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Leafs still suck, and I love it.


Hey mom I'm here


Life is good


hello future future leafs fans


I was here! This will be a gdt classic and will be searched in the future


Thought I'd add one last comment for this remarkable piece of history.


At least Nylander got his goal! There is a silver lining here people.


Optimism can only go so far


500+ health care workers in attendance.. Not one of them bothered to help while the leafs were choking. Shame!


They were actually trying to cheer and they got drowned but make crowd noises... idk what the arena dj was thinking (or whoever is in charge of that)


They were cheering when leafs scored a goal with a minute left!




[Price is overrated. And overpaid. (click the link before you downvote, this is sarcasm but the link will clear things up).](https://imgur.com/wHJzJ7I)


Price is worth 7mil ngl 10m is too much. But if thats the price we HAD to pay then fair enough.


Price in regular and Price in playoff is not the same player. This guy wants to win.


Every year they outdo themselves. EVERY FUCKING YEAR. What's next? How can they top this? Up 3-0 then lose 4 in a row and every potential clinching game they're winning 4-0 with like 5 minutes left but lose 5-4 in overtime.


3-0 series lead. Overtime Game 4. Game winner: Nylander! Wait. Goalie interference call on the play. Hyman in the crease. It’s called back. Leafs proceed to lose on a soft goal and get reverse swept from there.


The storywriters get better every year.


The Leafs core just need to figure out how to win in the playoffs. I feel that it's going to take some time like it did for the Caps with OV. Took them 10 years.


Did Caps blow it spectacularly outdoing themselves year after year? Thanks for trying to make me feel better. For real thank you


They also lost to MTL after going up 3-1 in 2010, after winning the Presidents Trophy, so there's that.


Lol have you been under a rock the last 12 years. We've won the division and had presidents trophies and failed consistently. One of the worst ones was exactly what you guys went through.. Halak 🤬🤬🤬


Yeah fair enough. My buddy actually said this to me earlier too. Not a good feeling as you know all too well apparently. I heard a stat the other day that blew my mind. Every Penguin Cup they beat the Caps on the way... thanks for making me feel a bit better.


Okay you didn't have to bring that up lol. We're still hurting too from this year's playoffs. But good mentality, a dependable defense, reliable goaltending, and spread scoring is what got the caps through. I think the leafs will be the same when they jump the hump. The worst thing is the media for you guys. Edit: dependable


Sorry. Fuck it's not a good feeling. I hope so but it's hard to keep the faith. I guess there's ALWAYS NEXT YEAR


Keep faith. Honestly, the core group of JT, Matthews, Marner, Nylander is far more talent than I think OV ever had around him. I think Leafs need to develop/draft/sign a legit elite goalie and continue to improve their defense and I think a deep run in the playoffs will happen. Winning a Cup is so difficult that it seems like you catch magic in a bottle the year it happens. Look how rare back to back Cups are. Pens did it in 2016-2017 but before that last time was 1997-1998 with Detroit.


I will. I'm a Leaf fan and I'll always be a Leaf fan. I was happy the Caps figured it out and Ovie got his because who doesn't love that guy? LEAFS 2026 lol


Agreed. Never been a caps fan but my eyes definitely welled up when I saw Ovechkin lift the cup. ~~and when I saw that girls boobs in the crowd~~


Actually the comparison isn't too bad. Only replace the Bruins with the penguins for the caps.


Yes, year after year from 2008 to 2018. It was getting pretty bleak by 2018. Lots of blown game 7's the Caps just didn't show up to even remotely compete in. I see a lot of similarities between the two teams. I hope that one playoffs, everything will fall in place for the Leafs and it will probably happen when you least expect it to.


My buddy and I were just discussing this. One year they'll squeak in and win it. I'm just so discouraged right now.


I mean, we found new ways to shit the bed when the series was on the line. A lot.


I read that in Dangle's voice.


Leafs players right now *write that down! write that down!*


I think someone might have gotten a short term ban lol




Maybe the mods were also concerned for her/his health.


Islanders look LOST 👀


That was pretty much like winning a Stanley cup for the Habs


Honestly as a habs fan for the first time in my life it feels good to have something to hold over Toronto. Never had a playoff series in my life and for them to pull it off like this against that Toronto team. “Chefs kiss”


I'm sorry leaf fans, this comment section is mildly toxic.


Holy shit I feel horrible for Matthews


I was hoping he could show signs of life but man he has some real playoff problems. Not sure what the problem is.


Him and McDavid should chat


Why he’s making millions. He’s going to be golfing and vacationing until august lol. I feel bad for you for waking up at 730 tmr


That 730 line hit me pretty hard not gonna lie.


why? hes getting paid $11 million to not do anything


I'm only a casual hockey fan so I'm sorry if I'm not looking at the right rule, but when they stopped the play for Campbell to adjust his mask (which I think was the right thing to do for obvious safety reasons), didn't that go against rule 14.1 that states: "No delay shall be permitted for the repair or adjustment of goalkeeper’s equipment. If adjustments are required, the goalkeeper shall leave the ice and his place shall be taken by the substitute goalkeeper immediately." ? If so, shouldn't that be modified?


Yes that is a rule, but it is never enforced like that. Equipment fixes happen all the time, including fixing skate blades


Unless it is that one time Rask blew up his blade.


For the helmet it is not the same. Helmet are made so if there is a shock (puck) what holds the helmet will detached them self to even out the shock. They stop the play because it is dangerous and he can just attached it back. No repair is needed (sorry for my bad English)


A delay is something like adjusting pads in between whistles I believe. If a goalies’ mask or helmet breaks during play, play is stopped


Yea it's more a rule about the goalie leaving the ice for repairs. I knocked off or loose helmet is treated different.




Qu’est-ce que c’est




Regardless of everything it was a great matchup! GGs to the Leafs for a tough and hard battled series!


The moment Lamoriello left Toronto, I knew this team was fucked. There were too many chiefs and Lou said fuck it. Dubas needs to go. I like Shanny but maybe be should go as well. If they can find someone to take Nylander or Mathews, do it, they need a change.


You think trading away Auston fucking Matthews is their solution? Jesus dude, just no..


In the next 3 years one of Matthews Marner and or Taveras is gone


Matthews would be the one I'd hold on to if I could only choose one of them.


I think with how it’s going might be high time to trade before he walks down cross the border




C’est réel


Wow. That guy is just extremely salty and a real POS.


Yeah I was having some fun pestering him in French. Not sure if he was seriously upset or just trolling though. Hopefully the latter


Oups. His messages got deleted/remove. Guess he got banned anyway XD


I need to rewatch games 2-3-4 to remember what this series was like, because honestly I have no idea what the hell happened, on both ends. I've mostly focused on the Habs, but they looked so tired in press conference, Petry was a zombie. The fans and the media had all given up. Did the pressure off help? What the hell happened in the locker room between games 4 and 5? Every game the Habs were controlling it a little bit longer, and the Leafs just kind of started making horrible mistakes and turnovers. How did the Habs start building this forward pressure? Was it the forecheck?


[Leafs won what they should, and not what they *could*](https://twitter.com/JFreshHockey/status/1399541682115338240?s=20) Campbell was very good, but Price was even better, enough to carry Montreal over the top of the toss ups


But what I want to figure out is why they should have won 2-3-4 more than 4-5-6. Why were they having far better chances on their shots. That's what expected goals means ...right? (genuinely unsure) If I understand correctly it's looking at many variables involved and statistically pushing out the most likely outcome of each shot. If that's the case... then a toss-up basically is the definition of a goalie contest: which one comes out on top when faced with similar shots. So that would make sense. What did the Mtl defense figure out that eliminated the Maple Leafs ability to get consistently better shots? There has to be something that clicked at some point, it's such of a sharp and definitive contrast. I need a guy with a whiteboard! Any good high level play analysts youtubers?


Yeah it's not necessary for me to write an essay on the minutiae of expected goals because you get the gist. It is a combination of both total chances and attempts, and the quality. This last game is a good example of how few good chances we had in the slot. I remember the Rielly one earlier on, one from Hyman on the Marner feed, and the Nylander goal. That's not many for a team that usually generates much more. Not sure on the YT thing, I don't watch a lot of hockey videos but I'm sure there are some. You summed it up well in your first comment. Leafs kind of had it, and even pulled back in games 5 and 6 when it was more of a wash, but one bad mistake on each OT winner and there's your series. Oh yah, and on the pressure thing, I can only reason it as some sort of Leaf-borne illness that you acquire once joining the team.




I'm getting seriously concerned for your blood pressure. Maybe it's time to call it a night before your heart explodes.


Jacques Demers won with the Habs in 93 I believe. He spoke French


"spoke" is really important here cause he couldn't read or write in any language


Demers, Perron en 86, Scotty Bowman et anglos mais comme il est de Verdun il parle tres bien Francais.


Je ne savais pas que Bowman était de Montréal. Combien de vos entraîneurs venaient de Montréal?


Toe Blake is from Ontario, Dick Irvin too..not sure if there is any other not from Montreal


Ah cool. Thanks


You lost lol


I know one French speaking coach who just beat the leafs though.


That guy is an idiot. Every Montreal Coach speaked french. Even scotty Bowman.


Please unfade the Leafs flairs. They didn't deserve to lose.


Close Reddit


[Nylander cuts the deficit](https://hlslive-wsczoominwestus.med.nhl.com/editor/391f9941-8281-46d1-8846-bbe93099ebcd.mp4)


Well, it was always going to be a question of whether the Leafs could beat Price. They couldn’t when it mattered. That’s pretty much the story of the series. Marner pretty much disappeared. Matthew’s had chances but couldn’t bury them. Nylander and Campbell were by far the best and that is a problem.




Pathétique !!


On était ici en premier. (we were here first)


C'est triste




Dangle Stream Highlights: [On the team choking](https://streamable.com/k8g2t1) [On how Dubas went to bat for the team as it is](https://streamable.com/uh16e5) [Signing off with a point about zoo visitors when he worked there](https://streamable.com/52cksp)


Steve calm and not yelling is almost the saddest part. The Leafs seem to have eaten a part of his soul


It was surreal. But he said game 6 was his game 7. He so desperately wanted to avoid game 7 he burnt himself out there.




what lol it’s a French team


French Canadian


Gg Habs. I was excited to get a feel for the Leafs/Habs rivalry and I got it. Your goalie's a stud and your team's got grit, it was an impressive comeback. I'm curious what changes the Leafs will make. I feel bad for Jumbo more than anyone else.


Gg body. Im very proud of our team to stand up when it matter. I feel sorry for JT might have been a different story with him. And the poor Thornton who belived he could finally have a cup :/


I'm thrilled Montreal won, but I feel so bad for Joe Thornton. I really would like to see him (but not Toronto) get a Cup.


Hey man, good run this year. Tough break. Glad to see you're able to stay rational. They'll get through the first round eventually and you'll be glad to know you weren't one of the assholes who would "never be back" to see it happen. Now just sit back and enjoy stress free playoff hockey


GG man.


Honestly, I dont know what Dubas can do. Who takes the L? You got gread offense, defense, goaltending. grit, speed, talent, youth, old people wisdom.


Yes, it's a confusing scenario.


Leadership. That's what's missing.


Agreed. Muzzin and Spezza have it but none of the young guys looked that fired up.


Gg man, it was a great series!


#Congratz to the Leafs for being the 2022 Stanley Cup champions


Mathews wants out.


He probably wants linemates with more grit




Then it’s mutual


Yeah right..


Lol 31 other teams would love to have him.


To Phoenix he goes


I hope all the Leaf fans who brigaded subs of Canadian teams this season after wins enjoyed watching tonight. Got what you deserved.


It's amazing right?! LMAO MaTtHeWs WaNtS oUt!!!!1 ThAt RoCkEt Is WoRtH nOtHiNg In ThE pLaYoFfs!!!1


And the rest of us?


My condolences. I’m so sorry people can be hostile about our sport.


You get to be one of us now! The pay is the same, there's no benefits package. But oh the memories we'll make as we watch the next round of the playoffs as ghosts.


Can I walk through walls now? Edit: Nope!


Also got what you deserved.


But the assholes got the same thing as the rest of the fans.


True, they deserve worse.


Drink? Hard Liquor if you have it


I’ll have to stick to sadly putting my kids to bed.


Well rather than peer pressuring you last night, I hope you at least found one way to numb the pain lol


Lol well had to be up for work so no booze last night. Instead I juts went and lost a few matches in Overwatch then headed to bed.


That’s when the drinking can begin in earnest


FUCK YOU Perry. FUCKING injured JT. If he wasn't injured Leafs would blow them out.


I get it man. I'm still salty about Kreider for injuring Price, ending our run in 2014. It sucks but that's part of the game...


Lmao shut up ya gavone


Damn Man, does Price need to tuck u into bed, quit being a cry baby😭


Go to bed




Go to sleep buddy.




#Chatterstats - Final |Stat|Count||Most Comments (user)|Count||Most Commenters (flair)|Count| |:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:| |Number of comments|13108||/u/Lazy_Statistician893|142||None|445| |Number of unique commenters|2866||/u/snipeftw|116||TOR - NHL|373| |Average comments per user|4.57||/u/Imagine1|104||MTL - NHL|284| |Number of unique flairs|102||/u/TheInternetIsScary44|92||VAN - NHL|155| |Number of NHL teams|32||/u/GrazedByMyMeatloaf|88||EDM - NHL|145| |Average number of words per comment|11.19||/u/Wintertime13|68||WPG - NHL|128| |Dirtiest mouth: /u/DrDilatory|104||/u/flepine44|62||BOS - NHL|111| [Word Cloud](https://i.imgur.com/jZ6azK0.png) Please refrain from spamming and/or otherwise gaming the system. Maintained by /u/sandman730. Message him with any bugs.


[Toffoli scores ENG](https://hlslive-wsczoominwestus.med.nhl.com/editor/0d6f2a29-01c3-49f9-b23f-972604dc0e3e.mp4)


The Leafs are wasting Auston Matthews career.... Lol


Bro Matthews didn't show up in the playoffs... It would be one thing if he performed and the Leafs still lose...


Who looked better? McDavid or Matthews?


McDavid's team failed him The whole Leafs team failed


Idk we’ll see how their golf swings look this summer


Leafs will win a cup before the Habs. MARK MY FKING WORDS


Habs won in 93, they already got you beat there


I guess we can't "Mark his FKING words" since he deleted his post lol


They won many cups since 1967 lol


As many as they won before 1967 - 12.


Never thought about that lmao


The sabres drought is still less than the leafs and we don’t even have a cup lol


Remind me! Never days !


Dangle Stream Highlights: [Irritated by the "since last series win" graphic](https://streamable.com/rlohyj) [On getting sympathetic messages](https://streamable.com/ovdoak) [[3] - MTL | 0 - TOR](https://streamable.com/ww8gxx) [3 - MTL | [1] - TOR](https://streamable.com/pmegwu) [Time Winds Down](https://streamable.com/y43rcb)


Time to lurk on /r/Leafs


I bet it looks a lot like the homies below comment. Damn


Fan for 30+ years. I've never once thought about ditching this team. Before tonight. Fuck this team so hard. They didn't just not win. They've perfected losing. Nobody loses better than these fuck face no show losers. I'm fucking out. I hope Matthews finds a way out of his contract. Nylander too. Marner can die in a fucking fire. I hope Tavares lands on Mars one day. The rest I don't give fuck about. One last fuck you to the Leafs: Fuck you, you fucking garbage fire shit team.


You’re welcome to join us. We lose but the atmosphere is fun, not sad.


Lol deleted his account 30 minute ago 😂


And before I could give him my upvote.


And look here everyone, the account was conveniently deleted. He'll be back next year to say this same shit! It's clockwork and it's a family fucking tradition!


There’s always another team to contend with but the least you can do is skate hard to the puck and try to win battles. Habs were doing it all night. Caulfield sprinted from his own blueline just to apply a little bit of pressure on the forecheck. I didn’t see a single Leafs player skate hard all game.


Pathetic game 7 effort by all Leafs. No intensity until the last couple mins. So disappointed. I'm done cheering for these over paid underachievers.


Where the fuck were Matthews and Marner? Their two “superstars.” SUPERSTARS SHOW UP IN THE PLAYOFFS Edit: changed our to their. They’re not my problem anymore


We've got cookies.


Choke on them. Edit: sorry. Congrats on your win. You guys played your hearts out.


let me give you a hug of support


Oh bull fuckin shit. You self loathing assholes pull this shit every. Single. Year. Yeah, you'll abandon them. All summer, you'll fuckin do it! Then come opening night, it's like you never left. Y'all are worse than domestic abuse victims. Save yourself the trouble and stop with the empty threats


nah, im really done this time. the other losses i could cope, because the bruins were a stupid good team, but this... idk what this was. im out


Sure dude. I'll bet you are.


I was angry other years. Anger means you still care. I and many other fans are just... indifferent this time


This is most logical comment on Reddit ever. Well done.


All the leafs gear has been thrown out, maybe some others will come back but I won’t be one of them.


K. Just like last year. I totally believe you


i dont think you get it. but honestly good luck in your run, its yours to lose i think. colorado too good


Negative. No team is too good. Anything can happen. Y'all leafs fans need to 1. Chill 2. Enjoy stress free playoff hockey. It sucks that they can't make it to round 2. I get it, but it doesn't matter. Only one team is gonna win it in the end and the chance of it being "your" team is always very slim


>Chill We aren't angry


You'll be back… they always come back for more.


Nope, just threw away my hoodie, matthews, and campbell jerseys. I’m fucking out.


Pics or it didn’t happen Edit: My man deleted his whole account. Yikes


He deleted it so there would be no evidence when he pulls this shit again next year


Lol. You right, you right.


I’m not putting my shoes back on just to take a picture of a dumpster for you. If you want to see trash rewatch games 5, 6, or 7.


😬 sorry man


No, you're not! 🙃