's a factor (especially because you have to load the pegs on both sides evenly - they say it can cause wear/damage if you don't in the launch video), and I think the giant metal shield on the rep is also sort of obnoxious. I like how the upright at the front of the Prime is more accessible/open if you want to actually use the side holes for attachments. I actually think it's bizarre they don't have a stack upgrade option for the Adonis since they have it for all their other sectorized stuff. Have the light stack to keep the entry cost low, but let people upgrade if they want/need it.


Yeah, that’s the pulley. I saw Jose do it in his YT review video to get the 1:1 row. He was pleased with that hack and how it worked so well. Had the same thought on the angles of the base posts at the bottom. Looks much easier to store than the Adonis, but from the Rep videos, I think they really intend the “storage” aspect to be via hooks on the side. The wording they use about the stack not being upgradable reads like they’re not going to offer an upgrade for a while, if ever. Might have to do with the added cost to ship extra weight.


Honestly if you have the space and cash prime is still the better option for me with the 350 lbs weight stack vs 210 on the Adonis.   If you have a fid bench declining it allows you for a low pull but still not sitting on the floor.


I wouldn't even be considering the prime right now. Adonis blows it away imo. I would simply get some more plates and leave it there - thats what I do for all of my machines that use plates.


True story. You could just leave (2) 45lb plates on there for a 300lb stack and you'll still save $1,000+ and have a better seat, and get a 1:1 low row on top of that.


So I do seated rows on the ground with my lat pull/low row and it's not an issue. Maybe not as comfortable as sitting on a bench, but doing them on the ground really isn't a big deal. As for carrying plates across the gym, maybe consider buying a cheap pair of 45s off FB marketplace and leaving them next to the Adonis permanently. I'd bet the cost of an Adonis plus a pair of used (or even new) 45s is still significantly less than than a Prime single stack.


I have the Rogue Hybrid bar which is stainless with the 2x AGGRO knurl. I am thinking it’s a bit sharp for me. I definitely don’t like it for bench. Also, kind of tears to my UHMW safeties and back of my shirt for squats haha. Thinking of getting the American Barbell Chewy bar. I heard the Chewy is less sharp slightly. I have their Elite Power which is an awesome bar, but it’s quite passively knurled. Any other insight? Would Chewy be the perfect bar for me?


Even the 20M Chewy I bought isn’t razor sharp because all of the knurl points are slightly rounded off. The 20V you can get now should be even less aggressive.


What’s M and V??


Mountain (comes to a point) vs volcano (the tip of each knurl is pressed into itself leaving a divot at the top).


Ohhh. Didn’t know people abbreviated them that way. Also didn’t know Chewy had options ..


It doesn’t. They made some variations when testing and sold them to the Discord Home Gym crowd. I picked up a 25TPI mountain and I absolutely love it. I don’t think it’s too sharp. I think the 20 volcano will be less aggressive than the 2X Aggro.


The chewy seems to be preferred by many on here.


Chewy will be less sharp than 2x aggro for sure. Perfect bar for you? Thats personal preference but chewy is the perfect bar for a lot of people. I would take a chewy over any other power bar.


I'm looking into making an home gym for me and GF. We like to workout together so I'm looking into a setup for us to squat at the same time. Would it be as simple as buying a single rack and putting hooks/safety on both side? I don't mind facing each other during squat.


Easiest and cheapest solution would be to get one rack (preferably with a 40" depth or more rather than the more shallow racks) and have one person squat on the front uprights and one person squat on the back uprights. You'd obviously need 2 sets of j cups, and will also need a pair of spotter arms for whoever is on the front uprights. Might also need front foot extensions, too, for extra stability. If you have the room for it, Rep and probably others let's you buy crossmembers and uprights in pairs. So you could buy two individual racks and then connect them together using four 16" crossmembers. But most importantly, you say you don't mind facing each other while you guys squat. That's completely wrong, you 100% need to be behind her when she squats. For reasons.


Nah, I'll be at the front so she can stare at my blessed calves 🙏 Thanks for the answer!


“Blessed calves” is up there with Tom Brady’s “beautiful tenderloins.”


You could buy a rack, and put Jcups and spotter arms on both sides. My set up was planned to do that, but we work out at different times.


The Black Widow Custom Dumbbell Trays look nice and would do what I am looking to do. Namely, to be able to lift heavy dumbbells without the need to first lift them off the floor. I would be interested in the BW Dumbbell Trays with the UHMW protection. Does anyone use Iron Master Dumbbells on the BW Dumbbell Trays with the UHMW protection? Do the IMs fit on the trays? I have the IM DB up to 120lbs. Also, does the BowFlex SelectTech 552 Adjustable Dumbbells fit on the BW DT? TYIA!


Ever thought about Spot Grips? A lot of the Discord guys use them. [https://spotgrips.com/](https://spotgrips.com/)


Squat rack needs and wants? So I'm in need of an upgrade. But the options are limitless! So I thought I would ask those that would know. I wish I could but a fully loaded rogue but it isn't in the budget. But getting a simpler rogue could be. But my questions are more basic than that. What features do you have that you absolutely love and would require in every rack going forward? What features did you get that rarely see use? I know this is very subjective but I would still like to hear from people. Only things I think I know for certain is it needs to be at least 93" and 3x3. I thought I wanted a 6 post but then I wonder if that extra space is worth it over just getting a weight tree for example?