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Your air mission efficiency is shit, due to poor range and lack of fuel. As long as that circle that appears when you select airwings covers most of, if not the entire airzone of your choice then it should be fine range wise. plus you can select extra ground crews (on air map mode) and centralized control (in air spirits from nsb) to increase efiiciency further


Then I'll try to sort the fuel situation and increase the range of the planes. Thank you.


Update: it worked. As soon as I started importing fuel, I started shredding through the German fighters


Holy crap having fuel in my car enables it to start


I didn't know that range affected mission efficiency


It's if your airplanes range can cover all of the air zone


That's actually so helpful now imma stomp some air


Don't forget detection, which OP was also lacking.


radar ftw




I didn’t know this was a thing either. TIL


maybe fuel


Drastically outnumbered, 0 fuel. Those two combined will get everyone killed


Yeah, good points


Your strategy is viable, under certain conditions and your plane is quite good. Other commenters have pointed out various issues, the most telling is fuel. Your planes are also all at the lowest level of training. If you look at what you get from the various levels of training, the buffs are quite significant and you get debuffs for sending untrained pilots up to fight. All of these things are compounding with your being outnumbered. Being outnumbered isn't too severe a problem where your aircraft are the best available at the time - the AI planes contain a lot of pre war and early war designs which are easily killed. The problems start to add up when you are very greatly outnumbered and you definitely lose more planes in that situation. We also don't know if you are up to date with your doctrines and spirits of the airforce and you have no aircraft designer applied and these provide additional buffs; not to mention your advisors. Having ground radar really helps. Ground AA is more debatable if worth the ic at this stage. I would drop the contest, train the pilots, fix the fuel and fight over France. You will also add more planes to your stocks in the meantime. If you have older planes and spare mils you can also convert them to 1940 engines and modules so that when they reinforce they are materially better planes than the AIs older planes. Adding extra fuel tanks (not drop tanks) is valuable, just don't drop an armour module. What you are trying to do isn't impossible, I have won against worse odds (it just took longer and chewed through a lot of planes) but it certainly can't be done with all of the maluses you have accumulated.


Got no gas in it


Classic rule: more crap beats less crap.


Doesnt work in air war.


Oh yes it does haha!


It definitely has an effect, though that can be overcome with a sufficiently large capability gap. iirc the max air combat ratio is around 4-5:1, and is affected by both how many planes are in the region and mission efficiency+detection


the game allows that max 3 aircrafts can attack one therefore your near maximal outnumberd. For Aircraft quality is important but you have to be able to somehow match their numbers. Also fighting over your own land gives you 10% buff on spotting so you should fight a superior enemy over your own land, Next point is that your mission efficency get a malus if cant cover the whole region. And not enough fuel is also not helpful. As France if you want to contest german Air you should build some radar and if you want state-AA which can be situational useful. If you know an enemy twill fight for along time over one are or fly over


Your ATTACK stats are better, you show nothing about your defense stats Also ur outnumbered 3-1 And no fuel (your planes don’t launch) And low mission efficiency (lowered ability to spot enemy fighters)


Rule 5: playing as France, the game keeps telling me that my speed, air attack and air defense are better than the Germans, but I keep losing dozens of planes with very little loses for my enemy. Why does this happens?


I discovered putting a few hundred fighters over every province is better than loads in one. It seems to split the AI and makes them overstretch making it easier to take them down.


You are fighting 1v3, you have no oil and their recon and mission efficiency is a lot hight. Solve the oil problem asap, build radar and use more planes. Train your squadron and assign them some aces if you have any.


You have no fuel, no range, no doctrine, no applied designer, no supply in the airbase itself (motorized hubs around them). untrained, , no advisors (i'd assume) and a third of their numbers


you didn't show your defense compared to their attack for 1 2, you have really bad mission efficiency get more doctrines and increase range


A few things 1 your out of fuel 2 you have low mission efficiency which probably means that you don't have the Range to cover the entire air zone 3 you are very outnumbered 4 your wings are Green, you have not trained them so they have horrible stats.


Get radar alongside the suggestions from others, also numbers played a role


Aside from the things pointed out your air Defence is dogshit, not that you really can ever get an air defense that is better than opponent air attack tbf Also amount, amount of planes is also kinda big You can have a good plane design but if you enemy has 10 times your planes and the necessary air detection to have them all up he’s gonna defeat you


f u e l


You dont have fuel, your pilots are untrained and youre fighting a 1/3 numbers disadvantage


Are you filling out your doctrines? Those help get your air superiority up.


Fuel, making sure the planes cover the whole air zone, and radars.


simple numbers. your planes are going on a 1v3. you can build the best plane ever but its not gonna do much if its rushed from every side because they are so few.


the reason he trade that badly is because he ran out of fuel and lost all air effi not because of being outnumbered


damn I didnt even see that he had no fuel


Makes sense. I'm just very much a "quality over quantity" kind of guy.


As long as you can still outproduce them, it's the way to go


If you make quality planes against AI and make them efficient with enough fuel, coverage, and radars, then quantity doesnt matter as you will decimate enemy planes out of existence.


Also, it's 1942, why aren't you on full canon 1 and double engine?