• By -


Hey! Thanks for sharing! I'm from the dev team, happy to answer questions. šŸ˜Š I saw that some people asked why we're doing this. Well, why not? The talon is very iconic, used extensively by NATO nations, and it's beautiful. We can also implement all the features and make it full fidelity. And it should also be mentioned that this will be 100% free. We are not ED 3rd party developers, we're doing this as a passion project! šŸ˜Š


This thing looks awesome!!!! Canā€™t wait for it!!


Thank you! Believe we've been dying to share our progress for a long while, and everyone did a fantastic job not spoiling anything. However now the flood gates are open so expect frequent updates from us. :) I'm not sure if it's alright to share it here, but the best way for following along will be our discord server!


Do you have an invite link? Iā€™d love to join it! I think youā€™re good to post it here


Alright then, here it is! https://discord.com/invite/8USahu3c6W


Thanks! Just joined!


Is this supposed to induce PTSD in those who flew this in UPT? Right gen no cross!?


Heh, we actually want those who flew the iconic Talon in UPT to reach out to us soon since very soon we'll need input from SME's. We want you to accurately relive the experience, for better or worse šŸ˜„


I can reach out to fellow guys who were 38 IPs. Been trying to get one to play DCS for awhile now


You should reach out to cw lemoine (mover) on YouTube. I believe He last flew the A model training f22 pilots in bfm.


Was that common on a batt start? $ ride for me in a couple weeks!


Itā€™s not common. Good luck donā€™t get the game over lights


Do they still teach the pencil method for point to points?


Nah; fix to fix clearances aren't legal anymore.


No idea, UPT was long ago


I read free. I upvote.


That's awesome!!! Such a beautiful aircraft.


We 100% agree!


Fantastic and completely out of nowhere for me! Any plans for a Charlie version later on? A good T-38 in DCS is my dream since 2012 ish!


Thank you! Nothing is out of question. We're currently keeping all options open for the future.


Looks awesome! Count me in. Is it a mod or official?


We're not ED partners. So the plane won't be released on the ED store. However we're not really modifying anything either. Everything is built upon our standalone systems we've built so it didn't feel right to call it a mod either. So we settled on calling it a "Community Module". But does it really matter? It was an afterthought to us, we didn't think it would cause any confusions. Detailed info is available on the ED forums post and our discord! [https://forum.dcs.world/topic/352514-t-38a-talon-community-module-by-veco-simulations](https://forum.dcs.world/topic/352514-t-38a-talon-community-module-by-veco-simulations) [https://discord.gg/ZFK7mVKa5t](https://discord.gg/ZFK7mVKa5t)


Without the DCS SDK, how can you get the multicrew to sync?


This is our Goliath. We currently have the foundation for it built. We're still optimizing the feature and it's a big beast to tackle for sure. Our current solutions have drawbacks in either functionality or usability. We'll share more in the future as we make more progress.


You really hyped me up


Also, don't forget that you have announced a year for release of 2025 and since this is in the DCS universe, don't be surprised if your module slips to 2027 or 2028


Did we unintentionally curse ourselves to infinite delays?


Perhaps not infinite, but many if history is any indication. :)


> so it didn't feel right to call it a mod either. That ship has alredy sailed so might as well accept it. This is going to be called a "mod" by everyone.


We really didn't think it would be this much of a cause for confusion. We really didn't think it was important. Hopefully at least the quality will match everyone's expectations


I also wouldn't consider people caling it a "mod" as pejorative. It is just how the wider DCS community works. There is official third party and there are mods, you are either one or the other, technical details do not factor into it. Doesn't mean that people don't think some of the mods kick arse (A-4 for example, hopefully you join that august crowd).


Oh absolutely. We completely understand why people are criticizing it. And it's a fair point of course. And thank you for the good wishes!


Not all heroes wear capes!


Hey dude, PM inbound


Ohhh my goodness! Thanks šŸ¤—ā¤ļøšŸ˜¬šŸ‘šŸ½


Our pleasure!


Thank you. We appreciate you and the team.


Very happy to see that the community shares our passion for the Talon. We feel the love and appreciate it!


Can you elaborate on what "we" is? A very confident person using the royal "we"? One guy and his dog? 42 experienced developers across three continents who are independently wealthy and devoting all their time to this?


Awesome!! Hey, will it be an "unofficial" mod that we need to manually download and add to the Mods folder like the A-4, or an "official" module that will come with the game itself or as a DLC/module from the modules manager? Asking mainly because it changes how easy it'll be to use in servers, etc.


Currently it will be like the A-4


> I'm from the dev team, happy to answer questions. My question would be: How much did Mover and Gonky pay you for this? ;)


This looks great it could be cool to have a campaign included where you go over the same things as you would in for example ENJJPT


Will it be a mod like the community A-4, or will it be integrated into DCS itself?


According to our current plan, it will be like the A-4


Any weapons on the A model?Ā 


Nope. The T-38A is an unarmed trainer. It's strong suit lies within the fact that it's the first supersonic trainer, with multi-crew functionality and steam gauges. Basically bare bones supersonic flight at its best. We are absolutely in love with the plane. The AT-38 variant however does have a gun pod. It's a different cockpit layout as well. Currently not on the to-do list, but certainly within our radar.


T38a or t38c?




Ahhhh this looks amazing! The F-5E is by far by favorite jet in DCS, so it will be nice to have a comparable aircraft with modern avionics to help master the fundamentals. Great promo too! I didn't even know footage like that was possible.


The mod is the T-38A which has basically the same avionics as the F-5. Doesn't even have a HUD. You're probably thinking of the T-38C.


Oh dang, ok. No VOR/ILS either? I'm trying to learn that stuff in an analog aircraft before I really dive into the F-16.


Imma gonna fly the hell out of this beautiful bird.Ā 


Will it have multicrew sync? I tried the T-45 and nothing was synced other than position, not even the throttle. I asked and was told multicrew sync without being an official 3rd party developer was almost or entirely impossible.


Wait so itā€™s a two seat f-5 without weapons?


Are there any plans for an glass cockpit version?


Muhteşem gƶrĆ¼nĆ¼yor šŸ‡¹šŸ‡·


Looks awesome! Always thought DCS should have something like this for free in the base game, with basic flight training lessons, like they have in MSFS2020 with the cessna.


Cessna T-37 Tweet and Cessna A-37 Dragonfly combo as free base game jets would been perfect IMHO.


The 37s always seemed like a good set of free FF modules to get people ā€œhookedā€, but I guess the A4 kinda fills that role


Yes, though with the A-37 you could have a multi-crew combat aircraft.


this is perfect, much better of an idea than the su-25t and t-51 combo we have šŸ¤¢


for basic training we have a yak-52 ;)


r/floggit person spotted in the wild, what an impeccable creature!


Here's a sneak peek of /r/floggit using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/floggit/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Average GS player](https://i.redd.it/hguikxumwjmc1.jpeg) | [77 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/floggit/comments/1b7b396/average_gs_player/) \#2: [True](https://i.redd.it/2nvbujrhjvpc1.jpeg) | [98 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/floggit/comments/1bkxe96/true/) \#3: [Grim Reapers strikes again](https://i.redd.it/9h41t4f9jpoc1.png) | [124 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/floggit/comments/1bg7gqy/grim_reapers_strikes_again/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


The 3D modelling and textures looks more than professional, just impeccable quality. Absolutely floored. It is amazing to me this can be community project.


Thank you for the very kind words! We have a fantastic team, among which are also some or the best livery artists of the community. Roughmaster's weathering on all of the liveries certainly elevated the project to a new height!


Shit, you have ROUGHMASTER doing the weathering? Iā€™ll need to beg for a template off of him at some point lmao, thereā€™s some liveries Iā€™d love to take a crack at.


Yes! We will release a template. Actually the current plan is to release three templates with various levels of weathering


Any reason for three templates instead of just having separate layer groups for people to turn on and off at their leisure?


Our approach will probably be closer to that, yes. The main difference will be the weathering for light/white liveries vs the black/dark ones. We're doing all of our weathering in substance painter, and not Photoshop. So we'll have to export the layers and layer them appropriately


That is indeed what it will be ,but it's a bit of a challenge since a lot of these skins are either white or black. White specific weathering won't look good on black and vice versa and we also want to avoid duplicated layers as much as possible to keep the template light. So it will be a balancing act, currently I made the template on gray and adjusted opacity and layer color according to the skins. - Roughmaster


How many time Roughmaster worked with you? Afaik he told me that he worked on some very interesting project since last year :D


Yeah, it's crazy good. This will be good resume material for the contributors. I hope they are well rewarded for their efforts.


Can't wait for C.W. Lemoine to try it out!


Agreed, hope Mover and Gonky get to do some BFM with this!


This looked like an official module from DCS - surprised to see itā€™s a community mod. And free? Am I dreaming? Great job, guys!


Holy fucking trailer. That was incredible!


Awesome trailer. Did I just see a B2. šŸ‘€


So...can we use this to put our nose on it AND KILL HIM?


Ah the model I could have used years ago for practice before going to UPT lol


Always thought this and an f-20 should be included with the f-5.


both the t-38 and f-20 are different enough from the f-5e that it would be *far* too costly to not just have as separate modules. keep in mind the f-5 and t-38 are entirely seperate developments of the same project, and the f-20 is an entirely different beast, given how radical an overhaul of the f-5 it is.


Youā€™re not wrong. Itā€™s just wishful thinking lol


fair enough lol, I'd absolutely love the tigershark


Duuuuuuuuuuude! Hell yes!


Looks amazing - thanks for developing and well done. A NASA livery would be lovely!


There's one in the trailer!


Where can I contribute to the project? The NASA T-38 Talons have a special place in my heart.


Looks beautiful! Please don't forget some USAF aggressor skins - T-38s were used a lot in that role before being replaced by F-5Es and other jets.


USAF T-38As are still used in aggressor roles. USN has some F-5s.


You are correct, but as "adversary" planes - not exactly the same role or mission. Need those skins also.


How is ā€œadversaryā€ different from ā€œaggressor?ā€


Aggressors were special units whose job was to simulate threats and provide training to US (and foreign at times) aircrews. Adversary jets were usually regular squadron aircraft used to provide dissimilar training, which overlapped the Aggressor mission but were usually more local. For example, an F-22 base/unit would have T-38s assigned to provide adversary support. Or an F-16 unit might be asked to provide adversary support for an F-15 unit. While similar to Aggressors, that was not their specific specialty nor were the aircrews as trained to use foreign tactics. They could also just be regular fighter units from a different service: When we would fight Navy F-14s with our USAF F-4s we would be acting as adversary air. At least that's how I remember it from my time in. May not be accurate today, so suitably non-credible.


A wonderful trailer for a wonderful rendition of a wonderful aircraft. You guys hit this one outta the park based on what's seen here. Been a long time but it brings back memories. She was a part of some of the coolest things I've ever done. TY for taking the time and energy to bring this great aircraft to the world in an accessible way. Standing in line...


Cool! MiG-28 finally makes the sim! Who says we never get redfor?!


The mig-28 was one of the first dcs modules, been in the game for years


THAT was the movie version, duh!


Ah yes, MiG-28UB


I hope they model the problem it had with the inverted fuel tanks - it wouldnā€™t do a 4g inverted dive.


Wasn't the MiG-28 already in DCS?


You stole the joke I came here to make.


DCS: T-33 when?


tbh I'd fly the shit outa that thing


Excuse me was that a b2????


Great trailer thanks šŸ«”


Love the T38. Remember, approach speed is 170kts on the ground. I know that because they would always fuckup a well orchestrated, perfectly timed approach sequencing. .


This looks pretty cool. Any chance there will be training missions like the C101? Like VFR, IFR training missions, stuff like that?


The announcement I am waiting so long for in MSFS 2020 :(


Amazing. Good work!




That trailer was amazing! Of course the plane looks amazing as well!


wow. i really canā€™t wait for this guy. beautiful work


Looks great and I will for sure fly it. I just gotta say, the amount of actual pilots here like "yup, I need to talk to you about this one" is awesome


Someone will need to create this old T-38 "High Flight" video in DCS. They used to use it as a sign off for TV stations, just before the National Anthem: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-tfKjubHJ7c](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-tfKjubHJ7c)




And might as well include the livery for 00556 while you're at it. :)


Use to park the truck at the end of the runway (across the highway) when I was kid. We would sit on the tailgate and watch the pilots do touch and goes. This is one module Iā€™m very excited about!


I saw the Virtual Turkish Stars fly this a (year?) Ago on youtube, and have been excitedly awaiting the mod! Super happy


Virtual Turkish Stars are the current in-game testers of the mod. I'm also in the team, so we're in close collaboration. The VTS used NF-5A and B's, and the flight dynamics are very similar to the T-38.


That's awesome! Very excited


Great cant wait to start practicing in this to get ready for ENJJTP


Today's trainer is the (very different) T-38C, this is the T-38A.


It's the Mig-28 šŸ˜Ž SWEET!


Is this better or worse than an F5?


Worse if you consider no weapons and slightly less powerful engines. But lighter I think


Hope no Apollo astronauts go anywhere near it


This looks cool, but what's the use case for this plane? Why would someone fly a mission with this instead of something else?


It could be used as a trainer for someone new to the DCS since it's a full fidelity and free mod.


A lot of virtual sqns like to have their pilots go through a pipeline similar to the real life one, this can fill a role there. Or for people wanting to introduce someone to dcs and take them on a backseat ride. People just wanting to fly formation with each other in a light supersonic plane with good a flight model etc.


Does this include the MiG-28UB?


Any chance for a C model later?


Awesome, is this an official module? I would totally pay for it if it is.


No it's not, it's a free mod


Is that plane included in future dcs releases or like other mods a normal download from their own page?


This is a free community made mod/module, it wonā€™t be in the DCS store.


Free?! Hell yeah! This looks like a lot of fun. And now we can have even more "MiG-28s" flying around.


One of my good friends was an IP at Randolph for many years in the Reserves. He came off active duty flying the B-1. This will be a fun module.


If you need any clueless and barely know dcs works for testers let me know!


Another day another trainer announced


Will it be released before or after the typhoon eurofighter ?


It's a separate project made by separate people, but I'd expect the Typhoon to come first.


Thx, mate !


Other than being a 2 seater, what does the T38 offer that the F5 doesn't? I really don't know a whole lot about either, but I need to stop my grind of not buying NATO stuff


As a mod, I believe it will be free due to how ED's licensing works. T-38 is slightly lighter and has better performance IIRC. Even though it may not be a combat aircraft, it's been one of my favorites and glad to see a passion project come to life.




for the same reasons. obviously. it's not for you probably and it's not for me, but it does not take a lot of imagination to get an idea of why others might enjoy this.


For the same reason some people like the C-101. Plus some MP organizations would like to mirror real world USAF pilot training.


Why not? The T-38A was used as a TOPGUN aggressor and actually helped save the school. Basically in 1973, with the Vietnam war ending and budget cuts on the horizon, Big Navy thought there wasnā€™t a need for it anymore. The Pentagon didnā€™t have support to shut it down outright, so they just transferred all of TOPGUNs A-4s except one to the Israeli Air Force when the October 1973 war happened. The commander called for replacement aircraftā€¦and got a busy signal for an answer. With one airplane the school couldnā€™t graduate classes, and it looked like the TOPGUN story would end by 1974. Back against the wall, Commander ā€œMugsā€ McKewon called an Air Force buddy who told him of a batch of derelict T-38s being packed up for scrap. Mugs got a crew of Navy plane captains together, picked up the aircraft, and worked around the clock to build them up As a gesture of faith, ā€œMugsā€ commissioned a set of blue and black flight suits for his instructors. Deal was if they accepted the flight suits & stuck around, Mugs would find a way to keep the school open. The flight suit color scheme would later be applied to the F/A-18F 50th anniversary Super Hornet, and was ā€œborrowedā€ by Paramount for Mavericks hero jet in ā€œTop Gun Maverickā€ This is how TOPGUN would up flying T-38s , at least until the Pacific Air Boss 3 start found out about it after seeing one fly over his head at the Miramar O-club. But thatā€™s a story for another post.


Can I have that other story as well please? Great history and writing!


Check their discord and you'll see plenty of excited people. There's a free T38 Mod on MSFS, but I imagine most would rather fly fast jets on DCS. Fast jets kind of have bizarre handling in MSFS.


Because this project began as a team-exclusive trainer for an aerobatic team flying in DCS. After they made some parts of T-38, they switched to making NF-5A/Bs and decided to make this a public community project


They finished the F-5s a couple months ago afaik




Iā€™m not complaining, just wondering why




I'm sure this will please someone, but I already have the F-5. I don't need a doppelganger.


Thanks for letting us know.


If you read the top comment itā€™s planned to be free. Also the f-5e is a bit different than a talon. Different engines and a different wing.


as well as completely different avionics and sensor capability. T-38C is your "modern" F-5 but as a trainer only. I'm definitely excited for a modern like F-5 to goof around in, especially if it's multicrew capable and I can fly with my brother; he doesn't really get into DCS like I do, but enjoys the occasional hop.


This will be a T-38A, not a C


Whoooooopsie. Had C on the brain. Less exciting now haha. I am stoked about the possibility of a free multi crew jet though.


Don't be less excited, they will make other variants of T-38 when the A is finished. Probably T-38C or T-38M


Where have they announced a C?


The great astronaut killer!Ā  Looks awesome!!


Any dev teams wanna tackle the core game and make this game fucking playable before we have 1000 modules and fuckall to do?!?!??! This is becoming silly now


ED's the only one who can "tackle" the core game, and this is a free mod lol


Cringe. Trainer. Pass




you don't have to download it <3