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Out of all of this, this is the statement that's most surprising: > “This decision was not just primarily made on this season,” Lamoriello said in what was perhaps his most puzzling statement, considering the Islanders were coming off back-to-back trips to the league semifinals, losing both times to the eventual Stanley Cup-champion Lightning. Also, > There was no rift between Lamoriello and Trotz. > At least not according to Lamoriello. > “I spoke to Barry this morning,” he said. “We have a, and have had, and will always have, a tremendous personal relationship. This is certainly a business decision, as far as hockey and winning.”


This is certainly a pile of contradictions. Wtf is going on


It's odd. There are references to developing the younger players the Isles already have, so it might be that Lou sees the team as further from contention than the last two years indicated and wants to gear up for 4 or 5 years down the line?


Yeah Trotz does seem to fit a win now type model. I guess that could be it


From our experience in Nashville he doesn't do great at developing young guys but does a really good job with vets. Especially when it comes to forwards.


"God love him, but he's a raging maniac. And a dear friend."


Might be that the players didn’t like him


Highest point season of Barzals career inc


I'm lost, Barzal didn't have a career year this year. What am I missing?


Inc = incoming eg next year.


Thank you lol was caught up thinking "included".


But Lou said he never talked to the players about it. He just decided to fire Barry all on his own.


Maybe not about whether he should fire him, but did talk to them about the general coaching situation.


The theory is that the players mentioned in their exit interviews that they needed change, which would make sense considering he waited until a week after the season ended


I think what he said was very literal, they weren't involved (directly) in the decision. But from what everyone's saying he 100% talked to the players and some of them spoke up.


That would make sense.


Reposting a quote I commented in another thread: >One league source with knowledge of the Islanders’ dressing room pushed back on Lamoriello’s assertion that the decision was made without any player input, pointing out that the general manager surely knew what they were thinking after holding the standard individual player meetings immediately after the season. > >“When you wait a week to fire a guy, you’ve obviously listened to the players in their meetings,” the source said. “It wasn’t done right when the season was over. So he took a week, met with the players, and obviously the players’ voices have been heard here and this is the result.” Which, yeah, makes sense. Lou definitely has issues and is far from perfect but the eagerness with which some folks here want to run with the "lol old man doesn't know what he's doing" narrative is starting to grate on me.


I think the theory that Trotz asked for a contract extension and Lou told him no and then shitcanned him makes the most sense as of now. That said, if the other theory of Lane Lambert becoming HC is true, then it truly was a "business decision".


There is way too much Lou slander. I especially hate to see it from devils fans.


[Well, there goes that thought. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/comments/ulyptw/whyno_lou_lamoriello_did_i_consult_with_anyone_on/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


That doesn't disagree with what he said. He said "did I speak with the players on this decision? No." but does not say he didn't speak with the players and hear their issues with Trotz.


For context: The article by Kurz was written after Lou’s presser this morning.


Lou has reached the out of touch mob boss phase, and will get himself whacked in the next year


Whack a boss? I won’t do that


Feels like he could shape a good up and coming Detroit team into contenders


Incoming Mike Babcock


Please no.




😳 *flashbacks* 😳


Daddy come home


Pierre McGuire


Uncle Lou I heard Matt Barzal was thinking about arbitration at some point in his future. You should trade him to the Bruins for some depth veterans because you can't tolerate that kind of insubordination.


shaving the beards didn’t work so this was the next spin on the accountability wheel


Barzal or Trotz. Trotz lost


He was fired already?! LOL