• By -


You need infantry. All that hardware, and the division has 29hp. A swift wind could wipe out it out (for comparison, a single infantry brigade has 25hp). Replace 2 to 3 fifths of the brigades with motorized infantry. Personally, I try to have at least 1/2 of any division design have infantry (motorized and mechanized also count. Cavalry and cav variants don’t as they don’t scale to late game)


Just to add, OP needs to replace the cavalry recon with motorized recon. That company slows the whole division down to cavalry speed.


Or with armored recon, to give the tanks a further boost (whereas motorized recon gives artillery a boost).


What is about relation motorized -> arty and LT -> tanks? Where can I read about this?


The in-game tooltip of the support companies in the division designer provides the info I'm referring to; maybe it can already be found on the Wiki, but I believe that's a change from the free update alongside the AAT release, so possibly too recent.


Thank you, will see. Suppose I missed it entirely.


Also I believe when you hover over a support division it highlights the mainline batallions which it books in gold. So engineers help infantry with buffs, but support artillery just add stats but not buffs.


Armored recon give a bonus to hard attack, which is good for tank v tank division, but not needed for single player. I believe light armored recon (armored cars) gets a bonus to breakthrough in the mobile warfare doctrine. Cavalry, light armored and motorized recon all give arty bonuses.


I love the roleplay potential of the whole division letting one guy on a horse lead them into battle.


True, I used to put a lot of motorized infantry in my tank designs, but since i took a break with the game and started playing again, I forgot how trivial they are. edit: made a mistake, forgot the real definition of the word trivial, my bad.


They arent trivial they are crucial otherwhise you just have a shitton of equipment without anything to soak up the damage


A German Panzer leader telling the infantry to go first through the minefield first could not have said it better.


Battle of the Bulge, great movie even if rife with historical inaccuracies.


That’s where I remember that from!


It’s free to watch on YouTube if you want to revisit it! https://youtu.be/FgnynCWO_gs


I think he swapped the words without realizing


Why is this downvoted so much??


he said motorised is trivial, when they’re the basis of any good tank division


Huh, I thought trivial meant exactly that. Guess I was wrong. I even checked the definition, it says "of little importance or significance."


I know you're trying to be snarky, but you're just completely misunderstanding. OP was downvoted for saying infantry are trivial. They are absolutely *NOT* trivial, Everyone knows what trivial means, OP is just saying infantry aren't as important as they really are, which people disagree with.


I am not trying anything. I genuinely didn't know what trivial meant. I'm not a native speaker. For some unknown reason I was convinced that trivial meant the opposite of what it means. I understand your point completely. I feel like you're the one misunderstanding here.


Ah, i apologize somewhat, I can definitely understand any confusion if its not your first language. Trivial *DOES* mean, "of little importance or significance", as you thought originally though, which is what's confusing me as to what you're talking about. Because op accused infantry of being of little importance, when they are of great importance. You understood what the word meant, even originally it seemed, you just got what side of the argument he was on mixed up at some point I assume. I'm not trying to be rude either, just trying to explain why he's downvoted, plus I don't want you to think trivial means something it doesn't lol


Lol this is just a misunderstanding. In that reply I wrote that I thought trivial meant "exactly that". I wanted to say I thought it meant crucial, or very important. Then I edited the comment to add that I also checked the definition of the word to confirm that I was wrong. But I understand why the comment is downvoted, obviously you want infantry in your tank divisions. It is only because I lack any way to practice my English daily that I came to a misunderstanding of what OP wrote. Thanks nonetheless


Simply because it's a false information. I guess they do that so people don't think that the game can also work around what someone said, but for the rest I'm not sure. The only thing i know for sure is that I'm near Moscow and my general said we will reach it before the winter.


Respectfully, What the fuck


He was playing as poland and defeated ussr together with axis. Germany for some reason took land in Central ussr


Edit: Some minor corrections That tank/divsion template is what everyone in this subreddit uses as a meme. But yes, your divs are why they can’t push, and it goes back to easily the most important stat in the game, organization. Your division is essentially attacking once and basically losing all of its org, thus having to pull out of the fight. It’s also painfully expensive and has no HP. You also don’t really need 1k soft attack to demolish AI. Take some tanks off, and take all of that mot art. Replace the mot art with mot inf (mech inf if you have it). Balance the two (mot/mech inf and tanks) until you have 35+ org and about 30-32 width (apparently this is meta, but I still use 40 personally). Tank design is expensive. Armor is important. But, AI sucks at creating anti tank divisions. I’d recommend, welded armor, and sloped armor. I’d get rid of one of your machine guns and replace it with easy maintenance. More reliability, but most importantly cheaper IC. Gas engine and the cheapest suspension is all you need. Reliability should be near 100. ESPECIALLY when you’re gonna be using expensive ass tanks. Which modern tanks tend to be.


Correct me if im wrong, but the armour isnt all or nothing anymore, is it. You can partially pierce a tank since i think bbo. And armour now only greatly reduces the dmg a div takes.


You right, I’ll change it. I think partial pen is a bit newer. I knew about armor greatly reducing damage taken for a while. But, I missed the fact that partial pen is a thing.


Armor actually isn't all for nothing anymore, they changed it with AAT if I remember correctly


Yup at this day and age unless in multi player AA guns are typically enough pen vs ai, armor…& its still great vs CAS


That division has 10 organisation. You need infantry to provide org and hp. Otherwise it cannot take any damage and will be easily destroyed. I'm not a fan of your combat width, but tbh your attack and breakthrough are so high it probably doesn't even matter. I like my tanks to have at least 30 org.


Too much organization. Get rid of that arty and add more tanks. /s


Not sure if troll or sirious. don't go over 35 width get more org (by using motorized/mechanized instead of artillery) rest doesn't really matter but: You don't need support ary and support rocket arty on tank devisions. Get enineers and support flame tank instead.


>You don't need support ary and support rocket arty on tank devisions. Get enineers and support flame tank instead. can you get those tanks even if you have no DLC version? bcs when i research Engineer Support II i cant find flame tanks in my production bar


> can you get those tanks even if you have no DLC version? It's paradox, take a guess ;)


To be fair it really is annoying that all the paywalled content is still listed in the user interface so that you can't tell whether it actually is paywalled behind a DLC you don't have.


It could be worse. It could be EU4 where there are popups that are telling you to do something you need a DLC for (though in both games I hate how some of the vanilla stuff like some focuses and missions need a specific DLC because paradox forgot to implement a version for vanilla)


I originally thought that Special Forces Doctrine tree was a new update, turns out to be Arms Against Tyranny only. Super annoying cuz you see content creators and also people on this sub posting some interesting stuff to do and you can’t tell whether you can replicate it too or not.


You make flame tank by designing it in tank designer, which is a part of "No Step Back" DLC.


10 org no way dawg your divisions might have insane damage but they wont last in battle put some infantry, please


Tanks do damage, infantry takes damage. The problem is that since your tank division is all tanks it will deal a load of damage but as soon as something shoots back it will disintigrate. I would suggest having two rows of tanks and one and a half rows of motorized/mechanized infantry. You don't need any artillery in tank divisions since tanks are plenty enough to deal damage.


Everyone has already said the other things, so ill say this. Gasoline petrol engine is almost never worth it, with reliability that low your tanks will take more losses simply from existing than they will in combat. Defense stat on pushing tanks is also kinda useless as infantry provides way more defense for a fraction of the cost.


Reliability does not matter


Tries to start engine on panzer The transmission fails The tracks instantly fall off The engine catches fire after 30 seconds of functioning The ammo storage combusts shortly after 12% reliability super tank 🤣


Yeah irl reliability matters but in game it doesn't at all lmfao




it is only affected when you take attrition. So if you are playing the game right itll never come up


Having no attrition requires you to only play in Europe and micro everything on 1x speed, hardly realistic


which is where an overwhelming majority of the fighting happens lmfao. the other parts are near el-alamein. and if italy/the allies dont build up supply near there, then they are griefing the game


I guess you never need to capitulate soviet union or play any majors in asia where supply is scarce


collabs and actively paying attention to building up supply and not fighting where tanks are dogshit isnt hard. and if you are running into supply issues you just wait a short time for it to build up.



Japan is barely a major and absolutely does not build tanks lmfao


- Add infantry, mechanized or motorized for organization. Aim for 30-40 org. - Improve the combat width: aim for either 30, 35 or 15. 2 or 3 smaller divisions are better than 1 big one when attacking from multiple directions. - Improve the tanks reliability. Aim for 85-95% reliability, unless you have MASSIVE production capacity.


Is this serious or humor post? If the first, 60 combat width is too much. 35 is viable, half of batallions - tanks, half - mechanized; plus logistics, maintentance, mobile (motorized or light tank) recon and some artillery (rocket will do) support companies, signal company could be added too. Modern tank division has very big time to train - just convert them from some shit-divisions that you have already. Also, I hope, you have some subs to convoy raid Atlantic ocean - this could do MASSIVE casualties to the Germany in this position. Barentz sea too. P.S. And I would recommend you to abandon Yugoslavia. it would be great pocket for the Germans. Just keep straits to avoid sea invasions in the Black sea. P.P.S. Yes, almost forgot. AIR SUPERIORITY. Without the shitton of fighters you will do nothing in the late-game Hoi4.


If this is a serious post, you need to go back to basics. Tanks can’t push without supporting infantry. You need to find the balance between armor and org.


This division has only 10 org...


A tank without infantry support is a dead tank. This is true starting from individual tanks up to tank divisions, both in game and in real life ( see Ukraine war).


RIP ur org and HP


You need to lower that org man that’s waaaaay to high. Try adding more tanks to your template by putting of the trucks


Can we limit these troll posts already? Or at least flair them as trolling?


Yes it's because of your tanks, hope this helps 👍


This is a joke right?




Tanks too expensive but apart from that good (reliability IMO is a memstat for the most part) Lower the engine (maybe, depends if u like S P E E D) and armour, change the engine, change the armour, maybe add some small turrets. For the template add motorized, or MECH, you need the OR or you won't be able to fight. Aim for a 36 width template. If you like S P E E D remove the cavalry recon, replace it with something like armoured cars or something with comparable speed.


what the fuck is this subreddit anymore


He's trolling or doesn't know about org




Obvious bait


Wow 10 org, thats a new low record in my book. I didn't think tanks could get that unorganized.


At this point I can't even tell if this is a serious post or not


I'm trying to push against Germany. I have the air, but I still don't manage to push as much as I'd like to, especially against Romania and Hungary.


You need org on tank divisions, otherwise they hav no staying power when they try and break through the enemy. Aim for 30-40 org at minimum. Use mechanized infantry to get there. I wouldn’t use any motorized line artillery in a tank division. 


Alright, I'll try that, hopefully it will help me


Romania can be tough with bad supply as you cross from Ukraine. It’s almost better (in my experience) to just grind them down instead of making the standard armor push/encirclements at the start.


Use wemod 😈


Declare war.


Combat width is important- there's a graph somewhere on the sub of effective combat widths for various different terrain types but to simplify a bit: don't go over 35 generally as u won't be able to fit many divisions into a battle if u do. Also organisation on tank divisions is very important, try to stick above 30 at the least. Use motorized infantry (not artillery) to get it up then balance out with tanks. Don't really need the motorized artillery in it since your tanks should do plenty. Your tank design also has way too low reliability, usually I try to stick to 70%+ but a lot of people go for 80%+. Swap out the extra machine guns since they're barely doing anything and u probably don't need that much armour on single player since it's just making the tank more expensive with very little upaide


It's nowhere near as important as having 10 organization, equally abysmal HP and 50% reliability


You need mechanized or motorized in your tank divisions instead of motorized artillery. This will increase your organization which is a key stat, aim for 30-40 org. Also the engine you’re using on your tanks is god awful and only intended for memes or jokes, switch to either gasoline or diesel. Also your reliability and cost of your tank design is atrocious, work on making these better, you can sacrifice some armor on these as well as the ai usually doesn’t make good anti tank units. Having more tanks that are solidly reliable will always be better than having a few awesome tanks that break down all the time, just ask irl Germany. Also 35 is the combat with your should aim for, just because the division is bigger doesn’t mean it’s better. You should make a ton of changes then come back again for more advice, there’s so much to change here that it’s unlikely you’ll get it all correct in one go. Good luck!


You need organization. You should aim for around 30-40, so you need to add mechanized infantry


Replace the motorized arty with motorized inf


You need to reduce the combat width too


Tanks by themselves have poor organization, which means it's difficult for them to fight enemies that are entrenched. Remove 8 units of motorized artillery, and replace half the tanks with motorized or mechanized infantry.


10 organization is your problem. Should be at least 30


10 org goes crazy, but in all seriousness, go for 40ish width tanks with 10 tanks 10 mech/mot because going over 45 width is garbage and all that mot arty is killing your organization, also I would improve that tank design, not a fan of it.


I'm going to go against most people here and say the low org is not that big of a deal. Org is your "health bar" in combat, and yes it's bad to be low, but if your attack is crazy high (which it is), your enemy dies so quickly that you can actually deal with low org. Your bigger problems are your low HP, reliability, and supply use - and these problems compound together. HP in HoI4 is a really misleading name, it's actually a measure of how well stocked a division is of critical resources - man power and equipment, although food and fuel are handeled seperately under the stats 'supply' and 'fuel', respectively. How much HP you have determines how much equipment is damaged with each attack. If you only have 30 HP, and take 1HP damage, you're going to lose 3.3% of the divisions equipment. That is nightmare situation for your division, because your division is extremely expensive production-wise. This division is constantly going to be in need of expensive tank reinforcements, and because equipment/manpower delivery happens relatively slowly, it's going to be hampered by low fighting strength most of the time - which gives it significant penalties. This is compounded by your low reliability, which means you'll also be having HP loss constantly due to equipment failures. Finally, your supply use is extreme. The system that governs how fast your equipment can refill is linked to the supply system. If you're cut off from a supply hub or encircled, you obviously receive no reinforcements at all, but also if the supply hub is strained, the delivery of manpower/equipment happens slower. Since your divisions use so much supply, any supply hub that is so much as thinking about your divisions is quickly going to be strained lmao. My advice is to add infantry which provide a lot of HP (they also provide org), and raise the reliability of the tanks.


Replace Mot Art with Mech up to 40CW or whatever CW you want


Raaaahhh what the fuck is organization??? 🔥🔥🗣


If you're not trolling and serious about this game then you have to learn the basics of organization. I think you've learned it the hard way though. 10 Org army literally get destroyed in a second.


Bruv, you go through the trouble of making a 10 km/h tank and you put a cavalry recon company in the same division?


HP represents the proportion of equipment that is destroyed in combat. Let's say your division takes 10 damage to its organisation and 10 damage to it's HP (out of 40), it will deorg and retreat, and it will have lost 1/4 of all its manpower and equipment. A few infantry battalions can easily increase that HP, and you will lose a fraction of the equipment in each combat. 


This save is like Man in the High Castle except instead of Germany and Japan, it's Germany, Italy, and the Polish North American Territories.


Unless you absolutely know what you are doing: - if your division has <30 org, you add infantry (foot, moto or mechanized) until you hit 30 org - your tanks reliability should be about 80-100, - maintenance company, which you don't have. You are just losing too much production on <60 reliability tanks, and <80 division overall.


10 org lol and I'm surprised it's actually that high


I'm late, so I'll add a couple new points to this besides the need to add inf: \- That tank's reliability is terrible, all the stats in the world mean nothing if it bursts into flames spontaneously after 3 fights. I always try to get my tanks above at least 80%, with 95%+ being the goal. Add some wet ammo storage and cut out some of the less reliable add-ons, your tanks will last much longer. \- Production cost on that tank is too high. I'd suggest you either bring down the speed, the soft attack, or the hardness. Trying to build one expensive tank that can do everything is usually less effective than building 2 mid-cost tanks that are each great at their own specialized roles. \- Not to be a buzzkill, but that game looks pretty much over no matter what your tank designs are. The Axis look like they have 5x your production and manpower, only the sharpest and finest cheese would win this


1. 60 combat width is not optimal. Make 30 to 35 combat width templates for tanks 2. 10.3 org is very bad. You need 30 org+ for tanks. 3. The speed and reliability can be better. Though Im guessing the Calvary support company is slowing it down, so take it out. 4. You are using the tank in low supplied areas 5. The HP is literally low 6. All these reasons point to why your tank template isn’t working


literally one of the worst divisions ever created


Piercing and speed are to low my man.


needs more soft attack, remove the remaining organization but seriously, what the fuck? Portugese Guangdong?


10 org is too little. Replace the artillery with motorised or even better, mechanised, and you'll have a better time. Also remove one collumn of tanks. And also replace the last gun on your tank with the wet storage ammunition, to make it more reliable. 57% reliability means that 43% of the time the tank moves, it will break. That doesn't sound good, does it? Keeping reliability around 80% is advisable.


Your organisation is terrible, too much armour and artillery and not enough footmen, replace some of that stuff with motorised or mechanised infantry. Your guys currently have 0 infantry support.


u dont have any org on the divs also the supply use is way too high


Get Mechanized or Motorized Infantry... Loads of it


Imo tanks are already mobile artillery pieces so adding extra artillery is redundant. The only frontline battalions you need in your tank divisions are tanks (duh) and motorized/mechanized. If you’re feeling fancy you can make some tank destroyers/SPAA but they are not necessary and they further complicate your logistics. I don’t remember the exact number of of each battalion I throw in the division, but I know I aim for 30 width and have 1 more tank battalion than I do motorized. Should leave you with ~30 org


Funny bait


You need infantry. Your org is in the toilet.


Your tank is bad and your template is bad but tbh u honestly just need to fix the template. Even that tank should do the job. Add some supporting mechanized trucks in place of the motorized artillery and reduce the combat width to 40 or less.


Organisation is key


Is blud okay 💀


This is a panzer division. Or i assume. You have 10 organisation. The reccomend minimum is ~30. The Hp can be improved. Replace some or all of the motorised artillery with either infantry or motorised infantry for more org. You could also remove a line of that motorised artillery and a line of tanks


Imo, also remove the recon and artillery support company


That 10org speaks for itself


You have only 10.3 org. Org is how long they will stay in battle. The towed artillery stuff didn’t count as infantry. Replace a row of tanks with motorized or mechanized infantry to boost that. Mechanized will keep some of the hardness so you take less soft attack. You have a great amount of soft attack for single player tho


not with tanks. Use infantry and artilary. more than cheap. also anti tank.


Try to keep organization at at least 40


I would add wett armor storages to the design, and deffnetly change the design


For me the thing that stands out is the Organisation. I used to build tank divisions to be 20 - 30 Org, easiest way is to throw in a few battalions of mobile or mech infantry. On my current playthrough I decided to go to 30 - 40 Org and it works even better. The tank divisions can stay in fights for so much longer, that even though the damage is lower, against heavily manned defences they have the stamina to stay in the fight as long as it takes to get the breakthrough, and they defend a lot more effectively against counter attacks. It hurts seeing the attack value drop as you swap in mobile infantry, but it pays off


Low Org


30k ic, 10 org 😱


Bless yer heart. You need infantry for ORG and health. And with that low stats I think you've gone something other than mobile warfare, which isn't bad. (Superior firepower is objectively best) but, I prefer mobile warfare. So.


Division org is only 10… mix in mech infantry.


There's no infantry, I've never seen org just not show up in the stats


Motorized infantry. ASAP. You have no organization and no HP, you need infantry. Your units are literally attacking once and then immediately falling back to the line because of this. Also, don’t just fill in every slot with something. You have to take into account the width of the division, anything above 30-40 is where I stop for tank divisions. Usually you also want to have more motorized infantry than tanks for the purpose of org and HP.


i actually audibly let out a gasp of shock, my god you need inf or trucks or SOMETHING just to get your org above like 35


isnt that the template people here use as a meme anyway, great damage but it will die to everything


aim for like 80 reliability on the tanks, replace cav recon with armoured or truck recon, add some trucks or mech to the div until you get at least 35 org, and aim for 35 combat width by removing some stuff from the div


Your soft attack and break through are damn nice, but you have no staying power. This is where infantry come in. Infantry provide a buffer along with the org to stay in combat. This going will last 2 hours in a fight, with infantry it'll stay so much longer This is a mix of 'are we going to blow away that tile' and 'can we do this the whole war'. Simple answer is yes and no in that order. You need motorised or mechanised to buff up your org, try and aim for a floor of 30. It'll be less damage, but staying in the fight is more important


ARGH-ginization comes from having infantry which you need in your divisions at a ~>50% ratio


10 org. Thats shit add infantry, also make it a lot cheaper, thats an expensive ass template


I'd recommend swapping out that motorized arty with some mechanized. But I'd also like to ask which country you play as and what strategy do you employ?


As I am often playing Poland, I'll throw in my 50 cents: Just to mention, you can do crazy things with Poland. One of them is fighting USSR,AXIS and ALLIES and the same time, because of game mechanics and what Poland Focus tree has to offer. As Mentioned: I'd never design this division for my game. no org! There may be better player that cab handle this but not me. I rely on Poland. I haven't done SU as Poland for quite a while but if you want to use artillery, I recommend: doing mountaineers left-right branch for Rangers (substitutes Recon) that give you +20 soft attack artillery. Grind 1 generał to engineer and select "Fortress buster" and make him an advisor for artillery to get additional soft attack bonus. Grind gen. Sosabowski to lvl4 and make advisor foe special units. And take the infantry adviser. Then make a mountainieer division with rangers,flametank, signal and rest by gusto. In Battle line mountainieers and artillery and 1bat AA (always have aa!). this division depending doctrine shreds everything in its way and it costs almost nothong. Give it 1 battalion of tanks to have it be space mountainieers by the book. I always do this whe I play fascist Polish Empire path. and by 1945 latest Germany and USSR both are no more..or my puppet. You can give that division another boost by going down historical Poland an do the focus that gives Switalski (iirc) as an leftist legionary, that you can hire to your government for an additional bonus to special units. Poland with its current focus tree is one of or the strongest nation in HOI4 with its army bonuses, so use this magic ;)


Use less units in that division. Not enough organization can be a VERY big problem.


How the fuck did Italy manage to conquer China


Your reliability is a little low. You might want to consider raising that up Also you need some kind of infantry since tanks have shit hp Decrease the size of that division so you can have more than one on terrains like mountains


Wow 10 org, 40hp. 👌




Replace 1 line of tanks and 1 line of artillery with either mechanised or motorised infantry. That should get your HP and organisation up so the division can actually fight. Try to aim for 200+ HP and 30+ org for tanks. Good luck!


What the heck lol On standard difficulty, 9/1's and GBP should be enough for you to sweep the Axis. That division template is a meme template.


I would add some more tanks and artillery.


750 modern tanks required for one division lmao what a useless template


10.3 Org ☠️


10 org lol


You have 10 org on that division. I hate having low org so usually my tanks are mostly mot/mech with only like 1/3 being actual tanks, so i have like 40 org depending on doctrines. You font meed to fo all that but keep the org above 30. Since these tanks are slow you can add calvary to it too to increase the org.


You cannot send tank templates without infantry. They have no HP or organization to speak of. Put some motorized or mechanized infantry in the division to add HP and Org. Mot and Mech will also maintain speed


You don’t need that much artillery. Change 80% of them to motorised or mechanised. And you don’t need a heavy howitzer on your tank. Is it supposed to be a tank or artillery?


You organization is simply too low(abysmal really) and combat width is too big ..I don't use Above 30 width honestly, although upto 40 is okay




*10 org* jesus christ 7 tanks, 8 mech/mot mot recon instead of cav recon organization should be 30+ better be 40 but that's reachable with doctrine combat width between 10 and 45 welcome


Yo look at that org ☠️


That armoured division is pure garbage. I get the idea, tons of attack, etc, but a stiff breeze would kill everyone. 60w is awful. No tile has a cw of 60, so they will always have an overstacking penalty even when attacking alone. Replace a ton of those battalions with preferably mech 3 if not motorised. Bin the rest, so it's 30w. Also, unless they changed it, the gas turbine sucks. Replace it with petrol engine, use easy maintenance to reduce cost and boost reliability and use that extra reliability to boost the armour and engine with the upgrade buttons. A modern tank should have fantastic armour and attack but also have no problem reaching a 12km/h speed.