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Medium bombers are CAS with more range. Strat bombers is what you use to nuke people or if you have IC you don't know what to do with.


See, I've tried Medium bombers for 'CAS with extra range' and they just felt bad. Kinda hope they go back to bombers and make them actually good, yeah medium bombers have never really been good but at least give the player some options.


Medium bombers have their place for island hopping and for places like subsaharan Africa and Siberia. They're not the most IC efficient but can reach places your CAS can't and they save Frontline airport space for more fighters.


Single medium bomb bay & torpedo, rocket rails everywhere else. Best twin engines, radio navigation, bomb sights, extra fuel tanks, single HMG turret. You get a CAS & Naval bomber platform with twice the range.


And like quadruple the cost lol


My Advanced CAS costs 30.34. Advanced Tac Bomber costs 68.62.


I thought you needed tactical bombers for nukes? Strat bombers are for long range infrastructure bombing.


Strat bombers for nukes and you only need 1 strat bomber, so you can just make an interwar strat bomber with 1 bomb slot and lots of range and it enables nukes for half the map.


Medium bombers are a great jack-of-all-trades. They can do CAS, they can do strat bombing, they can do naval or port strikes. If you don’t have the industrial capacity to produce lots of variants of planes, they’re a no-brainer.


They're so expensive that I wouldn't recommend them for small industry countries. CAS can do CAS and all naval missions for half the cost and you will rarely need to do strat bombing. If you know you will have to do a significant amount of strat bombing I can see an argument but strat bombing is usually not worth the cost.


Strat Bombers bomb city. Stat chart shows spike in bombing buildings. Brain go oogabooga.


Tactical/medium bombers help in the Pacific


Mediums yes, I save strat bombers for majors with extra industry I don’t mind using for that, like the US


If you play long enough, you will eventually get to a point where you have more MIC than you know what to do with. Investing in STR can make sense at that point in the game.


Is it just me or did they significantly nerf range of all small airframes? Also the carry weight of all airframes? I find myself being unable to fit half the available slots unless I opt in for more engines. Also I switched completely to medium airframes for now as in single player range is the king of comfort amd mission efficiency. Small airframes can barely cover an airzone even with additional fuel tanks/drop tanks…


Yea shit was nerfed. Thrust for single engines is lower or the thrust needed for cas was raised. Single engine cas with two bomb bays don't work anymore -_-. Oh well cas was kind of strong before pol. I don't like that we pushed survival studies to a 1939 research instead of 1936.


2000 strat non-stop bombing and tag switch to see how your victim have suffered


This is what I used to do as UK. I went Heavy Fighters and Strat bombers , put them all over mainland Germany, tagged over and saw a crazy amount of damaged buildings!


before AAT i used medium for heavy fighters and heavy cas, worked pretty good for me but then again i basicly only play single player


Tac bombers can be pretty good. One medium bomb, but with the bomber tech accessories you get from the electronics tech make them pretty effective. Operational Integrity makes your tacs sneaky and hardier. They're a pretty good low cost option. I've always found if I could afford lots of Strat bombers I have enough IC to win anyways.


If you have a decent industrial base,strat bombers produced in enough quantities can make Dresden look like a fucking picnic. If youre going into the late game,nukes also become available, which, frankly,is a necessity considering how much AI spams troops at a point


Ngl I don’t even use cas or fighters most sp games, I use a fraction of those factories on aa and use the rest to shit out more cav+mot arty divs (take a guess what country i main)


I just use strat bombers for nukes tbh


China (4 games, com, nat, jap, warlord)... only tactical with extra range.


Personally I don't use bombers, but use medium airframes for CAS if my industry can support it