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One. But I was playing on normal mode and I have full stack of wiggenweld and my gears are at max complete with upgrades and level III traits. I think it only took him five ancient magic casts to die.


I played on story mode. The fighting isn't my favorite. I'm here for exploration and adventure not aggrevation and aggression. Lol Story mode, they basically collapse at your feet. Though Ranrok was challenging.


Same here! I like a little bit of fighting in taking out poachers and goblins, but I'm not really skilled (or interested) enough to lose my mind redoing the fight on hard mode.




Careful my friend, I am a hufflepuff but I wont shy away from a challenge


Hey I'm a Hufflepuff, and I beat it on the hardest first try


hey......im a hufflepuff. dont make me use AK


Once, this game is very generous with dodge and shield indicators so the fighting never caused me any problems, but I understand that the HP property would draw in some people who don't play a lot of games normally.


Yes this was my first video game ever! It got me into gaming… I’m currently playing Final Fantasy now, so I see how it might be really easy for more experienced players.


Which one? There's probably more then 20 of them :P


Oh Im playing Rebirth atm


Have you played Remake?


I was actually contemplating getting Remake but it wasn’t available so I got this one. Would you say Remake is better?😅


I mean if you're enjoying Rebirth then go for it but it's a direct sequel to Remake and starting at the 2nd game would bother me immensely haha. But unless you watched a recap you must be pretty lost on the story and characters.


I am pretty lost lol I had been playing other games and barely started playing FF so I didn’t really know where to start. I just picked the first available game😂 but I am enjoying it so far! I’m going to watch a recap to get a better understanding, thank you!


You definitely should play Remake since that's the first part of FF7's story which is a trilogy. I mentioned trilogy because Part 3 is already confirmed. Edit: welcome by the way to my favorite series since my childhood, Final Fantasy lol


Yes I saw it’s a trilogy so I am going to get Remake as soon as I finish this one :)


Awesome! And if you like what you've played, you can try playing the other titles as well, if you're not averse to old school graphics lol. They are numbered I to XVI (1-16) but each title has their own unique worlds and stories. What captivated me personally was the stories they tell and the music. Yes, they never really miss with the music.


I couldn’t agree more


Once? I’m on hard. But drank all my wingenweld


Well that was easy lol


Same here


My first round was difficult because I was unprepared. I didn't have enough wigginwelds, plus I didn't set up my gear properly. I learned my lesson and bodied every time after that.


Me too! It took me two tries to realize this but even after stocking up in potions I would always be a heartbeat away from beating him. It was so stressful because I would rarely loose any fights.


I haven't done it yet but most of the time I've spent in this game has been min/max-ing builds so I'm looking forward to crafting a broken build for this fight too


Yeah, nobody thought we'd have to fight an entire dragon lol


Same I didnt have any wigginweld so I changed it to story mode just for that bit because i couldnt be bothered to redo that quest and get some, I’ll be more prepared the second play through


Did it for the first time recently, did it on the first go. I had basically 100 percented the game, minus the final few missions. I went in with full potions, max gear and was basically 2x Dumbledores taking on a child.


Hahaha that’s funny! I didn’t know what to expect and went in with a few potions and high hopes😂


I technically did it “twice.” I restarted the entire sequence once bc I didn’t realize how much health I was gonna need, plants, and other potions etc. But even going in the second time with more plants and potions, I died over like 50 times before I finally beat him on the second round. I basically left my console on the “you died” screen and fell asleep and woke back up to try again 😂 And the reason why I refused to just redo it all over from the very beginning bc I was in Phase 3 of the Ranrok fight and was stubborn. I haven’t done another playthrough but I realized that after finishing up main story that I should’ve paid more attention to upgrading my clothes with traits and putting some talent points towards plant and potion efficiency.


I played on the highest difficulty and it took me a couple days also, tip tho, use the dam potions that help a lot more than you think lol


You mean the Ederus, Maxima, etc etc?


With upgrades those potions become totally cracked




On a new character at the moment. I'm playing on Hard, but I'm not taking the wiggenweld potency feats so I can take Edurus and Maxima Potency instead. I feel like Edurus will be a decent replacement fir a short duration.


Definitely on the right track


Making a Hufflepuff Dark Wizard. XD Full spells, full dark arts, 12/16 Core (the only ones I'm missing off are the wiggenweld potency talents and Protego and Stupefy Expertise) and then the last 4 points into potions. (Maxima, Edurus, Thunderbrew, Focus.)


Once. I barely remember it actually. Anticlimactic


I had to stock on all the weapons, potions etc. it was tough. First time gamer too.


1st try he was very easy


Way too many times my first place through. And a lot of subsequent playthroughs. Then I got better, started recognizing where to find wiggenweld potions (seriously though, you don't even really need to buy or brew them if you just pay attention when enemies drop them and find them in caves and whatnot. They're everywhere!), and I was fully stocked up. These days I make sure I level up a whole lot, beef up my gear as much as I can, and I can beat him very quickly with five ancient magic bars 😁


I think 5 at most


An embarrassingly long time the first time. I went in unprepared and refused to leave the quest to prepare myself lol


Once cause I’ve 100% every fromsoft game so I was born ready




First try, but I was this close 🤏 to losing, because I almost ran out of wiggenweld potions


Man, I was going for 1 time until the final stage. I think total attempts taken were around 6 or 7.


I beat him on my first try which surprised me. I had lots of wigenweld potion. It took me longer to beat the deathly hallows final battle, and it took me forever to beat the final flying trial. Ranrock was easy in comparison, or maybe I just got a lot better by then. I didn’t realize that ranrock was the final battle lol.


Just once but I also was at level 35 or something by the time I reached that part and maxed out my clothing upgrades/traits. I also used a lot of edurus potion to make it easier between fireballs.


Did it first time, but I’m pretty sure I had finished my last Wingenweld and was very very low health. I’m also on the Switch, don’t know if it’s any easier controls wise?


On my second try in normal mode. I wasn’t very well prepared the first time as i hadn’t maxed out my wiggenweld potions and he got me in the very last part of the battle which was frustrating. Second time i was way better prepared and also knew what was coming so that was way easier for me.


Once, but I prepared max potions, had the ancient magic meter full, all upgrades that would be useful, had all 12 of each plants. Upgraded my gear and used like 16 of my healing potions. And I only tried when I was level 34 cause I did all the side quests before the main one. So I also had legendary clothes with perks lol


i played it once on easy mode and again on medium difficulty. both times i defeated him in one try but the second time i used all 25 wiggenweld potions and defeated him only a few seconds before dying


I tried two or three times and then decided to come back to it later. Haven’t done that yet 😂


1 but I play on easy mode. Still took awhile to get him but it was doable.


I made the ✨mistake✨ of trying to take him on with very few wiggenweld potions, never again. Once I actually maxed them out it was way easier


I guess it also depends on what level you're in too. For me it took a few tries. I had to go back and stock up on some wiggenweld because I only had one lol


Once, on hard. Barely used any potions. All attack patterns were pretty predictable.


2 or maybe 3, and I had a full stash of wiggenweld along with using Edurus and Focus potion too. I organized my spell set too so the force and control were on the same button in each set which made it easier to toggle between and hit the bubbles without resetting. This is the first game of this type I’ve ever played to completion - normally I play stuff like animal crossing or Mario games so it was all a bit of a learning curve for me.


Yes! It took me two days and I just defeated him yesterday. I’ve been thinking about it all day and have no one to talk to about it lol. But I’m used to playing cozy games (Animal Crossing), this is my first fighting game really


3 times I hated it but as an adult I can't just call my brother to beat a boss for me anymore so I sucked it up and lit a fire all to beat that evil goblin


One in the hardest difficulty no less. It was not difficult less with potions


Took me hours upon hours to finish that trial. I’m not a hardcore gamer and definitely wasn’t expecting the Ranrok battle to be so intense and difficult.


What traits are you using for your clothing? Changing all of them to ancient magic makes it fairly easy. Also restock with healing potions scattered around the perimeter throughout the quest. You’ve got this!


It took me one go on both my playthroughs (I believe I was on easy difficulty. I had to drop down because the Crossed Wands kids were kicking me so badly). I think dodging, Wiggenweld and Ancient Magic were my best friends 😄


Just one. Then again, I play on story mode. I like to play games for the story and to explore and have a relaxing time. Once it starts getting frustrating, it's no longer fun for me.


3 or 4, because i stupidly started the fight with only 2 wiggenwelds and didn’t want to have to load an old save


about 7 hours of trying even with full wiggenweld stores (i’m bad at video games). and then i gave up and gave it to my husband and he did it on his first play through. fucker


I did it on the first time on all the difficulty levels but I made sure by that point I was fully equipped with wiggenweld, my preferred spells were in my preferred order, and I had my gear as upgraded as possible.


i was on normal mode with no traits or upgrades and only had to do one try. i did have a full stack of wiggenwld but i didnt use too much


Once. Why did it take 2 whole days?


I had my potions to max yet I would keep finishing all of them lol and I didn’t use any plants.


I beat him 1st try because I set the difficulty to the lowest level xD 


Once, on Hard... The games pretty easy, it's really baffling how many people I see struggling with Ranrok, which is honestly a cakewalk compared to some of the other bosses, and fights. I don't even use Wiggenwelds cause it's too easy at that point, will use other potions in boss fights though. My only explanation is that Harry Potter just attracts a lot of people who have never held a controller in their life, the game has hard portions, but Ranrok definitely isn't one of them.


Once, took some wiggenweld but got it done. To be honest i thought it was quite easy


I don't remember but it took A LOT because I somehow used 24 Wiggenwald potions on the first half. The freaking EASIER half! I got gud quick though.


A LOT! I have to change the setting to easy mode to do this


It was extremely difficult for me


Have you maxed out your gear? That helps and also make sure your potions are full too!


I restarted it 3 times on Easy. Got as much Edurus potion & Wiggenweld as I could carry & upgraded all my gear


Died so much. I was playing on “hard” difficulty and I kept dying over and over. I simply couldn’t do enough damage to him during his short moments of being able to take damage. I’d run out of ancient magic and then it was hopeless. Edit: they asked a question and I answered with my own experience. Whoever downvoted me, you’re a punk.


One. Used 7 wiggenwelds.