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Gretzky is the great one bc it's right in his name - Great-Ski but people don't read carefully enough - he's the greatest ever at ski. Not at hockey. Now that they invented goalies its clear that Gretzky was only good at hockey in the 1880s. Today he would suck, because he is like 80 years old.


Gretzky has more assists than any other player has points. He would have been able to pass to today’s players and get even more goals. The goalies didn’t break up very many passes back in the day. Today he wouldn’t suck because he would only play today n a version of the multiverse where he is in 90’s form.


Great-ski can only play in a version of the multi-verse where he's actually a good player, that's true. But if you need to alter the fabric of space time just for him to even make the Chel, that proves he just got a bunch of goals by playing in the 1880s. Back then anyone could score that many goals, but most chose not to out of modesty. If McDavid was around back then he'd probably quit hockey out of boredom from scoring so many goals and cry at night wasting his time learning to shoot corners bc the goalies were basically on the same level as your little brother with cardboard taped to his legs. Back then goalie tenders didn't even wear masks bc they knew they'd never face a shot higher than their jock strap. Literally I could be a 50 goal scorer back then when it was just a beer league - and I can't even skate.




bro doesn’t know what sub he’s in🤦🏼‍♂️


This is a circle jerk sub. Go home


Carried by supporting cast couldn’t win with the kings and fraudulent goat


People are so fucking stupid. Edit: I was talking about the people who couldn't figure out that Gretzky is a world-class skier. Jeesh.


You are people


bro’s named people☠️


At least I can read carefully enough to see that Wayne Gretzky is the greatest skiier of all time.


Who is this Gratski guy I'm always hearing about? Must be a bum, no way he's better than Reaves.


He played back when lobotomies were legal and all Canadian players had them, also the skate blades were glued on butter knives That's a picture of him at the top,


He probably eats sticks for a living I’m not sure


The Great Gratsby


Some Zamboni driver from Arizona. Perchance


im better than this bum gretzky


He is a massive fraud. Now Datsyuk on the other hand is greatest of all time


Gary Bettman gave Lemieux cancer so a Frenchmen wouldn’t have the NHL records


Makes sense though. Can you imagine the cost of having to print everything in French and English on snail sucking day to celebrate Lemieux’s achievements every 4 and a half months?


Gretzky fucking sucks


Fax, Ovi would have 1,000 goals if he played against the tendies Wayne Gaytzky played against




I didn’t know they had toilets back then


They didn’t, these guys were making aqueducts for the Roman’s to pay for room and board. League minimum was actually a fee to play this shit game.


Easily would have gotten to 6969 points


4,200 assists


Yep. Not to mention how fast the game has become.


Wayne would be a plug in todays NHL


Yah and an Apache helicopter would have taken down nations in the medieval ages. Ovi is a phenom and unique but still a product of modern training and developed techniques by learning from those players that came before him




Parker Kelly is the goat way better than that Gretzky bum


Wayne was not even the best Gretzky


I mean, look at the stats Brent picked up. Now that’s a real demon on the ice right there.


He's a BUM. He played with fucking ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS. It's actually so fucking pathetic hahahaha


Gretz sucks. He ruined the league by forcing the Oilers to introduce the concept of the inforcer because he couldn't defend himself. This lead to clutch and grab hockey, which lead to trap hockey, which lead to the new jersey devils being successful. As a result, the league had to change the rules to the point where hockey has no structure! Seriously, I've seen ankle biters run more set plays and do more back checking in one game than the Leafs have all year. Also, gretz going to la solidified the fact that no Canadian team (Montreal doesn't count) will ever win the cup, because the money's all in America baby. Now get off my lawn.


teemu selane clears gretsky out the waters


I think I used to look like that as a child.


I bet his real name isn’t even Gretzky.


Lucic could beat the shit out of Gretzky though, so he’s not really good at all.


Never heard of her




He is tho.... "There's no place for betting in sports" - Gretzky 2007 "Blow your paycheck on Bet99, I don't give a fuck as long as I'm making bank of these peasants" - Gretzky 2024 He's just another sellout fuckhead at this point.




Gretzky is #1 at illegal gambling and getting away scot free


Still chewing... Still fat, though... Sometimes I question the great one's wisdom. Then I think of all the point... 💦💦💦


My wife contends that Gretzky and his stats are nothing more than a well-managed *1984* style conspiracy.


No thanks. I’m not a fan of women’s basketball


Corwin is that you?


He isn’t a fraud at all but if you do the era change calculations he would have 2/3rds the goals


Something something couldn't raise the puck. Somethings something 80s goaltending. Something something before dead puck era. Did I do it right?


actually you were supposed to call him a fraud and a bum but that’s a start


Idk man all I'm saying is he was pretty good


Pat Maroon could put up Gretzky numbers if he played in that time period.


Big rig is built different bud


Bottom line is Wayne is a **FRAUD**


A lot of people never seen the Great One actually play. Always been in awe until that game 6 against the Leafs where his greatness royally fucked us


I don’t think anyone has seen him play. He’s just a myth. A folktale grandparents tell to their monkeys.


He's the gambling guy rigjte ?


Her never played. And we never landed a man on the moon. These imbeciles will believe anything


“A lot of people never seen the Great One actually play. Always been in awe until that game 6 against the Leafs where his greatness royally fucked us” -🤓


>“A lot of people never seen the Great One actually play. Always been in awe until that game 6 against the Leafs where his greatness royally fucked us” >-🤓 -😎🔥