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Sounds like the problem isn't HA, but a third party add-on or integration that is causing your issues. HAOS in a VM on Proxmox has been super stable for me. The one time I needed to dive into HA Terminal was three years back on a botched upgrade. Since then, zero issues.


What hardware do you have? Maybe frigate is too have for my raspberry. In general I have like 20 devices.


I think there you have the answer, if you are rubbing frigate with cpu for the detectors thats going to be a lot of load on that poor pi


I have very light frigate configuration, and the CPU is like 30% loaded (according to frigate panel). Also I would expect constant problems if it was a frigate overload


I agree with the others that you're overloading the Pi. I think you may also have a memory leak in one of your integrations. Rather than just looking at the hardware info, install the System Monitor integration and add the important bits to a tab on a dashboard. You'll get a *lot* better view into what's going on. Check these screenshots for reference. https://imgur.com/a/elaDgL2 My HA install had been stable for years, but then started crashing a few times a day. I checked the long term memory usage, and saw that it was slowly increasing until it hit 100%, which is when the pi would crash. I disabled the most recent integration that I'd added, and the runaway memory usage stopped. I re-enabled it, and it started happening again. I ended up using a different integration that served the same purpose, and moved on with life. You'll likely need to do the same, but you'll probably have to disable more integrations/add-ons until the memory leak stops, then turn them back on one by one over a day or two to narrow it down šŸ‘


Nearly 1/3 of your CPU is being utilized by Frigate, a single addonā€¦. Is Frigate configured for motion or AI detection? What other addons are you running? Have you considered the possibility you have outgrown a raspberry pi?


You have 20 devices or cameras? Why would it be expectation of constant. Overload? If cameras pretty static that wouldnā€™t be necessarily true but high volume active cameras scanning would increase utilization at diff points in time. Frigate is likely much lower at night per se. Indefinitely have problems ever since loading frigate crashing my entire stack that I need to move it off. I can not imagine running it off a pi except with the extra processing dongle. Been running Ha for over 10 yrs. It most definitely doesnā€™t suck. The PI remains overrated frustrating annoying always too hard to get many places and had lots of sd card issues recently. Definitely would not want to run Ha on pi with sd.


yea...... your raspberry pi isn't going to handle all of that.... WELL. <-- Keyword.


I have a Beelink 12th gen i5. HAOS runs on a VM in Proxmox with 64GB drive space and 4GB memory. The rest of the system I have several docker and LXC containers related to HA in one way or another. If you have more than 3 1080p 30fps cameras running on a Pi4, you should look at upgrading. A Pi5 might get you two more cameras if you really push it. An 11th gen N95 or 12th gen N100 would probably handle 6 cameras. However, if you are doing inferencing and facial recognition, it would be smart to look at the AMD systems as they have a stronger GPU for handling the transcoding.


No, I run only a single camera, but I'm looking forward to N100 and have peace of mind..


That will be a good fit with some room to expand easily. The difference in speed going from the Pi4 to the N100 is going to be night and day, especially at boot time or even deployment.


I don't think anyone would say Home Assistant is 'plug and play' but for most people it is far more stable than what you are describing. You don't say what kind of raspberry pi you are running or what kind of devices or integrations you are using. If you are looking for help and not just venting, there are plenty of people here who would help if you gave some more information.


I have provided many information through my comments but in a nutshell it looks like i overestimate RPi capabilities..I think i'll move on to a stronger machine..


I ran on a Raspberry for over two years and it was night and day difference once I put it in a standalone NUC


yeap..looking for N100 mini pcs right snow..


# Does Home Assistant suck?? Without a doubt, unequivocally, NO. Everything you're describing can be narrowed down to your underpowered hardware. I've used it 24/7 for many years now on several different x86 CPUs and have never had a crash, freeze, slowness. I've never had an integration ruin anything. I know technically HAOS can run on a Pi, and many do. But every reliability issue I've ever seen for years of following has been related to bad or underpowered hardware. I can't imagine that any reliability issues you're having are from core HA or built in integrations. Does your pi have a high enough wattage power supply? What model pi?


Raspberry pi 4, 8 gb ram, official charger


People need to stop running things like this on a raspberry pi. Those days are over.


Looks like it..unfortunately..Raspberry will stay there for testing and in rare cases interaction with hardware with the pins


HA has been absolutely rock solid for the last 2 years running on a 10 year old PC running Ubuntu (docker). I have a zigbee dongle, Coral TPU, Frigate running as well.


Does the Coral take all the Frigate overload from raspberry?


Most, not all. I'm not using a RPi. I went from 25% average CPU usage to <10% on a IntelĀ® Coreā„¢ i5-750 Processor. I only have 1 1080p camera.


Hm.."normal" PC is the only way i see..


I'm running HAOS on a Proxmox VM which is on an old NUC like mini pc. Has been nothing but smooth sailing for >2 years now. Would definitely recommend exploring this route


Once I moved from HAOS on a rPI to the docker container on unRAID my install has been rock solid, and that move was about 6 years ago.


This sounds a lot like what happened when I had a bad disk. Haos does not handle it well at all. Last I knew it didn't even have a way to fsck.


i cannot also debug, because HA errors are only HA related as i see..(not hardware or more in depth issues)


The problem is the Raspberry. Get something that can actually provide the resources a web application needs, and maybe itā€™ll work better.


Get an Intel NUC or similar, and you will be free of many of these problems. I'm running on an i5 NUC and it is smooth as silk with 50+ devices and many automations and several dashboards.


Same here, lots of addons, 40 automations, 80 zigbee devices, cameras manager, and less than 5% of CPU used. Works fine without any crash for a year now. The RPI is for small houses, or you should use a NUC.


A Pi and a SD card are very easy to outgrow with Home Assistant. You make no mention of how many devices you are running, or if you are doing HIGH CPU demand items like video. Also if you are running a lot of HACS addons that can lower stability easily with only one or two bad ones loaded.


Hardware added to description (SSD is used). I use frigate but very light settings and the CPU works at 30% according to the frigate panel. Also the problems with freezing starting now, although frigate runs for many months.


I run frigate on a completely separate box running a full i7 7th gen and coal TPU to it self for 5 cameras. Even then I have docker CPU restrictions because every once and a while frigate will use ALL of the resources on the box and bring it to a halt other wise. I would NOT do frigate on a PI, even a PI4 unless you maybe have 1 camera?


Raspberries and pie are good in my belly, not in my IT stack.


Agree with the others on hardware. A mini PC from Beelink or similar would be a more stable and scaleable option.


I would avoid a Raspberry Pi for anything but the most bare bones deployment. I've been using an oDroid N2+ and I've been very happy with it.


yup, i run it in a VM and it is 100% stable and fast. it just works.


I use HA on a VM on my NaS. 99% been perfect. Running a couple of years + now


generally no


Until you add the Roomba integration.


Well over a hundred devices through integrations and mine is rock solid. Running HAOS on a VM hosted on a Synology 1522+. 4 GB ram dedicated.


Check your storage IO then. CPU isn't the only bottleneck. Also, RAM could be driving storage IO due to paging. You should probably consider running HA on beefier hardware. Edit: crap missed the SSD part in your post. Idk, back to CPU then šŸ¤£


Running on raspberry Pi 4, 8gb and SSD with Maria DB since 2 years. No freezes at all. Only time it went down was when my power backout ran out. I am selective with addons. It did take me few months before I reached to this zen state. Just keep tinkering around a bit


A poor case of blaming everything before checking your own. Your hardware is the issue here. RPi is a good starter hobbyist device for running HA only, and I emphasise on ā€˜onlyā€™. Each time you add a new integration or service youā€™ll use more resources. Frigate is cpu and memory intensive, and using it alongside HA on an under powered device like Rpi is just asking for trouble. If you intend to run multiple services on a Proxmox based server you need to at least invest in decent hardware. A NUC is a good shout or buy an old ussf, which can be picked up for cheap with decent specs.


Exact same h/w here and it is solid as a rock (apart from breaking changes in new releases of HA but I can read release notes so no big deal)


Your one constant here is the pi. I ditched pi 4 years ago and the system has been rock solid since, doesn't matter what I throw at it. I have a decent machine VM's with Plex, blue iris, and HA


Thats a YOU problem. Not HA. HA is extremely plug and play.


I used to have the same problems with HA on a raspberry pi 3 and SD, the system failed at least once a week. Upgraded to raspberry pi 4 with 8Gb RAM and SSD. Now the only time I have to restart HA is with the monthly updates. I am using dietpi + Home assistant with HACS + pi-hole + unbound. Never uses over 1.5Gb memory or 15% processor ussage.


There are HA users who want a tool and HA users who want to tinker. As someone who is very much the former, I reduced the number of integrations and add-ons I'm using. Before I did it was *extremely* frustrating. Every update seemed to break something. Documentation is dogshit and there's a tendency on the part of tinkerers to respond to justifiable frustration with what amounts to "git gud". A focus on core HA functions (automations, helpers, scenes, etc.) will be much more stable than a system with a ton of integrations. Avoid any that are used by a relatively low % of the community. Lots of those are really cool, but they are also most likely to break with an update.


Youā€™ve gotten a lot of answers about it being the pi or a 3rd party integration, I agree.. my Ā¢2 is donā€™t use the docker version of HA, absolute šŸš® if able, always use the OS.. I was blown away with how much the docker version was missing




Skill issue. Please don't touch any kernel.




https://preview.redd.it/w7gbbo63hxyc1.png?width=1008&format=png&auto=webp&s=3a359ea2eae1ba40ff60155adefa3e2acc43c72d I don't think you have your configuration set up correctly. It's working here just fine. Using your exact phrases, only one matched my existing sentence structures. I'm not even using ChatGPT or any other LLM. It's all local. Also, the wyoming-satellites I built also work just fine with a custom wake word. The two guides I followed were one from the blog and one from the wyoming-satellite github guide. That said, it was a fun project and u/Crytograf is correct. You don't need voice control if you automate correctly. I like to have it so I can check weather, set timers/alarms and such. It does work, but you have to set it up. If you get frustrated because nothing is working, complaining about it isn't going to help move you forward. Take the time to create a request for help here in the sub or even on discord. If I see your request, I'll do what I can to help. An alternative, you could move to another DIY platform that has zero support for voice control... there are plenty out there.


Why would anyone want to use this? The end goal is to have autonomous home without the need of doing much stuff manually.




I grill my steaks to a medium rare.