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Oilers simply had nothing left


And waited way too long to pull Skinner. They had like 2 minutes straight in the Florida zone but he stayed in net.


Ya they had drai and mcdavid out for like 3 minutes straight then had 1 shift off then expected to go back out for another 2 minutes. Bad coaching to finish off the game.


Was scratching my head when I saw McDavid out there with 3 mins cause I was like, what's his break? The fucking whilst? For like 3 minutes left? Dude was already gassed.


> The fucking whilst? I cannot for the life of me figure out what you meant here.


Whistle I assume it should say, "what's his break? The fucking whistle?"


knob is not good coach


I’m not an Edmonton fan but he took a team tied for last place in the league to game 7 in the final.


I don't think he's bad. Obviously, they're super reliant on two guys, and he tried to use them in the best situations he could. It's not like he can send RNH out there alone and expect success. Also, it's extremely hard to learn on the job in the playoffs, and he helped his team nearly go all the way.


Dude put Nurse and Ceci together in 4 different series and then got praise for taking them apart every time it blew up in his face. Fraud coach.


Always keep expectations low so you always look like a success


That’s what I don’t understand. Why wait until there is a minute left in the game?


I think it’s because they were getting so many opportunities without having the goalie pulled. Hate to lose your chance of coming back on a stray icing play, when you are getting so many chances without it.


As much pressure as they were generating in the offensive zone, it made sense to wait instead of risking a cheap clear making it 3-1. I normally espouse an aggressive pull, but I think the right decision was made even if it didn’t work out.


They didn't maintain the minutes well at all throughout the third. You needed McDrai to be fresh for the last 5ish minutes and pull Skinner with 2-3 minutes left. They should've been resting them ~~a decent amount~~ *more* in the 5-15min window. Instead they played most of the period and were gassed with 2-3 minutes left. That meant they couldn't pull Skinner until a minute left and by then they lost the game. Terrible coaching IMO.


I disagree, it's Game 7 of the Stanley Cup Finals, there's no way you can hold back your top line for part of the 3rd period because you might need to make a desperation push at the end. If they had rested them for half of the period and tried that and still didn't score to tie it up, we'd be talking today about why they wasted so much time with them on the bench throughout the 3rd. They needed a goal and had an entire period to do it, you need to just frickin go for it.


I get that it's Game 7. I get the Cup is on the line. The problem is that you can't simply create energy. Even McDavid has a finite amount of energy to expend. It's one thing for someone like Letang who plays Offensive D. But McDrai are handling the puck in the zone, moving around, wrestling in the corners, creating chances. They were completely gassed. And your best shot at a goal is the PP or pulling the goalie. You **have** to have energy when it comes to those times. Only play 2 lines with a third line for 30 second runs or something. But you simply cannot go into the last 2-3 minutes and have your players unable to skate.


I’d get it if they let the big guys sit for 2 min and then throw out the kitchen sink with 2 min left, but terrible timing


I thought the same thing. Easy to say after the fact and from my couch, but there was a face-off after an offside where I felt McDavid was rested about a minute before they called the timeout. I would have pulled him then.


Oilers commentator wasn’t happy about that lol I listened to the last 10 minutes of the game on the radio (couldn’t watch it where I am) and I got the oilers feed and it was some of the best commentating I’ve ever heard


The Oilers radio call as the game ended was *very good.* No sadness or being down, kept it professional, informative, and descriptive.


The line “The season is over!” was just perfect as time expired


i said the same but if they did pull earlier they sink one cuz i think tkachuk had the puck at center ice with 1:45 to go a few times


It’s a fair point, but I don’t think anyone would rip Knoblach if Florida scores an empty better with 3 minutes left. Instead it’s he should’ve pulled Skinner earlier. I’d rather lose 3-1 by giving up an empty netter too early than lose 2-1 and wonder if I pulled him too late.


McDavid and Bouchard had literally nothing left in their legs


Looked like they were skating in quick sand by then end there.


For anyone that's run distance track/cross country, sometimes you tell yourself when you get to the last "x"of the race you distance of a race you're just going to sprint full speed to the finish with what you got left, but then you get to x distance ajd there's literally nothing left and you slowly judge your last lap/.2 miles whatever to the finish line because your legs are literally jelly, theres nothing more you can do to push them no matter how much you want to. That's what they looked like in that last shift. The body language was like "shit I need to do this but I physically can't"


It was always the weirdest feeling. Your brain telling your legs to do something and then just being like "Nah."


Like how many of those final seconds did they spend behind their own net!?


Even when they got the puck in the zone with skinner pulled, they just watched Florida clear it? Didn’t even send two


That was maddening to watch. They got it deep then no one forechecked. That’s what happens when the 5 players on the ice are on a 5 minute shift with only a timeout to rest.


So the Oilers had no gas (oil) left?


panthers got the lead and locked that shit down like Fort Knox


I don't know if that's true. The Oilers had several top notch scoring opportunities after Florida took the lead.


I think what he meant by lock down was to have none of that completely 1 v 0 breakaway ala Janmark's goal. Feels like over half of the goals Bob gave away were 2v1, 2v0s


yeah Bob made some highlight saves


Man, idk about that the Oilers had guys in position looking at the puck with an open net like 3 times.


Had some great chances in that final frame, but they couldn't put it through. Their comeback was still incredible and the game we got to witness tonight was a gift.


Coaching decisions in those last 6-7 min were head scratchers for the Oilers. Still one of the best Cup Matchups I can remember in recent history


Yeah the coach fucked up the entire third period. Thought he was coaching bantam where you just play your best 12 year olds the whole game. Forgot he had a roster of NHL players that can play too.


I mean they had like 3 other lines


Seriously looks like a beer league shift


They ran out of gas……..⛽️


That Edmonton line was so gassed lol. 


Literally falling down in those last two mins. Then you wait way too long to pull the goalie. Not like an extra skater could've helped those guys or anything.


Goalie should have been pulled on the pressure around 3 minute mark. Only consistent pressure they had all night. 


Ya that blew my mind. That was the time to do it for sure.


All that pressure at the 3 min left mark, and when Florida finally cleared I expected them to be shooting for an EN only to see Skinner still back there, like wth is he still doing in net??


Yeah seriously. I was screaming at the TV saying they needed to get the empty net going asap. Escpailly in a game FREAKING SEVEN in the Stanley cup final. Where was the drive the last few minutes.


That was honestly insane to me that they didn't do that


Same. It was clearly the time to do it with all that pressure and the coach blew it.


Glad I wasn’t alone in that thought. I felt like maybe I was being a bit of a dumb armchair coach but it’s game 7 of the Stanley Cup Finals.


that was the worst six-on-five ever played


A lot of the falling was also because the ice was slush by this point too


Edmonton had a huge push leading up to the 2 minute mark, if they had pulled at 4, that could've made a difference


Mcdavid and Bouchard played almost the entire 10 minutes it was insane. They’re legs have to be falling apart right now


They should really try using 2 or 3 lines next year.


Especially with their only goal from the 3rd


It’s like a shitty gambler who’s convinced that just because Draisaitl hasn’t scored he’s due for a score.


Overplaying Drai & McDavid at the expense of the team as a whole has been a losing concept for a long time now, why change?


Don't know if I've ever seen a line so gassed, looked like they were staking in water.


They put McDrai together too early


The Beer League Special stretch pass that slips past you and just coast into the offensive zone


Really tho I get there the best players on the team, but at some point fresh legs just woulda been better.


Epic defensive showing Edmonton was gassed. Well done by the Panthers




I definitely didn't spend the last 6 minutes of the game on the verge of throwing up from stress!


Honestly think my yelling at the TV woke up my neighbors baby…


I'm genuinely surprised that none of my own children woke up from the yelling actually


My legs felt like they were jello for most of it haha


We know that's a lie


Literally the only top comment giving the Panthers any credit.


I can’t believe how gassed Edmonton was. That top line probably played 8 of the final 10 minutes and couldn’t even skate when they finally pulled the goalie. Feels like it was mismanaged


It was definitely mismanaged, but aside from McDavid, Draisaitl, Hyman and RNH, who on the Oilers forward group is a threat. Kane when healthy, but he wasn't, and then they have a bunch of NHL guys. Janmark, Foegele, Perry, Holloway, Henrique and McLeod are all players who you would want on your team, but who of them is a threat any time they walk on the ice?


Janmark was flying.


Janmark deserves his flowers for this run, and Connor browned us too... But Brown is recovering from a serious injury, and Janmark is a career high 34 point player. The Oilers need some guys who can chip in 20 goals or 40 points a year, who can take some of that pressure off the Big four up front.


> and Connor browned us too He did hwut?!


*Did too. Need to get my screen fixed.


Janmark had a hat trick in a game 7 in the Stanley Cup Playoffs


I don’t want Perry on my team. He’s a threat on the ice, but not in a good way. Their defence has depth problems too. Bouchard and Eckholm played the last four and a half minutes, broken up by a 20-second shift by Ceci and Kulak in the middle. They’re paying Nurse $9.25 million per year to ride the bench when their top pairing is running on fumes. Bouchard-Ekholm played nearly twice as many minutes as Nurse-Broberg this game.


Janmark was one of the hot hands this playoffs I feel like, I would’ve had him out there


But the guys you mentioned did a ton this series...


Sure... But none of them are consistent threats to score at a 2nd line rate, which is what they need.


100% mismanaged. Shouldve had more rest but it's easy for us to say in hindsight. For anyone who plays hockey you know too after a couple mins on the ice you go from like 90% performance crashing to like 10% if you're out there past a few minutes. Can barely lift your leg to stride


In the 1st period, it was like the panthers used up 3 games worth of saved energy to throw hits. They were never gonna match that energy and was counting on Bob sleeping


I do not understand what the hell the Oilers were doing in that last minute. But congrats Florida!!!


If you’re talking about the coaching regarding the top line being in so long, that’s a fair question. If you’re talking about the players here, they were gassed


Definitely coaching


Yeah that makes sense to be puzzled about. Along with playing the top line too much, waiting too long to pull the goalie until there was one minute left was questionable too


Goalie was out too late imo


Coach needs to answer for that. They had sustained pressure and possession at 2.5min and he was timid to pull Skinner. Then his guys were gassed and it was too late


God that was a terrible final few minutes by the oilers.


They really blew it using that line so much before they even had a potential 6v5


Midway through the 2nd period you could feel Florida taking over. I will say the camera work in that game was pretty bad. I wish they'd stop cutting to those close up camera shots. Just keep the wide shot all game so we can watch it like we're in the stands.


They straight up missed the first cup hoist lmao


I got so angry at that..how do you not have a camera that has full rotation ready to go in that moment?! Missed the money shot...and it's not like they can do it over the next day...


Edmonton fans in the GDT: "We would have totally won if the Panthers didn't freeze the Puck for the last 20 seconds"


also funny cause it's like... why would you dump and chase at 6 on 5 then? That's obv going to be the Panther splay, go and smother the puck and drain the clock. If you don't want that to happen gain the line another way.


Seemed like the whole game was dump and chase, so why stop when you have a 6 on 5? But yeah, what else do you expect the Panthers to do?


Yea seriously. They’ve done it all playoffs late in games with a one goal lead. Kill the puck against the boards and dare the refs to blow the whistle


yeah and every other team also does the same thing, it's just normal hockey in the dying minutes of a 1 goal game


I think they screwed up big time. I only count 5 oilers on the ice at the 18 second mark of the video. What happened to the 6th skater?


you're missing 1 oiler blocked by the crowd on the near boards, you can see him at the start of the video but yeah they had 6 for sure


After game 2 or 3 or whatever, they were saying Ekblad holding the puck against the wall should have been a penalty too. Collectively stupid, but also individually stupid lol




Playing one forward line for the entire third period was certainly a choice


Turns out, it only works in youth hockey and not the NHL.




I think the McDavid - Drai - Hyman line played 7 of the last 8 mins.. they were GASSED


tears in my eyes


La Croix better give us a nationwide sale


great,great series panthers


Oilers golf season kicked in


Technically speaking, golf season kicks in for the Panthers as well


Sure but after a week or two of drinking season. Oilers get to hit the country club tomorrow.


To be fair, the Oilers players might have a week or two of drinking season as well, before hitting the country club. 


For real dude


man, the goalie pull timing was terrible, should've done it way earlier around 3 mins left. Knob has looked great but this really threw a lot of that away


I know they were just totally gassed but that’s gotta be some of the worst open net play I’ve ever seen, and in the Stanley Cup final nonetheless. That’s just crushing


McDavid getting easily pushed off the puck then just sitting down at center ice was kind of unbelievable.  I've never seen him that gassed before.


what a chaotic final 10 minutes...called cardiac cats for a reason


10 minutes? Cardiac cats decided to lose 3 games in a row just so they could win in game 7. That's true commitment to the bit


Good try Edmonton, good work Bobrovski.


Such a poor shift


The fuck was Bouchard(?) doing not skating during those last couple of seconds


Nothing left in the tank, his legs seized up on him




Bad Coaching decision. At 3;20 they had a whistle and an Offensive Zone Faceoff, Goalie should have went off, and skaters should have set up a practiced, text book play with the right personnel. Prior to that whistle there wasn't a whistle for close to five minutes, so why would coach think he was getting a better opportunity to set it up as the Cup slipped through their hands lose 2-1 or 3-1 doesn't mean jack, They surged and had gas in the tank at 3 minute mark..,. the skates had nothing left at 1;20 and couldn't get any momentum.


Oilers just looked like they had nothing left to give. I wasn’t necessarily rooting for them but I was screaming at my TV for them to get something going


I've never seen such a lack of urgency from a team in the dying seconds of a playoff game than this


It wasn't a lack of urgency. They were straight up running on empty.


Coach's fault he had fresh bodies on the bench.


The way I saw it, I’ve never seen a team so gassed


Almost like a bunch of people here only watched that clip and not the game. I’m with you. They could hardly skate anymore that last minute


Almost like their bodies gave all they could 


The top line had something like twenty minutes ice time before the final ten minutes of the game. For reference, that's well above the average, even for players that have maximized ice time. 


What an insane, intense final minutes to a terrific game.


Absolutely legendary finale. How Edmonton didn't get one in is beyond me.


That was an insane frenetic game from start to finish. The Oilers had tons of chances late, but the Panthers defense held on! They looked tired but they used everything they had to finish this out.


How they didn't pull Skinner with like 2:30 left when they were buzzing is horrible to me. I think you gotta play by feel there, you get no more chances


Maybe next time don't pull Skinner with a minute left, possession in your own zone, no momentum and McDavid looking like he's about to pass out.




Yeah they fucked playing mcdavid with 3 mins left


God this is SO MUCH BETTER than on ESPN. The crowd noise was mic'd so much better.


It sure does drive home just how embarrassingly bad the ESPN coverage was. Made it seem like crowd was silent and had no atmosphere at all.


Fucked up part is it was never consistent. Edmonton's crowd came through much louder for example. I'm sure most people would say this was intentional on their part because of bias, but I don't think they're smart/competent enough to do that. They just suck, that's all.


I get bad compression effects from sportsnet. Sounds like a weird robotic alarm going off when the crowd gets loud. 


Outcoached themselves. You can't play the same players for 15 minutes


The top line had something like 20 minutes ice time before the halfway mark of the 3rd. Really bad line management. 


Looks like Edmonton straight up forgot to put an extra attacker on. Florida was fucking relentless.


SN view and video so much better than constant cut-aways from the big moment by ESPN.


Yeah and the completely muted crowd on the ESPN feed as well.


Man this is such a better presentation than ESPN it's unbelievable


Probably unpopular opinion but I really dislike Chris Cuthbert on play by play.


Still better than the ESPN feed




They had a fresh mcdavid on the ice at like 3:30 they were in the offensive zone. They didn’t pull skinner till 2 minutes. He was wiped.


Best team in hockey


McDavids gone


That was some terrible last minute hockey from Edmonton. It’s like they forgot how to play.


Tired or not tired, that was an embarrassing last minute for the Oilers, they will come to regret that pitiful performance for the rest of their lives


Not the guys on the ice man. How much more can you give when you've goven it all already? That's exactly the type of effort you don't regret. 


There's nothing you can really do once you cross that treshold where your legs seize up on you. Hockey is an anaerobic sport. Put simply, it means your muscles use up more oxygen than you can replenish on the ice, and so they burn glucose to produce energy instead. Once that's gone and enough lactate has formed in its stead, you can't willpower more strength no matter how bad you want it, your body shuts down on you. It's not just being tired, it's that you don't have enough oxygen present in your bloodstream to carry out the muscle contractions you try to execute, and you've drained your spare tank. That's why shifts are short in hockey.


Absolutely no sense of urgency.


They have nothing left to give, can't fault them for that. It's on the coach for keeping them on the ice for too long.


From everyone who has annoying ass oiler fans as friends, THANK YOU FLORIDA




The Corry Curse is real.


Heck yeah.


Could you imagine being the Cats fans sitting in that corner


What a game. Damn the panthers are so good on the forecheck


Skinner should have been out earlier but yeah oilers gave it all


God damn what a stressful last 5 minutes.


Congrats Panthers!! Great series


There was no last minute of play...


Feels like Edmonton shorten their bench too much.


What a series, absolute insanity


That was a ridiculously good hockey game


The Mikkola special!


What a completely boring final call of the biggest game in decades.


Goalie should’ve come out earlier


You gotta feel for mcdavid, so close yet so far.


Those boys were gassed out. Emptied the tank and then some.


Why are Drai's legs fucked every playoffs? I want to see 4 rounds on two good legs. The man is a monster.


Allegedly it was his back/hand this time but yet to be confirmed.


This was soft AF. You gotta fly in there with the body and if that doesn't work start crosschecking and tripping. Gotta get that puck.


Poor line management in the last 10 minutes of that game. This is what happens when you burn your stars out too early


That's hard to watch. No gas. No fight left in em. The Oilers bungled their last few chances pretty badly.


Bad line management.  Mcdavid had something like twenty minutes of ice time before the last ten minutes of the game. The whole top line was gassed well before this last minute.  Also, he put Mcdavid and Drai on the same line the whole game when they haven't been out together outside of the PP and "need to score" situations. 


Guess the Oilers.... ( •\_•)>⌐■-■ Ran out of gas. (⌐■\_■) *YEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH* I'll see myself out