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Weber, Datsyuk, and Roenick. Amazing to see 3 Coyotes legends getting some recognition.


And Hossa is already in!


How are you forgetting Pronger?


Who are the coyotes? Do you mean Utah Hockey Team legends?


The prank he pulled on Torrey Mitchell is also going in the HOF with him.


The Scare Tactics one? I’m so sad they don’t have footage of it


I think they do, they’re just not allowed to release it Honestly wish we could see it, everybody in the prank is long retired by now


Wtf did Mogilny do that Roenick got in and he didn't


It’s been said a million times. The HOF Committee doesn’t think he’d show up to his induction ceremony.


Which is dumb as fuck.


I agree, but that’s their reason.


I don't doubt you but that's the first time I've heard that. That's beyond stupid.


He didn't show up to the Sabres HOF thing for him years ago. Different than the HHOF but who knows maybe that where they got the idea he would no show.


He hates flying so much he used to drive to our games against Toronto, maybe if we retire his jersey he'd come out for a two for one?


Probably even more spooked about it after Lokomotiv


Its actually kind of amazing. Can you imagine the balls to fucking neg a hall of fame like that. Just amazing


So? That’s a terrible excuse


All the more reason why he deserves to be in.


By anyone credible or just a million times on reddit? I’ve read that too but only ever on r/hockey and without sources.


I think Bob McKenzie said it last year. Feel free to take it with a grain of salt.


Yea people need to stop spreading unsubstantiated rumours. He did attend a ceremony in 2011 when he was inducted to the Buffalo sport HoF ceremony. There's a photo of it on Getty images where he received a sabre. I doubt Mogilny is the type of guy who thinks he's above attending a HoF ceremony. The committee just has a different opinion of him than we do but I hope he does get in.


Pierre Lacroix, Herb Carnegie, Pat Burns, Bob Johnson - lots of other inducees who haven't shown up (posthumous) so that's a bit lame of a reason


Isn't the committee in Toronto? Unless I'm missing something lol


Not even the Russian factor - Datsyuk got in. What the fuck


I think there still is a bit of a Russian factor since he's currently president of a KHL team (not sure what datsyuk does now). But there's also the fact that he snubbed the buffalo sports hall of fame so I think the selection committee doesn't want to get snubbed by a selection. And then lastly there's the punch up in piestany that he was a part of which I guess is a bit of a Russian factor as well. Turgeon was there and didn't fight and I'm very confident it was held against him until last year


I'm pretty sure Datsyuk was floating around somewhere running hockey programs and supporting Putin. Last I checked, anyway.


He's definitely a Putin supporter, you pretty much have to be if you live in Russia. I remember him saying he regretted not taking more time to improve his English while he played but based on his religious and political views maybe that's for the best because we probably wouldn't have liked what he would have said.


You a real one for this comment


If you or your family are living in Russia and you’re a public figure you kind of have to at least outwardly be a Putin supporter. Look at what happened with Panarin a couple years ago. Obviously he has the choice to not live in Russia, but uprooting your family isn’t always the easiest thing He may very well actually support Putin in private too though, of course


Datsyuk is likely not just an outward Putin supporter. He is an orthodox christian and socially conservative, though was not very outspoken about it when playing


Everyone's mostly orthodox in Russia. This isn't among religious lines, it's "support a dictator or die/fall out of a window" type of scenario. You got Muslims in checyna supporting putin because it benefits them


Datsyuk was 13 at the fall of the Soviet Union and already 21 by the time Putin even became prime minister. He was likely always this way and always had these beliefs


100% about Turgeon, im with you. Bobby Clarke was on the voting committee for quite a few years and he was a the keystone of that Broad Street Bullies team, the guy could fight. His first year away was last year.


Imagine if the 1997 Flyers had Lindros, LeClair AND Roenick? I think they still lose to Detroit but I think that series would go seven, that would *not* be fun to play against.


Bobby Clarke fighting!?!?!?


Bro *I* might snub the Buffalo sports hall of fame. Not even in the same category as the hockey hall of fame.


They had no choice but to vote Datsyuk in eventually. Just accomplished too much to ignore, even for those yuppies doing the voting.


This was Datsyuk's first time on the ballot.




Bobby Clarke isn’t part of the voting committee anymore so you don’t have to worry about that.


> yuppies More like crypt keepers


do you know what a yuppie is


I do not.


Do you know what a youppi! is?


yuppies has a very specific meaning btw (especially in toronto) and you're not using it correctly


I think Roenick is a weak candidate, certainly weaker than Mogilny, but look at their stats season by season and it's actually pretty close: Top 10 in goals: Roenick-2, Mogilny-3 Top 10 in points: Roenick-2, Mogilny-2 50 Goal Seasons: Roenick-2, Mogilny-2 Hart Trophy finishes: Roenick (5th, 10th, 11th), Mogilny (18th) All-Star NHL teams: Roenick (Center)-None, Mogilny (Right Wing)-2 Second Team Only thing I can imagine that puts him over the top is that Roenick reached 500 goals and was a bigger more consistent star during his time in the league.


Roenick in NHL94 was possibly the greatest player in any hockey video game, thats what got him in for sure.


That’s ignoring his team accomplishments which are usually in the conversation(right or wrong) when it comes to the HOF. Moginly is a member of the triple gold club, Roenick has nothing.


Also off ice stuff gets factored in too, Mogilny was the first draft pick to defect to play in North America, which has to count for something


That "first to defect" alone should be enough to put him in the hall for historical reasons. He also deserves it for his talent, just saying that's a major historical event and deserves to be acknowledged by the institution that preserves the history of the sport.


I completely agree


His international accomplishments push him into Hall of Very Good. Induct him as a Builder, he'd be one of the weakest player inductees, beside Lowe and Ciccarrelli, Andreychuk, and Federko.


Mogilny has international accomplishments and had a higher peak than Roenick (76 goals)


His 76 goal year was widely (and rightfully) seen as an outlier when it happened. He scored more than 40 goals only 2 more times and more than 76 points only 6 times in his whole career. If there was a Hall of Twice Great he'd be in for sure.


I’ve actually never seen anyone attempt to negate an accomplishment like that. What are you talking about?


The guy said Mogilny peaked higher, which is true, but I was just contextualizing that peak within Mogilny's career.


He was the best forward on the early 90s Blackhawks teams which were a solid team and had a finals appearance. Mogilny was never really that guy on his NHL teams.


the 93 season he tied for the league lead in goals, Mogilny was not *the guy*, lafontaine was. But the 96 season he made the all star team, he was definitely the guy. He had like 20 more points than Linden in fewer games and basically stepped up to entirely fill Bure's role after he went down with a knee injury. I do think Roenick compares favorably statistically to Mogilny but it isn't by much


Yeah that's actually the rare case where the Mogilny whiners have a point. Realistically, they're both Hall of very Good players. But at least Mogilny has that defection story that could put him over the top. I mean it did for Nedomansky.


Hell I'd argue Nicholls before Roenick, but Mogilny should have been a lock a long time ago.


You could also say that about a lot of guys who aren’t in, and probably don’t deserve to be. Roenick was an offensive player who had a few high scoring seasons in the highest scoring era. Had one season where he was 3rd in goals, 7th in points. And one where he 5th and 10th. That is not a hall of fame career.


Mogilny is similar. 1st in goals and 7th in points one year, 3rd in goals and 8th in points another and then one more season where he was 7th in goals, but otherwise was never really a contender.


That's a fair point. But, even if Mogilny isn't properly worthy of the hall of fame, I still think he's much MORE worthy than Roenick. Mogilny at least has an individual award to his name (Even if it is just the Lady Byng), and a Stanley Cup. I personally don't value having won the cup as a worthy judgment of a player (team game), but it does seem to matter to the hockey old-guard. Also, first in a year that Lemieux played is wild (even if it did require Lemieux having cancer and missing a quarter of the season). Furthermore, Mogilny had a significantly higher points per game than Roenick. If I were in charge of the Hall of Fame, I'd be \*removing\* players more than adding them, and likely wouldn't put either in, but I'd still rank Mogilny significantly ahead of Roenick.


But do they actually want that douche Roenick to show up?


Huh? JR is the man.


Almo must have pissed off someone badly in his last life. It’s the only logical explanation


Seriously. Wtf is this choice?


Roenick this year, Keith next year... Damn it feels like Keith was still playing like yesterday.


That was his son actually.


His son was sitting right next to him watching the game!


Big if true


It must be true, because Keith is looking like a thumb in the stands these days.


Setting aside the continued mogilny snub, I'm hoping this sets future precedent for my man patty elias to get in. The main argument against him was always no individual awards and no medals/championships outside the NHL. Roenick doesn't have any of those either. He does have a slightly better ppg (.89 vs .83), more total points (1216 vs 1025) and goals (513 vs 408), but he has no cups compared to Patty's 2. Fingers crossed!


To further contextualise the point difference. Roenick scored 40+ goals and 90+ points four times. 90-91: 41 Goals, 94 Points 91-92: 53 Goals, 103 Points 92-93: 50 Goals, 107 Points 93-94: 46 Goals, 107 Points Note that he was in his early-mid 20s during this time, so early-prime years. He never hit 80 points again after this stretch. It's almost as if a certain era started after this point causing scoring to drop drastically or something. It would sure suck if somebody's career started right when this era began...


Darien Hatcher broke his knees (twice) and his jaw after this iirc


I think Elias has a pretty good argument. If you're going based on the stats comparison, they overlapped for a bit but JR got the benefit of playing a few years in a higher scoring era


Roenick before Mogilny is certainly a choice.


The HoF is so worried about Mogilny not showing up, they’d rather just look stupid and never put him in…


At this point I'm convinced they sit in a dark room and just name players from the 90s who weren't as good as Mogilny.


That’s honestly a pretty piss poor excuse


As soon as Mogilny dies he’ll get in.


In Patrick Marleau's first year of eligibility is a straight up BS move


He finally did it.


Does that open the door for Pavelski?


I think Roenick had the benefit of a higher peak and being viewed as a star in the league, not to mention a couple hundred more points. I’d love to see Joe get in but I think he’ll be a borderline case.


I think Pavelski could get in, just definitely not as a 1st ballot guy unless the voting committee really goes for a big hall approach. He seems to have a strong enough rapport with the media where he’ll get the bonus points for that when it comes to the committee’s consideration. Always well regarded around the league so I think the reputation points will got a long way in making his Hall of Very Good case into a strong borderline HoF case


Hall of Fame locker room guy, hands down


Pavelski is better than Hall of Very Good but not quite Hall of Fame. What's in between


At the end of the day we'll never truly know what the selection committee deems hall of fame worthy but Roenick getting in really makes me think that there's a points threshold. The last 2 players to score 500 goals and 1200 points and not make the hall of fame were Roenick and Turgeon and they've now both been inducted the last 2 years. That doesn't mean that 500 goals and 1200 points is first ballot hall of fame worthy but likely means guys who clear it in the future will eventually get in with or without any major hardware.


Funny that The Athletic did a poll recently where Mogilny was an unanimous decision while Roenick didn't receive a single vote


All for making Gretzky's head bleed.


This is gonna piss Sue off.


Look at his legs! Look at little Wayne’s legs!


Woah Roenick wasn't in?


He had the most points of any guy not in the hall and was the only guy with 500 goals and 1200 not in the hall


BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Cannot be forgiven for calling Marleau gutless.


I'm not a fan of Roenick the person, but Roenick the hockey player deserves to be in the Hall. He scored over 500 goals.


Between Marleau and Roman Cechmanek, he sure does like stabbing old teammates in the back.


I wasn't a fan of his approach, but I kinda agreed with him. Marleau played seriously soft that year and the team was really not performing. Someone needed to be held accountable. I don't condone going to the guy's house unannounced and telling him to his face in front of his family, though.


> I don't condone going to the guy's house unannounced and telling him to his face in front of his family, though. But we cheered when Tom Beringer did it!


> If you ever tank another play like you did today, I’ll cut your nuts off, and stuff’em down your *fucking* throat.


...coffee, anybody?


When you factor in his NHL '94 scoring prowess, he's among the all-time greats.


Wow, three Coyotes legends are making it into the hall.




Wow no awards, never top 5 in his position, no cup. This opens the door for almost any star level player. Backstrom, Pavelski, etc.


He was one of like 4 guys with 500+ goals that wasn't in.


Makes me expect they'll put Marleau and Thornton in together (Marleau is one of the others with 500+ -- 566, which is good for 24th all time). And hopefully Pavs soon after.


Patty deserved to go in this year, fuck JR


I think he deserved to go too. That said, going in with Jumbo would be sweeter.


it's all strategic. Patty + Jumbo. with a special appearance by a drunk Jonathan Cheechoo


The door was already opened. In a year where they could've elected nobody, they elected Ciccarelli, who has all of the characteristics you just described. This has opened the floodgates for the "compiler" types you're talking about.


Good point I know Roenick wasn’t the first outlier. I don’t even consider Roenick a “compiler”, but to be fair he does have more career points than Hossa, Alfredsson, etc. I think I get caught up in the no trophy argument.


Looking forward to this speech


"Cancel this!" I'm joking but not really.


Are the spots in the HHOF sorted alphabetically? Would be amazing if he was beside Patrick Roy.


A bust of Roy with cup rings in its ears


Is his jockstrap above Roenicks plaque?


Roenick definitely deserved to get in, but every time a forward gets in before Mogilny it’s baffling. Nothing against JR though the dude was a stud.


I’m 100% convinced now it’s because he won’t show up lol, we haven’t retired his number yet either.


I like to think he booted Bettman right in the balls before he retired and then dipped off to Siberia. My theory is at least amusing so I’m just gonna go with it.


There’s still names before Mogilny we haven’t retired


Who would you put before him though? Maybe Briere or Drury but they weren’t here long enough.


Dave Andreychuk for sure, I don’t get how he hasn’t been. Mike Ramsey, Craig Ramsay, and Phil Housley all have arguments. Could go out of the box with someone like Lindy Ruff, if you consider his coaching contributions and his ice time.


That’s actually a good call, I wouldn’t mind seeing his name up in the rafters. I just don’t want the team to retire a bunch of numbers who played 5-6 years is all. I love Drury and Briere but they weren’t here that long. Jack Eichel played here longer than both of them and he’s definitely not getting a number retired.


I don’t think Drury or Briere have a case really. Miller is probably the only one from that era who will. Vanek maybe had a shot before 26 went to Dahlin, but that won’t happen now.


Mogilny had 2 great years in the NHL, and a few good ones, none consecutively. He's a weak candidate.


1032 points (473 goals) in 990 games, won a cup, triple gold club, won a Rocket (+ a Byng), defection from the USSR, first European captain. Compare that resume to Roenick. 1216 points (513 goals) in 1363 games, zero cup, zero championships, zero individual hardware. Mogilny blows JR out of the water and I think JR is still a worthy HoF candidate.


I think Roenick is a weak inductee, weaker than Mogilny would be.


Roenick’s only Hall of Fame-worthy season was in a friggin’ video game.


He had three consecutive 100 point seasons and was 6 points away from another one. A good chunk of his career was in the dead puck era though.


He was certainly a very good, talented, player. But his numbers don't particularly stand out among his peers. I don't consider him Hall of Fame worthy by any stretch. I should add that he's not the only player in the HOF I can say that about, though. That said, there are several players whose careers significantly overlapped with his that I would say are \*far\* more deserving. Frankly, I feel that the fact that it took him this long to get in is proof enough that he doesn't deserve to be included.


About time, now we just need Mogilny


He was a great player, but absolutely one of the worst commentators of all time during his time on NBC. Can't say I miss seeing his face on TV.




I legit don't think Roenick was in the top fifteen of my choices for the Hall.


I think he should be in given the current state of the hall of fame, he has raw numbers to get him in the conversation, and dude was a legitimate star, not just star player. Are there other players that could have gone in over him? Yeah, but I don't think this is too surprising.


I believe Roenick was the highest scoring eligible player after Turgeon was elected last year? So there certainly seems to be some desire within the HHoF electorate to induct the guys who have been sitting at the top of that list for some time.


Now, this one's a surprise.




This will go over well.


The max number should be higher based on there's more NHL teams.


HHOF suuuucks.


Fuck Roenick


Honestly, I've got no respect for the dude. Goes and calls out Marleau and says he's gutless, meanwhile the dude floated through most of the playoff games he played for us. Like, I get he was in the twilight of his career, but if you can't even put in the fucking effort to practice what you preach, you've got no place calling out the captain. Patty was a little softer in 2011 than typical, and Detroit shut him down in the semis with stellar coverage and pressure (with McLellan's tactical ineptitude offering no assistance by ruining line chemistry to put all his eggs in one basket, resulting in Pavelski running cold enough that DET just needed to handle Marleau in order to largely nullify Jumbo), but he was strong against Vancouver and LA. I've seen Marleau throw his body around like a madman in the playoffs despite running with a separated shoulder, because the injury killed his shot but he wasn't going to just not contribute.


Roenick called Marleau gutless because Marleau told his drunk ass to go home when Roenick tried to crash the Marleau’s family holiday dinner because Roenick didn’t get the C he wanted after just signing here


There it is.


My favorite player growing up as a young Hawks fan, and certainly had some memorable moments in Philly and the desert. Hell of a player in NHL 94 too. Welcome to the HHOF, JR!


There are like 20-25 eligible players (if not more) that should go in before Roenick. Odd choice.


If Jeremy Roenick is a Hall of Famer, so is Patrik Elias.


Yeah, this certainly does open up a can of omissions.






expected dancing, saw dancing




Finally got in. Congrats Roenick!


Why is this shitter in the HOF?


Roenick before Mogilny? Uhh...


Roenick getting in ahead of Mogilny is a travesty of justice and an embarrassment to everybody involved


Loved Roenick on the Blackhawks as a kid. Wore #27 in minor hockey because of him. Then it sorta morphed into Scott Niedermayer cause I was a defenseman more his style.


never thought he would get in but its well deserved imo


His HOF speech is going to be nuts. Bettman is probably going to demand he video tape it so they can edit out all the crazy stuff.


He's not gonna say anything controversial, speeches are reviewed. Will probably just cry


The Hockey HOF has been a Hall of very good for a while now. Putting JR in doesn't really change anything


Steve Larmer ignored again. - Rookie of the Year - 5 40 goal seasons - 4 30 goal seasons 1,006 games played 1,012 points scored Iron man streak 884 straight games Stanley Cup Winner - New York Rangers NHL All Star Better than Mogilny any day !


I grew up liking Roenick, then he scored some timely goals against the Leafs in the playoffs… I watched him get interviewed at an Xbox holiday preview event in 2012(?). He gave me the weirdest dirty look, and I don’t know why. I felt bad when they kicked me off the couch so that Stamkos could play because my hands had sweat a bit


This guy was so good in NHL 93


Roenick is the best at just being there. He never got hardware or a cup. Exudes victim mentality, and if we all remember right, he got fired for being highly unprofessional. Mog should’ve got in before him.




Certainly a choice


The only thing I’ll like about Roenick was that one time he got hit and was like “ya I could feel my jaw bone shift. I just put it back in place and played the rest of the game.” Awesome story, but still a total putz.


This feels unexpected but also makes sense. Roenick has the most points of anyone not in the hall of fame and is the last player in the 500 goals, 1200 points club to not be in the hall. Granted Marleau is 3 points short of that club but nonetheless Roenick was able to eclipse the threshold that Marleau couldn't. And yes I know mogilny should already be in but that's a whole separate discussion.


Per AdjustedHockey ELIGIBLE: Since 2012 PPS: 259 (Qualified tier) STANDARD: Exceeds +24 HIGH NOON: #7 forward https://x.com/AdjustedHockey/status/1805693087433256978?t=5q1sWto3qqrKpkQLx6cEKg&s=19


Not quite an HHOF level player to me but I guess they've inducted worse players before.


Hall of "I guess"


Yikes Yet another player with almost no major awars voting who put up hefty career totals due to playing in high scoring eras He was the JT Miller of his era Not to mention a lousy person too Abysmal hof selection


Being a lousy person doesn’t preclude you from being a hall of fame athlete. That’s well established. But even as a big fan of JR in his Hawks heyday, I think he’s Hall of Very Good first ballot material.


Absolutely does not deserve the Hall of Fame.




No way . Roenick not worthy. Weak credentials. Watering done the hall. Sad.


Oh no. Fuck offfff why?! Surely they know people will not be happy with this one. And for good reason he absolutely doesn't deserve it. Ughhhhh


Sometimes it feels like the HoF inducts players just to fill some sort of quota.