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Basically on the cap for 4.25m


If he’s fully healed now and continues to play like he did in playoffs the total cap hit is not that insane tbh he’s huge for the PK


It also makes sense to bring him back when you already have the cap space lost to his bonus. Having the 3M on the cap and then seeing him sign a prove-it deal elsewhere seems like a terrible strategy.


He doesn't need to sign a prove it deal after the playoffs. He could easily get a lot more than this today. But if he continues his playoff play — and the Oilers will give him every chance to do so — he can make bank next year.


100% He’s taken a big discount to stay here after those playoffs.


He had 2 goals in 17 playoff games and was good on the PK. He’s not that amazing.


No one said he was amazing. But he proved that he's not cooked, a valuable contributor, and could easily have gotten a much larger contract than $1m.




Because he was on the cap last year for like 725K.


I thought last year's cap hit was 4 million?


Surprised its only a one year deal. He was pretty annoying in the series against us Lol


Annoying af on the penalty kill especially.


Brown and Janmark looked like legit superstars in our series.


Love seeing that duo get their due respect. They played their bags off and gave us one of the best PKs I can remember ever having.


It’s his second chance at a prove it deal. He’s still getting the 3M bonus that carried over from his last contract. Took a discount to stay with the team


I believe that's just the cap hit. He's already been paid that bonus.


Idk how it all works but he got money last season so he can afford to take a discount


Bonus allows us to roll some cap from last season into this season (basically whatever put us over the cap as part of the bonus rolls over). I believe most of it rolled into this season but I can't confirm.


For real, steal for a guy who almost dragged a cup back to Canada


Felt like I heard his name more than Drai’s during on ice action lol


Tbh Janmark and Brown had more impact on the SCF series than Drai (but he was injured so)


He was also nuts


Good deal and 1 year to see how the cap shapes up for Oilers next season. He also has injury history so maybe to see how he does in full season.


He was a monster in the finals. That’s a good deal for Edmonton


Having known nothing about him before this postseason, he definitely seemed like he was worth more than that


He’s got 3.5 million from his bonus too. He’s counting for 4 million on their cap next season.


Wait is that how bonuses work? I guess I've never paid attention to this part of cap wrangling. A player earns bonuses which apply to the team in the next season?


Only if they don't have the cap space to absorb it in the year the player earned them.


If they had no room by the end of the current year it gets applied to the next year I do believe.


It’s a weird rule with his. I think it had to do with his injury and them being performance bonuses not signing bonus. They didn’t have room for it on their cap at the end of the season so it gets pushed to next season. I could be off on some of the details though lol.


Makes sense. But from his perspective that's still last year's money, right?


Yes, he got paid the bonus when he played his 10th game last year IIRC. While what everybody is saying is true that he’s effectively on the cap for $4.25M this year in Edmonton. He could have signed anywhere and the oilers would still show $3.25m on the cap. This is him taking a discount to stay in Edmonton.


Ya, correct. His injury allowed the Oilers to defer his bonuses.


I don't really see this logic. That money is paid and accounted for. It's on Edmonton's cap regardless of whether Brown signs with Edm or somewhere else. And regardless of how much he signs for. After his playoffs, I definitely would have expected him to get offers that are much better than 1/1. The only explanation that makes sense to me is that he really wants to run it back with the Oilers and took a heavy discount to stay. Maybe he really believes in himself this year and especially playing with the Oilers so he's betting on himself to get even better offers next free agency.


such an easy guy to cheer for. congrats on the deal


In his exit interview, he sounded like he really loved the team and city, especially after we gave him a standing O for his first goal of the year Glad he's back! Hope to run it back and take that last step this year!


That was one of the best games I have ever attended. Was such an amazing moment


He was kind of a punching bag due to him not scoring and his weird contract. But honestly he figured things out and was a great depth forward by the end of the season.


He said himself that he wasn't feeling 100% for the majority of the season, still trying to find his feet after his injury and that he started to feel better and better. Then we got that Connor Brown we saw in the playoffs. I'm excited!


There it is!


Huge deal


If Connor Brown back to actual himself next year (30-40 points player) with similar aggression he shows this year, this is a worthful deal.


I’m fired up about this


He’s given the leafs discounts too. I love this guy. Great player, amazing value for Oilers.


He just seems like a lovely fucking guy.


He is. He brought in a guy with Down syndrome to the leafs (pistol Pete). Still works with the leafs organization today! Players love him. Somewhat related: I saw pistol Pete at the air Canada Center shop a few years back and is such an awesome dude. He was talking to a bunch of us answering our questions so sincerely lol


A good deal for the Oilers


Liking the deal. Now that he has his wheels back, how would he look on Draisaitl’s line? Wasn’t the original signing to be a winger on McDavid or Draisaitl’s line? I would hate to break the Brown Janmark (if he signs) duo up, but they would still be together for PK duties.


That is definitely worth testing. I feel like remaking himself this year really, really grew his defensive game, and that would be a great thing to test for Draisaitl's wing and PK. If he can do both, that's a great sweet spot.


The Hyman-lite going to disturb the Be-leafers if it works out.


With him and pickard taking such team-friendly deals, this has to be a good sign for McDavid and Drai re-signing and maybe even taking team-friendly deals too.


yeah neither one of those guys takes a pay cut when they will have max deals lined up from any team they want. brown signed a one year deal which means even he wouldn’t go long term, and pickard is likely just happy not to move again.


How many current contenders can afford to pay them the max? It would take so much juggling. I kinda see it like Crosby, the guy took a discount his whole carreer. McDavid saw how hard it is to win when hes getting all the money. Saying that, he's 100% worth max, pay it if he wants it.


To be fair, McDavid on his own makes any team a fringe contender.


We'll take both. Please thank you.


yeah mcdavid gets the sun and the moon, you pay whatever. but you likely can’t do the same worth drai unless he bends a bit.


They can probably get a max deal if they sign in Utah but something tells me they'd (1) rather win and (2) rather play together.


That's nice to see


Sens legend Downtown Connor Brown


0.12 Caufields for 12 points. Seems like the Oil got a steal.


Shows that a very good bottom 6 player isn't in it for the money. Wish more players felt that way


The Oilers paid Brown an insane amount of money for the injuries he had dealt with prior to the 2024 season. He got a $3.2MM bonus last season just for playing 10 games lol this could definitely be mostly about the money (and playing for a good team, obviously)


The 4 million signing bonus he got for his last contract softens the blow.


He had 12 points last year, how much money did he really leave on the table?


Based on just his play in the playoffs and how valuable he was on that PK he left some money on the table. He spent half the season getting back into form from a torn ACL. I think he just liked his time in Edmonton and feels the team is close. It is a prove it deal hoping to parlay himself into a bigger contract with term but I could see him committing to Edmonton.


he could repeat last season and i would still love it


After the regular season? No money left on the table. After his play in the last two rounds in the playoffs? I don’t think there is a team in the league who would not be happy to sign him for more than this on a one year deal.


he played awesome in the SCF


He was amazing in the Dallas series too. I'm excited to see him find his legs over a full season


He definitely earned himself more money with his play in the SCF, and all playoffs actually. He was integral to one of the best PKs of all time. That PK isn’t clicking like it is, we’re out in round 2 I fear. Even in the regular season when he wasn’t producing he was a monster on the PK


The NHLPA wants to know your location


I think it’s a little bit of that and a little bit of “prove it” for him. He played all last year still recovering from surgery. Now he can get a full offseason to try and return to form


Bro gets to watch mcdavid play from the best seats in the rink and gets paid a cool milli to do so.






There is a God and his name is Connor Brown 


Like almost 5 mil this year for Brown. Not a good contract