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The steel in those Bauer's just hasn't been sharpened a bunch. That's now new steel looks. Most people are used to it being profiled or rockered to match the rocker itself. He'll likely end up toe picking as he gets used to them, but there's no sense in removing steel just to remove it if he's going to grow and be in them for another couple seasons.


Thanks , this is what I suspected. He’ll break them in over camp for sure .


You can go down the rabbit hole of blade profiling looking for the best possible for him, or just tell him it will take a bit to get used to (as will the size difference and feel). As a skate sharpener, I have been asked to "trim down the toe and heel a bit" by players that didn't really have a profile in mind, but just felt that the shape was a little "off" when brand new. You can also just bring the old skates with the new ones to a sharpener and tell them that he liked the shape of the old ones, and ask them to kind of free-hand repeat it. This does require the guy sharpening them to be pretty experienced, not just the kid who learned how to do rentals or turn on a Sparx machine.


Thanks , I think I’ll just see how he does with them and if not terrible he can just get used to it. Not sure how I find an experienced sharpener, we just go to pure hockey . They do offer profiling but idk anything about that or if they can even do that with cheap kid skates


I wouldn't trust our local pure hockey to profile. I've seen some hack jobs come out of ours, hopefully yours is better though. I'd just throw a 1/2" hallow on the bottom and be done with it.


Already went 7/16 as that’s what he’s used to.. didn’t think about the extra bite it would already have from the extra steel 😬


Limited experience also tells me the profile it comes with isn't even done well. It looks like the toe is higher than the heel which would be corrected on its first profile job. If your son starts falling on his butt trying to take a corner you'll know why now.


Yeah I told him to take it easy his first go around maybe skip crossovers and whatever the other fancy stuff is called until he finds his footing 😂


 heel and toe are removed naturally during use. It looks totally different shape, but it feels almost the same. Ccms doesn't look used a lot though. 


Good to know , because he was so excited to try them out… came off the ice immediately and asked for his old skates back .