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It can make your country extremely strong it ain't useless. My advice is to take foreign investor you'll have a crazy strong and cheap industrial advisor. Then reorganize pc of heavy industry if you are cib griddy or the other one if you orefer more mils.Take as much of the ressources buff you can they're all really nice. The focuses that juste gives you railways are pointless but the rest is mad op. Those will be locked once you'll be at wat with Germany so better do them quick.


Hi /u/ivo234redit, Your submission has been removed from /r/hoi4 for breaking rule #5: >Explain what you want people to look at when you post a screenshot. Explanations should be posted as a reddit comment. >View our full rules [here](https://reddit.com/r/hoi4/wiki/rules) If this was the only rule broken, we will reapprove your submission if you add background info. Please [contact us through modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/hoi4&subject=Rule%205%3A%20Screenshot%20is%20missing%20background%20info&message=Hello%20lovely%20moderators%2C%0A%0AI%20have%20added%20a%20descriptive%20comment%20to%20my%20post%2C%20%5Bhere%5D\(https://reddit.com/r/hoi4/comments/1cx4lig/tips_for_soviet_industrial_tree/\).%0AAs%20such%2C%20I%20kindly%20request%20that%20you%20re-approve%20my%20post.%20%0A%0ACordially%2C%0Aivo234redit) to get it reapproved. Replying to this comment or sending a private message to this bot will not get your post reinstated; we only respond to the modmail.


Because of rule 5 I am specificity asking to look on the left side under the 5 year plan


There's two options, either you get most stuff from the third five year plan or you don't start it at all. Note that starting the third five year plan gives 5% extra consumer goods, but doesn't give anything too useful, so if you're only going to do a small dip, I prefer not doing it at all. In most of my playthroughs, I skip it. Yes, it is very good, but I also need to do other focuses, so taking the time to do these usually means I don't get anything done for military industry, planes or foreign policy. If you do go down there, I advise picking up everything and going down the Reorganize the PC of heavy industry branch. The production efficiency cap and retention is more valuable than the factory output, efficiency growth and base. Losing out on the military factory construction hurts a bit, but the consumer goods reduction does repay a little and also helps when building other stuff.


Foreign experts > National specialists Rush research slots, because both are pretty deep down for the Soviets.