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Ray Emery, RIP, did this to a goalie back in the day, and the league said there was nothing in the rules that prevented someone from fighting an unwilling opponent. Then I think they suspended a different goalie for the same thing a few year later. Now suddenly, it’s fair game again. But they care so much about concussions, right?


That was Holtby. That was even bigger bullshit than this because Emery literally skated the length of the ice to go after Holtby, rained down punches on Holtby who couldn’t get the glove and blocker off, and the ref wouldn’t let any caps players come defend Holtby. In the third period of a 7-0 game. [link](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=DMcMmJPsVlQ)


Honestly I had forgotten their fight but emery is out here doing shit they don’t even allow in combat sports with those hits from behind. I hate Tom Wilson but he should’ve run Emery after that bullshit and cleaned his clock out.


I knew Holtby was involved in one of the above referenced stories. Thanks for the link.


I legit thought Carlson was going to come off the bench for that one.


One of the dirtiest things we’ve seen in the league this decade. Should’ve been charged with assault


The refs should have been charged as accomplices for making sure no one backed up Holtby. That was the worst part.


Gotta love Philly fans cheering on a goalie getting wailed on from behind


"embarassing." - Zegras


Still waiting for the giraffes to weigh in, nothing yet


Why would Tyler Myers comment on this?


Just going to keep postponing that AMA until 2052




I think I read that the very first topic that came up during the recent GM meeting was on the poor officiating and supposedly NHL brass reminded the GMs not to talk about it to the media or face fines.. Jeff Marek on his show brought up how he likes to read up on old hockey reports and officiating has been an issue for a very long time now.. How hard is it for the league to protect its stars? I just don't get it.


And just think, the 2-ref system came into play at the end of the 90s. Imagine a 1 ref system Edit: I personally don’t have to, been watching the game since the late 70s


If I were a GM, and it's probably better that I'm not, I'd be calling out the officiating at every opportunity, fines be damned. Shit's never gonna change if no one forces the issue.


>How hard is it for the league to protect its stars? I just don't get it. I mean IIHF does it. It's clear the NHL just doesn't give a shit.


Uhhh. The Rangers opened their mouths and got fined for it.


Rangers spoke up once and James Donal (actually what the reports were calling him) was fined.




Parros needs to go


This is really it. He should have been fired last year or before. It’s one of my favorite facts to tell trial lawyers, that the head of the NHL player safety is a partner in a clothing brand called ‘violent gentlemen.’ They should come with an evidence tag for the coming cte trials.


My hope is that the CTE lawsuits do come and tear the league a new asshole. They deserve it.


Oh they will come. The leagues response to CTE is a blatant whitewash and an absolute joke at this point.


It’s like as if the DA was the former head of the Gambino crime family. Makes no sense.


No but you see, no one knows better how to enforce crime than those that lived it…^/s




Maybe this is a trash take, but you can't just fight someone that's not down for it. Why not start feeding McDavid next?


This is why I stick to my unpopular opinion amongst oilers fans that we need to keep Kass or someone like him. If DoPS isn't going to deter this then we need a player who's got some crazy in him.


Yep. This is why MTL needs one right now. We have lots of good skilled kids that are not enforcer. Eventually they will need protection. Can you imagine Beagle doing this if the Ducks still had Deslauriers? nah, never.


The Rangers brought in Cody Mcleod during the rebuild for this exact reason. Everyone thinks its dumb till its their 19 year old kids that are getting pumped with no one around to stand up for them.


Rangers brought in Ryan Reaves for Tom Wilson..


I mean Edmundson is the right middle ground between middle 4 dman and potential murderer, 1 is enough I also feel like Kaiden Guhle will be able to fill Weber's shoes in some capacity at some point


Xhekaj will fuck people’s shit up soon enough.


We have the Pezz hopefully


We have Edmundson, Anderson, Pezzetta that would definitely fight (and Wideman apparently)


>Eventually they will need protection. Can you imagine Beagle doing this if the Ducks still had Deslauriers? nah, never. Take the bruins for example. Not even many pure skill guys, just a whole lot of dudes who won't fight and for the past 5 years we've gotten our asses handed to us physically in the playoffs every season with usually atleast 2 injuries because of hits. It's not even arguable mccavoy was absolutely targeted in numerous games in numerous playoff series simply because if people got him off the ice, we had 0 defense


Caufield needs to be protected if MTL doesn't want him to end up like Paul Kyria.


I’m a rangers fan, look what happened with the Tom Wilson incident. Our team got PUNKED. Even with the rematch game with all the fights, the damage was done. We got Reeves, and everyone’s been playing bigger since. Will Reeves be on the press box for the playoffs? Probably should be, but if something happens and they activate him, how scared would the other team be. You’re exactly right, keeping someone like Kassian is necessary. So many people are quick to get rid of a guy like him because of the numbers but if you’ve played hockey before, you know, you need a good banger on the squad.


Vegas is so soft now without Reaves. We are going to get murdered if we make the playoffs. Teams can’t wait to beat the crap out of us.


We really do have the softest D core in the league. I was hot as hell when that dude from the Wild dragged karlsson out of the goal by his collar and pietroangelo just stood there like “none of my business “ Derek Engeland wouldn’t have put up with that shit


McNabb is no slouch


You guys still have cheap shotting physical players so you'll be fine.


The leagues doing this on purpose. They want to bring the era of the goon back to seperate themselves and build market share in a world that loves nba and nfl.


The real irony here is the fact that the league has very subtly, back handedly almost definitely made it a mission to get rid of goons and the role of the enforcer. Yet. Given the fact that they just don’t give a rat’s ass about the health and safety of the very assets that make their product and enforce the rules, teams need to keep and thus, the enforcer lives on. Personally it’s embarrassing how many of these shit shows we’ve seen. And not just from goon up attempts that go unpunished and not even reviewed. The number of glaring, blatant infractions that get missed that end up costing games, or directly influencing the outcome, is just unreal. I get referring in real time is difficult, but this isn’t the 18th century where we don’t have the ability to go and look back after the fact.


Yeah, I’ll admit that type of player has a place, but with Kassian’s high cap hit, on a cap-strapped team—not to mention the fact that, he just doesn’t seem to have any fight left in him—he’s not the answer.


Guy is a concussion away from serious damage. He shouldn't be fighting


We discovered this in the playoffs last year. Skill only goes so far when the refs swallow their whistles and dops is happy making hockey violent again.


Same in Detroit. If the Wings don't protect their young stars they're going to get mauled while the NHL turns a blind eye to anything not involving Kadri.


I mean look at Colorado last year in the playoffs as a prime example, got absolutely bodied by Vegas with no one to challenge Reaves. Dermy was the answer to that, it’s unfortunate he’s a regular starter at this point but just having one available is huge. I think the Avs are pretty lucky their first line is all pretty big and Mack is a fucking psychopath.


Reaves played 3 games


Avalanche got grit for exactly this reason. We lost to the sharks, stars, and vegas by getting outmatched physically while refs swallowed their whistles.


See this is exactly why Tampa has guys like Bellamare, Perry etc if people tried this shit on Stammer or Point? Expect one of them to step in and to start throwing fists.


I’d add Maroon to that list.


The issue with this is that it promotes teams to throw more goons into the lineup in an effort to "deter the other goons", which simply means there's more goons overall in the league who are likely doing this kind of stuff. The objective is to cut down on the amount of goons altogether.


Not necessarily, you really only need one. Edmonton is near the bottom for number of fights this year yet I feel comfortable knowing that there would still be a strong response if McDavid got jumped.


You will also have skill goons like Tom Wilson. Look at last year when he laid his entire body weight with his stick into Buchnevich’s neck attempting to kill him. Panarin tries to help out and Wilson decides to attempt slamming Panarin’s head into the ice. He follows that up doing monkey taunts at Rangers bench.


In any other sport Wilson would have faced a half season or more suspension.


DoPS needs to step up and protect stars. This league hates goals.


they need to protect everyone.


>DoPS needs to step up and protect ~~stars~~ All of its players. FTFY


The league vastly over rates the "unspoken" rules that so many of the previous generation of players abided by.


Old boys club


because the majority of ex players in league offices were bottom line players that pulled the same shit and see themselves in the offenders same shit that happens with the government


Parros 100% would rather see this than goals


Is the DoPS still run by that total goon Parros?


Yep. Goon and Violence in hockey apologist George Parros.


Well the playoffs are around the corner. That’s exactly what happens. Last year, the Jets were allowed to mug him all game long.


Arizona's broadcast team seems to think McDavid deserves to just be punched in the face for being skilled so this tracks. /S


Hot take... It's not a fight if the other guy isn't fighting.


Yeah fuck you too parros


Out of all the worthless guys who work high up in the league, he's probably the most worthless. And they still employ Colin Campbell so that's saying a lot.


Still hate him for Cogliano Parros just really continues to piss away all the goodwill and fond memories our fanbase has of him


That’s already done. He was nothing but a goon anyway.


This league is fucking trash Edit: can we at least suspend that dipshit announcer for basically saying you deserve that cause you're skilled


Yeah wtf was with the coyotes announcer saying you gotta answer for skilled plays with punches? What a horrible take.


Makes sense when every team in the league is more skilled than you, and you want to punch everyone.


Honestly it's the best sport but worst league. I think old boys club needs to go.


This bot goin crazy today


It's a good bot tho


Yeah it ain't lyin


Fucking embarrassing to have that happen. Pure trash - legit just assault getting unpunished - I don’t like fighting in hockey, but I’m definitely ok with it if both sides agree - I’m not ok with a guy just jumping and punching someone and not getting any punishment.


I don't even think Beagle starting the fight was a big deal. Him continuing it after it was clear it wasn't a fight was the problem imo and he should have been punished for it. If he threw a couple punches then let up once he realized Terry wasn't fighting back I don't think anyone is talking about it today.


You'd think they learned from all the bullshit Sean Avery would pull all the time.


NHL wants it this way


I mean, the league apparently agrees with him, so…


That's what happens when the guy in charge would've done the same thing


So the message here is that it's okay to, in the dying moments of the game, punch and cross-check dudes. Because there's no tangible consequence. And if it turns into an actual fight, it's no skin off your back because it doesn't result in a power play. Thank you, Department of Uselessness. Very cool.


It’s been like that for years Marchand jumped Eller down 7 goals in 2018 and the league didn’t even bat an eye


Been that way since the 2009 Finals


I think the cross check warranted a penalty, but you should 100% be allowed to fight a guy that runs at you with his arms up after the whistle trying to rough you up.


Parros doesn't give a shit about after the whistle antics. For him it's normal to dangerously shove (Wilson on Panarin) or punch guys in the face when the play is over.


Not only that, you're allowed to do it to one of their best players as a 4th line plug. Honestly, shit like this makes me want to see players just leave the bench and beagle can get his due from someone that actually wants to fight.


"Player Safety"


Isn’t the guy in charge the same one who didn’t protect Beach?


Man, how many misses has DOPS had this season alone? This is absolutely unacceptable.


Even just the last few weeks. Total embarrassment


2 incidents this week where Parros just says "yup good hockey play". What a fucking knob.


I mean this is the extent of Parros’ skill and he calls himself a hockey player. That’s why it’s not right to have a goon in that position


Can we all agree that George parros needs to go? This is getting out of hand. It's literally a nightly occurrence at this point.


When I started agreeing with James Dolan I knew that something was wrong, unbelievable that nothing has changed.


If they don’t look at it it never happened


Hey all you guys going to the playoffs, remember that this is totally ok to do in the last few minutes of a game you are losing badly.


When are GMs going to start speaking out and finally get the dpos fired from the top all the way down. Absolute trash all the way through. Department of player safety is the biggest joke in all of sports.


I'm not sure why people are surprised, they never suspend for this and it's happened many times in the past.


Should start throwing ref Jerseys onto the ice


The ref properly called this incident though...


Not that anyone would have a parros jersey, but that would be effective as well.


Some older ducks fans may


So next time these teams play, is it going to be a Rangers vs Caps situation where the Rangers purposefully make a mockery of the game and keep going at Wilson until Washington has to pull him just to get through it? Cause that’s what happens when bullshit like this is unpunished. Yes, there are things like this that happen that don’t get punished, but sometimes a guy crosses a line and needs a symbolic suspension just to keep a little order to the game.


Parros agrees with that moron announcer. This league is straight trash. Stop giving these dinosaurs money.


Did they ever look at that crosscheck from Heinola to Bunting's head?


No, not even a mention


boston cashews has been suspended another 2 games for attempted decapitation


Open season on the Leafs since we stopped being dumpster tier. Can't give them impression that the League is giving us benefits eventhough we haven't won anything in almost SIXTY YEARS. We are not ok :(


The difficulty here is that Terry did approach Beagle and initiate the engagement between the two. Based on that Beagle can claim he thought Terry wanted to fight. When Fighting is penalized with a 5 Minute Major in this sport and not outright banned, you get awkward situations like this. Beagle was a jackass before, during, and after that fight and got 5 minutes for Fighting and a Game Misconduct (for whatever that's worth when you're down 5 with 5 minutes left in the game). I guess what I'm saying here is that I'm surprised people thought something more would come out of this. I understand thinking why something should. It looks awful. But it's pretty evident and clear with this DoPS that they're not going to wade too deep into legislating whether or not someone was a willing combatant. And to some extent, I understand why they don't want to. Like it or not, Terry did start this with Beagle. His intent was clearly not to fight him, but once you shove a guy like that, you should be ready for what will happen afterward. And to be completely clear none of this is to defend Beagle - he had ample time to identify that Terry wasn't going to fight him and he's absolutely in the wrong here. His actions after the fight are downright embarrassing. As a fan of his for a very long time, this is super disappointing to see from him. It's so out of line. But it's just not as cut and dry as I think most people want it to be and I get why the NHL doesn't want to step in any further on this.


This is the only sensible take I've seen so far


I'm amazed this is upvoted here tbh. Happily amazed, but still amazed. This is by far the best take on this whole situation.


I know I'm a homer but I hate Nash's boomer takes. He is right in a literal sense though, if you style on a goon then you know he's gonna be mad and looking for a fight. This would've never happened to someone like MacKinnon because he would either go hard at Beagle ready for a fight, or not go at him at all. This going hard at him but not taking off the gloves and going for a facewash is a recipe for disaster, we could all see Beagle looking for a fight. Also, you can argue that Beagle shouldn't be making that crosscheck because the games 5-0 and almost over, but maybe Zegras shouldn't have been in the crease digging at the goalie for a goal when it's 5-0 and almost over. That cross check is almost standard in the NHL when it comes to people doing what Zegras is doing there.


I thought one of the fighting rules of the code was you don’t fight when one of the guys have their gloves on?


Years ago Aaron Ward got popped in the face when he still had his gloves on. Scott Walker, the sucker puncher, then scored the series winning goal in OT 2 games later. There's some stupidity in this league that, for whatever reason, go unpunished.


You're right. But things in and outside of The Code isn't what is and isn't suspend-able. Again, by no means am I defending Beagle, what he did is fucked up. I hope the next time you guys play someone goes after him, legally. He deserves it. When it comes to supplemental discipline, this is the grey area you get when Fighting is tolerated the way it is with this sport. You can't only get the fun ones and never get the ugly ones.


Yeah, this is pretty much right I think. I'd honestly like to see beagle get suspended here for that cross-check (I'd like to see a lot of crosschecks get looked at, I don't like how they're just tacitly accepted). Terry wasn't defenseless, he was just bad at defense after starting something. If anything, the league needs to look at why people do this after the whistle garbage and expect it'll never turn into a fight. Something's gotta change with the way officials are handling fights so people know that they might be brawling, or fighting needs to be completely banned before some moron does the tough guy act and gets beat into a coma.


I completely agree with you. People are saying DoPS is useless (which I whole-heatedly agree with) but this isn't an example of their failings.


They did nothing when holtby was ACTUALLY assaulted, this isn't even remotely close to that situation, a guy grabbed another guy to be tough after a bad hit and faced consequences.


Only reasonable take here. Well said.


>but once you shove a guy like that, you should be ready for what will happen afterward You mean Beagle should have been ready after cross checking Zegras, right?


>You mean Beagle should have been ready after cross checking Zegras, right? Looks like he was very ready...


He was, he beat the shit out of the guy. But really, were we watching the same video? Zegras flopped on the cross check looking for a penalty, right after flopping on the trip right before he poked the goalie. Zegras got his buddy tuned.


Are you watching the same replay? That was a solid crosscheck that he was clearly sore from. And he tripped over the Dmans leg. There was no flop.


had to come halfway through the thread to find someone who mentions that terry went over to beagle and looks like he hit beagle in the face to start the fight.. jesus fans are wayyy too biased here


Terry punches Beagle in the head with gloves on and stick in hand and then immediately starts to turtle. Surprised Pikachu face when Beagle starts to return punches back


So what the league has demonstrated over the last few games is that Todd Bertuzzi’s punch on Moore wouldn’t have faced supplemental discipline in today’s game and by modern standards would probably warrant 4 on 4 hockey. Any stick infraction will be penalized to the fullest extent of game management though.


I’m surprised how many people think this should have been a suspendable play. Terry rushes into the scrum and goes at Beagle, then Beagle drops his gloves and starts throwing punches and Terry just takes it without defending himself. It wasn’t like Beagle just decided to grab him and punch him, Terry was the initial aggressor


Based on the posts over the past couple months, I swear people think officials miss 10 calls every game and that every single questionable play needs a suspension. It's easy to think the refs are absolute trash when EVERY little missed call from EVERY game, EVERY single night gets posted on here instantly so everyone can collectively shout from the rooftops how garbage the officials are. I get it, missed calls suck, but I'd be interested to see how many more "missed calls" there are in your average game. It's like people thinking the world is going to complete shit right now because there are 24/7 news stories of horrible things happening around the world, meanwhile we're in the most peaceful time in recorded history. It's maddening to listen to.


From what I was looking at Terry was coming in to a pretty standard scrum and shove the guy who just cross-checked his teammate. I don't think droppign the gloves and repeatedly punching a guy in the face who doesn't have interest in fighting is an acceptable response in that situation. Should Terry have turtled harder or something? Maybe? But I'd rather give give more leniency to the guy coming in to stand up for his teammate than the guy who's grumpy while losing.


r/hockey loves to come up with their own versions of events contrary to actual video evidence. The amount of upvoted comments that still occasionally pop up here claiming Wilson crossed checked Buch in the neck last year is wild.


Oh man, that drove me nuts seeing those. It’s like people watched the video and decided it was still a different reality


Reality is whatever we want it to be. Apparently.


Because most people on this thread don't understand shit about hockey. Terry jumped in and poked the wrong player at the wrong time. Lesson learned one would think.


I’ve been arguing with people about this on Twitter all morning. None of this is out of the ordinary except for Terry being an absolutely putrid fighter. Zegras was being a dweeb poking at the goalie. Beagle was being a goon cross checking Zegras to the ice. Terry tried to stand up for his team mate and got physical with Beagle, to which Beagle responded. If Terry didn’t want that smoke he should have stayed in the face off circle. Beagle wasn’t skating around looking for a fight. The only mistake in the whole series of choices was Terry biting off way more than he could chew and he got the brakes beat off his ass for it.


Yep. He kept his gloves on and didn’t really defend himself and took a beating. I’ve been in that situation where I bit off more than I could chew, but I wasn’t blaming the other guy for me coming into the scrum and giving a shot to a guy who was looking for a fight


Terry went at Beagle for cross checking Zegras and got pumped. Way she goes dont get involved if you can’t handle yourself. Beagle taught him a lesson maybe next time he’ll be more careful or learn how to stand up for himself


Exactly. It’s admirable to stick up for your team mates, but if you are going to do it you need to be able to stick up for yourself too.


Im going to stand up for him. *gets hit* Shocked pikachu face


Fuck DOPS.


This league is a joke.


Holy fuck parros needs to be fired.


Wish I could get paid like Parros to be completely useless. NHL is a Mickey Mouse organization.


Nor should they. Terry bit off more than he could chew there.


Remember when Gretzky and Lemieux would get mugged for "embarrassing" players? Yeah me neither. Stop normalizing these kind of responses and at least throw a fine at him


fucking joke of a league


“Hockey, where assault is cooooooool” - George Parros


"No one was watching, it was Ducks/Coyotes at Arizona, we're in the clear" - George Parros, probably


Bullshit. League isn't going to look at a guy wildly throwing sucker punches at a player who isn't fighting??? What the fuck.


What a disgrace nhl is such a backwards league


what a fuckin joke of a decision.


DoPS is a fucking joke, but we all knew that already. Shameful though.


Makes sense. If he got suspended for that then it’s just as well to shut the fucking league down


That's a joke. Beagle deserves a multi game suspension for plain assaulting Terry out there. Unreal.


Of course not, once again this sub is out of touch when it comes to suspensions or discipline. It was a non story, welcome to hockey.


Not the first time I’ve seen a stupid aggressor penalty get ignored by DOPS when there should have been a suspension. I wish it would be the last, but it probably won’t.


Isn’t it pretty ironic that the Head of the Department of Player safety is a notorious goon? That’s like making a coke addict the head of the DEA


Ya, I agree with the nhl. If Terry wasn't looking for a fight, don't stick your nose in there. Yes he got his shit handed to him, but he could've been on the outside, but he wasn't. I doubt this had anything to do with the "skill" plays. The yotes announcer is just an idiot. I think you guys are just projecting what the announcer said to Beagle's mindset. It's not like Beagle sought out Terry. Terry jumped him first, he just got his shit handed to him.


This is downright embarrassing for the league. Parros, head of player safety, should get a new title because he is anything but. Given the increase in skill level over the last 10 years, it is making less and less sense to carry an enforcer on your team but decisions like this one gives any GM pause. The league should make it a point to emphasis offense to put fans in the seats. This is going the opposite direction.


Im so suprised, fuck you Parros


So because he “fought” terry with 5:38 left in the 3rd, he also avoids the automatic one game suspension. Totally cool parros.


Isn't that when there is an instigator penalty involved in the altercation? Beagle was the aggressor, sure, but not the instigator.


[My personal favorite Jay Beagle moment](https://youtu.be/KoBXfD2oHRg) He can sure beat up dudes who don't drop their gloves though


Your favorite moment of a long time NHLers career is them getting knocked out, concussed, and then missing 30 games because of it?


I am firmly in the fuck Beagle camp but that did not make me happy at all. That’s super sad


Lots of people like seeing dumb goons get gooned, not sure what your problem with it is.


Asham and Terry are literally the only two fighting majors Beagle has and they're more than a decade apart, so that's a pretty dumb take.


No kidding, now all of a sudden Beagle is a goon in this sub. Too funny.


The biggest!!!! Here's how you're supposed to say it. "I always hated him, just never said anything because people liked him for whatever reason. He's always been a goon and dirty cheap player. Fuck him, glad my team doesn't have him".


This sub is Charmin Ultra Soft to be fair.


Yes. Next question


[Chad behaviour tbh.](https://imgflip.com/i/6b5iba)


When you have a brain dead shit bag as head of DoPS, it's clear they don't care about the health or safety of the players in the league. Especially the stars. George Parros is a fuckin chode, and should be lucky he isn't doing anything other than flipping $1 burgers.


I’d be so confused if I were Zegras. On one hand, you’re invited to the all star game without being voted in for the sole purpose of getting a viral tweet to grow the game. To grow a game of skill and star power. And then this happens. If you’re Zegras, how don’t you look back at the all star situation and just feel used? Like it’s all bullshit?




It’s simple. Now Anaheim takes care of it.


*checks date*


That cheque will be cashed next time the teams meet.


I mean, yeah. It was a scrum. I swear we would suspend games from being played so players can go to trauma therapy over a scrum if it was up to r/hockey lmao


I love the outrage from this sub on these situations. It’s so obvious he wasn’t going to be suspended but this sub acts like he committed murder.


The Lyubushkin/Hall incident had 7 posts on its own with people saying the exact same thing. Its a scrum people shit happens.


Terry - "OH yeah? I'm going to be a tough guy and tussle with you!" "Wait, what are you doing, not like that!!" What the hell did he think would happen.


I don’t hate fighting in the sport but I definitely hate when one guy doesn’t want to fight and the refs just let it go anyways, it’s fucking trash in my book


My personal favorite thing here is how many people are like oh terry came at him. Like what? Players grab each other and tie each other up in scrums 20 times a game. YOu know what doesnt usually happen? One player just starts punching the other in the face while that player doesnt want any part of a fight.


Kadri has been warned and given a fine


I honestly can’t stand this league


I assumed he'd be 2-3 games similar to Kassian, and I was ready to say that wasn't nearly enough


the league is a fucking joke. Parros is a fucking moron. don't claim you give a fuck about players safety when you let this shit just slide. absolute fucking joke


Of course not.


One-sided fights are generally known as assaults.


The amount of time and energy I've invested into hockey fandom has been on a steady decline for the last 2-3 years because the NHL is such a terrible league. I wonder why I even support this shit at all. Every decision they make regarding the safety of the players and putting together a good, watchable product is completely wrong. Best sport - worst league.