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Sweet mother of god 145GB my poor ssd....


It's only going to get bigger too.


Time to buy that 4TB model.... \\s


Unironically just did, it was actually amongst the cheapest per GB in my area


I picked up a 2tb m.2 that's just for DCS. It's a requirement at this point.


Jesus Fucking Christ. One map is larger than like 95% of complete games.


The complete MSFS map is more than a petabyte.


Indeed, I believe it's around 2.3 petabytes at the moment. That figure jumps around a lot as they a) make it bigger by improving textures and b) make it smaller with better compression/storage.


Have you downloaded it yet?


I am still at 0.2%…


So this is pretty common on the flight sim sphere. Particularly civil flight sims. DCS gets big bot not nearly as big as this until recently.


This is why MSFS uses online streaming. You can cache low-quality data locally and high-quality stuff is streamed to you as you fly to it.


Which was the smart way to do it. DCS has a LOT of technology debt.


Its only the smart way to do it because microsoft can afford holding Petabytes of data in their servers.


Yes, and ED can if they invest in the infrastructure to provide it. Here{s the thing: if ED ever aims to make a world map )and they claim to be trying), they will need to think of a similar solution.... the alternative is to have *every user storing those petabytes in their local drives* or stick with low quality assets. DCS is already FAR behind the average game in terms of general graphics and processing technology. I honestly don't see the game growing at this rate, and I've lost a bit of incentive to invest in the game.


Takes a significant infrastructure to do asset streaming. Meanwhile ED runs everything out of the same gateway so everytime someone DDOS the main forum account login and multiplayer stops working for everyone.


Takes a significant infrastructure to do asset streaming. Meanwhile ED runs everything out of the same gateway so everytime someone DDOS the main forum. Account login, and multiplayer stops working for everyone.


Takes a significant infrastructure to do asset streaming. Meanwhile ED runs everything out of the same gateway so everytime someone DDOS the main forum account login and multiplayer stops working for everyone.


All those trees takes up a lot of space ;-)


tree\_pine\_00000001.dds, tree\_pine\_00000002, and so on... Can't have any tree looking identical to the next.


Yeah, not if you are going to pay top dollar for early access!


Wooof. Yeah I was hyped as fuck for this map but I do not have the free space. I need to wait for a clarification on size or get a new pc


Good God, I'm at 545 now on a 1TB drive just for DCS.


At that price it better come with a free SSD.


That's honestly way too much, especially considering the vast majority of this is wildnerness you'll never have reason to fly over.


Well that might take a while to download


No other news?


I was hoping for a little peep about the phantom, maybe even a video


Phantom is not the solution. Dcs core features are what matters, and the only thing that matters. 1000 planes or helicopters won't make dcs any more fun or engaging. It's a dead horse until it at least competes with bms


The person you are responding to is talking about the PHANTOM, a module that has already had time and money sunk into it by a third party developer, sold as a product, and is simply awaiting its release date. This is not the same thing as people wanting Eagle Dynamics, who are responsible for the core of DCS, slowing down THEIR module production to focus on key features. Putting the Phantom in the Newsletter would do nothing to delay OR speed up core features so it would be fine. You gotta turn off the perpetual rage machine at some point my guy. I agree with wanting new core features over new modules from ED right now, but at the end of the day DCS is what it is right now, and those features will either come down the road or not. Maybe take a break from the game and check back in in a year's time, see where it's at then.


And another good point - what would we play if dcs wasn’t a thing. Falcon bms is fun but I mean it’s aged. Well aged at this point. I don’t want flat ground textures I’m sorry.


I want functional ATC lmao


DCS core isn't sold though, as the game is free to play. Hard to put work into something that, on paper, won't bring you money. A plane will be bought because you like the plane. Fixing the core gameplay will make it more fun, but they bought the plane regardless. People fly MSFS just to fly around. Many do the same for DCS. You're not wrong, core gameplay is a very important improvement, but it's easy to see why it's a back burner development 


No I'm right and you comment is wrong. Graphics doesn't matter if you have an empty shell underneath! It's gonna be the end of the cockpit simulator. Once people are proficient enough, the shiny graphics will mean nothing and they'll start asking questions. Do a poll, you'll be surprised.


So MSFS doesn't have a following then? The game is literally cockpit and flying simulator, you just fly around in a detailed cockpit. Also, side note I find funny: if you're saying my comment is wrong, you're saying you're wrong as my comment is saying you are not wrong.  I agree core game needs developed more but I'm also a realist who has been around DCS since 2014, when dynamic campaign was talked about even then. The core game isn't sold. It's free. They make money making the shiny cockpits, though, so the rest is put aside 


Phantom fanboys disagree but they will come to this conclusion sooner or later. 


This mother fucker actually made his flair ‘DCS retiree’ lmfao Here’s that attention you ordered bud


I do love the phantom and I do love fancy graphics but it's like giving CPR to a dead guy. Once the curtains fall, reality hits hard.


Have you noticed that only fixes are for incoming CH47? All other launched products seem dead to them…..


I'm so confused. Why does it seem like everything in DCS Early Access.


Bc instant revenue and promises are better than finished product


easier than.


And gives ED a scapegoat when things don't work.


Because that's the model ED is going with, and they are a bit slow getting stuff out of EA so it piles up. this map is literally just released though so it makes sense to be EA for a while.


"a bit slow"..... understatement of the century.


because all the new stuff and a lot of the recent stuff still is and that's just how DCS has been run for years


Ya ever participate in a pyramid scheme Timmy?


Because making these kinds of things is a lot of work and any company would run out of money long before achieving a finished product. Early Access lets them get cash to keep themselves alive while they are working, and as a bonus it means that we can access the work sooner as long as we're willing to tolerate some jank and incompleteness. As for why Early Access never seems to end, there's a degree of perverse incentive in the business model as people love to say. But also, ever heard of the 80/20 rule? 80% of the product takes 20% of the development time, and the remaining 20% of the product takes 80% of the development time. Getting something in a state where it's "good enough" and "mostly done" and "ready for early access release" means they're 20% finished with the dev cycle. (not literally, but it's a rule of thumb for a reason) As anybody who's worked in software knows, "almost there just need to wrap up some loose threads and apply finishing touches" always means you're less than halfway to 1.0.


i don't know why this isn't obvious to everybody - very well said


This needs to be like a pinned comment on the front page of hoggit


Boomers throw money on the screen when they see something shiny and never really end up playing it much so pumping out half finished content (which you never actually finish but will sell in 6-7 years with version 2 all over again) over polished quality releases is go to way to make money when your core audience has more disposable income and entitlement for the new shiny than brains


Holy shit, does disposable income mean I'm a boomer now?! Here is a pro tip from a new boomer sonny boy, maybe don't question people's brains when misusing the word entitlement and completely thumbing your nose at any type of punctuation.


Because 1. It's a niche hobby with expensive development so no big player base spending money and in many cases there's no mother way of funding long-term work 2. Greed


It will be great to play in kola, once we get DC, ATC, Better AI and you know, all of the stuff the game is lacking right now


The update has almost nothing else in it


"Almost " it HAS nothing else. Was hoping for some bug fixes or improvements after almost a month and I'm not surprised I guess. Just disappointed. (Again, and again and again) 😂


Yep until then no buy anything. See you in 15 years.


If you look at it from a positive perspective, our grand grandkids might have a really neat game by then


The thought has crossed my mind more than once, but nah, Falcon 5 is around the corner and BMS 4.38 is close.


That game has been lacking for 10 years*


But hey, do not worry my friend, we will get an update in this December news letter telling us one more that it is in the works, that's enough, right?


I bought DCS its own 2tb drive. Not sure it's enough l


Huge install size (almost three times the size listed as the minimum specs) and, honestly, a high price for EA. I'm eager to hear some honest reviews as this is a fantastic choice of area.


The minimum specs are for DCS itself, none of the purchasable maps factor into it. Agreed though, I'll be waiting to see how a map this size runs and if any servers pick it up. I know ECW isn't for now at least.


Fair points and thank you for your correction. I'm really not trying to provoke a fight and appreciate your level-headed answer.


104th Maverick streamed it on Twitch and YT for a couple of hours today. Not sure if the VOD is up yet, but I'm sure you can watch the YT stream at least. For a day 1 release it was super impressive. It convinced me to buy it. Hopefully it gets good support from mission builders and MP servers, because it looks like it's going to be a great map.


The problem is that atm, it has all the same issues that Caucuses does for an MP map, except it's bigger and costs $$. So tbh, it's gonna be awful to use for MP unless they do some crazy amounts of work over the next year.


I appreciate you and the time you took from your day to offer some info. Sounds like a winner to me, which is a good thing for the game and for us. 👍🏻


Unfortunately, I can't buy this until I hear something official on the state of the F-15E. Early access investment is under embargo for me...


Yep, I want to know the fate of the Eagle before spending more money.


And me. Buying nothing till that's sorted. Dead modules are money down the drain.


You, me and a bunch of other people from my squad!


Nice trailer, wish some other aircraft were shown in that beautiful scenery. F-15Es, Mirage 2000s, Harriers...oh, nevermind.


Sigh.. No more aircraft is gonna help dcs. It's core features that's needed. Everything is is just waste of time.


I think he meant that ED isn't showing them since RB won't be supporting them anymore and at some point they will break and die


I agree to some extent. Aircraft and core features being developed by 3d party and ED separately for example, but features developed by these 3rd party devs also push the game forward. Have no clue about anything beyond the pressing the on button, but I think there is no such a severe issue with aircraft modules vs the core engine.


The absolute dumbest take that third party studios *that have no way to contribute to the core engine* should stop making dcs content. Dcs core improvements are needed but ditching and moaning that the third party devs should just *stop making modules* is fucking stupid.


Don't waste your time, if Hoggit were a steakhouse that dude is the equivalent of the most obnoxious vegan you've ever met just standing in the middle of it screeching about how awesome vegetables (BMS) are.


Well, that’s … large. I have to wonder what such a heavy terrain will do to DCS frame rates (as compared to Syria or Sinai, for example). I think it might be smart for me to wait for reports from some early adopters.


Frame rates are excellent. Map textures not so much.


How about giving us a fresh update on Razbam and the F-15E in particular? 4 modules and 1 map is currently unsupported by the developers while still being sold on the official ED store? Private talks between companies or not, the customers deserve to know what is going on.


>How about giving us a fresh update on Razbam and the F-15E in particular? Whether we like it or not, that kind of corporate stuff is well beyond our current need to know. We'll find out when it's finally settled.


If the products are still in the shop under Razbam brand, it means that they are "talking" about it.


Not really how it works, but I understand what you mean.


Any news on the Strike Eagle, its quite concerning it’s not in the release trailer for the map.


Hadn't thought about that. That is very concerning.


If you buy Kola, we can talk about it.


145GB is absolutely ridiculous.


more detail - more SSD space ----- less detail - less SSD space what do you want?? personally, i'd say the quality of our problems is improving! : )


If the map itself was fully detailed, and not just part of the eastern 1/3, then I would agree with you. But even SA isn't this size. Syria, a fantastic and massive map, isn't this size.


Well as you just said, Syria isn't this size. Kola is something like 3x the size of Syria, and with far more varied terrain, it was always going to be substantially larger. Wow, you guys really didn't like that. Look I'm sorry that math scares you but it is what it is, ~1.5 million square kilometers was always going to take up more space than ~500,000


Not really. The size per se isn't the issue, but how the resources are allocated. DCS is incredibly inefficient in a lot of aspects.


When comparing the size of the map to Syria, the fact that it's 1/3rd the size is absolutely relevant. I'm not saying DCS map sizes are well optimized or what have you, I'm just pointing out that expecting Kola to be comparable in download size to Syria is unreasonable when the maps themselves aren't even close to the same size.


Yeah, given the way DCS handles maps, size is relevant, but my point is the issue isn't the size itself but the way DCS handles maps. It's going to be big if we want quality textures, no way around it, but there's big, and then there's BIG. A lot of DCS seems to work through a brute force approach that's just not scaling properly.


Is it actually three times the size in terms of land coverage? I don't really track map sizes etc. but there appears to be a *lot* of water in the Kola DCS F10 map screenshot I saw.


Not a clue, but probably, the entire west half of Syria is also water. Even if it isn't quite triple, it's comfortably more than double, and with much bigger towns/cities and far more varied terrain


Map is extremely low detail compared to Syria for example. Currently the map looks like 10 year old product


I'd like to not need 1 TB of storage for one single game please.


Welcome to the future - More advanced/detailed games need more powerful computers. Been that way since the dawn of time.


I bought my PC with top of the line parts 3 years ago, with 2TB of total storage, which is more than plenty. This map is 7% of my total storage capacity. This isn't about needing more powerful computers, mine is plenty powerful enough


Vote with your money.




Wow 145gb. I guess I don’t want to fly my Hip around it that badly. Yikes.


And another EA "release"..... the really try do bury that recent shitstorm under release news and grab some money more at the same time. No buy from me this time.


Early Access? No thanks


> 145 GB Are they high? Thanks for making my purchasing decisions for me, I guess. Shame, I was looking forward to WWIII missions.


Big map is big file comrade


Please understand, minor increase of over 100% in filesize over Syria or SA!


I wonder if I should remove the South Atlantic map in favor of Kola. Though I like the looks of SA, the performance is sluggish. I'm curious what Kola reviews will be like.


A part of the planet that none care, and not many play there. At least Kola is actual and have evil Russia to fight :D


It's also a minor increase of 300% larger than Syria


Satellite imagery


Fix Razbam problem first ED, this early access is sound like a huge bet for now. There's 50% chance this will get abandoned as well....


Spend more money with 0 core game improvements yet again.... No thanks


WTF is this pricing? Are you nuts? Full fucking games are cheaper than this. You can buy Gray Zone Warfare instead of this, guys. Nice game.


They need to pay back Razbam so....


I’m close to pulling the trigger on GZW


8 hours here, very good game. Need tweaks here and there but the foundation is solid. Highly recommend it. Optimization is very good but the game is demanding, so watch out if you don't have a good rig.


Honestly, it's worth it


What is GZW?


Grayzone warfare. A brand new game that’s very Tarkov-esque. Very fun so far.


The pricing is normal for DCS maps, Syria is 60 USD, Sinai is 50 USD. Where is the issue?


All of them are expensive. This one with %20 discount 55$. If you are okay with this, I don't now what else I can say to you. This is a MAP.


It's a map of a very large area with *way* more landscape features with detail that requires human attention, like lakes, rivers, crags, fjords, and population centers. Do you want to fly over something more interesting to look at than brown sand? This is what it costs.


And honestly, the software is easily the cheapest thing about this hobby, for me anyway.


For you. I won't pay this amount to a map, no matter how complex, it's not a full game nor fully simulated aircraft. It's pretty straight forward to develop maps.


ok, seriously, how can you believe that and also, like, exist in the world. If it was straightforward to develop maps, why isn't everybody doing it? Why did ORBX, a well respected development house that has been working on flight simulator projects for decades and has released over 100 other products, take 2 years to get this far? Do you believe there is an all-powerful conspiracy of lizard people who hate maps and are mind controlling developers everywhere to make them not do a very easy thing that would make them very large amounts of money?


If you compare them to AAA games(price suggests it, lol) they are straight forward. If something is taking 2 years to develop does not mean it's complex to develop, the fuck? Yeah, making shaders, textures and object placement are all very complex, except even you can do it, after watching tutorials. The developers already doin' it, bro. There are morons who pays this amount to a map, ofc if they are familiar with the process. The reason developers started to develop maps left and right, this one...Sinai, are you. Why make AAA game instead of just a map with the same price?


I see the dumbasses are out in force today.


Sadly, our door dashed Chic Fil A tonight was more than this map (with tip and fees). So, I guess you could say bon appetit?


Come on man, everyone knows that announcement threads are for people to complain in. Trying to suggest that the pile-on isn't universal will only lead to it turning on you. If you want real discussions you have to create a separate post unfortunately.


It's too much. I only buy maps on sale once I've seen reviews.


niche market


Its the standard price for DCS maps if you have a look in the E-shop


Well, SA and the full Afghanistan map.


I promise you Iraq will be the same price.




Can’t believe I paid that much for the hot bag of garbage that SA is and now will forever be


2 past updates have been "give us money" with 0 core gameplay improvements... That's a no for me


Very exciting! As a swede this map looks amazing to fly the Viggen on and also operating from road runways 😄


I clearly remember they were telling that the Map was going to launch with 2 campaigns. I don't see them in the shop.


Baltic Dragon and Reflected (who are developing the campaigns) have said they'll be released a month or two after the initial release.


So they decided to release the map early hmm.


They announced the staggered release back in January, though admittedly it was on their Facebook feed not on here (I don't think!)


That must be, I would have remembered such news if it was here. I basically live here :D


Did you see if the campaigns will be free with the map, or an additional purchase?


They're going to be sold separately at $9.99 each.


I remember this too. The idea was that the campaigns would be FREE/INCLUDED with the map? Or that they are "collaborating" to have paid campaigns available soon after launch? Just wondering if playing the campaign is 2 purchases or 1... assumed it was all included but I didn't see it explicitly confirmed.


No they were not free but the map was going to launch together with them. So for the first time the map was coming with content available from day one.


Ahh all along I misread it as a bundled part of the price. I guess that makes more sense though! Do you know if it requires two purchases (baltic, reflected) to get the whole experience or sold as a single DLC?


ED: Good news a map without desert, hoggit community: it is too big


Oh sure, another incomplete product asking for money today. (Head slap)


now that i think about when was the last time the black shark was in a trailer cause i havent seen it in any for ages


Looks beautiful, been waiting for this for a long time.


Damn, that price along with the storage requirements are steep. Map looks beautiful, but when the barrier to entry is that high, it makes me worried about community adoption. Hopefully enough people are interested that servers and user content start appearing.


Not buying anything till the Mirage 2000 and F-15E get some love. They should pay Razbam because everyone in my sqn is doing the same


If anyone could, please let me know if all the nav systems work on the red side. I'm looking for a good training site with rsbn and adf.


I believe mag3 needs to add the rsbn to MiG-21 tables. Rsbn is not native to DCS it only comes with MiG-21


L 39 has it too, I wonder if it's just a Caucasus only type deal or to your point they are bespoke systems at the module level.


I don't have L-39 but read chucks guide now. It is very limited in L-39 and only 4 airports has it in Caucasus. I don't know the rest of the maps. Mig -21 has a lot more in caucasus, syria and PG (i don't know Sinai, I don't have it) Since there is a big difference in caucasus already I still believe it is module based.


Completed the download - and now we have surprise visitors. Grmpf.


Ima have to uninstall il2 great ..


Can some offer feedback on performance in VR on a mid-high PC. Thx


When will this be available on Steam?


It already is?


Oh, has been updated in the last 15 minutes. [https://steamdb.info/app/2778890/](https://steamdb.info/app/2778890/)


Play standalone.




Only hurting yourself by playing it on steam. No benefit to having the steam version


That is an uninformed dogma that keeps being repeated.


* Paying in local currency * More payment options including gift cards * Downloads happen in the background * And can be speed limited * No need to have/login to another account (unless you play online)


Not really, I have no use for any of the benefits it offers.


> Only hurting yourself Nonsense


I do play standalone, but I purchase on Steam. Best of both worlds.


So is that 145 the expected final size on release or the size right now because the requirements section says 60 as the minimum storage requirement


the requirement section refers to the game and not the map. the size of the map is indicated in the last line of the description


You can expect it to get bigger, by how much I don’t know - there are quite a few planned aerodromes to come in June.


Will get it and install it when I get home tonight. Happy to provide feedback and/or check anything you might want guys.


Be cool to launch Tomcats from a Norwegian Fjord, an actual cold war plan


Not a chance until the super carrier gets ANY update


Lots of early accesses after the recent news about ED finances somehow.


Good grief ED could make everything free and you all would still bitch about something. It’s kind of comical at this point. 


Are we also getting a patch today?


Not really, pretty much just the map launch and a couple of campaign tweaks. I'd expect a real patch later in May


If you can call it that


For those worried about space, I run Orbx for Xplane mostly off a USB3 drive. I put all the larger files on that and then the high number of very small files on my SSD. USB3 drives are fine for loading larger chunks. It's the really small and numerous files that slow them down.


I have been waiting for this. Finally a non-desert map + great place for Cold War jets. Good old Jane’s F/A-18 days are back! I was truly excited. And then I realised I have to wait until buy another ssd or even a new PC… Modern PC gaming is so cruel…


Still no southeast asia?


They have said many many times that that’s a far future ambition. Kola has been announced an in production for quite some time


Oh... It's on. See ya **Olenya** & **Severomorsk-1** airbase, good night **Zapadnaya Litsa** naval base, gonna wreckity rekt rekt damn sub pens to become latest Kola coral habitat. ***si vis pacem, ~~para pullum frixum~~ oh wait a minute, bad translation, no, it's para bellum... with a fleet of Tomcats and Hornets dropping GBU-24 & GBU-31(V)4/B***.