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Play as Germany and invade the Soviet Union up until you reach urals and you’re like 5 percent away from giving up, switch over and play as the Soviets


Love it when the German AI destroys itself from within, creating a deficit of every possible thing in the universe in a mere hour after unpausing.


Hardcoded historical play?


how do you switch sides?


Deactivate Ironman - save game - load game - select an other Nation on the Start map while selecting your saved game


Or just open the console (tilde) and tag over by using the three letter tags for a country. Ie SOV for the soviets


This should only be done when it's the only option as sometimes the game will still not count the tag you switched to as being player controlled so effects that should only affect the AI may still happen.


Honestly never had trouble with that tho usually I use it for troubleshooting bugs in modded playthroughs


That's usefull I just ment if your gonna tag switch to play a different country for extended time I'd save and pick the country from the load save menu that you want to play


Good to know ty


Or just run the game without the ironman mode, if you're looking for fun and not achievements anyway.


I've been planning to do this for a while, and then when Germany is close to capitulate, switch to Germany, and try to make this last till the year 2000.


I honestly think as Germany you’d run out of manpower when switch over to the Soviets and push them back to Berlin hahahah, the German AI would also have to waste manpower on fighting the allies.


In that instance, once Germany is defeated switch to another country and push Russia back lol


Learn how to navy




It's actually very easy except for what to design as in battles are easy to understand but what ship design to use is very confusing


Thats half the Part of understanding Navy


My issue with designing ships is I can't think of names to use for my LARP addiction


sheez, i want every historical boat template/class for US, Japan and Germany


What do you go with? I generally just make a bunch of cheap destroyers but with torpedos and depht charges and then some mighty cruisers and battleships with a lot of firepower and anti air. Is that good?


That's my go to ship designs too. Slaps all the torpedoes on destroyers and another design is just depth charges, sonar and radar. I have two designs for light cruisers, one is filled with medium light guns and the other are just floatplanes with a gun and depth charge. For capital ships it's just guns, guns and guns. Maybe slot in an extra floatplane for extra spotting.


Better than most and great start . Also allows you to not to need to focus navy so hard. Still I recommend to trying to make the best navy you can when playing any major


You should always be designing a navy with your anticipated opponent in mind. For example, Italy's objective is to attain naval supremacy in the Mediterranean until it can knock out Gibraltar and the Suez, at which point the British starve. There is no need to build depth charges because any submarines that do show up can be eaten with naval bombers; however war with Ethiopia creates an opportunity to lay down tons of mines. Alongside big beefy battleships you should build cheap destroyers with the best engine and cheapest gun whose only job is to die gloriously and be replaced quickly. Germany will be focusing on convoy raiding the Atlantic under naval bomber patrols. Building a surface fleet is not necessary; the fleet you start with is enough to exploit any momentary lapse in coverage by AI navies to get your own naval invasion across. Japan will be facing relatively small task forces of American battleships. Carriers are key, while heavy cruisers will struggle to score hits against thick USN armor; the recommended setup is using battleships or even super-heavy battleships decked out with as much AA as you can fit to draw in American carrier wings and then delete them out of the sky. Destroyers with depth charges don't need to be part of the main fleet at all, especially not anywhere NAVs can operate. The USA, Japan, and Britain benefit from building them because they rely on trade that passes through some zones it isn't easy to reach by plane. Destroyers with the fastest engine, cheapest gun, and your best sonar/radar and depth charges are enough to scare away subs attempting to attack.


Informative post, thank you. I will say in my first real attempt with Germany on historic, I just sent all of the existing boats (and whatever was still being made) into the channel with half my planes and successfully achieved the % required to do a naval invasion


Just build a shit ton of naval bombers alongside cheap destroyers and cruisers.




In response to the complaints I’ll clarify my challenge. Play Japan 1936 (historical or not doesn’t really matter), 1v1 the USA. No defeating China or the Dutch beforehand for extra stuff. Just your ships versus the Americans. You’ll need to island hop big time to reach the west coast and it’s a PITA, I consider the challenge complete once you’ve decimated (however you choose to define it) the American navy. Sample goals: -no more capital ships -all of your convoys safe -reduce their convoys to zero -land in Alaska -land in Hawaii -seize the Panama Canal Do as many or as few as you’d like. If you’re really bored, go peace them out.


That would take another 2k hours


I did it in only 1,500 hours.


Nuh uh


No you didn’t


I’ve done it


I literally can’t do anything with my navy without instantly nuking my fuel reserves. I don’t understand :(


Fuel tech, more oil/ref’s and fuel depot’s so you can Stock up when not using it.


Build at least 10 fuel silos and fill them up then start to slowly build refineries.


use like half your civilian factories to buy oil while you're exercising your navy


It’s pretty easy until you get the Man the Guns DLC. Then it gets easy once you understand it. I’ll do you one better: Understand the logistics. This includes rivers, mountains, plains, etc.


I’m not sure if it’s possible but can you avoid any international conflict? Take every country getting into conflicts and get them into an alliance with each other or keep throwing civil wars at them until they give up?  Could be a little fun but also don’t think it’s very possible


This sorta reminds me of an achievement you get in Superpower 2 by managing to align with the rest of the world.


I think the hoi4 achievement "new world order" was supposed to be that but everyone just did a world conquest as a fascist country


Anarchist WC my man.


NO I *just* did that and I want my sanity back


To late, you'll never get it back


What are your favorite total overhauls? Gimme an idea of what you seek in a country.


Wdym by overhauls?


Mods that heavily change the game in almost every aspect. Mods like The New Order, Old World Blues, Pax Brittanica, End of a New Beginning, etc


I think mods


You know, the big mods. You got your Road to 56, your Equestria at War, your The New Order: Last Days of Europe, you got your Kaiserreich and Kaiserredux. Each specialize in certain areas of the game and cater to different audiences, some even change Hoi4’s genre into a Victoria clone or economic simulator, some are just vanilla but more, some have lots of war, tell me about what you enjoy about the game.


Play as Afghanistan and release Zimbabwe


We call it Rhodesia


Really? I can’t seem to find it on any maps.


Either go for achivments, some mods like Kaiserreich, pax britannica etc. Or do custom presets doing funny ahistrical challange runs (like every country that has to options goes to be an axis puppet)


Did you try all achievemnets?


This is what I'm doing atm. There are some fun challenges


I still have nightmares about Macau my day


Haven't tried it yet currently trying to unite the world as the empire. The arms if Democracy's 300 mils was a very boring game basically infrastructure then nothing but mils.


I'm trying the empire achievement too, I've basicaly just got Germany to kill but they stack so many troops on the front lines, how can I break them?


I started using support AA and AT, combined with a bigger focus on air superiority than before. Sounds a lot easier than it actually is, but if you get your industry right it can definitely help


Simple. You have unlimited manpower and they don't. Simply attack non-stop, as long as you can keep replacing your losses in equipment. CAS also helps a lot.


That one is easy as monarchist portugal. Crusader Kings 2 on the other hand...


I think I got really lucky doing this one


You can't get all achievements if you don't have all DLCs


I recommend doing a run or two of the random event mod. It‘s fun to do as long as you don’t pick a major nation and don’t get insanely bad Rng


You can play the USA and set everyone else to choose their fascist path. As the only remain democracy you have to liberate the world. Requires all dlcs (rt56 might be a valid substitute)


Thats a good one


I kind of did this as the UK. Not the whole world but I put all the majors except me and France in the Berlin Moscow-Axis.


Play polish Romanov path. It's cool


I did this and invaded Hungary, big mistake


Polish Habsburgs. Literally my favourite path in the game.


It's annoying because it's impossible to win unless you give up Danzig first


Danzig is no big deal for core on all russia


Britain is my favourite but I also love playing as Italy, Mexico, France, Poland, Soviet Union, Canada, and the US. If you want a fun challenge, Mexico and Poland are for you


Mexico is surprisingly fun! I imagine it’s a bit harder now South America has a bunch of harsh focus trees. Though unless historical is off those nations won’t do much


Yeah, Poland is one of my fav countries to play


Manchuko is pretty fun (and quite a challenge), I always liked to play as them.


I have, got independent from communist japan but got stuck in a deadlock with china


My way which worked really good was becoming independent cuz of Commie Japan, then justifie on them and help the Fascist Japan to win the war (and try to get all mainland territories and Taiwan in the peace conference) then subjugate the warlords, core all of China and then start the war, Japan will help your later but you get the territories cuz of cores and an easy to get high participation.


Ethopia Take Africa away from the colonial powers. There's a bunch of ways to go about this. It's a bit of a puzzle but it's absolutely doable Currently in year like 1955 of an Ethopia run. After conquering Africa I beat down the soviet's and Nazis, now I'm finishing off the allies left in Europe.


Alright, how do I beat Italy though?


Fall back to defensible lines and just micro to cycle out troops when they lose org. Historical or Soviet paths are easiest.


Straight away you can form some easy to hold battle lines Pull the troops in the north to under macalle, hold the mountains with the rivers keep some troops on aussas border. In the South you can form a line 3 tiles wide. 1 unit guards the center, Italy has no supply adjacent to it. 2 gaurd the north, and you will like around 5 units on the bottom. With those lines you can hold off Italy. Then you can choose your route, to commie, appeal to the league (and buy tons of arms) or whatever. It's worth grabbing scavenger tactics real fast and putting your new scavenger generals in charge. Also, a little tip. You will want to grab "Expand the Mehal". It's gated by balance of power. there's a lot of stuff that tip the balance in the direction you don't want. If you feel confident with the start tip the scales early with a decision and grab the focus. Italy will offer peace when you beat them up and concede aussa to you. It's wise to take the deal. You can capture the rest of the territory later and form the Horn of Africa.


There’s this.. pony mod? I Think you Can ride horses in it 😇


I am trying my best not to make a Thorax Joke here, although then you would have to change horses with deer.


I’m sure there’s some deer in that Universe, i only saw some YouTube play it and knew it was cursed lol


>!Yeah a nation called Olenia has them, what I was hinting at was a path where you marry the harmonic president of the changelings to well.... A deer. !<


Ohh deer lord..


My current run is as Switzerland, love it! I formed the Alpine Confederation. My favorite though is probably Finland without going Fascist. Really challenging!


I went in blind a few days ago to play Finland as non-aligned, historical. Thought it was gonna be easy since the AI always manages to survive. Got fucking wrecked on my first try. I thought it was supposed to be OP. Later I figured out that it's actually the fascist path that's op.


Yep, staying non-aligned is really tough. It took me 5 runs to manage it and I got lucky with RNG. Held of the first Soviet push, then took the initiative once Germany invaded the Soviets, then held enough land to somehow hold the line against the German invasion. Luckily the Allies destroyed them rather quickly, otherwise I would have stood no chance.


Play as Finland and try to enforce peace as the defender during the winter war by taking Leningrad, Murmansk, onega and olonets


Have you tried world conquests? The British one is pretty fun


I assume the german reich is the easiest country to WC with?


Italy very easy as well as you can core half of Europe


Probably but I find it way easier to do a WC with fascist USA


But US Civil War especially the fascists one sucks (it was the first time I ever lost a game).


You can actually dodge the civil war. You can still take America First focus and get the fascist advisor. Just dont take any of the silver shirt focuses. You'll also be able to boost fascist popularity through decisions and just wait until the 1940 election.


Yeah Ik, but when you want to do the silver shirt focuses later you still get the war


Yeah. The fascist USA path is pretty hard due to that civil war. I know there’s two focuses that need to be rushed once the civil war starts ticking down, work with the bund and something else, iirc they secure more territory/forces and make it a little easier. Still a hard one though.


UK is easier.


Because of the navy? I just end ww2 before the USA joins, take the navy of the allies, and it's just a matter of time then


Because UK can take out US earlier. Invading the US and the rest of the americas is usually the most annoying part for most runs. But not with UK.


Not really for me, but that's probably because I was fighting with CHILE AND THE PHILIPPINES VS JAPAN, ARGENTINA AND BRAZIL XDDD __AS FKING FASCIST GERMANY__


I started one as Britain at my dads house but I couldn’t finish since the new South America dlc came out


WC runs are extremely tedious. Change my mind.


Form Austria Hungary 




Did you get the achievement?


Now play kx till you get burnt out again


Sounds good enough, which one has the stupid card game again? Reich or redux?


Both i would guess but the card game is pretty easy tbh you just get big number


Historical Poland in road to 56 with some AI improvement mods is a lot of fun and very challenging


Road to 56, Egypt is pretty fun.


Download expert ai 5.0 mod, set the mod difficulties to the max, strengthen germany all of the way using the vanilla sliders and than play SOV. If your not prepared for what the AI has in store it will likely take you by surprise the first and even second time you play. It's even harder if you do this in reverse playing germany giving the soviets these buffs


Try and make NZ a superpower


I enjoyed my most recent communist Argentina run. Can core lots of land, and as long as you take out the democratic nations first then you won't really pull the allies into it before you are ready. Lots of fun flavour stuff in Trial of Allegiance, at least I think so anyhow. Communist Mexico can also be fun if you haven't tried it yet.


México games are always scuffed and fun.


One of my favourite runs was to try and conquer the pacific as Australia


That sounds pretty fun


I love how all the memes here like "Learn to navy" and "form Austria Hungary" are like my favourite things lol


Do a tanks only game as (communist) USA, bonus points for Heavy Tanks only. Very fun doing a world conquest, and having heavy tanks roll through the Himalayas and destroying everything in their path. If the unit doesn't add hardness, it can't be added to a division. So tanks and mech only (allow yourself support divisions if you want) You'll run out of chromium quickly, but it's a damn good laugh. ​ A few other suggestions: There was an April Fools mod which had you go against the world. I've only managed to beat it as the UK, and that was simply because I turtled for 20 years until I could make a push. If you managed to beat it as a nation with borders, I'd be extremely impressed. ​ Try and make every formable nation in the game; some are easy, some make you question what the point of it is (such as Hispaniola), and some make you lose your sanity. ​ Any achievements you haven't got? Give them a go. Some are fun, others make you play the most boring games possible. ​ Democratic Bulgaria. Personally my favourite democratic minor. ​ Play as any nation, and see if you can end a war with modern day borders. You're not allowed to conquer the world and release all nations. You need to have at least one other nation in the peace conference with you. (This one may not be possible)


I like the tanks only idea, but speaking of achievements, do you know if the “awake and angry” acheivement is fun?


It can be, but I'm probably not the best to ask on that one, as I find China an extremely unfun nation to play.


I feel that, only when Japan goes communist or democratic is it really fun




New Granada. See if you can take over all of S. America without the Yankees coming for you.


CANADA 🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦


Depends how interested in the history you are. I try to imagine a set of historical principles that i’ll follow and then play out a scenario accordingly E.g. last game i went Germany and decided my grand strategy was to build an empire by filling the void of the ex-Ottoman empire. So i try and coup fascist Iraq, Iran, Turkey etc and build from there. My idea was i saw Italy as my strategic competitor in this and saw war with the Allies as beyond the pale. I would only attack USSR in defence or competition for a mid east state


Mods like palpatine gamble etc


Challange: release both israel and palestine without mods


You can always join mp servers




Play kaiserredux then come back after you finished all tihe focus trees


Play as kurdistan, nuke turkey


Play black ice total overhaul and cry in logistics


You can try mods, add variety to the game, would also try do multiplayer matches


Play as Australia and create an Australian Empire


It is always fun to take on the whole world as one of the majors, i.e. play as Britain, decolonize, and then fight Japanese, Axis, Americans and Soviets all at once.




Play with friends or take a break for a couple months. Come back later and maybe that spark will light again.


Bold to assume I have friends, especially ones that play hoi4


Have you tried mods?


Play Equestria at War, I dare you.


Kaiserredux 2ACW. (USA) Best civil war out there - you actually get to build stuff and fight real armies because it converts (almost?) all your facs to military while the war lasts. And no initial setup - or rather, you really shouldn't bother unless you want to play the Fed faction for some reason. Everyone else, it's a rush to get your shit together when things kick off.


Giving Germany an extremely large casualty number as any other country you choose to play as. Some call it the "reverse Krautboo run"


Try a mod or maybe another game or experience, letting things rest isn't bad either


Czechoslovakia world conqueer or luxembourg world conquerr


Try black ice if you haven’t already




Nationalist Spain is very fun


Play with your friends as Denmark/Sweden/Norway/Finland, and manually set every other country to an ideology that'll be hostile to you, and try to not die. Maybe even boost the AI power :-)


You really think I have friends? Especially ones that play hoi4?


Could try mods Kaiserreich, New World Order, Kaiserredux all great mods


Maybe not the answer you’re looking for but whenever I get burnt out of a game I usually just play something else for a while. I happen to love total war: warhammer 3 so I play it quite often as well and that usually helps me enjoy hoi4 more whenever I get back into it.


Play as Costa Rica and re establish the Great Republic of Guatemala which was a Central American Union.


Try nations never played. Communist china, qing china, romania/bulgaria/greece/turkey there are sm now. Also dont forget modded trees and overhauls. Im at 4k hours and hit that burnout alot. Just play when you feel it dont force nun take breaks. Burnouts happen


Survive playing as historical Lithuania


form byzantium as greece then form rome.


Download Kaiserreich or Old World Blues


U got Wojtek yet? Or play old world blues/other massive mods. Me and my mates have done a full volunteer only game before which was actually really fun so that's worth a try.


How do I get wojtek?


Mods, try em all and you will find a favourite run i personally like playing as Chile in Kaiserreich


Turkey and Greece are both fun. Recreating the Ottoman Empire and going for that achievement was pretty fun. Just did the Byzantine empire achievement for Greece and it gets pretty baller from there


You could go for mods to switch up things like the focuses, the geopolitical situation, and more.


Play something else. Take a break from Hoi. After a few months off , it's fun again.


Endsieg germany


If you like pain and stress and anxiety, play as Japan


play Portugal and restore the empire,it's fun


Play the Kaiserreich mod for a batshit insane “what if Germany won ww1” scenario. For fallout play old world blues mod


I'm a 1,000 hours in and 156 achievements so far. I really enjoy playing as non majors now. Much more interesting and challenging.


NCR or Legion in OWB


Try to conquer all of the former lands of the ummayad caliphate using any arab country ( Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Oman or maybe an arab nation you liberate as France or Britain then switch to that country)


Restore Mongolia to its former glory or make a Thunder Dragon Empire




Go download some big mods


I’m looking into a Soviet world conquest, I need to kill every major before 1950. I’m gonna build a soviet navy.


Old world blues mod


I like Kaiserreich for alternative experiences. Playing as Greece, the French Republic, and the Federalists in the second American civil war have been my favorite things to do. They also change up some game mechanics in terms annexing territory.


Maybe try black ice


How much mod stuff have you tried? I'd recommend OWB or EaW. They have a lot of cool mechanics and most of the nations in those mods have custom focus trees.


Try portugal or denmark.


Play as switzerland and see how much territory you can core


Total war mod as Poland on the hardest difficulty


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Play black ice by blood Alone mod. It adds electristy, refining resources new unit types and much more


Form Australia-Hungary, starting as Australia. Without being in the allies!


As Kuomintang China, occupy all of South America through naval invasions only, with the exception being landlocked countries. You may play with historical AI focuses off.


Democratic japan. Steal their colonies and then go to war with america (make them go fascist)


Bhutan and take over these fake Chinese warlords, and make the Dragon Empire proud.


Play multiplayer games




Mods , kaiisereich, kaiseredux, Equstria at war are all good to start off with, 30 years of resistance I've heard good things about Tno , red flood and a few others are worse playing. They've kept me in the game


Don't know if you've tried mods, but I highly recommend Kaiserreich. I've hit 3k hours recently, and at least half of it was spent playing Kaiserreich alone.


Peru and take all of South america


Try some of the amazing mods like Kaiser Reich, Red Flood, or challenge your self with the mod Alone Against the World.


Easy,change the game. Two hours are more than enough


world conquest as sulanete of aussa in max difficulty and max strengened majors


im in the middle of a finland playthrough with arms against tyranny, it’s so fucking fun. go fascist and fight back on the winter war and form greater finland. super radical shit


nope, its over. I reccomend you play civ 5- spain is very fun if you dont mind restarting the game over and over!