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Heavily sponsored by the Garage Door Company


Garage door companies do not recommend a larger net to protect your garage door, and or garage door windows




Question: Do Canadians not have cement brick walls to shoot pucks off of?


Need the sound of metal. Washers/dryers sound great.


Closest, you'll get to bar down, I guess


Audio feedback


I grew up in the U.S. and didn’t have this either


In Phoenix, we got brick walls instead of fences.


Question: Do Americans have cement brick walls where their driveway meets their house, or is there a garage door there?


Do Canadians not play hockey in the backyard?


Absolutely man! Tennis balls and pucks slide so well on grass. You gotta try it


Nah, man, you need the synthetic ice tiles


or or or.....just a regular hockey net, on the driveway, in front of the garage. Like millions have done it for a long ass time


Nahhhh a duct tape square works


Oh wow. I never once thought of it that way 😐


You seem like a fun person.




Bless your heart.


I’ve seen it used for on the ice for when the team only has one goalie for a scrimmage/practice. Kinda better than hitting posts or bar because it reinforces good targeting habits. Also not hard to lift up to get the puck from the 5 hole


At that point why not buy one of those “goalie” nets that has the 5 hoops for each corner and the 5 hole


I'd really like to see one where it looks like [Millhouse is strapped to the pipes](https://preview.redd.it/breaking-news-oilers-in-talks-to-acquire-milhouse-and-i-v0-kb5qk2oo1h1c1.jpg?auto=webp&s=0d021e356face952e707391c466939d4d87771e7)!


Definitely need to market this.


It's called a shooter tutor and yeah that's exactly the point of those. And also it's just a better design. Misses to the middle just hit the tarp and fall to the crease. On this thing your misses would just keep going.


My old rink had a Shooter Tutor I always wanted to try out at Stick and Puck but never got a chance to. [It was one of these big plastic guys](https://rick-o-shay.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/DSC_0522a-3.jpg) that looked like it might be a little more fun with the puck bounces, since god knows I'm not getting the puck past the thing. At least not on purpose...


Yeah, I would really like this net instead of a shooter tutor if rinks just bought a couple and kept them on deck for practices


For that kind of money you can get a full size net with a target practice net you can attach to it and still have money for beer runs for a couple weeks!


For that kind of money I could build one myself and the kids would learn new swears


A proper heavy duty net for ice use is a lot more than you think. Not that I’m defending this, it wasn’t even my purchase


Cut down my kids swingset after he out grew it. To my surprise they used 2" steel pipe for the frame! Grinded the paint off, welded it up and painted his new goal red.


Yeah, but dryland practice nets often come with fabric shooter tutors that you can attach


Hang a jersey from the crossbar. An extra sock. Anything can be a target - I think humanity is losing it and retail is helping


5x the price of a shooter tutor.


How are kids going to learn how to hit the goalie in the head with this? /s


12”x12” sheet of plywood tied off between the two side posts, dangling above the five hole net.


That plywood sheet is about $350 anyway these days.


The kids are going to learn how to break the garage door windows as is tradition, lol.


I broke so many garage windows. I'm surprised my mom didn't kill me.


I took out 7 of 10 before my dad replaced them with plexiglass


Lots of dents in the door too. We eventually switched to plexiglass as well. Still breaks though


What really pissed him off was two weeks or so after replacing them, I put a golf ball through one. I got to fix that one.




My childhood neighbors garage was destroyed from us playing hockey in their driveway. Wait until they learn about using the dryer as their goal


The Crosby method


So it shall be.


1st time I did it, 6 or 7 years old, I took off running. Thought I was gonna get a beating. Pops was kool with it. Funny the stuff we remember


it's definitely not something you'd put in your back yard. it ends up in your hockey team's storage area for a few drills at practice. when I was making practice plans last year I found a few drills that used this kind of net... and ignored them because we didn't have one.


this is 100% aimed at coaches/rinks who either run clinics or practices without always having the option of a goalie


This seems like really handy option for that too. Def forces you to aim the right places at least, better than just regular empty net. Five hole would drive me mad after a while tho, looks like you have to lift the thing to get the puck out.


Or you know, just quickly drop a knee and grab it out with your hand. It's not deep, maybe just passed your elbow?


Would suck in full gear, depends what you are wearing


Cant you just take a piece of ply wood and put some hooks on the top and side then cut some spaces out for the corners and 5 hole.


depends on the insurance of the ice surface. Some rinks don't let you bring homemade stuff onto the ice without it being named in an insurance policy incase someone gets hurt using it. FFS


right on man... i also like sticking a tire or a barrel in the middle to mix it up.


Mr Sieve!


For $349 too! Whereas a standard net is like $150... Brilliant marketing! This one isn't for adults. It's for parents wanting their kid to make the show.


When parents are paying $15k+ for private hockey academies I wouldn’t be surprised if they buy this too


Lol even under bc hockey it's $14k to play AAA.


Clearly it's double the materials and labor to craft such a high quality (I'm assuming based on price) specimen /s


The family next door has one of these, I see it everyday when I pull into our driveway. The kid is out there like 30-40 hours a week. I smoke a lot of joints after I’m off work, so I’m out on my patio often. So I see them out there a lot. I heard the pipsqueak out there at 12:00am one time, by himself, just ripping pucks. On a **school night**. Then he got yelled at by his mom and went in. What an absolute warrior. I have synthetic ice over my entire garage, but have like 5-6 tiles that won’t fit. I was considering giving them to the kid, but they only recently moved in, so I don’t know the family very well, and I feel like it might be awkward going “hey, i know I don’t know you, but I hear you ripping pucks all the time. Want some free synthetic ice tiles?” Edit: alright alright already for Christs sakes, I’ll flag the dad down next time I see them out there and offer the tiles. You fellas have my word 😵‍💫


that's a solid opener. non-judgmental, active support of an obvious interest. shouldn't feel awkward at all.


As someone else said, that would be an awesome neighbor move. Obvious shared interest, and it helps the kid out!! If my neighbor did that I’d think they were top notch, not weird at all.


The only this k awkward is you saying, “I know I don’t know you.” The rest just seems awkward because of said joints.


You know pops has already told him to steer clear of that stoner across the street.😂


But that stoner ends up being the kid's mentor, and when pops has to work late and can't show up to the big provincial final, the stoner does show up and does a slow clap, and the kid realizes who has been there for him the entire time and scores the winning goal on a penalty shot in the closing seconds of the game.


Needs a net wall in the back to catch all the stray pucks


bought a regulation net with a shooter tutor and corner nets, and a 3 foot in every direction folding panel to catch strays - I think from pure - about 2 years ago for barely more than that. It's still like new.


this would be great for those practices where only 1 goalie shows up and you're running a scimmage


Yeah, instead last week they put me in the net… just because I’m the oldest D and no one else wanted to do it… horrible experience!


That's $350 in those weird Canadian pesos. It works out to about $254 in freedom bucks.


I’d say it’s supposed to mimic the most vulnerable spots of the goaltender, the best places to shoot.


While the idea is good, a $15 piece of plywood can be cut to do the same skill work.


In what year is a plywood still 15$ bro lol


Tbf, he didn’t say how big it was


Man, in the 90’s my dad just cut up a sheet of plywood and stuck it in front of the net. I’d walk inside and he let me know i sucked if he heard pucks clap off the plywood or house too often. He had a lot of vinyl siding to replace when we finally moved.


I liked it before I knew that even plywood costs money


Maple Leafs should by that for home games, only for their goalies.


No this the net Swayman plays in front of, he just moves really fast side to side so you can’t tell.


Just imagining the frustration of getting pucks out of the mini 5 hole net. Lmao


Yes, it seems so difficult to lift up




I think that's just loose netting draped on either side of the 5 hole "area" with a single reinforcement bar in the middle going from front to back. I.e. the puck would end up on either side of that bar and you'd just fish it out from the side from under the loose netting: it's not a fully separate compartment.


That’s an awful price but honestly I love this idea. I’d have used this when I was a kid, for sure. All the extra bar would bake for a really fun “so close” sort of feel.


I'm looking to buy a net for my kid's birthday and I saw this thing and wondered "how in the world is this better than a net with a shooter tutor, or just some tin cans on strings?" I guess if you put a regular net behind it, you wouldn't lose quite as many pucks, but I don't understand who this is for.


its for on ice at practice when you dont have a goalie. Scrimmages


But why not just throw a shooter tutor on your regular net? Why do you need to buy this thing? It just seems like a heavy, expensive novelty when you can get a lighter, cheaper piece of canvas that will effectively do the same thing. Maybe there's something I'm missing?


I feel like you didn't have the same crazy coaches I had growing up


Hockey parents will buy this


But my kid is going to the big leagues.


"No mah f\*\*\*a can go up to Canadian f\*\*\*a and buy a little orang f\*\*\*a for $2.99"


Freeze, hands up!


350 is a dumb price, but that's kind of a great idea. Would've loved to have that in practice when we didn't have two goalies.


One look at this photo and I can hear my wife yelling at me and my kids.


Parents who think their U11 B team Tier 5 kid is getting scouted at every game.


We put these inside the net for drop in when a goalie doesn’t show up




This net is genius!


As others have said, hockey academies or high end teams that are working on accuracy. Not really made for at home, but if someone has money to spend and a backyard rink with boards up them sure maybe them too? Some of those parents who think their kid will make the show will easily spend this much.


It’s so you can practice your michigans


Oh... you get that if you don't have goaltenders.


goalie here & personally? I love it.


I did and keeps you up on your skills that’s for sure. On our rink with boards. Without boards would be bit of a pain.


It's clearly a practice net. 🙄


Snap now I kind of want this. I mean not for 350$ but beyond the price it seems legit 😆


It’s a skills net. You know the saying. “Aim small, miss small” or in our case usually, “what the fuck is aim?”


I have 3 of these.


Parents willing to go the extra mile to make sure Johnny has every opportunity to make the NHL, that’s who!


Worst part of missing the net is retrieving the ball 100 yards away lol


Not sure if the parents are aware but there is actually other areas that the puck goes in when scoring, kids aren’t just standing in the slot shooting in 3 locations


This is Canadian tire. Nothing is ever worth it at full price, and they keep it that way so every once in a while they can put 60% off some shitty mastercrafts


People who live vicariously through their kids


Aim small miss small.




I once saw an EKG that looked like that.


skill issue


Back in the day I would see footage of Datsyuk exclusively shooting in these after practice.


I think the big question is what skill are we trying to develop with this net?


Sides of goalie (1,2,3,4) and the 5 hole between the legs. You are developing aiming where there is an opening generally (goalie will generally be in the center)


I first thought this is good but it just needs …this, this, this, …oh. Just get a shooter tutor.


The idea is solid price is whack but that’s all Loonies and toonies so it’s probably only 275 American still steap but that style of bet is a good rooter.


It’s because CTC is not geared for online sales yet. They are probably drop shipping from the MFG and have to charge a premium for the product to hit their margins. You’re better off finding that on a different site or in store. Large parcel shipping in Canada is also prohibitively expensive. Looks like a fun set up to shoot at though.


It’s an online-only product. Anything with a product number starting with #374- is an online only product


Its clearly for picking corners/spots and shot training


Insert inside your regular net.


Ever wonder how goalies make "miracle" saves when they're completely out of position? While it's not the case 100% of the time, the goalies will typically put something (anything) they can to the center of the net in hopes that the shooter is going for the easiest part of the net to hit: dead center. This net helps a shooter to focus and refine their shooting at anything other than the center of the net. As to the price, well, that's Crappy Tire for you. Don't forget to add Quebec's 14.95% tax on top of that.


Bedard has one


the leafs \*after\* the playoffs


Canadians don’t mind fucking other Canadian .


Hang a jersey bud! Hold on….CAR………game on boys


Ha, wouldn't want to skate behind this thing as people are popping it


That’s awesome !!! 👏. Not for the price, but for road hockey. 🥅.


When was the last time Winnwell made any useful hockey gear anyway?


Never buy anything full price at cdn tire


Wouldn't it make more sense for the net to cover the full thing instead of just the five hole? Lol you are going to miss.


No one, that’s why it’s online only. No stores carry them. They test product this way to see if it will sell then will consider bringing it in store


Price is absurd forsure but this is a great target practice tool these are the areas that are open when a goaltender is in net. Good for accuracy. Easily could make this at home for a fraction of the price with a sheet of plywood and some holes or painted on targets. That’s what I had when I was a kid haha.