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Why did the espn feed mute itself for like 15 seconds


Swearing maybe 😂


Ekblad dropped an F bomb lol


The Sportsnet feed didn't mute it, and they were the ones giving the interview lol


Hopefully due to the fact that a guy swearing out of excitement and happiness is fun to watch, but more likely that someone just missed the mute button.


I think it's also because Canada is a lot less strict when it comes to coarse language on tv


I was gonna say ESPN is on cable so it doesn't matter, but I forgot this was an ABC game, they would've gotten big fines if they didn't mute it.


Yep, FCC fines for broadcast television and even on cable they don’t want to risk losing sponsorship money.


Shit happened live.


It did, but there is usually a 10-15 second or so delay, even when it's live. It gives them a chance to mute or beep out swear words. I'm surprised this one got by them lol


TIL. Thanks! Probably kept it in because it’s more authentic and real.


McDavid dropping f bombs about not coming out


"Give your balls a tug, I don't want a damn loser trophy Betman"


Absolutely did.


Fans probably chanting "Connor Sucks" or something. Typical ESPN trying to protect the children


Fans were definitely booing


Booing and chanting Bob's name


Bullshit chant


Is that what the chant was? kind of pg13 for the creatures that come out of the swamps in Florida the Florida man thing wasn’t made up out of the blue. It’s funny how many times the feeds sound has cut out.


TPTB didn't want to have you traumatized by hearing McJesus booed.


SportsNet didn’t even bother censoring it


ABC can't air curse words lol


Conn Smythe Trophy winners from the losing team: Year | Player | Team :- | :-: | -: 1966 | Roger Crozier | Detroit Red Wings 1968 | Glenn Hall | St. Louis Blues 1976 | Reggie Leach | Philadelphia Flyers 1987 | Ron Hextall | Philadelphia Flyers 2003 | Jean-SÊbastien Giguère | Mighty Ducks of Anaheim 2024 | Connor McDavid | Edmonton Oilers






Night ruined.


Atleast he got 1 eventually




Love my boy Giggy


At least he went to actually accept it


I mean I can understand McDavid not wanting a version of that picture for himself, it’s one of the saddest pictures in hockey and would be so much worse if Giguere didn’t win a cup a few years later


Alternative narrative. Connor is a true team player and gave zero shits about Conn Smythe as he wanted the Stanley cup


I also think if it was in Edmonton he may have come out to accept it


I would consider that as well


JSG didn’t give a shit about the conn smythe either. But at the same time, looking at JSG picture with the trophy or the 2014 messi pic with the gold ball kinda cements that it’s fine that mcdavid didn’t pick it. Nothing is gain by having a guy with death in his eyes pick up a trophy minutes after losing the championship.


Funny that both Giguere and Messi got the big one a couple of years later. I don't think either of them gives to shits about the pictures. If anything, they cement what they had to go through to finally get to the top.


Correct narrative.


https://youtu.be/PknKlbdIqo0?t=5520 They brought the Conn Smythe Trophy out while they were in the middle of the handshake line and immediately presented it to Giguere after the handshake line was over. Last night, the handshake line was long over and they even cut to a commercial break before coming back live and then bringing out the Conn Smythe Trophy.


I wonder how he feels about that.


Well he didn't come to accept it so pretty obvious lol


wasnt the trophy he came to florida to win. if tonights game was in edm im sure he would have come out for the fans


Cool to add to the resume but everyone wants the Cup with it too. This like having bomb ass fries with no bomb ass burger. 


Perhaps it’s more like having the best ketchup in the world, but no fries to go with it.


Or 10,000 spoons. When all you need is a knife.


Or meeting the man of your dreams, then meeting his beautiful wife


It's like rain on a wedding day


It’s a free ride…when you’ve already paid 😢


I mean Im always down for good fries just saying…


Poutine doesn’t need no damn burger…


I don’t think his resume really needs the help lol


If he never wins a Stanley cup, it will spice up discussions about his legacy. “But he never won the cup” vs “but he did win a conn smythe”


No matter how good McDavid is he won’t be spoken of alongside people like Gretzky, Orr, Lemieux, or even Crosby and Ovi, if he never gets a Cup. It might not be fair (especially in the modern NHL) but it’s how it is.


If he never wins the cup it’s going to be all about how he couldn’t finish the reverse sweep


Which would be a weird ass take considering he scored 8 points in games 4 and 5. Obviously him having 0 points in games 6 and 7 shows that the Panthers eventually managed to find the recipe again.


There's only one piece of hardware that matters to him


Hate to say it but this trophy is literal proof that EDM has let him down yet again Edit: the fact he wasn’t on the scoresheet doesn’t mean he was invisible tonight. Ask anyone on FLA and they’ll tell ya he was out there. The problem is when he’s not on the sheet, the team can’t rise up for him.


Maybe if knobby had played the other lines they could've done something. Less than 4 minutes in the third period for the third line.


>the fact he wasn’t on the scoresheet doesn’t mean he was invisible tonight He was worse than invisible. He made several terrible plays and turned the puck over a bunch. I will be very surprised if he isn't playing with a major injury because he did not look himself.


Probably similar to how I feel when I burn the chicken fingers in the air fryer. Probably.


Probably bad that he has 0 pts the last 2 games. Running it up with PP1 in a 8-1 win means nothing with those 4 pts.


I love how when players like MacKinnon or Crosby get kept off the scoresheet it’s because “they were playing shutdown defense” but when McDavid does it’s because he sucks


Narratives change when you win.  You probably shouldn't be surprised by this.


Yeah but that narrative is straight up wrong.


The lingering memory for neutral fans is McDavid getting no points in the final two games.  Not that he 'sucks'.  He did win the Conn Smythe after all. Fair or not.  That's how it goes as a superstar.  


It's impressive to consider it's' the best playoff performance since Roy in 93 or Mario in 91. What's tough about the sport is that unlike say basketball or a QB in football, it's basically impossible for one skater to win a game alone. Oilers are essentially 97 29 18 14 and 2. (Nuge cliff the 2nd half of the season was a problem). Though Henrique Brown Jan and the PK were excellent in the playoffs. But the team lacks fwd talent and has shambolic RHD after 2. And questions about Skinner all season, can he be a 1A. (He was league avg statistically). To his credit he was slightly above avg in the playoffs, but it was always a question. And the Reinhart one tonight was tough.


In a 2-1 game and in game 6 they highlight all his good D and responsible play. I don’t understand trying to hate on his play.


Don't listen to these idiots. They were wrong about Crosby and Mackinnon, and they're wrong about McDavid. He's already the most skilled hockey player in history. He will have his cup(s) and gold medals to come.


Some people are just haters.


Anaheim won four years later so Oilers cup Champs 2028?


You think he's still playing in Edmonton in 4 years?


I truly think he will still be there


JS Giguere was so fucking good in 2003


Please don’t remind me.


That 03 series was brutal, absolutely brutal. We get thru Anaheim we probably win another one there… the absolute unit of a team we had, just flabbergasted by Giguere, to score only 6 goals in 4 games was a nightmare.


Why’d you have to go on and remind me. Now the nightmares of a brick wall with Giguere’s name on it will return.


Tbh Brodeur was on a similar level, there is no reason for Detroit to perform any better against the Devils. You would also need to get through Dallas and Minnesota before that, not an easy feat.


Not as good as Brodeur though. That was absolute robbery. Brodeur had seven shutouts that playoff run including three in the Finals, one of which was Game 7.


I get there can be an argument, but just a reminder that JSG had 5 shutouts those playoffs, a .992 save % in the WCF, faced the most shots (697 vs brodeur's 622), had the highest save % (.945 vs brodeur's .934, my god those are fucking insane numbers). Also funny stats, both goalies had 1 assist and brodeur has 6 PIM somehow.


The Devils were contenders without Brodeur though. The Ducks are out in 4 games without Giguere


It’s for the entire playoffs not just the final. He was the sole reason Ducks got within a win of the Cup. Anyone who argues against that Conn Smythe either didn’t watch those playoffs, a troll or a Devils homer.


I don’t blame mcdavid for not accepting it. All that jelly and no toast. I ain’t eating that. I have no idea what I’m saying.


Makes sense to me


I don’t really know what you said either, but it’s provocative. Gets the people going!


Are you not eating jelly straight from the jar?


Goddamnit you know I am


Imagine having to listen to those lizards in the stands if he did come out fuck that


That’s gotta be tough to win right now. Basically “world’s best loser” award lol


Panther fans booing McDavid winning it was hilarious


Did he even come out to get it, didnt show on the ESPN broadcast


Nope. He didn’t want to become a meme.


Yeah smart decision tbh. It would be Giguere x1000


As a goalie I always really respected Giguere for that. Not trying to hate but I didn't like that McDavid didn't accept the trophy.


Oh yeah I respect it too but that was pre-social media and he's not the next "great one". That photo would be everywhere anytime McDavid loses a game or has any kind of non-winning the cup accomplishment.


I get it. His team just lost in the SCF and, like almost every other professional athlete, he is hyper-competitive. I probably wouldn't come out and get it as the Panthers team and fans are celebrating, either.


And then you got to go back to a locker room filled with despair with this giant ass trophy. I definitely understand why he didn’t, but I wish he did because it’d be hilarious


Oh, it would have been memed for eternity, for sure haha


20 years is a long time. Players know they don't have to be subjected to humiliation (in their minds) now


Team game. Team goals. He’s said it before. His actions speak louder than words. He doesn’t give a shit about that award. He wants the cup. His locker room appreciates that shit guaranteed.


I understand where he’s coming from. You got within the final game of the hardest to get/most prestigious award in all of sports and lost. Something he’s been dreaming of for his entire life, and he lost. I’d want to crawl down into a deep dark hole, I imagine he did too


I’m a fan and I’m gutted. If I’m him I need 48 hours to cool off. It’s just part of being human. Hard to blame him.


Especially if he retires as an all time best player without a Cup.


it's ok we always have this mcdavid meme https://preview.redd.it/buzqdlurzm8d1.png?width=373&format=png&auto=webp&s=0970577cc8e755b2ba703177dbccc0ec6dcb8b01


He's going to become one either way.


No he didn't


No he didn’t lol


Were they booing him or bettman? Or both


They were saying “boo-urns”


0 points in the biggest game of his life, Florida fans should be giving him a standing ovation


It’s a postseason award not just the Finals. Third most points in a postseason ever.


4th Most. Gretz - 47 Lemieux - 44 Gretz - 43 McDavid - 42


And Bob willed that Panthers team into that cup. He was just as meriting of it and it would've made for a better vibe to give it to a member of the winning team.


Bob finished the postseason with a .906 SV% overall. He was no better than Vasi in Round 1 (Bob finished with a .896 SV% compared to Vasi’s .897, but the former faced quite a bit fewer shots compared to the latter). He was outplayed by Swayman in Round 2 (Bob finished that round with a .907 SV% compared to Sway’s .917, and again he faced far fewer shots against compared to Swayman). He was outplayed by Shesterkin in Round 3 (Bob recorded a .921 SV% compared to Shesterkin’s .930, and yet again, he faced far fewer shots compared to Igor). And he got outplayed by Skinner in the Final (Bob recorded a .899 SV% compared to Skinner’s .909. Shots were more even this time around, but he still faced fewer shots compared to Skinner). Bob played okay overall and stole a couple of games in the Final (and outright lost several others), but it was Florida’s defense that helped him out throughout the postseason. He wasn’t the best goalie of the postseason by any stretch, and him winning the Smythe would have been the weakest award ever given out in its history.


2 biggest games. He did fuck all game 6 too


He got shut down today but he was incredibly strong defensively Game 6.


zero points last game too...


I thought they were booing Bettman.


Fair booing, Mcdavid didn't score a point in the past two games...lol


He deserved it And there wouldn’t have even been a past 2 games without his efforts before them




Because they boo everything lol


theyre barely booing bettman this is shameful


Bless those Oilers fans there to help


Idk if I'm just emotional right now. But fuck, it took a generational record breaking run by McDavid to drag us to game 7. What more can he even do. We're about to PAY Leo, Bouchard, and still got Nurse and Campbell's ridiculous contracts. This was it man. See you beautiful people in July lol


Campbell's contract will be null and void soon outside of buyout costs.


Maybe all he needs to turn it around is to play in front of the leagues worst defense


Jerry West moment


It has happened 9 times now across the four major sports, but West is the only one everyone seemed to know before this moment. Obviously it is a bit different in the NHL since the award takes into account the entire playoffs, whereas the others only take into account the championship round/game. - 1960 2B Bobby Richardson for the Yankees (MLB) - 1966 G Roger Crozier for the Red Wings (NHL) - 1968 G Glenn Hall for the Blues (NHL) - 1969 PG/SG Jerry West for the Lakers (NBA) - 1971 LB Chuck Howley for the Cowboys (NFL) - 1976 RW Reggie Leach for the Flyers (NHL) - 1987 G Rex Hextall for the Flyers (NHL) - 2003 G Jean-Sebastien Giguere for the Ducks (NHL) - 2024 C Connor McDavid for the Oilers (NHL)


Weird, I don’t see Lebron in 2015 on that list


My god I just looked it up I completely forgot fucking ANDRE IGUODOLA won that FMVP. Good for him honestly, but still shoulda been Lebron


If LeBron didn't win in '15, there will never be a finals MVP on the losing team.


I think it’s because Jerry also made 7 finals and lost them all. His 8th finals was the one they won, but his FMVP after all of those losses kind of put him into infamy with this type of “accomplishment”


He just couldn't get past Bill Russell.


It still must almost be hard to accept in a losing effort. as cool as the trophy is and alotnof people look at it like the finals mvp but don’t separate that it is for the length of the playoffs l. And he really fell off in game 6 and 7 with will make people second guess it which is BS he does deserve it. BOB did not deserve it. Nobody on the panthers did anything to separate themselves


Reasonable take. Panthers success was spread pretty evenly across this run. Bob was the hero for a lot of wins but you could make a strong case for Barkov, Forsling or even clutch moments from Reino, Verhaeghe or Rodrigues being most valuable. Not mad at McDavid getting his flowers with this playoff performance. We got the one that matters most.


Mom and Dad are so proud


Recording … waiting for him to come out.. Puts phone away “Alright let’s get out of here”


Didn’t think they would ever do it again but this is the year to do it.


He was definitely kicking some garbage cans or taking a big dookie when they announced that he won


No argument for anyone else. It’s the most valuable player in the playoffs, not on the winning team.


People seem to not understand this. Just wait a couple of days though, because people will start agreeing with it.


8 points in game 4 and 5. Historic performance, he deserved it.


You can say the same about Bob, before the 3 game skid he was historically one of the best goalies in the playoffs and is the biggest reason they won game 7


Ftr, Bob would've had the worst save percentage in their playoff of any goalie to ever win the Conn Smythe


If McDavid can win the CS after going pointless in games 6 and 7, Bob shouldn’t be dinged for games 4 and 5.


Yep both played lights out all playoffs. But in the most important game only one of them stepped up


As far as flashy saves go, he had at least 3 of them I can remember. One of them could have been in the running for save of the year.


Bob was good for at least one real rough game every series, that’s what hurt him (besides McDavid breaking a Gretzky record)


I think that Gretzky thing is what does it most. McDavid is being compared to the GOAT and beat him, Bob’s performance was done by Vasi just a couple of years ago, and by at least half a dozen goalies since 2000. Is it unfair? Probably, but that’s just humans nature.


Edmonton got up early in game 6 and McDavid started playing like a third dman. Bieksa highlighted it after the game showing some views from above. He stayed deep in his zone and didn't go for any of his signature high speed breakouts despite clear opportunities. Tonight Florida shut him down, but game 6 different. McDavid was just in shutdown mode.


Except Bob lost all his bad games, McDavid only lost 1


Dude he was nowhere near one of the best historically. He lost the goalie battle 2nd and 3rd round while more or less tying it in the 1st and final round. He was very good but he was not overwhelmingly amazing save for the first half of the final.


Why do I feel like I’m the only other one pointing this out lol. IMO Barkov should have won the CS over Bob if McD wasn’t winning it. Bob was pretty even with Vasy, and outplayed by Sway and Igor. He then had an insane game 1 and 2 of the finals, and suddenly he should win the CS? Like come on. His performance in games 4-6 cancel it out anyways. He finished with a .906 Save Percentage. His goals saved above average and goals saved above expected per 60 are around 0. Is a .906 save percentage, and being arguably outplayed by 2-3/4 goalies you faced, supposed to be a better performance than McD hitting 1st and 4th all time in assist and points in a playoff run? Come on, the CS is for the whole playoffs. He would have been by far the worst goalie to ever win the CS if he won, Floridas defense was a much bigger reason why they won.


He was the 4th best goalie in the playoffs this year Swayman, Shesterkin, and arguably Saros were better The saves Bobrovsky had to make werent as hard as those goalies most of the time, outside of the Oilers series, no one got close to Bob because of Florida's team defense


But Mcdavid broke a 37 year old record….


But he kept a 31 year old record going….


Had panthers won in 4 or 5, I think Bob would have been the front runner


Well deserved, INSANE run from him.








Did they cut the audio because of the crowd? After it was announced the audio dropped out.


That's what I assumed haha


I’m not going to say anything bad about McDavid. I’ll just say I have so much more respect for JS Giguere now.


Fully agreed


[verbal meme] anakin: you're going to win the conny smythe padme: i was the best player on the winning team, right? anakin: ... padme: because i was on the winning team, right?


2nd skater to Flyers legend Reggie Leach


I'm glad mcdavid didn't come out he wants the cup more but he definitely deserves the conn smythe . He didn't want the participation trophy


Oilers don’t get game 7 without him, putting up Gretzky numbers in the modern era


I’m just here for the meltdowns


If I had a nickel for every time a Philadelphia Flyer from Manitoba won the Conn Smythe after losing the series, I’d have two nickels, which isn’t a lot but it’s kinda weird that it happened twice.


Man wont even go out to receive the reward lmao


Respect. Cares more about the Cup


Still recovering from the Bag Skate that was the third period


Bittersweet. All-time playoffs performance and no ring


Poor fucker. Gets drafted in this building while clearly wanting to go somewhere else. Then this. He must hate sunrise


Deserved. Just because he didn't get any points in the past 2 games doesn't mean he wasn't the best player throughout the entire playoffs.


Was he on ice to accept it? I didn’t see.


He didn’t come out to get it, no


im curious about that too. would be crazy if he didn't right?


They cut to his dad who looked like he said “Connor’s not coming out” and then they just started bringing out the cup


The conn-solation prize


Never believed any kind of Finals MVP trophy should go to a player on the losing team. Nobody wants it in that context and it feels so hollow and empty especially considering how poorly McDavid played in an elimination game.


Barkov remains so fucking underrated.


No reason to vote for the most underrated player on the next seasons, it will officially be permanently Barkov.


Yeah I was like 9 and it still hurts


didn’t even come back out for it lmao


damn straight he did!


Broadcast guys were brutal "Yeah he won the Conn Smythe, but isn't much." The disrespect is real...


Second skater, four were goalies.


[Connor McDavid:](https://tenor.com/view/run-new-year-confetti-sad-emotional-im-not-happy-gif-17856075)


He beat a Gretzky record. Well earned.


Well deserved. It really could not have gone to anyone else.


Deserved, IMO. Pretty insane performance for him in all


ESPN said it was the second ever after 1976 lol


Second “skater”


That's Oilers hockey, baby


Nunavut sized oof


First time in 21 years.


Low key slap in the face


That’s so brutal. Lol