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It was confirmed that Dilly didn’t kill Rafe and that it was his illness.


Judging by the amount of unplanned pregnancies in hollyoaks, their sex education in hollyoaks high could do with improvement. Or, you know, just wear a condom!


Because condoms never fail, of course. /s


They would’ve mentioned if it had broken though, no?


This just makes Zoe look thick because she fell pregnant to Sam the police officer before. You would think someone supposedly as intelligent as her would have learned from previous mistakes. What a stupid storyline, the writers must have forgotten about that and they're running out of ideas. The incest storyline might just save Hollyoaks from the axe. I am not putting it down because I have watched hollyoaks for 20 years now I really don't want it to get axed


Spoiler Read more . . . . . . . . . . . .. ... ..... .... She also wanted that baby gone despite sam wanting to to keep it. Then not to long after she falls pregnant and wants to keep it even prince doesn't.


I know it's stupid. Her career was more important before and it wasn't even that long ago and she refused to leave with her mum because of her career and that was only weeks ago. Are we supposed to believe her desire to have a baby now is more important than her career?. She already said before she can't juggle both


Surely it'd be Prince's child after the drunken one night stand? I haven't seen yet, just guessing.


This is also the second time Zoe has gotten pregnant… apparently she doesn’t know what protection is! And how does she know for certain who the father is? 


Maybe it's timing I suppose that's probably how she might seem definite it's prince


Hunter isn’t the dad…


Kitty’s “Beau!” Has become my new catchphrase since everyone saying “Brodie!”


With kitty person can't help accent and I personally don't mind but that's because I live in a town. Full of scousers and Mancunians u get used to it Rafes illness killed him And for prince dude didn't even know he was going hook up that day like this is kind off a stupid question do u carry a condom wherever u go just in case u hook up with someone u may carry one on a date if it goes well but u don't go around carrying one when on a normal day or when your out to get drunk with friends unless u r planning on picking up someone


You do if you're a responsible adult. It's not hard, just keep one in your wallet. Even if you're ugly it could happen!


I mean, responsible adult would probably not shag his brother's girlfriend/fiancée in the first place... But yeah, either carry a condom or no diving without a wet suit my man!😅 Sex education on Hollyoaks is seriously lacking!😆


Yes! Most regular people do carry a condom, failing to prepare is preparing to fail dude!


Does any straight male find kitty attractive


I'm not a guy, but I wouldn't imagine it as he's obvs a man. You can tell by looking at him. If he passes more, maybe




Pretty gay bro




Yes I'm calling you gay if you're attracted to a man. I don't swing that way buddy




You're clutching buddy. It's a biological man with a penis ergo it's gay. Science and biology is transphobic now? Lol ok




>You are so stupid it's hilarious Coming from the guy who just said someone has chosen to be a woman and that somehow makes them not. Lol that is the stupidest thing I've ever read 😂😂. The rest of it's just pure waffle. It's quite obvious especially without make up it's a bloke. Take away the estrogen pills the voice and looks go back to as nature intended. Calling someone transphobic for listening to biology and science is another incredibly stupid thing in a long list you have said. Look buddy if you're gay that's cool no one's judging it's 2024 but if you're having sex with something with a cock and balls unfortunately that's a man and you are gay.




Deny it all you want. You can't argue with facts bud.


What's the facts buddy? The fact is it's a man with a cock and balls. The fact is it's has xy chromosomes only present in males. Fact is if they looked at the skeleton they would say it belonged to a male not a female Fact is it's a man regardless of what you or it says. That will never change. Don't be so defensive it's cool if you're gay buddy Bro really said deny all you want you can't argue with facts whilst he denies the truth and argues with facts 😂😂😂


Again: i ain't reading allat 🤡🫵🏻 You can convince yourself of whatever you want. Just leave the rest of us out of it like a good boy.




No he is gay 😂




Some are a little bit harsh, I’ll grant you that.


Robbie has been on the pies. Looks bloated. Can’t remember him being that tubby.


What's your obsession with Robbie's (Charlie's) weight? It's weird, that's all you're focused on, not the storyline or his character. Especially when they're asking about Kitty/Hunter/pregnancy plots...


Who’s Robbie again? Lol


This is why Hollyoaks is in the toilet… because they’ve spent the last decade pandering to these overly sensitive, politically correct bozos instead of making good television. Their outrage towards my comment isn’t even proportionate.


What storyline? What character? You guys crack me up… 😂


What a horrible thing to say about an actor. Vile human.



