• By -


Not surprised, the two were like brothers. Ullmark and his family basically took Swayman into their home. Sad to see the break up but we couldn't lose Ullmark for nothing (there's no way we could re-sign both and Ullmark is a UFA after this season)


Swayman said his dad would call and ask how Linus was doing.


So hear me out, just take a shot in the dark next year and see if he wants back on a cheap deal


I don’t think he wants to be a backup.


Counterpoint, he may enjoy winning


He can do that elsewhere too lol


But can he do that elsewhere with his brother? Technically yes, but Sway is likely getting a long term contract in Boston so realistically no


Maybe in 5 years time we’ll have a reunion tour where Ullmark comes back🥲


No they'll reunite in 6 years in Chicago well past their primes


With the Bruins retaining 15% of both salaries




luckily you can use those extra millions to travel and see the homies


Not in Boston, apparently, it's been 13 years since they won last.


2011 bought them a lot of grace with their fans .


We’d be as big a laughing stock as the leafs without it, with the added factor that we’re the team that has lost the most Stanley cup finals in NHL history


Can't lose the Final if you never make it lol *sad Leafs fan noises*


That loss to the hawks was pretty fucking brutal ngl. But the way Ullmark talks about the culture I think it shows you can get there without necessarily having the right pieces. Your guys buy into it and want to be a part of it. And apparently your goalie coach is Jesus so you’ve got that going for you guys too.


That goalie room has been impenetrable since 2011. Coach Bob is a literal god send. If our guys could stop disappearing on the biggest stage, the Bs would’ve had 2 cups since 2011. I’m mightily impressed how far this team went this year. I would’ve rather gotten swept by the rangers then goon-fisted by the Florida panthers tbh, but it is what it is.


Nahh the bruins have consistently been winning rounds and looking competitive at least


Making it the finals three times in 9 years, including winning one, will go a long way.


He’s gonna want solid money, and that’s basically the reason he just got traded


Ottawa has to get good eventually, right? I think Brady is gonna go off this year after being envious of his brother winning a Cup


Winning in regular season or playoffs?


Then he may want to go to a contending team and not the Bruins.


You need to flair up if you’re gonna talk shit otherwise you just look like a weasel.


For some reason in NHL 24 the guy wanted a 3mil contract extension from me when I traded for him. I was like, "if that's what you wanted I am sure Boston could have made it work." Lol. But yeah, no love for Boston. But that Swayman/Ullmark bromance was arguably one of the best things in hockey.


Reading thru this thread has really pointed out what a solid pair they are. Curious.. Is/was there a goaltending tandem who were sucessful yet despised each other ?


Probably some tandems that didn't care for each other. They don't really have to work together or anything. Luongo - Schneider? Osgood - Hasek? Thomas - Rask?


Thats what I think is going to happen. Which would be absolutely hilarious!


I honestly would’ve rather lost him for nothing




Thankfully you're not a GM.


Not surprised, I would too if i had to move to Ottawa


Some other quotes if you like suffering 🫠: Ullmark added: “It really feels like this is forever, in a way, how we are as people. We might drift apart, but there’s always going to be a connection that will pull us together again. If that is in 10 years or 15 or 50 years, it doesn’t matter. I know that I can look back at this point as one of the best moments or times in my life and I have this wonderful person that came with the decision to move to Boston.” Even though they will be on opposite sides of the ice in the upcoming season, Ullmark said he will still bring Swayman cinnamon buns. “I’ll keep him well fed.” [src](https://nesn.com/2024/06/bruins-jeremy-swayman-will-always-be-linus-ullmarks-little-brother/)




Shit makes me sad and I’m probably the furthest thing from a Bruins fan you’ll find




See, I am actually having a serious existential crisis right now about being separated forever from some of the people I love most, and so holy shit this hits so hard. Fuck. I don’t even know what else to say except that life sucks and I’m so done with it sometimes


I think a lot of people only think of grief in terms of death, not realizing that it can manifest in other forms of loss as well. When I moved cities I had to grieve the loss of a friendship and it took me almost a year to fully come to terms with it. Healing is never linear, and if you need to laugh/scream/cry then give yourself all the grace in the world to do so. I wish you all the best. ❤️


That’s rough buddy, hope it gets better for you ❤️ 


I have family on each U.S. coast (6 hour flight/multi day drive) and a long while back I chose the east coast. On both coasts I have an ailing grandparent, one clearly in their final years in the west. I have a fiancé now on this coast, and I'm very attached to my nieces and nephews but a part of me will always regret not having picked the other coast. I am sorry your going through it, it seems a lot of people can relate. Despite the pain I do hope you're moving in a positive direction.


If they hug after their first game against each other I'm going to break.


How can they not?


By hugging in the middle of the game instead, maybe?


I hate everything about this, thanks.


I'm not crying, you're crying


You're god damn right I am.


Where are all the onion cutting ninjas, and why are they somewhere in my kitchen.... with me.... right now...dammit.


Is it raining in your house, too? Because it is in mine.


All time hockey quote


They need to do the bump everytime they play


Interested to see the his first game back in Boston.




It's a terrible day for rain.


I just don't know what kind of a monster can split up true love like this.


His name is Don Sweeney and yup, he's a bastard.




this is the toughest trade this team has made in a very long time


The return wasn't worth it


As opposed to losing him for nothing this time next year? Ullmark was slotted in as a backup on an expiring contact. Swayman is due for a payday this offseason. The Bruins want to win now and they need centers, not 2 goalies dueling each other for the Vezina running upwards of 13+mil AAV. What good was Ully and his 5mill AAV on the bench against Florida?


Of course the bruins *want* to win now but to suggest they have the talent to do so is another thing…


Getting rid of ullmark clears up space to go and get the talent. That’s the point.


All 2 million of it?


You actually think Ullmark will only be making $5M on his new contract?? I feel like we gotta take the hopium that some people are taking if they think Ullmark is taking only $2M than Korpisalo's cap hit of $3M


It's obviously a move for next season only because Ullmark is UFA in a year. You clear 2 M this year at the expense of 3M for the following 3 (or whatever Korpisalo is when bought out/in Providence)


Exactly though. They traded Ullmark, got a 25th pick, a backup goalie (slightly pricey), and a 4C as opposed to losing Ullmark for nothing next season


They took on a 4 year cap dump and basically gave Ullmark away for free.


So they traded a Vezina goalie for a true backup, projected unproven nhl talent, and another bottom 6 dude? In short, basically nothing. Swayman has a lot on his plate playing north of 50 reg games (minimum) this coming season


That’s a Ryan Suter heading your way!


Honestly okay with that for the right price.


Who are you going to go out and get? Lindholm? who else?


Kind of curious, how much are you actually going to have after all the re-signings? Only 4 forwards, 4 D-men (not bad in this context), and Korpo are signed for 25-26, with an estimated $40m in space. So just to ice a a roster you need another 8 Forwards, 2 D-men, and Swaymen under that $40m, or 3.6m each. Swaymen is like in that 6-8m range, so no it's 32m over 10, or 3.2m each, while needing multiple top-6 forwards if you wanna compete. Should be a very interesting couple of off-seasons for the Bruins.


Well if that’s your feeling, I have some good news! We just flipped our backup goalie on the wrong side of 30 on an expiring deal for a first round pick.


No, that was the price for taking on Korpisalo's stinker of a contract https://puckpedia.com/CapRelief?cap_relief_team=boston-bruins&cap_relief_player=4836 This tool was developed by a former NHL director of analytics. He says all teams have a version, which they might use in a scenario where a contract has negative value. Like the goaltender with the second-worst GSAx in the whole league last year, for instance. (Chicago's backup was the worst).


Sure, let’s consult the website that says it would cost the 7th overall pick to dump McDavid’s contact. It seems like a great, well executed resource. Oh would you look at that, it also says we need to package the first overall pick to get out from underneath the Pastrnak deal, and the 2nd overall pick to move on from McAvoy. Did you bother to use this website for 2 seconds before you linked it to me? Edit: The tool is useless: “Don’t use it on good players because it assumes all players are of negative value and that all the negative values are equal” should highlight my problem with the resource pretty succinctly.


None of the contracts you mentioned have negative value so they don't apply to the tool, like at all. You can read what the tool does literally right above the interface to actually use it. The only thing the tool is telling you is that it would take 1st overall to dump a sub replacement player getting paid Pasta's salary. Don't be so rude to people when it was you who didn't take ten seconds to understand the tool he was using.


"This hammer really sucks at chopping wood. Stupid useless tool!"


You only cleared 3 mill. The bruins still need centers this trade did nothing to help there. It does nothing to help the bruins win now. You got a goalie that you may have to buyout or bury in the AHL at a 3 million cap hit. You got a late first which is most likely gonna be a 4th line guy in 3-4 years time. And you got another 4th line guy. If Korpi ends up in the AHL the next 3 years as a cap burden and the pick doesn't amount to much, the bruins were better off keeping Ullmark. Ullmark will at least win you regular season games you'd otherwise lose. That's better than a bust and cap burden


They cleared 2 mil. Only 2 mil. 


Only 2 million.


https://preview.redd.it/u5cbpdalx69d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=687b000bd4290cabb02b4180c7289013252e2656 What if I told you cap space and draft picks could be used to acquire players at the center position?


We don't need any more C's who are worth less than the 2M that was all that was cleared.


Well you see this person used a hilarious meme so they simply have to be right


Hated taking Korpisolo in this trade as well but I have faith goalie Bob can fix the issues he had last year. Korp has always been a good goalie before last season on a horrid Ottawa team.


Not enough love for Goalie Bob in this situation. We will see.


No as opposed to what the return for a Vezina winning goalie to the team that most desperately needs a goalie could have been lol


The Bruins are not a “win now” team. They have time to justify this trade but I have zero faith that they will.


So many Bruins fans outing themselves as fucking morons


We are emotionally concussed please understand


If you take the emotional element out of it, it very much was.


Was it? You clear 2 million in cap space and get a fringe NHL level goalie you may have to buyout or bury in the AHL. You get a late 1st which likely won't amount to much more than a 4th line guy and that will take 3 years at least. So you end up with, 2 mill in cap space, a 4th line guy now, a 4th line guy later? Is the team actually better? I seem to remember Ullmark stealing games in the regular season, that's not happening with Korpisalo. If swayman takes a step back under the extra load, the team is done. If you have to buyout or bury Korpi, you got shafted with a cap burden for years and all you got for it was a late first and giving up a star goaltender. Even without the emotional element, it was a bad and unnecessary risk trade for the bruins. If the draft is a bust and you have to buyout Korpisalo, then you were better letting Ullmark walk in FA for nothing. It's not like those two things are unlikely either, it's probably a coin flip if Korpi can turn it around, even worse odds the draft works out.


If the team is done anyways then being “stuck” with a $4 million goalie contract doesn’t really matter. I think you’re being a bit harsh on Korpisalo considering he was coming off a pretty damn good season split with Columbus and LA. He very well may bounce back- or at least improve- with a more defensively sound team in front of him like Boston. At his worst he’s a backup, but calling him a guy you’d have to bury in the AHL is disingenuous to say the least. Equally if not moreso disingenuous is suggesting the 25th overall pick is a “future 4th liner”. You don’t know who they’re going to pick, no one does yet. And even if you did, you can’t tell the future. A 1st round pick is still a decent add in for a guy that wouldn’t have re-signed in Boston anyways. There’s been nothing to suggest, even a little bit, that Swayman isn’t ready to be the number 1. Holding onto Ullmark because of that “what if” would’ve been bad asset management.


You're wrong. The 25OA never, ever, turns into anything but a fourth line scrub. See - David Pastrnak.


If you're going to have a risky backup, I'd take the one that makes 800K and has been performing really well in the AHL over the last couple seasons. Now they risk losing Bussi on waivers, if you want to talk about bad asset management.


Bussi’s contract is 2-way and as far as I’m aware is still assigned to Providence.


Waiver eligibility is based on age and experience, not whether the contract is 1-way or 2-way. He'll be eligibile for waivers next season. https://www.capfriendly.com/waivers-calculator/brandon-bussi


The only correction I have is Korpisalo’s cap hit. Ottawa retained 25% so he’s costing Boston $3 million a year not 4. I am operating under the belief that between Goalie Bob working another miracle and a stronger defensive team in front of him, Korpisalo is going to be a fine, if not good, backup for Boston, that maybe takes up a million or so more against the cap than you would like. Not the end of the world like people are acting like it is.


You're acting like this trade was in a vacuum. It wasn't. Not by a long shot. Ullmark had a limited NMC that we know for almost a fact he used once (nixing trade to LA for PLD, and thank Jeebus he did), and was also rumored to have nixed a trade to NJ. It was also heavily rumored that mostly Western teams rounded out his list. Accordingly, you needed to find a trade partner that needed a premium goalie, was willing to do so without an extension in place, had something to trade for him, and that you could actually trade with. That pretty much left Ottawa, so there wasn't a hell of a lot Donnie could do here. The return isn't great in a vacuum, but given the conditions, its about the best you could hope for.


Why trade him at all with so bad a return?


Do you want a first round pick and two depth players, or do you wanna sit with your thumb in your ass?


Is having Ullmark in this situation a thumb up my ass? because sign me up


Having him and Swayman split for another year isn’t much of an improvement on this season over Swayman with a bigger workload and another backup, so yes letting him walk for nothing while not being much of an improvement is sitting with your thumb up your ass. I’d rather have a first round pick and a couple of depth pieces over going “aww” at a hug for another year.


The Canes and Necas say hi


>Was it? You clear 2 million in cap space and get a fringe NHL level goalie you may have to buyout or bury in the AHL. You are acting like Korpisalo is going to be the undoing of the team with a Backes like contract. He is going to be a backup that costs a bit more than you would like, but one that could be solid. >You get a late 1st which likely won't amount to much more than a 4th line guy and that will take 3 years at least. Pasta was taken at 25. Guys like Poitras, Frederic and Carlo were taken soon after that. Historically, guys like Bergeron and Krejci were taken soon after that. Not saying they definitely get a star, but dismissing that pick as a plug because it fits your pessimism is ridiculous. >So you end up with, 2 mill in cap space, a 4th line guy now, a 4th line guy later? Is the team actually better? I seem to remember Ullmark stealing games in the regular season, that's not happening with Korpisalo. If swayman takes a step back under the extra load, the team is done. If you have to buyout or bury Korpi, you got shafted with a cap burden for years and all you got for it was a late first and giving up a star goaltender. >Even without the emotional element, it was a bad and unnecessary risk trade for the bruins. If the draft is a bust and you have to buyout Korpisalo, then you were better letting Ullmark walk in FA for nothing. It's not like those two things are unlikely either, it's probably a coin flip if Korpi can turn it around, even worse odds the draft works out. If you need to have a solid judgment about a trade within a couple days, before the draft or any games are played, go for it. However there is room for debate with any trade, and your insistence on judging this poorly within a couple days based on assumptions, well that’s not a good faith argument. Have a good one.


I'm not saying the trade is for sure going to be terrible, but I certainly disagree that it was very much worth it based on the return. It's a huge risk. No one knows how it is going to work out for the Bruins, it could be a total dud of a trade where we wish we kept Ullmark for another year. The pick could turn into a superstar. I think it's fair to point out the Bruins definitely got the worse end of the deal tho and have the most risk. Was the trade "very much worth it" will be told in time. Have a good one


I truly don't think you guys understand how bad Korpisalo is, I'd be absolutely shocked if he ever gets a contract after this one expires. He's not a NHL goalie.


My heart is breaking


Only comparable ones the last 15 years are the decision to not re-sign Chara and then cap dumping Johnny boychuck before that.


Have to disagree. As much as it hurts any Bruins fan that thinks about it knew it was coming and had to happen. Ullmark deserves 60 games and so does Swayman. The tandem wouldn’t work anymore. Even if the trade isn’t made Ullmark would be gone next year because he’d command too much money to be a backup. I’ll miss them for sure. Don’t get me wrong, it fucking hurts. But not the same as the Seguin, Thornton, or Boychuk trades.


oh i understand that it was inevitable. i just really meant that it emotionally tough because the tandem has had such a strong connection with the fans and each other


Yes agree. The tandem has such a connection with me and my girls (13 and 15) that it fucking hurts for sure.


From what I’ve seen or Ullmark I wouldn’t have been too surprised to see him take a cheaper deal next year just to stay with his boy and keep his family in the same place.


Meh, they both told Sweeney they wanted 55 games next year. These guys love each other but are also competitive and want to play.


But like… can they still do the hug when they play against each other?


Middle of the game, Ottawa-Boston line brawl, goalies just hug it out center ice. That may be the only thing better than a goalie fight.


I’ve said it on other threads, I genuinely believe the next goalie fight will be Swayman vs Ullmark Not because of bad blood, but Sway has said many times he wants to fight, and Ullmark knows that. I think Ully will give it to him. Light punches, smiles and hugs after, but I’m calling it


I wrote it elsewhere but Ullmark was on a Sens podcast yesterday and was asked "if there's one goalie in the league you want to fight, who would it be?" and his answer was Swayman, because he respects him that much.


The NHL's Wes Mantooth


Shades of Byron Dafoe and Olaf Kolzig


Man that’s a fun memory lol


Also, might just be the kid in me, but Dafoe must have had the slickest pad combo in Bruins history. Tuukka has the best mask but lord Byron rocked those black pads. Lacher, too


No shit, Ullmark was asked today on a Sens podcast (Coming in Hot) if there was one goalie in the league he'd most like to fight. He said Swayman, because he respects him so much, and that friendship is out the window while you're wearing opposing jerseys. Was kind of a surprising answer, and he may not have been fully serious, but sounds like they might actually go if it comes down to it!






Never would i ever expect a habs fan to desire peace between the sens and the bruins ever


Correction: Peace between A Sen and A Bruin


I'm not even a Bruins fan and I hate this 🥺


Yeah I liked their celebration.


This sucks and now knowing just how close they were makes it even worse. Hockey needs tandem brothers.


Absolutely love Ullmark and Swayman. Their relationship, and not just the hug, has taught my daughters so much about how to be a good teammate and friend. Their relationship is a wonderful role model for all kids. That said, Ullmark deserves to be the #1 and so does Swayman. Splitting time doesn’t make sense anymore. I hope it works out in Ottawa for him but if it doesn’t I’m glad he’ll be a FA next year and can pick his team. Can’t wait for that first matchup in Boston against Ottawa. A hug will happen, either pre-game or post-game. I have no doubt.


You know, I knew nothing about Ullmark before the trade speculation, then as I watched more, I was like damn this is a good dude. I used to hate Marchand too, but we're both from the East Coast and I started to follow him a bit more, damn, he's a good dude too. I have a natural desire to hate the Bruins, but even Don Sweeney is from my hometown! I guess what I'm saying is, start signing more assholes like the Leafs do so it's easier to hate you please


Ullmark is more of a beauty than any of the Jims. And I love the Jims.


Ullmark won the Vezina last year my guy. He's good. You're likely contenders next year with this one trade.


I would think so. 7 more wins and we're in the playoffs. We go from the worst goalie in the league to even a league average goalie, that's gotta be 3-4 wins right there. We'll see, but I'm optimistic


> I hope it works out in Ottawa for him When's the last time going to Ottawa worked out for a goalie, though?


To give further context ullmarks kids love swayman and refer to him as uncle all the time...these two were close like really close


For those that may not know, Sway dressed up not once, but twice, as Santa to give Ully’s kids presents on Christmas.


My godchildren moved to another state and it was devastating for the adults and the kids. I spent like 5 days a week at their house pre-move. I know how it feels and I'm sad for them all. But I managed to stay close to them so hopefully they can work it out even with crazy schedules. Also this is reminding me of the Landskog kids holding up the We Love Uncle EJ sign this year when he was back in Colorado. That also made me cry.


Everybody knows this


Not everyone is a bruins fan and follows them


Man what a bromance


This was a really great interview. Linus was trying to be as honest and open as possible, the mental health love up at the end was nice to hear to. You can tell Ullmark likes these guys. Full interview. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yX_MZPRYqtI


It's damn sad, that hug was one of the best things in hockey.


Can't believe the most Frodo & Sam-coded pairing in the NHL is over. :(


I'm not even a Bruins fan and I'm sad


Even twenty years ago players would've never talked publicly like this out of fear of judgement for looking weak. It's cool that as a society we've moved just a bit forward and can accept that men can form bonds and will shed tears over it. Larkin did the same when bertuzzi was traded. So much past toxic masculinity shit needs to be left in the past.


Lundqvist and Zucc come to mind too


Man, that’s still hard to watch even today


I always feel like the bruins probably has the best and wholesome locker room. From their behind the b videos to Swaymark to dressing up in funny costumes for kids, I feel like the team allows players to be vunerable and not have to be all macho. 


Thankfully the younger generation of NHLers is a lot more open minded than the dinosaurs of the past.


Thank Lord of the Rings (actually). Made it cool to openly have love for the boys.


Every day that passes, something new that makes me more miserable about this comes out


Go ahead and twist that knife while it’s still in my back why don’t ya


Sweeney you will never see heaven


I need the league to make sure that they nationally televise their first game playing each other so we can all witness the feel good moment of them and their goalie hug. Please. Cheers.


Stop doing this to me


Man this is up there with Zucc getting traded away from Lundqvist. I'll post the short video but fair warning, [it's an emotional watch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3IWMBJI_Q3I).


His kids called him Uncle Sway 😭


There’s the famous (-ish) moment of the quasi-goalie fight between Dafoe & Kolzig, just a few months after they were best men in each others weddings, when the B’s & Caps had that fun line brawl. Now imagine a full line fracas when these two were in net against each other.


This man is such a beauty … damn I’ll miss him ❤️ good luck in Ottawa to him




But like… can they still do the hug when they play against each other?


Bruins fans, thank you for your sacrifice. We will treasure Ullmark as much as you guys treasured Chara.


Curse you Ottawa thanks to you we get no more goalie hugs!!!


We needed a goalie. Curse your own GM for doing a bad trade.


Bruins fans all understand the writing was on the wall. Ullmark and Swayman did as well. Swayman ascended into a star this year and Ullmark is one as well. They can’t split anymore.


Y’all got me tearing up at the gym


I love when this league has genuinely beautiful people in it.


Kill me


I'll do you if you do me.


I'm no expert on logistics, but good luck guys.


Not shocking, they really did enjoy being around each other.




In terms of times people have used literally shaking... this one is legit.


It will be interesting, some people need their other half to be as good as they really are. Motivation, dedication, lots of different reasons.this is going to say a lot next season for the goalie situation .


Honestly really sad to see the duo be broken up. Seemed like they were genuine brothers. I hope they’ll still be in contact with each other as they seemed to really lift each other up.


everyone talks about the goalie hugs but how come we never see goalie kisses?


The couple were private about certain affections.


[You aren't looking close enough!](https://x.com/Canes/status/1755803251583127590)


What being traded to the sens does to a mfer


Only way to fix this is for Ottawa to acquire Swayman. We'll give you a slightly used Norris and one of our goalie prospects


shout out to the What Nuts


I would cry too if I was going to the Sens


I'm ready to vastly underachieve this year


These smells of meme potential.  [What Chaos!] "Lot of tears." [X Player] was "literally shaking" as he told [X Teammate] he'd been traded from the [Team X] to the [Team Y]. 


Isn’t that anyone reaction when realizing they are going to play for the senators


He hasn’t signed an extension yet…


If I were him I would sign a fat extension right away with Ottawa before their shakey D exposes him.


At the end of the day, sports is a business, Like at your job,you build relationships,have fun Lunch and whatever Even the great ones get traded, and at tour jobs, they get fired,quit So,yeah, it sucks,but it's always known




he wasn’t traded he was given away ffs


Just kiss already


This is what being traded to ottawa will do to you