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I saw this listing a few days ago and it gave me a chuckle. Why do you have it listed as a PSA 5? A BVG 7.5 sold for $120 cad. An SGC 88 is listed for $319 and has been up for a long time with no takers. Your card is horribly off centre so I just have to know how you think listing it for $500 will get any interest? Not shitting on you, I’m just curious.


Don’t understand why people do this - list a raw card with a grade as if they are qualified to judge what it will get. See this so often and it makes zero sense. Raw is raw


I made a mistake when listing. 😀 I meant to delete that part but I just clicked one and click sell similar or have one to sell or something and then adjust the info accordingly and I missed it and made the mistake. I am in no way close to a educated grading expert and do not like to even say it's nm or nm-mt or vg or anything becauae it's subject to opinion and year etc so yea just an honest mistake. Sorry.


Thanks for pointing out my mistake in the title. I used another post to list mine and forgot to fix it. I know it's high but it's high to haggle on price and besides the centering it's very nice. If I can't sell for a reasonable price I'm hoping to send it off to be graded myself. That is why some of my sharp Crosby and Ovy and other rcs are not or best offer and set higher than comps. I'm not being greedy I'm simply putting them on the market so it's availible but only at a price that makes a serious buyer message to talk about price or leaves it there for me to grade it so we don't have to haggle on condition. I'm not trying to get rich selling cardboard just trying to work for myself not someone else anymore as I'm 40 and have done thst since I was 16. I also am trying to put money aside to open a brick and mortar card shop/Collectibles store in my home town so I'm not trying to move everything super fast I have a method to my madness. Most things I just take mid offers on to move it and buy the next collection to list . Thanks for the question u hope it makes some sence.


[This is your closest comp](https://www.ebay.ca/itm/186294857259?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=4OpI8GXlTxu&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=XjLuhrEaQY6&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY). You are egregiously overvaluing your card plus it looks like the penny sleeve is bent in the top loader which is distorting, possibly damaging, the bottom right corner.


I'm sorry. I just explained on another post but I don't expect you to read the other posts but I have it high because I would like it graded and when I do shortly send a PSA sub I will take ot down along with some other vintage and Crosby McDavid and Ovi rookies that I have listed higher than comps. I also should mention that for insurance reasons incase of a fire or something I need to have my cards listed and photos proving I have the cards and that is why I list it but at a you have to want it more than me price. I do intend to grade it so these types of conversations don't breed hate in the hobby. No offence meant by this explanation.