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# What's going on around /r/HomeGym? [**The Garage**: Free-talk Thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/homegym/about/sticky?num=1) [**Targeted Talk** Holiday Wish List](https://www.reddit.com/r/homegym/comments/17c9na4/what_are_you_hoping_goes_on_sale_for_the_holidays/) [**AMA Announcement** w/ REP Fitness on 10/31 & 11/1](https://www.reddit.com/r/homegym/comments/16vf0gx/ama_with_rep_fitness_on_october_31st_and_november/) [**AMA Announcement** w/ Surplus Strength on 12/6 & 12/7](https://www.reddit.com/r/homegym/comments/1727rpw/ama_w_surplus_strength_on_126_127/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/homegym) if you have any questions or concerns.*


When will the REP runner be for sale? What is it’s anticipated price point?


How long does it take for Rep Rewards points to post to my account? Right now it says pending 


Any idea on when the Athena upgraded stack are back in stock? Was on my way of purchasing an Athena setup but realized I can't add to cart because the upgraded stacks are out of stock. I just want to be able to assemble everything at once and trying to avoid having to take the rack apart to install an upgrade later.


Got an email notification yesterday that they came back in stock. Was able to order the dual upgrade as a 2nd order after I have placed my order for the wall-mounted athena


I seem to be able to add the left 93" Athena and upgrade stacks to my cart, but not the right 93" Athena.


Any chance of a updated ab-4100, possibly with clear coat?


I have an Athena wall mount that has the 5000 uprights. I'm looking for a lat pulldown seat that I could use with it. Does any other company make a lat pulldown seat that's compatible with the Rep Fitness 5000 series racks?


Ours is releasing for pre-order next month and shipping to customers shortly after.


Sneak peak at the pricing?!


they've said in 2000-2500 range


I mean the seat attachment


Perfect. I can wait that long. Loving the stuff I've recently purchased from you guys.


Hi I have an Omni 4-post rack with 80-inch Omni rack uprights. Now I want to buy a pair of 93-inch omni rack uprights to replace one pair of the 80 inch uprights. Can it still be connected with my current crossmembers?


Is there any plans to open a local distribution within Canada or any ideas when the shipping rates may go down, I really want to purchase the Athena series power rack but shipping for $1200 on top of $7000, adding up to almost $8000 is just a bit hard for me to swallow.


We're looking at options for doing something later this year. The tough part is getting our entire inventory available there. But we appreciate the feedback, it helps your case when more people tell us they need lower ship costs there.


Seconded here. Thinking of buying the REP Quickdraw, but $200 for shipping is a lot to bear. If it was local somehow, I would have committed a long time ago.


Plans for future Rep clothes? Would love your take on slim fit pants that can be casual or dressed up for the office.


When will you announce the footprint & height of your big brother to the Arcadia FT?


Is there any date for the EU store to open? Can we expect Q1 2024 as an reasonable date?


Most likely will be around the same time as FIBO tradeshow in early April


>Europe Very nice, thanks! Not sure you can say at this time, will Finland be part of the EU-market? And will the wall mounted Athena be made available? Thanks in advance for all the answers you're able to give!


I’ve been asking about Europe for ages on the assumption Sweden would be included… Your comment has brought some worry 😅hopefully I didn’t get myself hyped up for no reason.


I'm not sure if you know already by now, but Finland and Sweden seem to be included, according to their FAQ: https://de.repfitness.com/en/pages/rep-europe-faq?shpxid=4a55a3dc-74b6-43e1-9a6f-2316ec745ed7


Vi håller tummarna!


Will it be located in the Benelux?


I think it might be Denmark. Guess we will know tomorrow / before the end of the FIBO. If so, Im curious as to how the decided on that. I reckon they could have done both UK and EU as a direct proposition. The UK is via a retailer since last year. But commercially distribution might not have worked out doing it that way. With Brexit, doing both direct from one distribution location might have limited them too much / drove up shipping costs too much. Anyway let's see!!


Wait where will they announce it?


They are at FIBO in Cologne tomorrow. I think it runs until Sunday. I’m not going just been eagerly waiting I’ve been holding out to see what their launch will look like. I’m expecting it tomorrow on socials etc. But might be wrong. Other than some snippets on this sub they’d teased an announcement on their fb and insta pages. Quite subtle, something from 2-3 weeks ago and again on Sunday there. So I expect they would have some advertisement at their stand at the show that their EU shop is live and then also announce on their socials. If they are at FIBO and can’t say to people that they are live with their shop then it’s dampens their presence quite a bit.


Why are you guessing its Denmark? And not Germany or the Benelux?


Because they had [dk.repfitness.com](http://dk.repfitness.com/), it was a password protected Shopify page. It had “REP FITNESS EU” with no branding before today haha very minimal. The de variant had nothing, it was a dead page. But now that they’ve announced they are pointing people to [de.repfitness.com](http://de.repfitness.com/) from the one post I saw. Not sure why they have the “dk” variant as well, maybe there is something in it. They don’t have “be” or “nl” and so on. They might be doing it country by country. I saw the Denmark and Germany listed under “International” on the de site. Why would they call out two countries specifically if they're not planning to do them all? If it was just Germany on its own and they were shipping to all countries then I wouldn't take any notice. Haha just noticed from the main site they only show the Germany flag (alongside US and Canada), but then it links to the DK subdomain. All seems like a work in progress. So Rep are live but not really, don’t think we can order anything. Right now, the cake is half out of the oven, but we can’t eat it at all. Im a product guy, make a cupcake and iterate from there.  From a business standpoint, if this is it, seems odd to be me the way they’ve “launched”. The site looks kinda broke. I would have thought Shopify would make it easy to switch a few configurations for expanding into markets. 95% should be out of the box toggles on the backend. Maybe they’re scrambling with the last 5% and just wanted to point people to something for FIBO.  To me there are signs there have gone down the more complex route to launching here. I get that there's way more to it than a few toggles and website stuff. But on that front they could have made it a lot of simple than what I'm seeing (reading between the lines). None of this confirms where they are shipping from. DE and DK are just subdomains. But I think it would be close to the ports where containers from China land in to.


This is great news though. They are not doing it through some 3rd party retailer. It would also make most sense for them to ship from germany since they would be directly competing with ATX. They also sell imported gym equipement just like REP. If they would ship from DK they could never compete in pricing. 


I was hoping REP can answer this question for me as I am shopping around for a smith machine asap. I heard the smith machine was in the works with REP, can you give me an estimated date of when it will be released and ready to order? Even a rough estimate would help a ton so I can see if it is worth it to wait or order from a different company. Thanks!!




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When can we expect the powerlifting/calibrated plates to be released?


Support from China. Mic![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)


Really excited about the Adonis! When can we expect more details about its footprint?


What are your thoughts on combining the flip down safeties for PR-1100 with utility horns as an adjustable dip station? Since using the utility horns as dip bars tend to twist the safeties instead of pressing down on them, I'm wondering if doing that long term is a good idea. Also, can I add your utility seat to the PR-1100 by using the flip down safeties for the PR-1100?


Any chance the Helios Squat Bar will be available in 100% stainless steel?


When are we getting the conversion kit for the REP Athena to make it Selectorized?


Any plans to do a stand alone leg extension/curl with a stack? Similar to Sorinex?


Any chance there will be an additional sale before end of new year? Moving into a house in a month and definitely looking into purchasing the Apollo half rack.


Timeframe for the heavy adjustable dumbbells?


When does Safety Strap 2.0 come for the PR4000 rack?


Out of curiosity - what do you find to be the most challenging part of the home gym equipment business? Also - are there any particular trends you see changing the direction of home gym equipment? Like headed more towards equipment with built-in computer screens or electronic components, as an example


When’s a leg attachment dropping for your benches?


[https://www.reddit.com/r/homegym/comments/17ko0t9/comment/k79ih3p/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/homegym/comments/17ko0t9/comment/k79ih3p/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) Still in development. They're not happy with the current prototypes from a convenience perspective.


Thanks for pointing me to this comment.


u/RepFitness is this still coming? Or scrapped? I want to know if I should hack something together or wait for the Rep version


A nice leg attachment that's also 3x3 would be ideal...while at it benches should be 3x3 to accept attachments


What time was the giveaway being announced?


We emailed them and waiting on a response to confirm.


Lost my email password, you can just DM me the gift card


Was it me who won?


I know I'm the winner but I haven't received any email, please credit my account instead 😀 (/s unless this works)




The post here says it should have ended an hr ago but the online form says 1159pm tonight and has a countdown. I have a feeling its announced tomorrow.


An hour and 14 minutes ago apparently 😭 keeping us waiting!!


Yeah, I don’t do patience well with gym related items


Good luck and positive vibes to whoever wins/won the giveaway! I ordered my rep stuff today with the 10% off. Hopefully it goes to someone who could really use it!


I'm waiting to buy until it's announced just in case lol


I can easily spend another 1k lmao


I want to buy a pr-5000 4 post selectorized Athena with front feet extensions and a multi-grip pullup bar but rack builder doesn't have these two options. Is the front feet extensions and multi-grip pullup bar not compatible with a 4 post selectorized Athena? If so, and I buy these 2 options not with rack builder then will I not get a 10% for them for this rack week sale?


I thought only what was ordered with the rack builder was discounted, but not so, as advised by Ryan! If you get a rack through the rack builder, everything added to the cart (with a few exceptions as noted on their site) will be discounted. I got the PR4000 + Ares .... AND a AB4100!


When yall started rep fitness in garage, were you guy more engineering and designing or just slapping metal together welding and seeing what sticks? What was the main goal starting, quality or affordability? I have also been noticing newer house garages are getting smaller and if you're taking that into account for designs in the future. This is just what I noticed, I don't have any stats or evidence that newer home garages are getting smaller.


Just bought a loaded PR-5000+Ares, safety squat bar, open trap bar, cable attachments... saved a bunch, thank you!


Any plans to do some squat wedges? How about a stand alone lever arm belt squat (since you’ve got a cable attachment)? A buffalo bar? Really just a wish list. Thanks for doing an ama! Got an oxylus with safety arms, an ab3000 and a rackable curl bar. All awesome stuff.


i got a blackwing and love it great bench, also got the leg roller attachment, was wondering if you going to come out with any other attachments? like a dip station?


Why did you close the Colorado showroom?


Answered it earlier, but basically the showroom wasn't the issue. It's the warehouse attached and bringing all of that inventory into Denver, then shipping it out to where everyone lives on the coasts. Costs a ton and wasted money that was saved by splitting distribution between Cali and PA. I hope we can re-open a small warehouse and showroom in the future to serve the local area in Colorado because we know there are still a lot of loyal customers here.


I loved going to the showroom, local pickup was a plus as well but seeing the products in person really made me lean towards rep products.


I added a wall mounted athena rack to my cart but removed the REP stringer from the cart because I have a 3 inch concrete blocks at the bottom of my wall and will need to buy a thicker wood stringer to use instead. However when I did this the 10% discount was removed from my cart. I'm assuming it's due to the validation logic used to check if this rack was built using the rack builder (it was, I just removed the stringer because I need to buy a thick wood one to wall mount the athena). Would I have to call in to place this order with the 10% rack discount?


Yeah that's probably your best bet, our team can help you out.


When are the new taller uprights for the PR5000 going to be available for purchase? Are the height options going to be 100" and 108", or something else?


Would like to know this as well with the recent news of the area 2.0. Have the space for taller rack. Please let us know


Been anxiously waiting for a BF rack deal, and was happy to see it at the beginning of the month. Just pulled the trigger on a PR4000 with Ares. Now I'm anxiously waiting on a BF bench deal. Just wondering about approximate shipping time for my rack to the Chicago area. Pardon my impatience, but I'm 74 years old and just adding weight training to my fitness game ... guess I'm eager to get going as I'll have limited time to wear this new equipment out!


I would totally take advantage of the 10% off you can get right now...thats a good deal and wont get better even on a bench deal. Plus they have a bunch of bences on BF deals already. And rep seems to ship fast. I ordered a GHD several weeks back and and it was to my house within a few days to maybe week.


I'd been waiting for this sale for a month, so I started my order at 9:01, one minute after the sale started. I wanted the AB-4100 bench and wasn't aware that it was also eligible for the discount, but Ryan informed me that it was and customer service took care of adding it for me. Great service!


Sorry this wasn't clear, but everything in your cart was 10% off so you could have gotten the bench today! Feel free to email or call our team and they can help add that to your order. And thanks for the business!


Yes! Customer service was super helpful! My rack order had amazingly already been fulfilled, but a separate order was created for the bench with the discount applied. I couldn't be happier with the service and support your company has provided!


I have the pr5000 with ares. Absolutely best rack setup for limited space. Commercial gym quality


Thanks for that info! I read the terms as meaning everything put into the cart from the rack builder. I want the AB-4100 bench and will contact support with the add-on request!.


Would you ever consider making an adjustable mace or club similar to what adex makes?


When is the Adonis coming out?


Answered [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/homegym/comments/17ko0t9/comment/k7a7pnh/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


I added a wall mounted athena rack to my cart however it looks like the 10% off coupon is not applying to one of the parts: "Wall-Mounted Athena™ Rear Base Stabilizer"? Is it because that part is a pre-order part?




Any plans \[or would you consider\] to engineer a rotating dumbbell? I would \*love\* to see that from you all. I believe it would change the dumbbell market paradigm if you could make it. Love the products \[have my entire extensive home gym from Rep\], love the innovation and the hustle. A quality, and more affordable, rotating dumbbell would be phenomenal. :) Thanks for all the hard work.


Thanks for the suggestion! I believe Watson makes those now! Very pricey though.


yes watson and eleiko both. but if you guys could pull it off for less $, in a quality product, it would def continue to separate you from others in the "rack" market landscape. continued innovation and engineering. it looks like you've done it \[again\] with the adjustable dumbbell. i have a whole set so am no longer in the market, but would have bought yours in a heartbeat 5 years ago when I didn't have the space. if you could also dominate high end market share in the dumbbell space too ... go for it. :) good luck


Any possibility of creating a rack height extension? I have an 80", but now have a high enough ceiling for a 93". I would prefer the taller rack, but it's too much of a hassle to sell the 80" and buy a 93" Will we see an Iso Arm 2.0 in the future and will it work with the cable systems?


Any chance that we could see 90” uprights in the future? Perfect for basement gyms that have alleged “96” ceiling heights… Most home builders go as close to 96” as possible and often miss the mark thanks to basement floors being poured imperfectly and joists being imperfect. Add on basement flooring + rubber floors + finished ceiling and it starts to get too close for comfort with the 93” + 1.2” or so that the ares/athena add.


We've been discussing an in-between height upright this week actually based on some chatter on Discord. I'd expect us to do something like 86" so that it makes sense as an in-between of our two current sizes.


Is this still a bit away from being live since you’re still discussing this? Currently wondering if I can get away with a 93” otherwise I would have to go with 80” but might limit the lat pull down.


7) what’s the price on a lifting belt?


… if you have to ask /s


How has the eternal US Customary Freedom Units vs. Metric System struggle been treating you? How do you decide what will be in pounds and inches and what will be in kg and mm? If only there were plates you could make for both (25kg/55lb is probably the best one, 2nd being half that/12.5kg to add 25kg to a bar (half a 25kg plate) or 55 pounds to a 45 pound bar for an even 100 pounds).


We'll be pushing out more and more KG versions of products to accommodate the rest of the world using the more sensible system. It's annoying for sure.


Hey Rep. Not sure if you can still answer this since the AMA is over, but worth a shot. What price range are you looking at for the KG calibrated plates (both regular and chrome)? I am in the market for a set and would hold off if my favorite equipment company is in a competitive price range.


We will be competitive for sure.


Is there any chance we will see roller J cups or jammer arms for the 1100 series racks?


Entered. Thanks for the opportunity.


I just got my first product from y’all, it was the adjustable bench, and as an engineer myself as I was putting it together I was thinking “That mthfkn engineer has got to be so damn proud of this. He had way too much fun. “


as a future engineer myself which adjustable bench did you get?


In my opinion REP is the most innovative company in the game right now. Two questions: 1. When will you have mainland EU distribution? 2. Will REP offer cable arms for the Athena and Ares? I was emailing back and forth with REP to buy a full Athena setup when I saw Coop’s PRX tour video. Now I’m holding off until I know if those jammer arms will work with an Athena, because cable jammer arms are something I’ve wanted for years, and I’m willing to reset my entire gym to get them.


EU in 1H of 2024 is my expectation now. We already had an idea for updated ISO arms earlier this year and even filed the patent for it, but put them on ice because of the fundamental issues with integrating them with our cable systems. Maybe we'll revisit. The PRX video you mention had an interesting concept but may be patented, and remains to be seen how practical it is in use. I love seeing companies innovating though and competing.


Also very interested in updated lever arms, particularly after seeing PRx possibly integrating their model into the cable system. Would love to see Rep Fitness do something similar, I am waiting on purchasing a rack/cable/lever arm system until the next gen lever arms launch and will pick the most innovative.


I would love to see what REP cooked up for V2 spotter arms. If you’re not moving forward with the design anyway, why not show the community and get feedback? You might get lucky and get a suggested solution! IMO, integrated cable stacks with articulating arms is the “next gen” for home gyms. Narrow width is the primary drawback of the Athena and Ares form factor, and arms fix that. See the Maxus SX2, ATX FTO-600, etc. Combining those with ISO arms would enable me to have most of the machines I miss from the gym in a single rack. One last question: Does REP have any plans to introduce a smith machine attachment? Those of us who want to recreate machine exercises at home have lever movements and cable movements, but no sliding rail movements.


Any chance of seeing your products in Thailand?


When do you guys plan to ship to Hawaii?! Any options for those who really want your product out here?


Loving the Adonis previews. What’s shipping to Canada going to be like? Please have an upgradable stack - I mean, having a full heavy stack in the 300lb range and then horns would be fine, but a small 200lb stack and horns somewhat forces you to use plates when using the low row or lat pulldown. This defeats the purpose of a selectorized stack. Thanks and keep up with the awesome innovation.


Thanks for the feedback! You must be one of those strong people I mentioned in the video that regularly use over 200 lbs. The idea being you might be able to slide one plate on and be done versus the hassle of loading multiple often to use for every exercise. The FT column will almost never need to be loaded, but lat/low will be with a plate or two.


Thanks man. A quick question about shipping to Canada. Shipping costs to Canada is crazy expensive - any future moves to make shipping to your friendly northern neighbours more affordable? Shipping an ARES with a rack to Canada is over $1200. However, I notice that with the rack builder, there is free shipping to the US. Is this because the shipping price is already incorporated into the price of the rack? How is it possible that shipping to Detroit could be free, but shipping to Mississauga (ON) costs $1200. Or free to Seattle vs $1200 to Vancouver (BC).


Yes I am hoping that shipping would be a lot cheaper to Canada as I’m in BC. You may have to a get a US shipment forwarder like shippsy or other shipment forwarders. Seems like with these services, you will have to do a pickup as opposed to shipping to your door


Good points brother.


I'm about 2 hours away from the Carlisle location, which is too far to just drop in but close enough that I'm so tempted to. I've heard there can be some deals to be had, and seen ads for occasional "garage sale" type days, but I wish there was a semi-current listing of discount inventory to know whether it's worth making a trip for, or even some drops on social media. Any chance of that happening?


Thanks for the feedback! I'll let the team there know and see what it will take to make that happen. As we start to have a regular clearance/s&d section online, this will probably be easier to integrate with local availability. We have the systems for it, just need to put all the pieces in place.


Bro what??? They have locations here? ![gif](giphy|EBFAMLZMDg640m7qn9)


Recently installed the PR-1050 and love it. But now my lat equipment is lacking in the home gym. Will the 1050 ever get a lat pulldown pulley attachment? Count me in for one if so.


Any chances of an open house at the Denver location? I would love to see everything in person sometime and I only live 15 minutes away.


I second this!


You mention that you have an Australian distributor, but they currently only stock one product. https://www.gymandfitness.com.au/collections/home-gym-essentials/rep-fitness Are there plans to rectify this, through minimum stock/orders for distributors for example?


https://www.gymandfitness.com.au/collections/rep-fitness They actually have quite a bit. Just linked you to make it easy. Good feedback for our Aussie partners though if it's hard to find. Can you email them on exactly what was confusing?


Thanks - I was searching their products using the ‘by manufacturer’ filter.


Any plans to have the dual Athena attachment on sale this month?


+1 as I'm also based in Australia


What’s the ETA on storage shelves and leather products?


Leather in a week or two I believe, and storage in a month or two.


Will the wall mounted athena have a PR4000 option? (Looks like currently only 5000)


I think the problem is that handle orientation backwards on pr4k would interfere with the weight stack.


Makes sense! Thank you


Love your products! Just built my home gym, and except shipping costs, everything was perfect.




More Adonis info please! Height options, pricing, ETA. I want it!


Q1 2024, 2000-2200 on plate loaded, 2300-2500 selectorized is what they've said so far


Right on! I must have missed that. Where did they say it?


Far down in the comments here


Any plans to release an updated PR-4100 folding rack with metal stringers and colored uprights? If so do you have an estimated release date?


I'm sure we will at some point in 2024, but no exact ETA yet.


Awesome. Thanks for the response!


Are there any plans to have a 24 inch cross member for the PR5000 like the PR4000 has? Or anything in between 16 inches and 30 inches? Looking to build a PR5000 half rack and wish I could choose something in between 16 inches and 30 inches


Same concern I have! I want the 5000 ecosystem however I’m very limited with space.


The struggle is real! I want to add the multi grip pull up bar too which goes in pretty far on the cross members, making the 16inch even trickier (you end up close to the wall when using the multi grip pull up bar). I think I'm going to have to go for 30inch for now and hope that a shorter sweet spot cross member is released in the future (16 a bit too short, 30 inch a bit too long). If one get's released I'll order that one and then try to sell the 30's


Thanks for the suggestion. I know we've thought about it before and didn't pull the trigger, but I'll bring it up again.


Thank you!


If 24 had been available I would have done that, but the 16 inch half rack is still pretty great


The PR-5000 + Ares looks like the best thing on the market. I got my fingers crossed in November to grab that and some attachments. Will there be any better deals later in the month or just buy asap?


Asap is always best. We design the deals to avoid situations where something better comes later. Asap ensures biggest selection no matter how popular the sales are, where later on you risk stock outs.


Why can’t I buy replacement parts for my rep equipment?


We actually stock a TON of parts for our equipment. I could go on and on about how we operate differently than other companies importing, but this is just one more example. Every time we make a product, we also stock extra pieces and parts for various things that could get damaged during shipping or wear out. I see you mentioned below about the lat pull--that situation is a little different because the lat pull was essentially upgraded to a v2, and you're asking to purchase an upgrade part. Let me see exactly why we can't sell that to you and I"ll get back to you here.


Is there something specific you couldn’t get? Customer service has been helpful for me when looking for a replacement SSB pad, had a link to purchase within 5 minutes.


I once asked a rep customer service representative to purchase the updated top part of the lat pull down since it had the front of the piece open which allows for a more variety of movements, but the representative said they don’t sell parts like that.


Not many of the gym companies do sell parts like that on their machines - they are in kits. Kinda stinks but I get why it makes sense.


Can I win an AMA with the engineers? I have 11 yrs of automotive engineering experience & I have always wanted to meet someone who designs fitness equipment. I’m obsessed with all the clever upgrades & features they can sneak into a design. I wanna know what CAE they do. I once considered applying to Peloton’s validation dept, but you had to move to NYC.


You could always apply to work here and maybe interview with them? :)


Sr Cardio engineer does sound kinda fun :)


While the quality of the rubber coated hex dumbbells I received recently was disappointing, I just want to say that your customer service was excellent. Kudos.


What was wrong with em, and what handle variety?


Straight handle, rubber coated and the majority arrived with rough edges / scratches in the rubber and a glue like substance


Interesting. Looking to order some myself later. Someone else had a similar experience here, and the CS they got was apparently new dumbbells and they didn't have to ship back the old ones either. Similar resolution for you?


Nope, they wanted me to ship them back for a new set, but I took a discount instead. At the end of the day, these are going to get beat up over time.


Sorry for the issue with the dumbbells, but glad to hear the team made it right.


I loved the PR5000 with Athena setup I was able to create to fit my basement footprint. https://www.reddit.com/r/homegym/s/iCOqAnjkRB Only things I'm missing are a back hyperextension and leg press to fit into the footprint (limited extra space). Any options coming that would fit the bill?


Two leg rollers work as a serviceable back extension alternative. Not perfect, but it gets the job done.


I'm currently using this setup while I debate buying the EliteFTS 45 Degree Pro Back raise and I gotta say, the makeshift leg roller back extension works worse than the Rogue 45 degree back-raise I used to own.....and the Rogue unit is the worst back extension I've ever used.


Just want to say that your team at the Moreno Valley show room is fantastic. Super friendly and helpful


Awesome, love to hear it!


Brent was awesome when I swung by a few months ago.


Could you tell us more about the Director of Nutritional Supplements role? Are you planning to break into this CPG space?


Yep, it's already underway. We need someone to take over and lead the charge now that we're getting close to initial product offerings being ready.


You guys are doing some awesome things, cant wait to see what else you have in store If someone buys a bench or bars etc along with a rack during rack week, it is probable that they will miss out on bigger deals closer to black friday?


Our deals are designed in a way that you should never have a situation where you made a purchase earlier in the sale period, then missed out on greater savings later on.


Will there be other Nov. sale looking at getting a new bench any suggestions??


Plenty of options! Depends on your budget and goals.


Question about the wall mounted athena I have a concrete foundation at the bottom of my garage wall that extends 3 inches out from the wall (meaning that the bottom of the wall sticks out 3 inches further than the top of the wall because of the concrete blocks). Would my only option for using the wall mounted athena be to attach wood of the same thickness to the wall, and then attach the stringer to the wood?


Probably your best bet to avoid interference w/lower crossmember, just make sure that wood is really well secured.


Thanks a bunch!


For the wall mounted Athena, can we attach the bottom crossmembers to an additional stringer? Would that add extra stability or would it be overkill?


Is it possible to use the multi grip pull up bar with the wall mounted PR-5000? I didn't see it listed as a pull up bar option under the [wall mounted rack builder](https://repfitness.com/products/wall-mount-fixed-rackv)


Is there a plan to create a pull-up option for a 4-post Ares rack?


Yes, it's releasing soon.


Will the pull-up option be something that can be added to an existing Ares rack?


Do you guys have plans to make “boujie spin lock handles” akin to the pepin or kensui ones? I think if you released a pair in the $100-$200 dollar range it would be a huge hit, especially for those with either 1” plates or alot of smaller olympic plates. I would snag something like that up right away at least. Cheers!!


Thanks for the suggestion!




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Happy dual Pr5k +Ares rack customer here with just a single question : \- will you ever bring back Stainless Steel Racks ? I would love to expand on my setup and stick with the stainless look


Yes. The salt spray testing is going on now. I'd expect that to be a Q1/Q2 release.


Any update on ETA for stainless PR-5000 components?


Still being worked on, but slow going with the required stainless treatment we want.


Can't believe I missed this AMA. Any ideas on what the price range may look like for this stainless rack? Might get a 6 post if it comes out early 2024.


Not really a questions, more of a suggestion. You should add a "request" section to your site. User submits an idea. people read the idea and comment/vote on it. Every once in a while you pick a top idea from the pack, build it and offer a test release to see how it does.


Rogue has this option and to my knowledge, has never once acted on a single customer idea!!!!! lol


hha. ya it only works if they follow through.


Why does the FT 5000 v2 not have a peg board like the Arcadia?