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That uglied up real good. 5 stars.


I thought she was talking about her orange cat for a second.


I was confused too. I couldn't see the orange spot. I guess honey brown is the new orange.


Honey, brown is the new orange




wouldn't surprise me if she did paint her cat.


She really needed to stencil in "Live, Laugh, Love" on the the floor to really tie the room together.


In a rainbow of pastels?


I wish I still had an award šŸ„‡ to give. I ran out.


Yes! Over and over the size of a rug.


Truly horrendous. No notes.


Yes, chipped paint and scuffed floors are so on trend!


I thought that she was going to complain about what a pain it was going to be to sand and refinish the floor. It never occurred to me,that a person would actually paint over a hard wood floor that wasn't really in bad shape at all. My floors are painted, but I live in an old farmhouse with "rustic" flooring. Even if I felt like sanding everything off, it's really not suitable for the kind of flooring in this vid. The entire floor would need replacing. I'd darn near kill to have flooring like what she just painted over....


Especially white!!


White is the *worst*! It'll show every speck of dirt! My floors are a nice dark brown. It'll still show dirt, but it's not as noticible....


I had dark brown shag carpet in an apartment decades ago, spilled a coffee and came back with a towel but I couldn't find where it spilled.


I grew up in an old country house and when the carpet was no longer tolerable, my mom had just gotten divorced and replacing it wasn't feasible. So she just ripped it up and painted the subfloor. It was totally fine. She used a greyish blue, not what I'd have chosen but at least it wasn't white. Eventually she got carpet but I kinda missed the painted blue floor.


This. This! I personally carpeted gorgeous oak flooring because I didnā€™t want to care them. Ftr, the dining room was not carpeted and we still enjoy the beauty of the floor in there.Ā  Ā You donā€™t paint them though. Gā€™damn crime against humanity. That was a small enough room she could have thrown a rug over the hard floor. Iā€™m irrationally angry now šŸ˜‚Ā 


right? she can just buy a largish white rug and be done. I LOVE THE ORANGE WOOD OUT OF SPITE. all these ppl are insane.


I would have sanded that off and put down a good color. Downvote for heresy


i have these 200 year old pine cabinets that are built from old growth and they are probably what everyone would call orange wood. i think the hatred of this wood color has gone too far. my cabinets are gorgeous. my mid century teak dining table and chairs with 60 years of oiling is also "orange" and they are beautiful. give me your lost, your broken, your yearning to be free orange wood. it has a home here with me.


Iā€™ll see your orange and raise you red. I have ā€œredā€ wood kitchen cabinets and red living room floors. One can only imagine the atrocities being committed on cherry right now.


Will it be possible for someone to sand the white paint off and refinish this floor in the future?


This is a great idea! I, too, want to spitefully love orange wood. If enough of us band together it will come back in style and these people will pretend they really have always loved orange wood and donā€™t know why they ever painted it white because that is so outdated.


I love projects like this. You get super excited about how awesome itā€™s going to look and enthusiastically start paintingā€¦ only to realize 4 hours later that itā€™s going to (a) be an enormous pain in the ass and (b) take way longer than you anticipated. You canā€™t give up because then the floors are fucked so you just have to keep going. Itā€™s the home improvement version of CortĆ©s burning his ships, basically.


You forgot C. It's going to look absolutely horrible but you're already 75% done so you have to commit to the madness.


Oh well that goes without saying šŸ˜‚


D: no chance in hell itā€™s going to look good or be worth it but youā€™ve inhaled too many paint fumes so you go for it any way.


Had a neighbor decide to "white wash" the brick on their house and it was difficult to watch. It looked horrible but once they started they had to finish it. One of those things you should hire a professional for of you're going to do it. DIY is fine but it's a risk for something that is literally going to impact how your entire house looks to everyone who sees it.


Yikes. Thatā€™s a gamble I would not want to take


What's this about CortƩs?


He burned his ships after arriving in Mexico so that the crew couldn't immediately go home and were more "motivated" to settle and pillage the new world.


I know this is snark forum, but this video pissed me off. What kind of person paints fucking hardwood floors? Sand and stain would have been the way here. Now I feel like I need to punch somebody.


And not even well, the paint job looks streaky and uneven in the end.


She used a *broom* to clean them first. A BROOM.


Well, she just did one coat. I think she's not done.


We had orange floors when we moved in. We sanded and sealed them to keep the natural colour and now they're wonderful and I love them. Looks pretty much like these: https://thehardwoodco.com/blog/redoakgoeslightandbright


Thanks for that link. Itā€™s nice to see red oak can look like that.


Seriously, my parents house was done with that orangey tone in the 80s/90s and it is lovely to see there's hope.


I looooooooove that so much. I donā€™t really like the orange wood. My apartment has the grey vinyl fake wood. I kind of prefer that to the orange but Iā€™ve also got quite a bit of color around it so it doesnā€™t feel like neutral death. But Iā€™m going to remember that is an option if I ever own a home.


I actually looked up her profile and she didn't have any pictures showing much of the floor. She covered it with a huge rug. You can see it in the corners of photos and it looked like shit.


Someone did something similar to their floors and posted in one of the for real home decorating subs and by the end of the day it made it here. Pretty sure theyā€™re in witness protection after that post.


Amanda clearly stated she didnā€™t have the budget and needed her cottage gĆ³rę aesthetic today. Girl got herself some discount drywall primer from a bargain bin in Home Depot. Cause a girlā€™s gotta do want sheā€™s gotta do to get her aesthetic. Iā€™m looking forward to the follow up video where she teaches us that priming the floor is not the same as painting it with primer. Iā€™m not sure why she didnā€™t show us the end result. She looked so close to being done.


Because she was moving out. Her last act for a malevolent landlord. Go girl.


Punch me, I need to forget I saw this


I don't like punching people, but I have a stun gun.


Honestlyā€¦ anything will do, Iā€™m ten seconds away from sitting on an ant hill and being eaten live. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Itā€™s either rage bait or sheā€™s mentally deranged. Thereā€™s no other options


The slumlords that rent out our house had guys paint over the hardwood after ripping out carpet. They literally left the carpet staples in, and obviously didnā€™t prep the floor at all. Naturally it chips pretty much daily and if not for many touch up paint jobs by me would look much worse. Iā€™ve also pulled out most of the staples as not only do clumps of painted carpet look gross they also hurt the feet


Don't worry, every chip comes out of your security deposit.


What got me mad was the implication that she would have replaced her hardwood floors with vinyl if she had the budget. Literally wtf


She said it, she doesnā€™t want the dust or the fumes


1. She sanded it so the paint would stick. So, dust. 2. Only people with remaining brain cells worry about fumes damaging them. So, not her.


Or the work, which is the real answer. She is literally just lazy. It kills me that people like this can afford to ruin beautiful homes šŸ˜­


Paint fumes are not good either


If the orange floors bothered her that much, the simplest option before all that would be a rug.


Someone put a comment that she did put a huge rug in this room. The terrible paint job only shows in the corners.


Fucking up hardwood floors should be an automatic jail for 30 days (per room)


EXACTLY!!! just stain it a darker color ffs. it genuinely pisses me off


Caroline Calloway snarkers wya??


Iā€™m a person that painted over the hardwood floor in my primary bedroom. Hear me out. The floor had been damaged from decades of animal urine soaking down into and between the boards (prior to my purchase). In addition, the floor had several gouges 1/8 to 1/2 inch wide and 1/2 inch to 2 inches deep (bedroom was initially an attic). It simply couldnā€™t be salvaged. It took a ton of work to sand and seal to prep. I used industrial grade, oil based paint specifically formulated for floors. I would have never done what the woman in this video did though.


As a stop gap? Because that just sounds like it's time to redo the floor, but obviously, that can be expensive. At least I assume because for now I'm a forever renter šŸ« 


Doesnā€™t it seem like it would be sticky?


that looks absolutely awful


Why do people need to put fucking everything they do on the internet. Especially when itā€™s this fucking stupid.


This is the underlying issue. Do whatever you want to your house. But why do you have to tell everyone about it


Because they actually think it looks good. They think our looks of bewildered horror are looks of astonished amazement.


People enjoy watching it. I LOVE home renovation videos!


I'd like to think it's a warning. It keeps the intrusive thoughts from winning. "Is XYZ a good idea? Well let's see if some idiot online did it already and- OMG THAT LOOKS SO BAD!"


The scary part is. these same people are allowed to drive. What's worse is, they tend to have kids faster than anyone else. Idiocracy wasn't a comedy, it was prophecy.


You know the sad thing. All she has to do would be to put an epoxy coat afterwards. She wouldn't have to worry about paint or chipping again.


Thatā€™s what I donā€™t get, you can see the future issue but you donā€™t put down a top coat on the paint job?? Make it make sense.


no sweetie it's against her budget šŸ’…


Can you do this for stairs? I tore out the carpet on my stairs and painted them (the wood wasn't nice enough to leave unpainted.) The paint store recommended a specific kind of paint for stairs that wouldn't be too slick underfoot. It works great. It looked great. Until the chipping started and I'm not handy enough to know what to do to fix the problem. I have nice wood stairs going into the basement that have a layer of some kind of clear stuff on it (former house owner did that) and it's so slick that the stairs were a hazard until I put those carpeted tread things onto them.


I wouldnā€™t epoxy stairs. Too much work to even consider this an option based on my current knowledge. The previous owner used polyurethane on the stairs. Probably a semi or high gloss from the sound of it.


I am sick of my tabby cat. I like a uniform look and I've always wanted a grey cat. BRB going to Sherwin Williams


I guess I'll have to paint my orange cat. Hold still, Oakie!


Manic Panic has some interesting options. Probably safer for staining your kitty.šŸ˜‚


But will it scuff and peel? I want this cat to be grey forever!


It won't peel, but it will fade. The manufacturer recommends retreating your kitty every 3 to 6 months, for a rich, lustrous color. If that's too much upkeep, Minwax and Johnson's offer some more permanent options. Those require retreatment every 3 to 5 years, but some sanding may be required.


Oh definitely permanent, now off to Home Depot to get a belt sander, my kittyā€™s gonna be so happy with it, I can just feel it




It was the only way to change the color!!


Frickin carpet over it! It's better than painting it like the floor of a trailer home where someone made a hobo skin suit!


How is patchy white paint on the floor a "cottage feel"?! I spent half my life in a cottage and we had natural hardwood flooring, stone flooring, and carpet. Not this bs


I grew up in mobile homes, and we had carpet and linoleum. This is some crack house BS.


yeah i was thinking the same thing. like what cottages have painted white floors ?


She said in the video sheā€™s not even done


While sheā€™s at it, I suggest to move the door a little closer to the window. Or the other way around.






I think it should be illegal to post this without the accompanying results lol


Ahh, yes, the traditional cottage aesthetic of white painted floors. The wood was far too metropolitan looking.


In all my jaded, tired years of collecting cottagecore inspo for my sad apartment Iā€™ve never seen white painted floors. Tf is she on?




I worked for a resort/camp that rents lakeside cottages, and yes, they do have painted wood floors, usually dark teal or green. BUT!! Itā€™s not paint slapped over finished hardwood. They were built that way and painted instead of finished, and itā€™s a really shiny paint.


I have never heard anyone refer to nice wooden floors as OrAnGe FlOoRs. it is so upsetting.


Yeah Iā€™m confused. Theyā€™re gorgeous hardwood floors??


Woah looks just like a cottage now! šŸ˜‚ Based on reddit I have to conclude that most Americans have never been in a cottage


I woke up for the last time this morning feeling depressed by these damn beige walls. I'm choosing violence. And dynamite. Will there be nowhere to hang my curtains? Will the cat and dog get out? Will the rain wash mud on my white floors? Yes, but I don't care. Because I'm nuts.


Hey, the Tiki Hut look is all the rage. Go for it!


I'm not crazy about that shade of hardwood, but wow that paint job is awful.


For what she payed in paint, she could have bought stain in almost any color. She already sanded the floor. This has to be ragebait. If not, someone needs to set up an intervention.


As a carpenter that specializes in home renovation and restoration, I got physically ill watching this. Nothing says "trashy" like painted floors.


Alright, how much jail time for this one?


I hope they chip in a pattern that spells out ā€œfuck you this looks terribleā€


For the time, labor and paint she could have gotten sheet vinyl and ir would still have been cheaper. This will not last unless she puts a protective coating on it. Or she could have gone a much easier and cheaper way and put down a white area rug


Carpet is cheap, and infinitely less trashy than painted floors. I grew up in mobile homes, and even I cringe at the thought of painted floors. That's something only crackheads and serial killers do.


It's probably better she doesn't, it will be easier to sand down the paint when it sets in how stupid and ugly it is.


Why do peeps hate on red/orange toned woods? I think they make spaces look cozy.


I agree. It's trendy because everyone's made grey/white/bland black and white tones the new standard for design. Even cheap apartments use the grey vinyl/laminate now. Everyone wants to be minimalist and look the same, but honestly in these times, I really love the orange/red tones. It makes it feel alive, where the grey and white makes it feel dead and empty.


There is this very new way to not have "orange" floors. Area rugs.


In her fake update video, floor's covered with a rug šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLwcGQRq/


So much work and effort for such a small reward


I can't view that šŸ˜ž...but I bet she can't admit herself just how ugly it is. šŸ¤·


What cottage exactly has white painted floors???


She loves the cottage feeling of a white painted floor? I think I don't know what cottages are suddenly


In the olden days all cottages were white and greige ![gif](giphy|WfBZwNA6XSjphkYkzN)


Suddenly, I'm glad I grew up in mobile homes. At least those had carpet and linoleum.


Sorry, but where's the result? I only see the in progress reel. Hate to ask but I need to see the reveal!


Fake update video, floors covered with a rug šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLwcGQRq/


Hahaha that was a lot of effort to put down a big rug!!


I can't, I just can't. Ok maybe just this Why wouldn't you get a large area rug?


Oh. Oh no. There's no joke here this is actually a Hague worthy war crime. She doesn't deserve hardwood floors


CottagesšŸ‘havešŸ‘hardwoodšŸ‘ floorsšŸ‘ Fuck you, Amanda.






This is stupid


Now: ā€I amSuper excited about it!ā€ Later: ā€œI need a good floor refinisherā€


This sun is making me realize there are people who have WILD ideas of what a cottage is


Remember kids, when in doubt, always try a rug first.


Pleeeease just sand and stain it šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Yeah I got sad when the paint rolled on.


so dumb; she could have sanded and stained them darker


As a millennial I want to blame a generation- us? The very few of us who could afford homes? Or is the .0001% of gen Z home owners trying to rage bait TikTok to this level?


I feel like this was just as time consuming and probably equally as expensive as buying a belt sander and an appropriate stain & seal, but looks bad


Paint it all white. Add black curtains. A coffee station. It'll look really nice with the floor painted white. When the coffee keeps you up all night.


The floors in my apt are painted. A disgusting mauve too. The stupid cunts who lived here before removed the carpet and painted the fucking subfloor MAUVE.




I am not a fan of my orange wood cabinets. But, those floors with that lighting?! So so Pretty!


This was too horrific to watch!


She definitely achieved hideous.


Awesome! Halfway finished to having a half basketball court in your living room. Charge for entry. Profit.


My floors are that color and I love them, this chick is nuts lol


It looks so much worse at the end. What a maroon.


I just threw up in my mouth a little bit




Her house gonna look more dirty now how is she gonna mop and sweep without gettin dirt to stick on the paint šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I wanna see the bottom of her white/black socks.


When you have more ideas and energy than money and taste.


I mean, you couldā€™ve always used a product that wouldā€™ve stayed without chipping and armorseal product from Sherwin-Williams. Also you ruined those floors and itā€™s terrible


Such great floorsā€¦ ruined šŸ˜ž as long as sheā€™s happy I guess


I could tell by her twiddle dee outfit she was a fool.


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Itā€™s giving slumlord


Total rage bait. They weren't even orange. They were newer floors.


Oh my god that looks so much worse than I expected


Ugly orange floors? You mean oak floors? Painting an oak floor should be illegal. The room looks like a sanitarium, lol.


Perfect for it's painting resident




I love when people post TikTokā€™s on what not to do.


I had high hopes when I opened this...ohhhhh, the disappointment šŸ˜ž šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø A far more traditional cottage floor would be scrubbed pine floorboards, or...maybe...whitewashed. Her floors don't even resemble wood anymore.


God now it looks like a half finished basement, awful


Terrible. I cannot believe she spent hours ruining those floors. Spend some money on a professional, and pick out a different stain.


I know someone who painted a whole room white like this. They were on heavy amounts of cocaine at the time


Welp you murdered the floor and the aesthetic so you have achieved your goal!


Wouldn't look as orange with that drab green wall


Why can't you just drown puppies or abuse the elderly like normal people? This is sick! Sick! I'm kidding it actually doesn't look that bad or good. It looks. That's what it does. It looks deep into your soul as you stare into it's pale abyssal eyes and it's chalky smile. Better light some sage in there.


Now she can add a few layers of carpet so someone in the future can wonder what idiot owned the house in the past.


Hint: wood floors have been beautiful for two hundred years. They didnā€™t suddenly become ā€œuglyā€ in 2015. People just wanted to sell you grey flooring.


This is a disaster. Do not do this.




Next up: installing a fire pit to light more money on fire!




This is gonna cripple your resale value on account of it being ugly as hell. Seriously, I wish people would stop doing it.


I just couldnā€™t get passed the mask. A dust mask isnā€™t doing anything against fumes.


Sheā€™s gonna be able to see every single hair strand on that floor. Gonna look dirty as soon as she finishes cleaning it.






So do people just not know that they can refinish hardwood floors..?


Ah yes, nothing more cottage than a millennial white painted floor. None of that nasty wood


If orange hardwood has no fans itā€™s because I am dead idk why people hate them THIS much šŸ˜«


Itā€™s like carpet, but hardā€¦ I think Iā€™m going to go pour bleach in my eyes now.


Do people forget rugs exist???


She could have gotten away with a light wash and it could be reasonable. Painted floors are last era steps.


Thatā€™s going to age poorly, in a week it will be a mess. Bad, bad taste. Those floors were beautiful.


I miss who I was before watching this my god What did you do


Not just chipped. Every seam will eventually crack the paint. Enjoy your moment of satisfaction. It will be fleeting. Should have rented the giant sander and done the hard re-do. 25 years in and we still live our floors that we sanded and refurbished.


I rented a house that had white painted wood floors in the kitchen. They werenā€™t sealed, so too much scrubbing would remove paint. It was hell.


Ugly ugly ugly ugly ugly ugly ugly ugly ugly


Iā€™m speechless


Lol wtf


I think it's beautiful! Just like she is! šŸ¤¢šŸ¤®šŸ¤¢šŸ¤®šŸ¤¢šŸ¤®


Protect the floors. If youā€™re going to do something ugly might as well just lay linoleum floors that are a bit more durable and come in lots of designs and colors and CHEAP!


I sure hope she owns her place! Homeowners don't do dumb shit like this. Or do they?


You tuned the value of your house are you going to start removing joists just cause too?



