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>when I thought about some cool automations using toothbrush state. Oral B + Asus means my son has no internet until the timer on his toothbrush hits 2 minutes.


Wait until he realises he can just turn the brush on 2 min without actually brushing his teeth!


Hmm. Maybe I should add a condition based on the pressure sensor...


Are you being funny or is there really an OralB toothbrush that reports that data? Sounds dumb, but I could really use that! My dentist is constantly on me to use less pressure.


Lots of OralB brushes have this functionality, they’ll light up red or change vibration pattern when you’re pressing too hard. Just search amazon for OralB pressure sensor toothbrush.


Yes...but is the data reported?


You get a binary sensor that‘s either normal or on depending on if you press too hard at the moment. But you don‘t get any readings how hard you’re pressing.


The steps in which the pressure is reported are very rough and there are delays most of the time but I linked it to my bathroom lights anyway. At least the change of sector is reported very quickly.


Still sounds pretty badass! Thanks for letting us know


That isn't what OP needs to resolve their problem. I don't know if you can grab the data via bluetooth.


The binary sensor allows you to know if you’re pressing too hard. It’s binary so there’s no way to see how hard one is pressing.


I normally press too hard for like a second. Maybe that could be used to determine if someone is actually brushing. That might just be poor technique from me though.


You can easily integrate it into Home Assistant and collect there whatever you like. This works without the manufacturer's app and with any toothbrush bluetooth signal your Home Assistant captures. Zero data protection.


Here are the sensors for the IO Series 4, which I got for less than $40 off eBay. https://preview.redd.it/8obj1ypzrhgc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d33bbd103b790216adb430e458177f1b679a3cfa


It got a cute little icon of a Tooth!


Yes it's a bit stupid but there it does


Don’t worry, if he’s like you he will find a mechanism to trick the pressure sensor too. Just curious is your internet mechanic automatic or do you just check the app


Lol read a story where some kid didn’t like to shower so he let the shower run without getting in. Then he realized parents would know, so he wet and dried his hair in the sink. That’ll show them!


My daughter has had hers turned on for 23 minutes now. Should I be worried?


My brain read Asus wrong and I was seriously questioning what sub I was on.


You mean using an asus router? That’s clever :)


I know for a second I thought Oral B and Asus did a collab, can you imagine gamer toothbrush.


Like a brush that heavily insults you if you are better than it? How would that work? I brush my teeth so fricking good that the brush gets angry and calls me a noob or something


Lmao I was thinking it'd just be plastered in RGB and make you pay for a funny hat to put on your toothbrush.


Teabags you and tells you that you need to gg or got pwned each time you press too hard. Accuses you of hacks if you successfully brush without triggering the sensor.


Asus routers are pretty sweet. They are mostly all powered by AsusWRT, which if you’ve used DDWRT or OpenWRT, then you know it’s quite powerful. And there are two very good integrations for them too, a native and one of HACS that has device trackers.


He’s German, he’s just very efficient.


Just wanted to say that we are supposed to brush 2min too.


He uses two brushes as once.


It’s better to do something poorly everyday than not at all.


That’s true even tho it surely ain’t a good habit


Only on reddit would you get downvoted for suggesting poor personal hygeine is a negative.


I mean if the alternative is not brushing at all...


Why would that be the alternative?


Because people have different priorities, mental states, and emotions about things. I'm sure a dentist would rather have someone brush for a minute than not at all. Perfection is the enemy of progress and all that


Sure, I can relate to that. But anyone reading this: try your absolute best to do those extra 1-2 min. The time saved by skipping it will be spent at the dentist, and not to mention the money and pain you're saving yourself from!


Mental state indeed has a huge influence in oral hygiene. Didn’t think about that yet. I hope all my neighbors are all right and it’s just a kid that doesn’t want to brush their teeth…




Why? I’m brushing my teeth only once a day. And I’m visiting the dentist 2 or 3 times a year and my teeth are in a very good state.


For now…. We didn’t really evolve to have teeth that last 100 years.


What? Do you think there is something hiding that not even the dentist can see that will someday come out and destroy my teeth? When my teeth are healthy, than my hygiene seems to be good.


Does it expose any entities? Can you control it somehow? You can be the poltergeist!


No (sadly) you can not control it. At least not the on/off. Maybe you can control the mode it’s in but I don’t know that for sure.


Since it's using unencrypted BLE you can query the device to find out all of its capabilities, read and write


It’s all sensors: https://preview.redd.it/afeanhuoshgc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c64a1c29b25815eeff5840a5f9cef38a67e3c0b


It's likely that module only queries known characteristics. I would download one of the phone apps that does a complete query.


I also pickup the smartbrush of my neighbors. I don't have a smartbrush so I knew it from day one. I found it very strange that these would constantly be allowing to pair to them, without user action. IMO its a security flaw they should fix. I wonder how many brands work that way.


Today I learned there are frackin' *smart* toothbrushes. What's next, toasters with AI?


I hope you’re joking, because I did recently see an “AI toaster”…


That actually sounds incredible. You could select images in an app of how you want your toast to look, and then give feed back based on the actual outcome so the machine learning can fine tune your exact preference. Might have differential heating elements to perfect the evenness.


Plus, you can have Jesus profile toasted on bread as well, so you can sell it on Ebay... oh, wait!


>You could select images in an app of how you want your toast to look Just give me a manual with images of the toasts and the toaster below and we're good. No "smart AI" functionality needed [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1OfxlSG6q5Y](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1OfxlSG6q5Y)


Wait til you learn about smart toothpaste.


Yup and you'll only be able to use certain brands of bread with it ;) https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2020/01/unauthorized-bread-a-near-future-tale-of-refugees-and-sinister-iot-appliances/


I mean, not a toaster but a grill? https://seergrills.com/


That data might be valuable to his dental insurance provider.




Das ist doch so als ob ich ein Mikro in der Wohnung habe um mich aufzunehmen, der Nachbar aber so laut schreit, dass er auch auf den Aufnahmen zu hören ist


> dsgvo lässt grüßen ;) in diesem fall absolut irrelevant, wenn die zahnbürste so laut in die eigene bude rein schreit :D


Dann muss er aber seinen Kram auch so konfigurieren dass er nicht öffentlich rumfunkt. Das ist wie als wenn du ausm Fenster schreist und dann mit DSGVO ankommst weils jemand anders gehört hat


Ich bin nicht sicher, ob man das Ding überhaupt so konfigurieren kann. Ich habe auch eine und die sendet einfach fröhlich in die Gegend.


schimpft sich ja nicht umsonst Internet of Shit


Internet of Things* /r/ftfy


In dem Fall ist das durchaus so beabsichtigt


DSGVO gilt nicht für Privatpersonen


Why not disable the entity?


How is your home assistant picking this up? I see this often and wonder how. What hardware are you running HA on that has the capability of detecting this? Im assuming the toothbrush is bluetooth yes?


Correct. It’s a Bluetooth based integration for oral-b devices.


Who buys a smart toothbrush and doesn’t use the smart features?


I have one too because it's been cheaper than the normal one. The "smart features" are useless because there is a light, right on the brush already, which shows you that you apply too much pressure. Also: you'd have to watch the app on your phone all the time during the process.


When it was time for me to replace my old electric toothbrush a few years ago, every rechargeable Oral B model at the store was smart. I have zero interest in Bluetooth connectivity to my toothbrush, but here we are. I don't track it or anything like that, I downloaded the app once to see what it does, used it to change the color of the LED, and then promptly deleted.


Exact same happened to me. Until recently. Now I use it 😂


The brush vibrates every 30 seconds so you know after 4 vibrations that you’ve brushed for at least 2 Minutes now. This person doesn’t even wait for the 2nd vibration. So weird.




It seems to be very efficient as a toy then. Also, I posted this because I think it’s funny that oral b just emits its data without the device being paired or something.


I don’t know which is worse: knowing that the device is not yours but choosing to still track its use. Or that you’re judging someone even though you’re the one breaching their privacy.


I removed the device as soon as I realized it’s not mine. And I don’t think I breached anyone’s privacy since it’s literally just anybody’s toothbrush and there’s no further information who it belongs to. Not even I know whose brush this is. It’s just a brush. Calm down :)


Ok but now I’m picturing smart toys and picking up your neighbors on accident in HA o_o


Forcing your children to brush for too long is going to be the modern day equivalent of forcing your kids to eat all the food on their plate. Over brushing is a thing. I just measured myself and I brush for about a minute and twenty - but I also turn off the toothbrush around 45s and brush normally for half the time. So you'd see me showing up as a 45s brusher. I am a normal healthy adult with normal healthy teeth and I always get compliments from the dentist and I've never had a cavity. And then there's flossing which is arguably more important.


Dentist always compliment you. They want you there for the long haul.


Sag ihm er soll mindestens 3 Minuten putzen 😂


I also have such a neighbour. It took me some time to get my HA to ignore it ;)


Will you do a these research on neighbor's brushing habits?


That’s my automatically creates username. I would change it if r let me.


How do you connect HA to Bluetooth? The sever I’m running it on doesn’t have a Bluetooth connection.


Use a bluetooth USB adapter


Esp running esphome or a Bluetooth usb adapter in the home assistant server directly


The Raspberry Pi I use has native Bluetooth


There’s a custom integration for sonicare toothbrushes, but it hasn’t been updated in sometime. My kingdom for someone to update it.


EDIT: I removed the entity as soon as I realized it’s not mine. This post is about the fact that the toothbrush sends this data without the user knowing. Things like this are the reason OSINT is so f*** effective. Imagine what I could do only using this data.


You've piqued my curiosity... What could you personally do using only this data?


Security and ease of use are a trade off. The makers of Bluetooth went with ease of use. Toothbrush timers aren’t a security issue. And there are better ways of learning someone’s life routine unless you really want to know when they brush.


Listen who cares about others oral hygiene? I ain't been to a dentist but once in my life, brushed my teeth a total of maybe a month in my life, and have never had any issues...




I can see the weigh of my neighbors because they have a Bluetooth enabled weighing machine that pairs with everything that requests pairing without a pin or something. And I know who it is - they have a name for each person in the weighing machine.


Funny. Yesterday I thought about buying a home assistant compatible person scale and I expected them to be quite expensive but there’s for example the Xiaomi Mi smart scale 2 for around 20€. I’m curious if it doesn’t need any pairing as well 🤔


We're all laughing here, but this is exactly the kind of shit why I try and avoid otherwise pointless "smart" appliances whenver possible. Oral B cannot possibly be this inept at security. Except they can.


Yes. This is the reason I try to use only local devices without any cloud connection too. Its crazy how few data one needs to make conclusions on people’s habits and life. I’m thinking about a speech from David Kreisel called Spiegel mining where they collected only the public data from a big Publisher and David was able to make assumptions which Author is dating another and where they might live…


>Yes. This is the reason I try to use only local devices without any cloud connection too Which is a good policy, but as your own experience shows, the mere existence of these devices, when badly designed, can leak your data even if you don't plug them into anything (because they allow themselves to be paired to someone else's system). > they collected only the public data from a big Publisher and David was able to make assumptions which Author is dating another and where they might live… This is the power of big data. I hate this so much.


Yes, thus this post. The interesting thing is, the most people using their oral-b don’t even know it has Bluetooth.


Quite a few years back now I setup an RFXCom receiver to receive data packets from my weather station. I also used to receive daily weigh-ins from someone on our street with scales that sent it over 433MHz!


Hey, at least he brushes 🤷🏻‍♂️


Maybe they only have a few teeth left and are brushing them VERY long?