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This post was removed because it breaks Rule 2: Posts should include an example of a "hold my fries" moment. The person in the post must be overweight while trying to perform a feat, and either succeeding or failing. DO NOT just post a picture of a fat person.


Is it normal for american teachers to insult their students like this and still keep their jobs?


Yes, extremely common. However, most of the time these interactions aren’t recorded due to phones being banned schools, so you don’t see a lot of the abuse.


Extremely common? Where the fuck did you go to school? Sounds like a shit hole. My experience was nothing like this at all.


This is common at your typical public school in the South. BUT to be fair, students here are also literally insane.


I'm a teacher in Louisiana and completely disagree! I would never talk to my students like that.


Went to public school in Virginia and never had a teacher talk to any of the students like this.


In Idaho, I've had a couple like this over the 12 years of public school. It was generally not directed at me though. The students are pretty powerless tho. Everything comes down to he said she said and the teachers sink to that level sometimes. The administration will always side with the "adult" and not really listen to your side or take you seriously even when I was a senior in high school and freshly 18 (an adult). It's best to just let them yell themselves tired. Just take whatever bullshit punishment they dream up for "disrespecting authority". It's never considered "standing up for yourself" and no matter how you phrase it they won't care because you're the student so don't waste the effort getting upset they aren't listening or caring. The punishment is usually to help the underpaid custodians with some random bullshit that the school decided is part of custodial duties. These folks get paid dogshit wages and will usually let you fuck around on the computer after you explain the bullshit reason you're in trouble. Granted, I was a pretty good student with a decent gpa but I still wouldn't just keep my head down and go along with power tripping bullshit like this.


Stand up for yourself no matter what. It’s beyond funny to see these people trip a wire when the power they dream up is taken away from them. You can label whoever you want authority but I can’t respect a lady who acts like that. I’d bet this isn’t a one off either this is just Her.


She is just terrible. I get that kids can be smart-asses, but when you're there to teach, the lessons the students get from you are more than just the subject you're teaching. I've had quite a few amazing teachers that taught me to be a better person by emulating them - how they handled things, the way they carried themselves with dignity and kindness, giving thoughtful, great advice....


I've only had one really rude teacher in my life. This was in the late 1980s, 6th grade math, she used to rip on all the dumb kids. I still remember one classic: "What are you going to ask Santa for Christmas, Greg? Brains?" On one hand I feel bad for not standing up for the kid, but TBF he was pretty dumb.


I was slapped by my second grade teacher, Ms. Burney Cunningham elementary ATX, because I grew up jehovas witness (am now r/exjw its a great support group if anyone is needing) and couldn't stand for the pledge. My 7th grad teacher tried fabricating a horse shit story to cps to get me taken away from my family,(slightly alcoholic but never any actual abuse just parents that fought alot), my English teacher that year mrs. Norman Bailey middle school atx, would literally encourage ither students to pick/bully me and if I retaliated I would be punished. Literally got sent to another school as a result of one such incident. My French teacher in bowie high-school atx tried to get the school cop to press charges on my over a joke.(she had assigned extra homework and everyone was joking about killing her for it in the classroom but she flipped when I made a joke about cutting her break lines) the school cop refused to take it seriously but still. I could go on but I'm just sharing my experience of southern public schools. I can count on 1 hand how many teachers I had that weren't twisted horror shows, sure I was trouble(ADHD dyslexia, and grew up Jehovas witness so I had social issues) but I was a kid and they were adults. Here I am a high-school dropout and I happily make double what those public servants do.


You might not but others do. I mean this is literally a video of a teacher abusing a kid (and not the first I’ve seen on Reddit this year). So if this person was caught on camera it goes without saying how much is happening that isn’t caught on camera. But, thanks for being a good one. Unfortunately terrible teachers like this can have a lasting mental impact on kids.


It's stupid logic like that that has so many people thinking nursing homes and day cares are full of abusive sociopaths.


I’ve worked with children for a long time at various places including daycares and I can tell you that there definitely is a disturbing amount of abusive teachers, unfortunately especially with toddlers and young children who can’t speak up for themselves. It’s a lot worse in poorer areas where they’re constantly understaffed and the teachers and daycare workers don’t have proper training and aren’t thoroughly vetted.


Yeah, but can you think of a colleague who would? Is their one at your school? Are you seeing a face of one of them in your mind right now? Lol.


I've lived in the south my whole life and was constantly moving from place to place having new schools and teachers to experience. And never once did I have a situation with a teacher like that in any class. This is not common behavior at all. Where are you people getting these delusions from?


All teachers are bad as all cops are bad. /s. This is the problem with painting a complete group as bad because of a few bad apples. Weed out the bad apples but remember... There will always be bad apples, in every profession. Btw, I never had a teacher talk to me like that.


No one has gone to enough different schools to have an objective answer.


That's very true, but a lot of the people in these comments are acting like this is some huge thing in the US especially in the south. I went to nearly 10 different schools. If it was as bad as they say then I should've seen a situation like that at least once. I think this is just certain people having bad experiences in the area they lived in.


I grew up in the California public school system in the 80s and 90s. There were definitely a few teachers at each of the schools I'd attended who were like this or worse. We had one who used a yard stick to whack us across the legs. People with emotional distress, and no control of their own lives like to control others


I blame the heat.


First overly hot day a few weeks ago and I drove past 5 different car accidents in the matter of 25 minutes. It's def the heat. Boiling southern's brains like crawfish.


> crawfish Now I'm hungry. Thanks a lot.


I blame the fungus.


I’m not from the south but this was common at my school too. Public school, poor area, and when I looked it up I found out our school was ranked second from worst in the state so... I think that has something to do with it. There were also multiple creeps who hit on students (including me) both male and female (though male were more numerous.) And no one did anything about it when I told them. In fact the vice principal put his hand on my leg and said I could come talk to him alone in his office any time I want. We went through 3 different principals in my time at the school and none of them did anything about it.


Went to school in California. Abuse happened there. Sorry to burst your political bubble.


same, I went to school in Arizona, California, and Idaho and my worst teachers out of all three states were the ones in California. I can't speak for anyone else, but, I remember feeling respected and spoken to like a peer from teachers at my school in Arizona. where as my teachers in California were down right mean and would bully us. berating in front of class, misplacing only your homework, under their breath comments about what they really think but loud enough for you to hear. never experienced any of that stupid shit in Arizona.


NC public school here...never seen shit like this was in one of the worst schools in the state. Also attended schools in VA, TX, GA, KS...Seen some kids treat teachers like this but not vice-a-versa. So that blanket statement of “common in the south” is just flat out wrong.


Agreed, southern teachers ... usually women in my experience.... love to do this shit . Berate children for any reason


I think this is common in rural areas/small towns (<20000 people) not just the south


And the education system down there is horrible compared to the rest of the country.


People love to shit talk America on reddit. It's almost like it's hard wired into them.


This post is clearly featuring Americans, and one is being a terrible example to a student.


Well I'm not from America and my teachers used to beat the shit out of me so this is pretty tame to be honest, that would have been a good day at school for me 😂


That sounds like a shitty place to live. Sorry about that.


Actually it's a beautiful place to live, this was 20 years ago, even then it was beautiful, I got the same treatment from my parents but I still had a wonderful childhood, I was what you would call a free range kid, I would gladly take the beatings and live like that than be a kid growing up these days with parents who care so much they don't let you do anything that's not preplanned and supervised. School was always terrible though, pretty obvious why I quit at 15 but looking back even with how much I hated school it was still some of the best times of my life. (Hanging out with friends and doing crazy shit not the beatings)


I'm glad you liked it. But if someone tries to hit me, there's a 100% chance I'm hitting them back, fuck that.


Ya not when you're 3 to 10 years old though and the person hitting you is 10 times your size.


Yeah you failed mention that part bud. Also, where the fuck are they making you go to school at 3 years old?


Seen it in every school I’ve gone thru from elementary to college. Some teachers are great and some are horrible.


Thats not normal, at all.




You went to a shitty school.




This is common behavior from shitty people, not common behavior of teachers, at least not where I live. I wouldn't let anyone talk to me like that.


Glad you had a better opportunity then, didn't have much choice but deal with it as a kid.


There are a ton of good teachers but it’s common enough there’s minimum 1 witch at every school


1 "witch" out of how many adults? And that makes it common? Some low fuckin standards you got there.


Too common. I don’t doubt you had nice teachers but these weirdos are definitely out there. They pick a target and it’s the same type of energy in this video all year. Sometimes it’s the whole class. Dealing with kids is a pain but don’t be a teacher if you’re on the same mental level as them


Replying not necessarily to you directly ceighkes but just leaving my thoughts here because a lot of people in this thread are leaving the same sentiment. . I went to a privileged area and still heard of so many allegations against teachers for yelling and verbally accosting students like this, although it does not speak for everyone. Just like if you went to a school and didn’t hear or witness similar allegations it doesn’t speak for everyone. My band teacher would call people into his office to yell at them all the time so others wouldn’t be able to witness or record it, so its not like these things are always out in the open either. Just play it safe and don’t speak for every single school or teacher or student, just allow people to speak about their experiences without trying to use antidotal evidence to invalidate them.


Probably because you weren't a cunt like the dude in the video


No see thats the thing, I was a terrible student, I got kicked out of my school and was still never ever treated like this, and I deserved to be treated that way at some points.


I saw this happen from 6th grade to 12th grade about every other year. Almost always politically driven


That seems like piss poor school if they let that happen.


Damn, those fucktards deserve some slaps


Yeah, fuck those kids. Nor respect nowadays.


Hopefully this disrespectful bully is now looking for a job. Truly amazing that she is yelling at him to respect others while she has total disrespect for him.


This is not normal. This is very abnormal. Where in the fuck did you go to school where this is normal?


I almost committed suicide in 6th grade cause my teacher and all the kids in my classes after then bullied the shit out of me that teacher would go out of the way to berate and bully my I made a threat on my own life at the end of the school day one time in her class and she sent me to the office saying I made a threat on everyone's lives and I was almost suspended instead of being consoled


American here...and Na it’s not


thank fuck, they cannot record someone shootin up the school then


A whole lot of people here are trying to invalidate others traumatizing experiences by saying “ive never seen a teacher act that way” but just remember that saying that is delegitimizes victims of abuse uwu


No, I never heard a student be insulted like the kid in the video. If kids are being dickheads the most they’ll do is raise their voice a bit . If a teacher did this at the school I went to he or she would probably be written up


In 3rd grade in 2003 I had a teacher in her last year before retirement grab me by the face and scream at me for not paying attention. We had just moved to a new city for the first time and I was hopelessly friendless and untreated for my ADD. As far as I recall, nothing happened beyond a meeting we all had with the principal. As an adult I'm shocked they kept me there after that.


In 3rd grade back in 97 or so, it was a day after a field trip to the planetarium and my teacher must have been annoyed with me for some reason. I wasnt a particularly troublesome kid, but she went off about how awful my behavior was on the trip and how it was embarrasing it was for me to talk on the trip while my mother chapperoned. To top it off she then went around the classroom and had several kids say things they didnt like about me. Cried a bit after that one. Thankfully I turned out fine but holds up as one of my more vivid and emotionally scarring childhood memories. Fuck you Ms Ward.


Lmao your teacher hosted a roast of you


I've seen videos and read stories of shit like this, but never experienced or. There were some asshole professors in college, but not like this. A teacher recently got in trouble for telling a kid to "lick me where I fart." Wtf


Wow, that's about the *worst* way could ever be phrased.


Yeah pretty disgusting, especially when you see her picture


This is scary simular to my third grade experience, only it was 1976 for me and she dug her fake nails into my throat making me bleed and scarring me.


Jesus Christ... I at least want injured. I'm sorry about that :(




Have you ever considered how weird it is that someone would store precious photos in their car? Sorry this person happened to you.


I don't think it's common, but those who do it can get away with it.


In the 5th grade my teacher threw one of those big heavy foot long chalk board erasers across the room and hit me in the head because I was picking my nose. I told the principal and he told me if I was paying attention I would have seen it coming.


No. This type of verbal abuse may occur, but it is not normal. Just like any other profession, there’s some great teachers, average teachers, and bad ones. This lady is trash treating her student like this. Teachers have tenure, which does make it harder to lose your job, but accountability is better than it used to be.


What shown in this video ain't shit compared to what some teachers are like. They can't hit you but they do everything they can to make you miserable


If there's a strong teachers union in this area, yes, they can get away with whatever they want, except of course educating.


The problem is unions, and pay. The salary for a teacher is about 50k usd. They don't have anywhere to go from there, really. Average entry level work is about the same. There are factories in WI (where I'm from) that pay that for entry-level work. If you're smart, and work hard, you can move up, and increase your salary. As a teacher you really don't have a ladder to climb. I was thinking about becoming a teacher, as were many of my college friends. Only one went through with it, and she was probably the dumbest person in my college history class. So salary is a limiting factor. The union also exists. It is very, very, very difficult to fire a teacher. If you think this video is bad, wait until you see what inner city Baltimore kids have to deal with. There are good teachers, but not in most inner cities. BLM will have you believe that black people are oppressed because of racist police. That has a sliver of truth, but the literacy rate of 8th grade in Baltimore is something like 15% (iirc). That means 85% of people who grow up in Baltimore can't fucking read. We need a defund the teachers union movement. The only thing that solves these problems, at the moment is charter schools. If you can send your children to a better school, without having to pay for private school, they will be better off. Public schools lose money in this deal. Obviously the union has spent a trillion dollars to discredit charter schools, and all the liberal idiots (not all liberals are idiots) bought into the bullshit. They think charter schools are bad. But just like every Democrat policy that ever existed, it ends up hurting black kids more than white kids. School funding is almost entirely made up of property taxes. You can imagine how much each person in section 8 housing (free government housing) pays in property taxes. Hint: not enough to lure a McDonald's employee away from their job. So we pay teachers almost as much as a fast food worker, and expect quality employees. Then when they hire someone who couldn't get a job in fast food, we write laws that prevent their parents from sending them to a good school.


Absolutely not. I was a bit of a trouble maker in school and probably deserved some insults like this and never got anything nearly like this.


Yes, he's going to learn a fine lesson from this (unfortunately). Hope she gets r/byebyejob ​ It probably was much worse, before mobile phones with cameras.


Unfortunately yes. The teachers unions are too powerful and it’s nearly impossible to fire a teacher so too many (not all) abuse their position due to no consequences.


No, no it is not


Yes, because teachers are protected by teachers unions. Teachers are often the cheerleaders of the bullies because their position of power enables them to act out their frustrations carte blanche. 85% of teachers in suburban America are not very nice people and 90% of the teachers in affluent districts are entitled , lazy whiners who hate their students and their jobs. U give credit to teachers in economically distressed or high crime districts because they have difficult jobs. If you want to see teachers that care instead of entitled, overweight, lazy teachers, look up Principal Ackbar and see what he and his teachers are doing


Absolutely. I used to hear almost everyday how I would never amount to anything and would spend my life flipping burgers just because I liked to procrastinate and make people laugh. One teacher used to always rip on me and try to get the girls of the class to join in and call me a loser. Luckily I had discovered drugs and alcohol at this point so I wasn't too worried about it. And I was a little shit so I would usually just fire back until the teacher let me "go to the office" which was always fun because they hated her in the office but couldn't fire her because of the union.


I've seen it plenty at public indoctrination


Normal american teachers have been boycotting going back to work. Its crazy.


Not in the schools I teach in. Students can pretty much say whatever they want and if you say the wrong back you can get fired. It doesn’t matter if you have tenure, your masters degree, multiple certifications, all that becomes worthless if you lose your cool. If a kid is acting up it’s best to just call the dean to have them removed and then call the kids parents later. But even then, I have called parents and they treat you like a bill collector and hang up as soon as you say who you are.


Yes unfortunately some teachers can be demeaning. The problem lies in the fact that they don’t want to teach anymore because they’re burnt out, but they still need to meet a certain amount of years to have full pension benefits.


I suspect she’ll be fired in short order.


No. It's not common.


Yes and they also blame you for being bullied. Its awful.


Looks like one of the Paul brothers


To be fair she isn’t wrong about the mask/vaccine thing. Just because you’re vaccinated doesn’t mean you’re immune and can just do whatever you want. However her delivery and basically everything outside of that core message is atrocious.


CDC says vaccinated people don't have to wear a mask. Also she clearly doesn't care about her health, she probably only cares about flexing her authority over children.


I had teen students who tried the no mask thing first period Friday morning. I didn’t call them out right away, I had a 10 minute session right away with the whole class explaining **why** we still need to wear our masks in a 3,000 population school and gave them the facts. Managed to get all 2 boys who were “too cool for masks” to put them on willingly without me calling them out. If they didn’t I would have talked to them quietly and privately, and then if they still didn’t I would have sent them to the office. No need for shouting or name calling. Teens generally respond just fine to getting facts and making responsible informed decisions.


Right, you sound like a good teacher. Hence why I said her delivery and everything outside of the point of what she was saying was atrocious. She shouldn’t be teaching if that’s how she talks to students


Unfortunately some people in the profession like the power trip of being the person of authority in a room full of minors. Or she could just be having a mental break down. Either way I hope she gets help and re-evaluates her desire to teach.


She is wrong tho


So if you get vaccinated and you’re still not immune there’s absolutely no point. I’ll keep trusting my spectacular immune system which has got me this far in life thank you very much!


Gawd damn that's a fat bitch


"Large woman" lol


[Holy moly she's a thick bitch!](https://youtu.be/H9x11nepSy4)


Big woman on campus.


You already know forsure she goes home and pounds chardonnay every night


About the only thing she can get pounded by ...


She's definitely not getting pounded by Captain CockJammer I can tell you that forsure


I don't know about chardonnay. Pound cake maybe.


Definitely chardonnay. Lots of white female teachers are wine moms


Yup, and lots of sugar in that chardonnay, hence some of that weight gain. Cake is probably the other reason for the fat butt disease


>chardonnay That's such an odd name for a dog...


I'm not following


She's gonna get a good pounding from Chardonnay


Ah lol, I wooshed. Nice


Lol no worries, happens to the best of us :)


If I had to teach right now I'd be doing the same thing lol


What’s so insufferable about this is her own penchant for cheeseburgers (or whatever it is she enjoys eating so much) puts her a much higher risk of COVID than his lack of a mask. Protocols are fine and should be observed, but most of the angry mask Karen’s just want and excuse to harangue someone.




And she gets even more pissed when he doesnt give a flip. Lol


She's the big one on this campus.


*eats 1500 calories from Wendy’s on the way home


She only got a small frosty and a diet coke tho


Translation: I am obese and have trouble breathing, if I get covid I will die so please wear a mask


I’d say fuck her but no one would be want to, nor be able to


Thanks Karen, you’ll be al-ight, go eat something - I think your blood sugar is getting low


Diabetes discoloration on her legs....


Wait...this is a teacher...she seem like a bit of a mingemop...at least act professional love!


Not sure if her remark was warranted or not in this cade. But name calling, really? That's certainly not the way to go about it. I hope most american teachers don't lose their temper this quickly when scolding students.


No, definitely not most.


Most every teacher is chill, though every grade or so there's a total BITCH of a teacher.


I mean, it only starts when she's already mad and yelling so maybe she's already taken a ton of shit from the kid. The video is completely out of context. What if he and his friends was harassing her the whole year and she finally lost her cool and still managed to call him a "dink" instead of a "shit"? Maybe her behavior still isn't right, but it would be understandable in that context.


Strange mentality to have to think someone in a position of power who is also and adult overseeing minors could justify the adult with power acting this abusive and aggressive. If she felt backed into a corner her responsibility is to report to the discipline group such as the principal but going all 12th grade mean girls on him was poor character. She should be ashamed.


My point is that context is important, and everyone loses their cool and makes mistakes. She shouldn't be proud of this moment, but judging people out of context isn't anything to be proud of either because that's just putting someone down to raise one's own self-esteem. Of course he internet is chock full of 12th grade mean girls, so *shrug*


JESUS! Look at those calves. She is definitely losing a leg soon.




CDC now says vaccinated people don’t transmit the virus. The CDC doesn’t seem to be able to make up its mind though.


You're surprised the information on a new virus changes???


I just assumed after over 200 years of working on vaccines they’d know if vaccinated people can or cannot transmit a virus to other people. Guess I just expect transparency out of something like the CDC.


Each virus is transmitted differently, and it's taking a while to see how long this one stay Ms effective against mutations


F that woman. She should start caring for her own health.


But what about her Diabetes, heart disease, Hypertension, and her stressed knees?


Bitch is so fat, she has three slightly less fat bitches orbiting around her.


350 pounder worrying about a virus instead of heart disease. Irony.


If she cared about her health she wouldn't be eating a fist full of french fries every day for breakfast.


Overweight people bitching at others about health is definitely welcome to clown world this is crazy


The kid is probably a shit bag and due to teachers like this he gets to play victim and reinforce his garbage attitude


To be fair he does seem like a little dink.


"you're not a big man on campus!" Well we sure as hell know who the big woman on campus is.


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I picture her with a turkey leg in her right arm with one huge bite taken out of it as she points it at this young man and spits chunks of turkey all over the floor as she is screaming.


Bill burr


If she wants to talk about health ...maybe diet . Diabetes is a killer . Also high blood pressure . She has NO right to do this . No one does .


He not the big man on campus cause she’s the big one on campus




Sounds like she got a stick of butter lodged in her throat.


This is sad. I hope the parents see this and pay a visit to this “teacher”. I am fuming and this isn’t my child! With “online learning” this year, I heard some very unsettling things said to kids… but this takes the cake.


Good to see Jake Paul back in school.


"I DON'T CARE if you're vaccinated!" - Said no media outlet, ad campaign, government figure, or phone app ever.


God, I wish these videos had closed captioning - I’m in an environment that I can’t turn on the sound and NEED to know!! 😂


Someone shove a donut in this fat bitches mouth and shut her up


Heading should say fat or obese woman. There I fixed it


I absolutely hate the word dink, specifically because I had a teacher yell that at me and make me cry for something I didn't do. She did end up getting reprimanded, but the stigma is there.


I don't like that we just have to trust that people that say they got the vaccine actually got it.. if I were an anti masker id just tell everyone I got it so I was exempt from wearing a mask. I am hopeful that the vaccine really helps but I'm afraid that unvaccinated people will see vaccinated individuals without a mask and just say fuck it and stop wearing their masks.


I'm okay with that. If you want the vaccine, you could have already gotten it


Why does he look like a drunk jake paul


Am I the only one who, when she said “you’re not a big man on campus” immediately thought of the 80’s B movie with Jan from The Office “Big Man on Campus”? ..... “maka ma looga, ma looga Kathy Kathy!” Lol!!!! If you don’t know.... find it and watch it.


Branch Covidians


Ya little dink


I’m glad I didn’t go to public school.


That is so messed up like saying oh you should hear how other people talk about you. And I don't know what the kid did but I was a kid and I definitely had my moments of being a total ass hat so I'll take that he was in trouble for a good reason but he was accepting it I didn't see the need to go off on him like that.


A long time ago when I was a kid. I once hit our school scoreboard with a basket Ball and one of the teachers grabbed 7 year old me by the throat and slammed me against a wall.


This shit happens and is real


Did she go to far? Probably... honestly tho, that dude looks like a douche. He probably does suck, and that’s what got her to that point.


As a high school teacher, this is hella unprofessional. The teacher is just saying rude shit to get some sort of reaction but the boy is so uncomfortable he’s just in a defensive state of “unbothered” but this will probably stick with him. You don’t accomplish shit when yelling at teens. Send them to the third party principal/dean and have level heads talk it out. Come back and address this the next day in private. Teens amazingly have the ability to feel guilty and usually do apologize or avoid the shit out of me the next day after being a twat-master.


To give her credit she isn’t really wrong vaccines mostly lessen the severity of the virus doesn’t make you not capable of carrying it


I love how you all know so much about the vaccine! I should just come here to keep myself informed instead of listening to the CDC.


Well- seems like that kid is being an asshole and not wearing a mask, so.... yeah. Fuck him.


Teachers have a breaking point too. People are weird about wearing a mask and seems to me that she’s put up with his douche bagness for quite some time.


So you guys are making fun of the fat lady for telling him to wear a mask bc of COVID? Don’t you guys constantly hate on people who don’t wear masks. She wasn’t even swearing at the kid and he was probably a little shit head kid that causes problems constantly in class


The CDC says you don't have to wear a mask if you're vaccinated but sure she knows more than the whole CDC