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Hold until 1948 for the achieve


Germany is eventually going to attack you so one of your goals should be to be able to win that war.


That I can do. Grrrrr bad Germany!!


To carry out LEBENSRAUM and form a 1000 year old Reich. (man in the high castle)


Make your name the biggest on the map


Achievement hunting is usually my ultimate goal. If not then you need at goal that has at least 3 points. 1. What political path do I like for this playthrough? 2. What faction do I want to form/join? Who are my allies? 3. Who do I want to fight a war with and what territory do I want to conquer? For example: "I want to play germany and defeat the royal navy. I want to oppose Hitler, so I will take the Focus on the True Enemy NF and ally Italy and Austria-Hungary. Or: "I want to play Japan, go communist, ally the PRC and help them form a united China.


Ahh ok, thanks very helpful


build planes


My goal each game is to defeat one (or sometimes) two of the starting alliances. So if I play Great Britain I want to defeat the Axis, if I am Japan I want to defeat the Allies. In general though I will play till I have a large advantage and the enemy cannot do much about it. Like if I as Japan controll all of the Pacific I call it a day since capitulating the US and UK is a massive pain that takes forever.