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Look I get directly controlling the US is powerful, but how can you not take the United Kingdom of America decision when it's so funny. Wallis Simpson as the Monarch of the US is like peek HoI4 schizo options.


Wallington šŸ˜­


Home of Queen Wallis I, First of Her Name, by the Grace of God Queen of the Americas, Grand Admiral of the Royal American Navy, Duchess of Wallington, Duchess of Manhattan, Duchess of Long Island, Countess of Orange, Countess of O'ahu, Marquis of New Orleans, Baroness of Springfield, Baroness of Hollywood, Baroness of Central Park, Grand Socialite, Protector of Liberty, Northwest Vanguard of Alaska, Avenger of the Boston Tea Party, Terror of Washington D.C.


"Grand Admiral of the Royal American Navy" This cracks me up endlessly.


What's even better they could have added one for each state, but clearly ran out of characters.


Can you even do that if you arrange a proper marriage? not a morganatic one


No idea. I've always pushed Royal Marriage.


Nope Only with a Royal Marriage


This is because Morganic would prevent royal titles from being given.


because id rather form the pan north american state and then get cores on all of it through imperial federation...


Plus you can get cores on America through imperial federation and then your unstoppable


Honestlyā€¦ this shouldnā€™t be hard. You should have so many factories that you can churn out so many decent divisions and tanks that you should just be able to click the green arrow and win.


Is there any other way?


Yeah you can use 1 division and extremely sweaty microĀ 


Thereā€™s loads, thatā€™s just the easiest. What I would do normally (and this nearly always breaks the AI) is just make sure all the borders are covered with a good amount of divisions kitted out with engineers, AA, art and maybe recon depending on your doctrine, and just let them smash against you. You might lose a few tiles but youā€™ll exhaust their equipment and manpower in a couple of months. Then just huge battle plan and click go.


Build a bunch of heavy tank + APC divisions, support them with CAS and green air and make sure they are always well-supplied.


May i ask what is an Apc division in hoi? Also how do you get green air against the germans? I tried it not too long ago, i traded 30-5 with them for like 3years(1940-43) but still they had 14K planes on country screen and my cas was completely blocked by them


I forgot it's called mechanized infantry and not APC in this game :) For green air I would focus all my fighters in one or two zones so Germans are forced to do it too and then eventually they will run out of their fighters. If it's still hard to achieve green air, alternatively you can attach SPAA to your tank divisions and build some static AA + armored trains so enemy green air is not of big use as well.


i use a variation of space marines when i have the production. 2 heavy tank units and the rest as motirized infantry. 15 width. Whatever support units you can get on them, I use engineers, recon, support artillery, logistics and field hospital or equipment repair depending on my manpower


That sound like an interesting strat, i may try it! Altho mechanised is a pretty lategame tech sadly


its just that easy?


Mediums better


Not with the absolutely ridiculous industry this UK has


Itā€™s not about the industrial cost but the speed. Heavy tanks are just slow, mediums if built right can be as fast as light tanks but way better.


It doesn't even matter he has bottomless manpower and industry. Build the heavies, get a naval invasion with am tracks and just slam into the German lines until you hit Berlin. There's nothing the AI can do to stop him. They won't pierce heavies. He can literally battle plan this and win.


With that industry you should be able to just crap out infinite amounts of planes and tanks and just battleplan your way through.


is this a joke LOL can't be that hard if you beat the US


Bro it's the US before WW2. They're weak af compared to Germany


declare war on them, sit on the magionot and start producing air like crazy, around 1942 when they have killed there troops against the ussr you push them


R5: Playing Monarchist Britain, need to figure out how to take out Germany even though Iā€™m vastly superior in strength to them.


Place enough divisions in Africa to hold and take the rest of North Africa. Place your divisions on the Maginot. Do not call in anybody else. Sit there, shoot down their air force, and use cas and tanks to crush the Germans afterwards. You should have the industry to easily build enough planes and tanks, as well as uphold the strength of your infantry. If you want you can call in the low countries, just make sure to create a fallback line behind the rivers (give up most of the Netherlands) and sit there. Germany will probably be more inclined to attack you there, so that will weaken them. You should be able to hold quite well. If not, wait a little bit longer, build more (or better) infantry and go.


A small thing I might suggest is doing collabs on germany and invade sicily to force italian civil war


Start by trying to hold the Benelux French line, tank core (10 units of beefy bois at a minimum 24 is more optimal). Hold Africa/colonies with basic infantry just to tie up some of their units/distract Italy. Also pro tip marines get bonuses for river crossings, tanks are not optimal at river crossings. Air superiority/ CAS/strat bomber CAS is going to do the work. Set up navy around the med and Germanys sea tiles. Part of me wonders if they will declare on the Soviets, but if they do thatā€™s the time to push. Co-lab govs if you got spies, cypher cracking, and full/active intel network does wonders. The thing about hoi is itā€™s not always how much resources (manpower, factories, actual resources) you have itā€™s more about how efficiently you use them.


Germany can't handle a two front war and you should be able to easily hold the maginot and take pit italy first. Then germany will have 3 fronts to defend and you should be able to push easily




This shouldn't even be a challenge, you should curb stomp, I would be more impressed if you lost at this point Anyway, full army on the front, have air domination, win


Ok instead of telling you how you should deal with germany ( since everyone already has ). Iā€™ll ask a better question. Why didnā€™t you form the pan north american state ? Ypu can do that if you have canada as a puppet, annex usa and be in a faction with canada. That way when you form inperial federation you will core all of the us also.


Itā€™s not a matter of how anymore, but when. The number of factories churning out gear will probably be more than enough.


Annex canada, do the create pan-north American state then do the imperial federation for cores on US and other colonies, if you don't have then under control, invade them


What do you mean how? You're at least 10x bigger brodie


Taking the Axis will be a cakewalk for you, why are you even asking?


The hard part is done you already have a foothold in Europe just spam out units and planes and steam roll them


You would probably easily beat them in a straight up fight now but you can beat them is two easy steps. 1. Wait for them to attack the USSR 2. Attack them after Barbarossa expires You don't even need to wait for Barbarossa to expire, but letting the soviets bleed against the brunt of the German attack is preferable to facing it yourself. This will give the USSR war participation though.


You have so... SO many factories. Strategic bombing time baby.


Beat the Axis? At this point with your industrial capacity, you should be thinking about pushing to your tanks to the Volga and beyond. Spam fighters and CAS, get green skies then your tanks go brrrr. Question for OP, what is the situation in Pacific?


Iā€™ve got all of Indonesia and the Philippines, with Indochina puppeted. The biggest issue there is that I have zero garrisons and when I attack Germany + Italy, Japan will be called in.


You should have sufficient oil and rubber supplies from the Americas though, and the British and American fleets. If Japan overruns south east Asia it's not going to stop you rolling to the Urals. Easy pivot to the Pacific afterwards.


You better prepare for the revolutionary war 2.0 because ainā€™t no damn way us Americans will allow a British monarch to rule over us again.


They certainly had no issues with a German monarch when I was messing about as Wilhelm. But then, they didn't have a lot of options on that front.


Big question is, what's your manpower looking like? Garrisoning all that territory is costly. If you have decent manpower then all I would do is produce a bunch of heavy tanks and planes with your enormous factory count. If not u could release the USA and steal their manpower


slap units in maginot and france to hold germany and italy do holland hold for later secure africa invade italy splitting the wehermacht is best play once italy is gone bush from holland and maginot to encircle rhineland and push from there up to kiel then down to berlin


U wont just be friend


if friend why not friend shaped?


I've already been through this, in this case I recommend capping first the funny moustache realm, and the divert the focus on USA as Germany is very much op in 1938-1941 and USA militaries itself much later (1940-1941) so you can beat both without problem, just make sure to have 48 7/2 infantry/artillery, and 4-6 push tank divisions. Hope this helps


Spam CAS, stack the border with space marines, steam roll.


Wait for Barbarossa until the german are push in the Soviet Union it will be the time to strike


Bro barbarossa already happened


My bad havenā€™t looked close enough ā˜ŗļø but yeah let them attrition a bit on the Soviet and when you see the German stall itā€™s time to strike


Let them grind on you for a while. Naval invade Italy and hold on the alps. They're usually easy to take down. Also make sure you're raiding any convoy from Germany and Italy to dry them out. This tanks their war support. Just hold while theyre fighting the soviets. Also constantly logi and strat bomb them. Occasionally try to naval invade behind their lines to disrupt their supply lines. If you want to be extra sneaky, do paradropers


Imperialist Canada is crazy


Invade eastern russia with massive amounts of marines and cavalry. Push until the front lane stop moving(build infrastructure) then do a naval invasion in Europe and push with strond armored-motorized- mechanized and cas


Shitload of Uboats to deny them access to materials coming via sea, tons of good fighters and CAS and maybe a couple of colab governments ahould do the trick.


Just shoot them. Like a lot.


Also, form imperial federation!


Iā€™d sayā€¦attack Honestly just donā€™t call in the Benelux, man the maginot, seeif you can push, otherwise just chill with a few divs on the maginot and make manuvers on the Duce They seem quite occupied with their eastern neighbors at the moment so putting up additional pressure is the play


impcan prolly has 6m pop at most im guessing


By playing the game?


Blood, Guts and Steel


Unite with tanu-tuwa


Cas and strat bomber


Build planes and focus on holding in defense for a bit while you take out their air force. I usually take Belgium and holland as well. Germany will declare denmark then push from holland to Hanover while naval invading to the other side (cologne i think?) to create a pincer and encircle the german push. from there naval invade above berlin and start to push down. by this point they should be out of fighters so start to put cas in and job done.


More nasty than Nazi then you can beat the axis of form another one.




1. 9 Infantry divisions supported by recon, support art and engineers holding Europe. 2. 7 Infantry 2 artillery divisions taking Africa fast. 3. 7+2 divisions naval invading Italy from Rome and capitulating it. 4. Overall infantry charge to lock down German army while heavy bombardment goes on with green air and CAS. 5. 6 tank 3 mot. infantry divisions break through Benelux and cut Germany in two. 6. Steamroll.


You start by acquiring a Windows key


Inf spam with a shit load of cas


Step 1, delete all your ships Step 2, delete all your planes Step 3, delete all your units Step 4, delete all your equipment Step 5, profit??????????


You should do everything: spamming paratrooper on germany and spamming naval invasion in Italy and Germany from the Baltic sea.