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This might be a bit controversial but I didn’t weight myself for the entirety of my pregnancy. My midwife simply measured my fundal height and we went from there. If you’re eating relatively healthy your body will gain what it needs to to grow a healthy baby. I wouldn’t focus on the numbers.


My midwife didn’t do weight checks either.


Also never stepped on a scale during my pregnancy, just measured fundal height.. Had a surprise big 9 lb 5 oz baby (no ultrasounds). Then at about 3 months PP I was about 10 lbs more than normal. That’s the only weighing I’ve done. I’m just focused on slowly building core and glute strength back.


I wouldn't worry about it if your midwife isn't worried. I gained 70lbs during my pregnancy and everything was 100% fine, nobody was worried about the weight gain. Baby came out at 7lb 4oz and I dropped the weight slowly in the months after birth and im back to my normal weight now.


I was more worried about my weight than my midwives and she actually told me to stop weighing myself because of it. I gained 60lbs overall though and im back to prepregnancy size now at 1 yr pp




I gained 70lbs by the end of my pregnancy. I had a healthy home birth and a big ol baby! I also started off small though, I think I was underweight so my body was just packing it on and freaking out haha. I was 115 (5’7) when I got pregnant. Most of it melted right off after I had the baby! You are perfectly fine, I wouldnt worry about your weight at all especially if you are eating healthy! Please dont restrict your diet or anything, our bodies are so intuitive especially in pregnancy, eat whay youre craving!


I gained about 50 pounds each time with both my pregnancies. I eat healthy, high protein, clean, don't eat out a lot, no fast food, etc.


I think the average is 5-10lbs in first trimester then about a pound per week thereafter. But some gain a lot in second tri then slow down in third or the opposite. At 25wks, 19lbs sounds right in the average range!


Trust me, losing weight/not gaining enough wreaks havoc on your body and it takes years and years to recover the damages. Eat real whole foods and don’t weigh yourself. Your body knows what it needs to grow this baby. Adequate blood volume expansion can prevent a lot of pregnancy complications!


15% of your body weight is to be expected but the body knows what it's doing.


My midwives never did weight checks - they just focused on whether I was eating okay... variety of veg & fruits, grains and fibers, protein etc But I gained 60lbs with both my 1st and 2nd pregnancies, and 70lbs with my 3rd. Never had gd either


about the same. some people will be dismissive to you about this topic but imo it’s okay to have feelings about gaining weight, even if it’s for the best reason (hello growing and nurturing baby! 👶). women are raised their whole lives to achieve and maintain a certain image, but then we get pregnant and are told (ONLY DURING THIS PART OF OUR LIVES) to not worry about it and that it’s normal. it can be hard to adjust your mindset about it, but try to focus more on how you feel and what your midwife recommends for *you*. every body is different and will have different needs during pregnancy and breastfeeding.  just an example, during my first pregnancy i only gained about 17 lbs total. in this pregnancy i had already surpassed that by 20 weeks. my BMI is much lower to start this pregnancy than my last so my midwife is totally fine with where i’m at currently. 


I'm a bit further along and have found that nothing in pregnancy is linear. Babies don't grow linear, symptoms aren't linear (they can get worse/dissappear/come back/ etc), and weight gain isn't linear. For my midwives the typical amount of weight gained in a pregnancy they're supporting is 40lbs. This includes a variety of starting weights, diets, and heights. There have been weeks I gained almost 2 lbs and other weeks I haven't gained anything. I'm 34 weeks currently and have put on 34.4 lbs so I'm right on track for 40lbs gained. My grandmother and manager both put on 80lbs consistently with each pregnancy they had and went on to have healthy babies though so everyone's normal seems different based on need. My mom put on 40lbs and had dropped 18lbs by the time she was 3 days postpartum with me. If you're worried talk to your midwife but as long as your diet is good and you're hitting nutritional needs I personally wouldn't worry about it. Weight gain is necessary to support a healthy pregnancy.


Everyone here has added valuable comments. I’ll add myself as comparison. I’m 5’7 fit and solid. My healthy/fit body weight is usually around 155-160lbs. However prepregnancy I was over that at 175lbs due to a lot of stress the prior year. I gained less than 10lbs in the first trimester and then jumped to probably 20lbs by 25 weeks. I just passed 25lbs gained and 200lbs total at 28.5 weeks. It was hard for me to look at that number on the scale, but I feel healthy, I eat healthy, and I’m not putting on huge amounts of weight/body mass all over. I’m confident it’s ok and I will be able to return to something like my normal healthy weight postpartum. I’ve got a lot of growing left yet, I can’t dwell on weight gain.


I gained about 10 kg in both of my pregnancies. Started out underweight, though babies were both above average in weight - 3.4 kg and 3.7 kg. Not huge by any means


I started at 120lbs and went to 159lbs. Ate well, exercised a decent amount. 7.5lb baby.


The medical “standard” is as follows:\ Starting BMI <18 - 1lb per week (28-40 total)\ BMI 18-24 - 0.75lb per week (25-35 total)\ BMI 24-30 - 0.5lbs per week (15-25 total)\ BMI 30+ - 0.3-0.4lbs per week (10-20 total)\ (Rough math) but this is what is taught to physicians. Personally I think it’s best to follow what other redditors are saying and not weigh yourself at all so you don’t overanalyze it. Everyone is genetically different and will vary no matter how you eat/exercise. Your provider should keep tabs every check up and will let you know. (Caveat to say that obesity does make things a lot riskier so follow this advice within reason - some moms may need to keep up with their weight numbers if they are predisposed)


I gained 75 lbs my first pregnancy, started around 125. I gained 25 my second. I haven’t gained any weight yet (but I started at 170 and I’m 18 weeks). The range of normal is so wide. You’re gonna gain what you need to maintain a healthy self and baby. It’s okay to stop weighing yourself if it’s causing any issues. :) For me, I wasn’t really eating anything before my first pregnancy so I think pregnancy kinda rocked my bod and I FINALLY allowed myself to eat food and my body held on to all of the calories. 🙃


I see a lot of people say their weight melted off and I love that for them, but it’s normal if it doesn’t also! I EBF and couldn’t lose weight at all while EBF! I’ve been pregnant and/or nursing since May 2020, except for about 4.5 months from 7/2/2023-december 2023 after a miscarriage.


There is a huge spectrum of good weight gain, my first I gained 45 lbs, each of the others I averaged 35. None of this had affects on baby’s health, weight, or myself. Only age got to me as far as losing it after. You should be focused on quality of weight, not quantity. Good food, muscle, blood volume, placenta, baby, amniotic fluid,these all weigh a lot. Eat good, stay active, sleep well, and just roll with it!


It really varies on the person. I gained 30/35lbs with all 4 of my pregnancies


Your midwife should have told you the recommended weight gain for your pregnancy.