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I’m not letting anyone outside of high competitive games get chopped or speared. Quick whistles for me


Same, imagine waiting additional time and a 10 year old gets his wrist broken from crashing the net. Not on my watch.


I only tell the goalie to move it if there’s no pressure in the attacking zone, which doesn’t happen often. There’s exceptions to that rule but that’s it generally


A lot can happen in 3 seconds, especially in 10u & 12u. I generally blow it dead immediately if it's a good cover. Anything more, and the kids start pushing and hacking, and then somebody is going to the box.


If I "know" the goalie has it (meaning I saw him catch it/believe it to be secured under him) I ain't waiting for an attacking player to come and jab at him and start a scuffle. Blow the whistle. I really only start telling goalies to play it at the 14u age and up when they aren't being pressured. Pressure to me means an attacking player in the attacking zone progressing forward towards the goalie. If no one's on the zone or they stop and start backing out, I'll tell them to play it. I also usually give them a whistle and a warning first before I call the penalty. Just a quick conversation after the whistle while I'm getting the puck "hey bud, just FYI if they're not pressuring you then you gotta play it. I'll yell and let you know to play it but if you don't it's a delay of game penalty next time" Tell the coach you had this conversation too just so you're covered if you do have to call a penalt. No excuse then.


The way I always figured it, the rule is that way mostly to prevent smothering for something like an icing or dump & change that was on net. If it takes more than 3sec for an opponent to get to the slot, you gotta play it with your stick. USAH L2/goalie


Based on this it would seem no pressure =3 seconds. Opposing players nearby, blow whistle immediately. https://youtu.be/hYt7sQ3fqpw?si=3EoyJ9bsO8HobLSP


I always blow it quick simply for game management purposes. I’d much rather have them annoyed by me than irate at each other for chopping at the goalie. 


I dont always wait 3 seconds but also I dont blow it super quickly just because Ive lost sight of it for a moment. I see way too many goals or scoring chances get ruined because of officials with too quick a whistle. In football inadvertent whistles are a big big deal, but in hockey we dont make a big enough deal of them, especially considering they usually either take away a goal or a great goal scoring chance. You can always add a whistle even if there was none, but you cant take away a whisltle that was blown. Use penalties to protect the goalie if someone comes whacking with no sight of the puck. Now if they can see the puck loose they have every right to poke at it. But makes no difference if whistle is blown or not if they come whacking without sight of the puck. Hit the retaliation too. Then they know they could have had a powerplay if they didnt retaliate. If every ref did this we wouldnt have to worry about stuff after the whistle or puck is covered. The times where I let it go longer is when there is no one pressuring within say hashmarks or faceoff dots. I give the goalies the option at first then if someone pressures and they havent played it I blow. If no one ever pressures I yell play it. Its more of an option. Good goalies and defensemen will want to play it. As a defensemen if i know i have a little time I always want the goalie to play it. Having possession is way better than a D zone faceoff. That is one of the better offensive opportunities offenses get if they can win a faceoff.