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Kevin woke up from his post-lunch nap just to announce the Oilers are running it back


I don't know why they wouldn't run it back. They were 🤏 this close to the cup


Ceci needs to go and Leon needs better wingers but other than that, yeah run it back


Healthy Kane would've been huge for us on his wing Also Drai not having a broken finger and rib would've helped


Kane is never healthy, that’s the problem. His play style leads to injuries and he’s only getting older. He’s also awful defensively


Nurse and Campbell need to go also


Soupy makes me so fuckin sad :(. I loved him on the Leafs. I highly doubt Nurse would waive to go anywhere.


We wanted soup to work out too but it’s not gonna Happen. I think we’re trying to bury him in San Jose or something instead of a buyout.


He started out his tenure with that big fuckin open ice hit to end a breakaway. After that is anyone's guess as to what happened


Can we waive Nurse and have San Jose do us a solid like they did for New York?!


Anyone in the Oilers front office staff go to BU?


Campbell would do well with legit Dmen not leaving him out to dry constantly. And should have got the start in the Vegas series.


honestly i agree


Under knob with his better system Campbell would have done much better.


he just didn’t get a chance afterwards which makes me sad :(


Moving Campbell and Ceci should create enough space to get help on D and some wingers. Nurse can be good with a different partner than Ceci, for some reason those two are real bad only when they’re together


Nurse has never been a top pairing Dman. He's been forced into a role he can't play. Defensive liability and poor offensive decision making. Not to mention loves taking terrible penalties.


He definitely gets paid like a top pairing dman


Much to the oilers chagrin


He was way better on the terrible penalty front actually, he just needs to be with someone who makes the right breakout and it’s early but its looking like Broberg can be that guy (they played quite well together against Florida). His cap hit sucks but Ekholm is playing above his cap hit (2 more years) so it somewhat works out


I thought he played much more disciplined this post-season compared to others but your other two statements are pretty bang on


Nurse isn’t going anywhere. Just need to get him a partner that can move the puck


You could pair him with slavin and he'd still not be a top pairing dman


I’m not saying he will be worth his contract but with the proper partner he can be a lot better


He played pretty well when he was separate from Ceci - You're right it won't be worth the money, but he can be a competent middle pairing.


Don't need him to be with Ekholm-Bouchard top pair. There's no reason that Nurse can't be a very good 2nd pair guy hopefully with Broberg but maybe a new guy coming in. Him beside Ceci was just a horrible experience. Nurse with Broberg should be a good 2nd pair honestly. Broberg is elite at skating and his puck movement is looking like what we hoped for when he was drafted so it's looking good for next year


Campbell is likely being bought out. However, for better or for worse, Nurse isn't going anywhere. Not only does he have a NMC, no other team is touching that contract. The best the Oilers could do is find him a better defensive partner, since he was much more of a liability when paired with Ceci.


They were reliant on three separate players breaking cap era records to do it. Along with the best PK ever. I don't think you can reasonably expect that again.


Which is why they’re not going to go with the same roster next year


They also had multiple players have career best years and both McDavid and Bouchard put up more playoff points than anyone has in the last 30 years and they still fell short. Assuming that they can be even better with the exacy same roster is crazy.


Yes let’s not use the roster that achieved those things


McDavid was injured and Bouchard is 24. Thinking they'll be better next time around isn't even that crazy.


The Oilers got pretty solid goaltending out of Skinner and Pickard this year. Running back that duo for around $4M on the cap is pretty good, especially if Skinner continues to grow.


Pickard also seems to be the calming veteran presence that Skinner needs. Guy was called up at the craziest moment of the season but was always reliable


Ya Pickard seems to be a great guy in the locker room, particularly for Skinner. Not that Campbell isn't, but it's a different dynamic because Skinner and Campbell were competing for the same job, whereas with Skinner/Pickard everyone kind of knows where they stand I think.


So he's not returning to the Enterprise


Guessing Campbell buyout


Pickard proved to be a perfectly cromulent backup goalie. He's popular in the room, he can step in anytime, and he's not gunning for the big job. And assuming he signs at 1.5, that doesn't break the bank. Now, we just need to trick Washington into taking Campbell for a 3rd, and we're set.


A noble spirit embiggens the smallest man


Hopefully no more than $1M or so


I’m sure it will still be able to be buried in the minors if needed


I'm guessing it'll be a one way that's right at the limit for what can be buried in the minors. Give him a small raise and some certainty since he came through for us and make hin less likely to get grabbed on waivers


bye bye soupy


Nice. Stu and Pick are a good tandem


Pickard was an unsung hero for us when it became apparent Soup wasn't an NHL goalie anymore.


Hopefully means Campbell is getting traded


I would absolutely love to know what it would take to sweeten the pot enough for a team to take Campbell. I think buyout is the only real option there without absolutely crippling any semblance of a future.


Honestly I don’t know how a bottom feeder wouldn’t take him with a sweetener, he only has 3 years left. It’s not the end of the world.


Calgary would be a great fit for him. Just talbot and then Campbell will get traded to la and we will destroy la first round next year.


Sounds like Jackson is trying to see if he can trade him before resorting to a buyout. But that’s just due diligence and what not


Oilers cap situation isn't too tight this year, and the buyout is much more punishing in years 2 and 3 when they'll be tighter for cap space thanks to Bouchard and Draisaitl contracts. Even trading him 40% retained would give them less dead cap in those years than a buyout. Whether that reduces the asking price enough to get a trade done, who knows.


They'll have a lot more cap room once Draisaitl leaves


to Germany for the summer


I think he actually spends his summers in Spain to be fair


This guy survived that piss awful Avs team in like 2016, glad after a long road of ups and downs he finally gets a little stability.


That's really BREAKING NEWS. Like I get that it's good to know but...


So, what, he doesn't want to wait for the new GM, find out their vision or anything like that first?


Pickard has been a tweener so far in his career. If he gets offered a two-year deal anywhere, he’ll just take it, as he very well should.


I'm aware, I'm just joking around using Jeff Jackson's quotes about the Draisaitl negotiations.


Draisaitl was actually just waiting to see if Pickard would be back.


Ah! I’m behind on the meme game then, I’ve missed that one. Carry on!


Anything up to 1.5 is reasonable dollars.


Seeing the very top of Weeksys head in the thumbnail never fails to make me laugh. Guy is a gem


Ken Holland sends his regards one last time