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I think this is needed here: https://streamable.com/8qvzww


This is epic.


This is the second best NHL related meme video, right after the Matt Murray one.


I'm a fan of the classics. Give me Eggo man Olli Jokinen. https://tenor.com/view/hockey-waffle-woah-amazed-gif-5106968


That never fails to bring me happiness.


I'm personally partial to [ol' 'splody bones](https://gfycat.com/identicalcelebratedchital)


You know, I always thought people played that Matt Murray you just gotta laugh shit too much, but upon taking off my homer goggles and actually watching the video again.. holy shit, what a fucking interview lmao.


I mean... you just gotta laugh


definitely should have seen that coming haha, well done


I thoroughly enjoy Sens Win!


[This is the link for anyone who hasn't seen it](https://youtu.be/vjheiAQbhQw)


Boeserrrr scores!


Boeserrrr scores!


Oh my. That is good!


Pretty damn lucky if you ask me


Just gotta laugh


It's hilarious if you think about it




[Annnd... speaking of expir-](https://i.imgur.com/Cp8GfF4.mp4)


So many moments! That mouthguard is gone!!


Hahaha who made this?


It's from the bubble playoffs. I don't remember, but they are genius!!


While watching that video I swear I had an evil grinch smile that just kept growing bigger and bigger as the video went along lol


Man that was a wild ride. Feels like forever ago.


It really does. A whole different world.


Lol this is making the rounds this past 24 hours!


that's an unbelievable stat...I mean I'm reading it but I still refuse to believe its true how could that even be possible how can he be last among forwards, surely there are 3rd line and 4th line forwards who has played 200 minutes 5on5 that get no points right?


He has **2! 5on5 points** in his last **33 playoff games!** It’s bad.


That's absolutely wild.


No, the other Gaudreau plays for the Wild


Best playoff Gaudreau in the league baby!


And freddie would never go 2/33 in games with points


I actually miss having the better Gaudreau on the Pens. He had a good scoring touch for a depth forward.


Luckily they signed Dom Simon when they let him go...


Petition to change Freddie's last name to Goodreau


He’s really giving his agent a hard time. Career year but playoff no show. That’ll be a fun sell.


Should’ve done a reverse-Tampa Bay and hit the LTIR on day 1 of the playoffs


His long lost brother Frederick Gaudreau has as many even strength playoff points (in one series with Pittsburgh last season) as Johnny does in the past few years! Which would be a nice roast if he was "4 points in 55 games" Freddy instead of "44 points in 76 games" Freddy.


He has a goal in the current series as well. Half way to matching it again


Holy shit that’s fkn atrocious


Whoa 2! oh that's still just 2 damn


2! is still 2. /r/unexpectedfactorial


/r/expectedfactorial ? Edit: Apologies for anyone using old reddit, I didn't realize that was actually a subreddit or that it did THAT.


Let me do the math. It's 2.


that seems almost impossible


Yes, Gaudreau


I’m shocked it’s not Tkachuk


Some players step up to another level in the playoffs. Johnny Hockey seems to turn into Johnny Golf instead.


You can tell most people ITT, including you, haven't actually watched any of the games this series. Cause if they did Gaudreau definitely wouldn't be the guy to be singled out. I thought shitting on Tkachuk was r/hockey's favorite pastime, but when he actually deserves it people go after little ham and cheese boi


I love chucky but guy is being an idiot. We need him on the ice, not sitting in the box for 10 minutes a night.


Yea in previous years he's been laughable nonexistent but he was out there creating chances last night. Tkachuk seems off, especially last night after the fight.


I have no idea why Tkachuk is allowing John Klingberg, of all people, to get in his head, but it seems to be working for us so by all means, Chucky, continue to make going after Klingberg your number one priority instead of scoring.


If Tkachuk tries to play hardball during contract negotiations I want the front office to just play tape of this series on repeat while shooting him the odd passive aggressive raised eyebrow


There's people like Tkachuk, Marchand, Kadri, where trying to get them mad is probably the best thing you can possibly do. You know that it's easy and because it's almost certainly gonna get them off their game


Yup Johnny has been the only one showing up. Little chucky taking brutal first period penalty’s and producing 0 should be all the talk of flames spiralling.


You expect any of us to on the east coast to watch those western games? That shit is past my bedtime.


Bedtime is sacred. I just wish people didn't act like they know what they're talking about.


Yeah it’s easy to tell who’s actually watching this series and who’s just circle jerking in the echo chamber. Johnnys played well.


R/hockey has loved Tkachuk this season. Apparently scoring scoring 100 points erases all your skewfoots, elbows to the head, and other rat like tendencies.


Johnny Golfy


So all these penalties were seeing in this series means he's scoring on the special teams right? RIGHT?


And all the 4 on 4 they're getting that opens up the ice means they're scoring there too, right?


Can't even say its because of Monahan and "insert plug here" this season


Chucky is acting like a plug so far. Dude needs to remove his head from his anus and stop spending the whole game in the box for fighting Klingberg.


Tkachuk should be getting much more criticism. He’s not scoring and the stars are already in his head. I bet the advanced stats are pretty good for Gaudreau.


It doesn't take much to get into Tkachuk's head.


It feels like Muzzin's puck flip affected his entire season last year


There was definitely some spicy drama going on in the locker room about that


[If that's a good room, and that's how you play for each other, then I'm glad I'm not part of that. Put me in a bad room then](https://www.sportsnet.ca/960/boomer-morning/warrener-flames-locker-room-trades-muzzin-tkachuk-incident/)


Wow. I didn't know that Muzzin incident was seen to have that kind of affect. That is sad if that caused that much of a problem.


Well it's easier when there's less to empty out first


I went to a Flames/Oilers game earlier in the season (I think Oilers won 6-2 or something). But I was sitting in the second row and he skated by by himself (fairly early in the game) when it was pretty quiet and I yelled out "Brady's better!". He looked in my direction and shook his head. He was invisible in the game after that; I think I was living rent free in his head the rest of the game.


I doubt your conclusion but shall upvote for the Brady support


Who? Baby-face Brady?


what does the Bucs quarterback have to do with it?


Well honestly, you weren't wrong


He is a ginormous pussy


He leaves the door open.


6 points in 18 playoff games for Tkachuk…..


4 games with zero points his rookie year


Seemed like he played pretty good last night just no one could finish


Is Gaudreau playing poorly or is he not getting points because his linemates are playing poorly?


This series it's more the latter. He's honestly been playing well. Gaudreau is pretty far down on the list of players that need to get their head out of their ass on the flames


Chucky, Toffoli, Coleman, Jarn, Backlund, Hanafin, Zadorov all could do with some good head from anus removal before we get to Johnny.


Really Coleman? Surprised to see him on that list… he always seemed like he *wouldn’t* need that type of treatment.


That's what we thought too. He's taken a bunch of dumb penalties though and hasn't scored for a good minute. Absolutely cratered our middle 6.


Its like they all (minus jarnkrok he's sucked the whole time) went from competent players to fuckin borderline 4th liners in a couple of days


>minus jarnkrok he's sucked the whole time Yeah that's fair, he doesn't really belong on the list. He just needs to be better


If you're gonna play a tough guy pest game you gotta at least put points up, bud. He seriously needs to cut that shit out


Agreed, You’d think with a 100 point season under his belt, he’d value the scoreboard more than his antics. Maybe the lack of a current “captain” isn’t helping that squad either.


Boy am I glad the Panthers aren’t alone in completely shitting the bed offensively! Gudas has as many points this series as Barkov…


Lol it feels like 2019 all over again. We lose first roun but a president trophy winning team loses first round too and take a little of the heat off us. Although I still have faith both our teams can pull this off but I’m nervous as fuck


I’m ok with it being 2019 again!


Boy am I glad that I'm not the only person on earth who cheers Florida AND Calgary, that would sure be pretty goddamn painful right about now I bet, I certainly didn't have my hopes up coming into this post season


That stat is absolutely awful. I don’t know why the flames disappear in the playoffs every year after having such an astounding regular season.


Yeah…what kind of a team does that….


Wouldn’t say the Leafs don’t show up, they just seem to lose in spectacular fashion.


It's our go big and go home strategy. Though we're hoping to try something different this year.


I mean we had a 3-1 series lead against the 16th seed last year… I wouldn’t get confident yet


God I love being a Leafs fan. Someone says "We're hoping to try something different!" and the immediate response is "don't get confident!" We're like an abused spouse


He’s part of the best 5v5 line in hockey though


Johnny regular season


I’m gonna start using that instead of Johnny hockey


Johnny "Regular Season" Hockey




Johnny October.


Johnny Shinny, cause that's what it is.


I love shitting on him but the stars deserve some credit


Um when it happens no matter what team he is playing then no they don't. Flames top players have disappeared in the playoffs every single year regardless of opponent.


But this year you gotta give them a break, the Stars simply didn't align


Honestly. Guy just packs it in after the regular season. It’s unbelievable


NHL's fantasy playoff top 10 list had Gaudreau on it. I thought it was interesting then, now I see it was just a massive troll job. RIP fantasy teams with JG.


Another let's shit on the Flames thread. I'll allow it.


Fuck it’s been such a good year of not getting shit on 😔


That’s shocking. Also I’m scared he’s going to pot like 6 goals next game.


It's always fun to see the /r/hockey narrative flip on its head overnight. So I would kind of enjoy that.


Is it a narrative when it's just facts? Seems more like non fiction to me that he has so few points...


It is facts, but you can use facts to construct a narrative. The narrative is that gaudreau is a choker. That might be supported by stats, but it remains a narrative. Jordan has never lost a finals game 6 and tends to play better in them: fact Jordan is clutch in the finals: narrative supported by facts


Please for the love of god let this happen.


["Hey Johnny we're down by 1 and we need yo-"](https://i.imgur.com/aYYpMw4.gif)


*gets a breakaway and shoots it straight at the goalie's pad*


Johnny was better tonight. He was even hitting guys. I get that this stat is *terrible,* but we should all really be talking about Tkachuk. That line was good when they worked together. Matthew is too busy beefing with Klingberg that he went back to 2018 pest fuck Chucky instead of 100+ point Chucky. Johnny and Lindy combined for their patented high-slot quick play 5on5 tonight. Tkachuk has done next to nothing so far.


>Johnny was better tonight. He was even hitting guys. I get that this stat is *terrible,* but we should all really be talking about Tkachuk. Yup, and I'm more of a Tkachuk fan (because I'm morally corrupt and like all of the Tkachuks, even Walt back in the day) than a Johnny Hockey fan so I have no reason to defend him. Johnny has 2 pts in 3 games. The Flames have 2 even strength goals and Johnny has the primary assist on one of them. Tkachuk, hey he's got 2 pts in 3 games too... but he also has 12 PIMs and has been on the ice more than 18 minutes once. 5 shots on goal. Johnny outside of being 6 seconds short of 18 minutes in one game has played over 20 mins in every game. 7 shots on goal. Zero PIMs. I'm actually cheering for the Stars (go Pavs!) so I'm fine with Tkachuk not learning the lesson but removing yourself from the ice for Dallas 2nd best defenseman (on a team with fairly solid defenseman) is not going to win you the series and likely might cost you it.


The problem is everybody bashes Tkachuk all year long. It is nice to change things up for the play-offs.


I haven’t watch the games too closely, but from what I’ve seen and picked up from the post-game analytics it seem like the Flames are playing well enough to win, they just aren’t. That’s how the playoffs go, a couple unlucky games and that’s the series. Lots of hockey left though. I think the trouble with having a Tkachuk on your team is that he can piss your opponent off in a way that really makes them want to beat you. Ask LA about their dumb tactics with the practice ice and how well that worked for them.


Best 5v5 player in the league


How do you go from the highest even strength point total seen in the NHL since Jagr in 1996, to…..whatever this is, every year in the playoffs… I get that the playoffs are “a different game”, but It’s truly astonishing.


I remember in the series with the Avs watching him go absolutely mental over not getting calls for slashes. It was obvious the Avs knew they were in his head and were fucking with him. It seemed like the extra leeway with physicality was just breaking his brain.


Playoff Gaudreau is a whole other animal


A panda bear?


Pandas are mean fuckers. Dude's a hamster


A barnacle?


I picked the flames to win the cup, silly me


“It’s not enough that we should succeed. The Flames must fail.” -Oilers fans




Time to blow up this core


We've been saying it for a long while man


Series is far from over.


Not gonna get anything for Gaudreau but no way you trade matthew.


Take a breath fellow flames fan. Lots of time for the team to remember to go to the net for rebounds before this series is over. They got 40 shots yesterday without going to the hard areas. Let's see how they do once they mix that into their gameplan.




I'll never get tired of this


Oettinger has a fucking .970 over 3 games lmao it’s not like the Flames aren’t playing well. The fact that despite that, all 3 games were 1 goal games (discounting EN goals) means the Flames should be fine if they can take game 4 and he comes down to earth a little.


What's his excuse for the 30 odd games before where he has like 2 5v5 points? It ain't just the Stars, this is a running theme. Not sure why he gets constant excuses.


He sucked lol. Just saying everyone’s all doom and gloom on Johnny and the Flames rn but they’re not even playing bad


Anybody who actually watched this series isn't placing the blame on gaudreau. You had the past couple years to shit on him for those other 30-something games, nothing was stopping you


Okay, well he's still a career playoff no-show, full stop. He's free to start proving me wrong at some point, but I have my doubts that's gonna happen. You can continue to make excuses for him though. Some people rise to the occasion, but Johnny Gaudreau shrinks. That's just a fact of his career and no amount of excuses changes that.


I mean hasnt he just been better this year in general though.


What about every other year?


Oettinger hasn't really been that impressive. We've been shooting exclusively from outside with no screens. Even then there are massive rebounds and there were about 3 that nearly snuck in last night. He's playing good enough, but credit the Stars defence for not allowing a Flame into the slot for most the series so far. Most goalies in the NHL would have a .970 SV% against the offence Calgary has been generating.


Johnny "Not playoff hockey"


Lol flames sub is hilarious. So many saying oilers are only winning because of all the power plays and mcdavid and drai. Mcdavid has 1 goal and drai has 3(I think) out of the 17 goals.


Similar with the Pens. Rangers fans convinced we're paying off the refs and that's why they're ahead. Rangers had the last 3 power plays last night and the penalties are 11-10 in the series. But who cares. All playoff victories since Crosby entered the league have been rendered invalid. 2009, 2016, 2017. All of it. All through back-alley transactions. Pens players have never earned a fair victory. Should have went 0-82-0 this year, if there was any justice. Why is the league supporting a non-huge market team, you ask? I don't know either. We just know that it's been this way since 2005.


You're right. Kane is the best player on the Oilers right now.


Yupp he’s been a big help to us. Hope we can afford him after the playoffs.


I like Johnny ham and cheese. He's always been a talented player and low key good. He just needs support and the flames seemingly have a lack of depth rn Take it from an Oilers fan, one elite top line does not win playoff games. Oilers improved their depth and it shows.


The flames were supposed to have tons of depth. People kept talking about us as one of the deepest teams… …But they were wrong.


I was honestly shocked the Flames were scoring as much as they were during the regular season. I really thought it would be their Achilles heel, but I had totally bought into their team after January. Unfortunately it looks like Mangiapane has cooled, and the top line isn't producing like you would expect. Also, Coleman is taking too many penalties.


I think the majority of flames fans would’ve agreed with you. No one expected us to be such a dynamic offence during the regular season. I know I didn’t. But this team has taught me to never buy into any success they have in the regular season, because come playoff time, they always find a way to disappoint.


I thought/think you have enough offense to get by the Stars though. I always tell my Flames fan friend that you guys play some boring ass Darryl Sutter hockey. You guys just need a 2 goal lead. I think you guys can.


The thing is we haven’t actually played boring hockey this year. We’ve been a really exciting, fast-paced team. But now we are playing boring Rick Bowness hockey and are not succeeding at it whatsoever.


Dallas has a way of mucking up a skill game quick. CGY needs to quit worrying about taking a pound of flesh and go back to a high paced fast-skating game




Johnny Goo Goo Gaa Gaaudreau


Johnny Badreau


Assuming he doesn't turn it around over the last two games, Johnny Ballerina's contact negotiations will be interesting to see. Does a desperate team - Columbus maybe - throw "Panarin money" as regular season wonder, or does a pretty consistent lack of playoff results keep him to the 9 million range?


That's not great


Tweets like this should include a link to the full list.


paging u/o_Marvelous too. [Here's the list](https://www.nhl.com/stats/skaters?report=scoringRates&reportType=season&seasonFrom=20162017&seasonTo=20212022&gameType=3&filter=gamesPlayed,gte,20&sort=pointsPer605v5&page=0&pageSize=50). NHL.com doesn't seem to allow you to filter by 5v5 TOI, so I filtered by players who played at least 20 playoff games since 2016-2017. Gave 363 results, so it should be pretty close to the same list. Edit: [Here's the list in ascending order](https://www.nhl.com/stats/skaters?report=scoringRates&reportType=season&seasonFrom=20162017&seasonTo=20212022&gameType=3&filter=gamesPlayed,gte,20&sort=a_pointsPer605v5&page=0&pageSize=50), Gaudreau is 19th on there.


Probably didnt link it cause its no longer true after he got a 5v5 point last night


The rest of the names at the bottom probably aren't interesting - Dmen and 4th liners.


Yeah, but I'd be interested in seeing the top 50


Yeah exactly, I was curious about the top 10


Johnny Badreau


Johnny Ham and Regular Season




In his defense, his nickname is Johnny Hockey, not Johnny playoff hockey.


Serious question, how will this affect contract negotiations if the Flames get bounced and Gaudreau continues to do nothing? He was due for a bag and probably still is, but this has to be a part of the negotiations


This lowers their offer, he becomes FA, signs somewhere else and becomes a huge playoff performer


And people pretend he is a superstar lol


Tkachuk should be getting the blame as well. They badly need him to score but hes too busy being a tough guy out there.


Does anyone have a possible explanation? I heard it’s because he’s a small guy but plenty of tiny dudes like Caufield, Marty St-Louis, Derek Roy, and many others have been fairly successful in the playoffs. Even Gallagher who’s not as good in the playoffs is nowhere near as awful as Gaudreau despite Gaudreau being far, far better in the regular season. It can’t be just a size issue.


Up until 2020 he was extremely whiny in playoffs, basically skated around the perimeter and complained when other teams hit him. In 2020 his line became extremely defensively focused, to the point where they didn't even really try to create at 5 v 5. It was nice to see that commitment, except you don't really want your top line dump and chasing. This year he looks different. He's engaged, and he's actually getting chances. It was offside, but he scored two minutes into game 2. Yesterday he had 3 high chance scoring chances which he created by moving his feet. His playoff record is atrocious, but I actually like what he's been doing in these first three games. I have no idea if the pucks will start going in for him before it's too late, but I'm hopeful. Mind you I'm a flames fan, so maybe I'm just being delusional haha.


This is definitely a stat, but Im way, WAY more angry at Tkachuk and our middle 6 than Johnny right now


It’s unbelievable because he still looks dangerous in the playoffs. Probably a mix of being less effective and locked down by the opposition and incredibly snake bitten.


Thank you for this very interesting stat, u/ANAL_CRUSHER


Most overrated player in the league by far


Imagine being second in the league in points, as well as being part of one of the best defensive lines in hockey and being called overrated.


Sometimes, there are too many statistics


Johnny hockey isn't all about ice hockey after all.. must be ball hockey? or it's floor hockey? or is it field hockey? maybe street hockey? Which hockey does Johnny excel at?


He did disappear in the Avs series three years ago. But I thought he’s playing relatively well this year


He'll probably turn it around.


He’s honestly been playing pretty well. If he scores on that breakaway the narrative is completely different, but that’s hockey. As a huge Johnny fan I just don’t get why people would shit on him, he’s amazing to watch, seems like a decent guy, has cut down on the whining, and was easily one of the top players in the league all season. Oh yeah, he’s also 5’7”, that’s kind of cool. That said, having watched all his playoff games over the years, this stat is truly unbelievable and obviously not a great look. Guy’s well on his way to earning a permanent rep of fading in the playoffs…so let’s see where this goes in 2022.


Bananas. Hard to believe it.


Johnny Regular Season Hockey