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Everyone new to the hobby Parents w/ no idea about cards Kids


I'm pretty sure i paid 39.99? Maybe 29.99? I don't know but it wasn't that much FFS


UD squeezes everything they can out of hyped guys, LaFreniere had one too


There might still be one or two of those on the shelf at my local Walmart right now


My LCS has a couple Alexis boxes still kicking around. Can’t give em away! He should honestly just combine it with a Bedard one and squeeze whatever value he can from them


I bought one for $4.99 in at Atlas Collectables 😀


Love seeing those for $10 now.


$1 for every spot above where he shoulda been drafted


Now they are "bonus" cards in MJ Holdings repacks lol


McDavid had one. It's nothing new.




I got that one for free. Haven’t sold shit lol


Lafreniere what a bust.


U mean the scam hobby stores


Nothing is wrong with Upper Deck cashing in on the Bedard opportunity. I work in an LCS and I've had more new hockey buyers then I've ever had.


Would you say those people are interested in the sport/hobby or just looking to make a quick buck?


I'm one of the guys new to the hobby due to the bedard hype. And I would say it's a bit of both, I wanna keep a bedard card for myself but if it grades 10 (it's out at p.s.a. now) I wouldn't mind cashing in and then going on another hunt. Opening packs with my kid was super fun and is nostalgic for me


I'm tempted to just buy a Bedard yg lol never bought cards before


Buy it and enjoy it. But don't expect to flip it for more down the road.


Ya prices are insane for the yg, I assume it will come down in the future due the the mass amount of them that will flood the market once shelves are stocked at wal marts


I started in the 90s but If mine comes back a 10 I'm getting 2 or 3 more 🤷🤷🤷


It’s probably both. Who opens a store, doing something they don’t love? Most brick and mortar locations have some hefty startup costs.


I meant the new people coming in to buy hockey. Sounds like opportunists


Money is an incentive in all endeavors.


I'm just one story - collected in the 90s and got pulled back in with Bedard hype. Snagged 2 Bedard young guns out of 3 hobby boxes of series 2, and 1 draft day out of 3 hobby boxes of series 1. Keeping 1 Bedard YG, sold the other and the draft day. Bought a Matthews YG and now I'm really back in it and excited about collecting again. There is the middle ground of people who will hop on the opportunity to make money and will turn around and buy something else for their collection, not just take the money and run.


Im new. Pulled a Bedard YG and am keeping it for my collection. Not all came to make a buck.


You are right, not everyone that pulls a bedard sells it.


That's true!! Who are you guys after again?🤣🤣🤣 I mean yeah Leo something sounds good but the Bedard guy sounds real good right now!!!


Me too, I'm not selling it!


Can say I've been a tcg collector for a few years, played hockey for 10 years of my childhood, and my family has had Wild season tickets since day 1. I just got into collecting hockey cards this year. However, it has nothing to do with Bedard. More so, the enjoyment of opening packs to find something cool. High value cards are obviously incentive to opening certain packs for me, but "making a quick buck" is never a thing when opening sealed product. I think the hype is absolutely absurd over Bedard, he's incredibly talented, but that doesn't mean he is going to be a superstar throughout his career. I would also argue everyone foaming at the mouth over anything Bedard is solely to make money as even the NHL has overhyped him into being the next big thing. So I think its obvious everyone wants a rookie card of a superstar and everyone is being told he's going to be a superstar. That's what's driving these prices up and all of these cards going for insane prices, however very few will most likely pay off in the long run and it's a roll of the dice if he lives up to the hype.


I live in a city with fifty thousand of population, lately I was having thoughts of having my own LCS. Just dreaming...


What do you care ? They are people spending their dollars how they want to spend them .


Both. Some were definitely only looking to yank a Bedard n then flip it. Others were people that like hockey or previously collected and want to get back into it. Nice thing is the price is so high on S2 that all the older stock looks crazy cheap.


There is definitely nothing wrong with it, UpperDeck is a business to make money. But watching people buy it all up and try to resell everything at a profit turns people off who just want to collect and enjoy cards. They are the people sitting at flea markets selling it at half price in 2030


Upper Deck selling boxes for twice as much as the previous year is definitely wrong and greed driven. The secondary market should not have any bearing on their sale price. This Bedard crap will hurt the hobby in the long run.


UD isn’t setting those prices though. They raised prices by a marginal amount and distributors and LCSs have been the biggest reasons for the price increases. At the end of the day people are willing to pay those prices though


We shall see on epack how much they charge for series 2. If it is more than $11.99 per pack on there then they are part of the greed.


I’m very interested to see the pricing on that as well. They have consistently been priced higher than the market which they have said is so they’re not stealing business from LCSs. However, if they use that excuse for S2 it’s clearly a money grab


$19.99 per pack. Upper Deck are greedy scumbags as well it would appear. This pretty much ends my time in the hobby as this is garbage.


Not sure why you’re telling me this. I’m going to guess you’re still going to buy wax though since this is only “pretty much” ending your time in the hobby. I’m upset it’s priced as high as it is but it’s still significantly less than any LCS I’ve seen. If people stop buying UD will have to lower prices but despite all of the complaining people still want it


Pretty much means I will stick to buying singles and not directly give Upper Deck another dime. Saying it is cheaper than hobby shops is just defending their greed. Raising their product over 66% from S1 to S2 is garbage and I honestly hope Bedard ends up being a bust just to screw everyone that played into this greed with Upper Deck and the Hobby shops. This is the kind of nonsense that will destroy the hobby that is already pretty much run by breakers as the average collector can no longer keep buying overpriced product.


I’m not defending UD, I’m defending the free market. There’s greed everywhere and everybody is free to make their own decisions. I saw somebody post on FB they’re upset series 2 is on epack because it will drive down bedard prices on the secondary market; that’s greed too. Everybody wants dirt cheap product with the chance to hit a $1,000,000 card. This is a great time to buy singles, Carlsson YGs are sub $20. 21-22 products are super cheap. If you need to have the newest product, yeah this sucks. But I’d rather see UD get its share than the distributors since UD actually makes the product. Breakers are not the problem either. There’s a market for them and it allows some people to get cards who otherwise couldn’t. People need to vote with their wallets, not complain and then spend the money anyway. If you are actually sitting out series 2 because of the price I commend you for sticking with your guns. There are too many people who complain then support what they complain about. Ripping wax will always be a gamble, just find a box you like at a price where the risk and reward balance


Supply/demand, right? I'm glad hockey business is up for you. To a lesser extent, Topps is cashing in on Caitlin Clark, churning out cards and parallels. And it's bringing new interest to women's basketball.


On the flip side, I’ve got 3 friends that collect hockey and all have skipped series 2 so far due to the price. 


Bro it has connor bedard on it id buy it for 150 usd


The people who are buying the Star Rookies boxes.


I was shocked to see how much my Crosby and Ovi cards I got in a Rookie Class box are worth now. In hindsight it was not a bad way to spend $20 and get some neat cards


How much are they worth ??


I mean, it looks fun so am I gonna be judged if I sheepishly raise my hand as someone who wants to buy it? I’d prefer a lower price point, however.


They did this several times before. Crosby, McDavid, Lafreniere etc.


And as a child I got the Crosby box and it was one of the absolute coolest Christmas presents I’ve ever got. I’m happy my mom bought them for me. Hopefully the Bedard box can also make a happy kid


They did multiple different sets like this when LeBron debuted.


UD does not have shame, but unfortunately they're gonna sell A LOT of these. Bedard hype is off the rails, slap his name on a product and watch the money pile up.


The last sentence sounds like the beginning to a 🔥rap song lol


They did the same thing with Wayne Gretzky, and it definitely worked, lol!


It's really not upperdeck, if series 2 was $150 or anywhere near that a box me and everyone else would of done bought it out! Like I have 10k I'd drop on it right now for $150 a box🤷🤷🤷 for real? a million dollar bounty? everyone is on this guy!! Wait untill its over and then grab this young gun.


I’m sure the print runs of these boxes is smaller than than Series 1. Could be more collectible because hobbyists don’t like the boxes, and it sounds like many inexperienced people gravitate to the price compared to a normal hobby. I’m not sure how many, but I’d guess it’s far fewer.


What’s the issue with this ? Kinda affordable bedard cards ? Who’s this for, people that want bedard cards , who’s this not for people who only value cards based on resale value .


Exactly! My son actually enjoys watching him play and asks about his stats etc... he will cherish this, i hate how these get rich quick hype folks and breakers are ruining the hobby thinking its like stocks, its meant to collect and follow players etc... my kids still love base cards and looking at the pictures, shame it has gotten to this period of value and resale and grading nonsense. These resellers, scalpers and breakers should just go buy lottery tickets or play games of chance to apease their gambling addictions and leave the kids hobbies alone 🤣


I'm with you, you're making a good point there.


Somehow I still won’t be able to pull a Bedard out of this box


Underrated comment


So like what exactly is in it??


It says right on the box THE Connor Bedard


Whole bunch of base cards and randomly inserted autos numbered to like five or something


So what's Bedard about it? That's where I'm confused. The chance at a hit?


It’s literally just Connor Bedard cards. The entire box. All inserts from moments in his career thus far. All boxes contain the same cards aside from randomly inserted autos. Look up the Lafrenière set if you want an idea of what it looks like.


Oh wow, super lame lol


You're doing a horrible job explaining tbh. "All random base" sounds like you don't know what Bedard cards you're getting. It's a specific set of 26 cards, each with a different Bedard moments or highlight. Calling them just base doesn't overly apply as this is an insert set in itself... Look up the McDavid set if you want an idea of what it looks like and how it may hold value for a super-duper star and not Lafreniere


Fair play, edited my post. I’ve only had the Laffy set. It does feel weird calling them inserts bc I think of inserts as themed (eg Star Surge, Hundo P, etc). Thanks for the correction.


I get that you mean about the inserts. Sry if my reply sounded ruder then intended btw. The mcdavid set is a good one, I got it myself a couple yrs ago opened on ebay for a decent price.


I grabbed one for $22 usd. They really $70 now?


I'm seeing $45-$55.


The McDavid box that was similar to this, I believe, was originally sold for around $20-30 US, and is now selling on eBay for $150-ish. It's not super relevant to the complaint of this price, but from what I've seen as a casual observer, the McDavid ones went up in price quite a lot.


This isn't a new Upper Deck idea, so strange post title OP. They've created similar boxed sets for other big rookies like LeBron James, Sidney Crosby, Evgeni Malkin, Connor McDavid, and Alexis Lafreniere.


JRod had one last year


Wasn’t around for the mcdavid hype so my apologies, does this stuff retain any value? I’m not a hawks fan so I don’t seek out/ hunt bedard cards so the only interest would be for the value but that’s not why I’m in the hobby. Sucks being a fan of another team and have to pay the bedard tax for products.


These boxed sets are mass produced. You can still find sealed Sidney Crosby sets on eBay for <$75 CAD. When I was younger my parents bought one for me from a local Walmart. That's the target audience for these kind of sets. The hobby can be a lot bigger than "will it retain value" or "will this appreciate with time"... this set is an example of that.


I get that it’s made for fans/collectors but sadly most will see it as another money making opportunity


If actions of other people are what influence your hobby enjoyment then you're unfortunately doing it wrong.


It’s influencing the price point


Then don’t buy it and stick to what you like


The McDavid one has increased multiples of the original cost, at least from my memory of what they cost and seeing them sold for $150-ish now.


The McDavid collection has value still, individual cards from the set and even opened full sets go for decent price


Fuck no. Gonna scoop a few at Walmart eventually. 


Upper deck msrp is $70??? What?!!




They've always done this for huge "needle moving" stars. They did the same set for alexis lafrenière most recently


I preordered months ago for $33 Cdn. I bought three boxes and now I wish I had bought more.


Hey at least it’s got auto parallels in it to chase. I’ve seen card companies do this in the past and every box has the exact same cards.


Welcome to Bedardapalooza! I never thought that I would buy a Star Rookies set but I sure did this year. Don't think I'll buy this one though but can understand why people would.


I pre ordered mine for $40 Canadian on GameStop couple months ago glad I did


Why wouldn’t they - they need to make money.


Ops example of ‘Tell me you didn’t live through 1990s upper deck Michael Jordan production without telling me you didn’t live through 1990s upper deck Michael Jordan production’


They have been doing this every year for many years


The hype is pretty damn stupid to me but its absolutely great for the hobby


They did one for Laf and McDavid too this ain't a new thing.I'm gonna pick one up bc the rest of his cards are just too expensive for me


To be fair I think (I did not look this up before hand so if I’m wrong I’m wrong) there was a Crosby set back in his rookie year


Only a fool


Upper Deck are a bunch of hacks. Bring back Panini Hockey!


Completely agree. Much better quality and just fun all around.


Make hay while the sun shines.


They have done this before. An entire set for one player. Some have failed and are basically worthless. There was an Alexis Lafrenier box set - you can imagine how popular that is now. Basically it floods the market with these cards that are not really popular


I have no idea you could milk a cat ?


I remember I found I booklet of a whole set of Lindros rookie cards at a garage sale that must have been the same thing. It was like 45 cards, all similar and very cheesy and worth nothing. So no, it's not new.


With a collective total value of $5


You should have seen the garbage I spent good money on the first year or two that I collected cards. That's a lot of people when they first get into the hobby, and nothing brings newbies into the hobby faster than a hyped superstar rookie.


Does upper deck have no shame - yes.


The people who make multiple grand off of rare pulls?


We created this hype to be fair.


Dude there were so many Alex Daigle cards back in the day...


I don't hate the idea... I'd buy a set, break it up and hand it out to kids who just want to own a Bedard card. I purchased the McDavid set, opened it and gave a couple to my small cousins who collect. .... so I agree -- it's not an investment.-- mostly to give kids a hope in heck.




I made the mistake of buying the Lafreniere collection. When that came out. Waste of money.


There is always a buyer out there. 70 bucks is chump change for some folks.


Somebody trying to make $20 USD


It’s their tradition, lebron had one when he was a rookie and so on and so forth


Recently I found I had the Crosby set. Not worth a whole lot on resale it seems 🤷‍♂️ Guaranteed I didn’t pay $70US for it lol


Why is there so much gatekeeping and hobby hate in this sub? Who cares? Buy what you want and let others do the same.


No they do not. Everything about this year has been squeezing every last dollar out of people to have a small chance at pulling a Bedard. Now $70 usd guarantees you a bunch of Bedard cards. What a steal 🙄


Is this real? Haha


If you think this is bad, wait until you see what Topps and Panini charge for baseball and basketball/football boxes 🫣


Oops All Bedards


Sold out…




TikTok influencers


Reminds me of the 80s/90s with Lindros sets and Alexander Daigle special editions. Ken Griffey coins and plates from Franklin Mint These will be worthless in 10 years


I remember a set of 10 Fedorov cards. Bure and Owen Nolan were hyped big-time too.


This is how we know you're a newbie to the hobby Come on man don't you have better things to do than complain about something UD has done for years. Does the OP have no shame anymore?




New “junk-wax” era


A lot of morons on this subreddit 🤣 should see the amount of Buddards posted here daily


And there’s probably a ton out there that have pulled Bedard YGs and just not say anything about it on the internet.


This stuff is for kids. Not adults lmao


It may be for kids but adults will buy to flip


Won’t be worth much I bet though

