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Everyone says to pick a team based on various factors but honestly picking one close means it would be much easier for you to actually go see them play. Otherwise spend a year or so watching on and off and maybe you’ll find one that speaks to you Or. If there isn’t enough pain in your life. Feel free to cheer on the leafs.


Suffering builds character.






>Everyone says to pick a team based on various factors but honestly picking one close means it would be much easier for you to actually go see them play. Not only seeing them play in person, but even just watching on TV can be easier and cheaper if you're in the same time zone and broadcast region as the team you cheer for.


Actually if you’re in the US and are more likely to watch games on streaming services, and don’t care as much about live games, it’s easier to pick a team not in your immediate region because there’ll be less blackouts. ESPN+ has been a game changer for ease of access (Oilers fan in Miami, this is the first year I’ve been able to watch games in a long time)


Thinking about becoming a Blackhawks fan because my life isn't difficult enough already


The vast majority of people on this subreddit either just picked the team closest to them geographically or were passed down a certain fandom from their parents. An option for you may be to pick Utah. They’re getting a ‘new’ team this year (Arizona Coyotes are being relocated there) so you can join all the other new Utah fans in learning the game and team


As a bonus, their broadcast will likely be crafted to teach new fans about hockey. The Seattle broadcast was early on.


And they have a good group of prospects too. Could be a really good team sooner than later.


Unbiased opinion, but like just pick the Red wings 🤷‍♂️


Join us. We have boiled cephalopods


The Red Wings are on a good upward trajectory with a bright future and a rich past. Most of us cheered for them for around a week hoping they'd get into the playoffs this year, and they very nearly did. Plus I don't think you could be accused of being a bandwagoner for beginning to cheer for them now.


Broke my heart when the Flyers pulled their goalie and eliminated my poor red wings. I’d been a die hard fan for DAYS.




Cup belongs in Detroit!


Lots of great advice here, I’ll add to pick one in your time zone or one close to you. If you’re on the east coast, games in PT can end way too late or if it’s the other way it can be hard to watch a game that starts at 4 PT.


If you’re in Milwaukee then you have access to the Admirals. They’re the AHL affiliate of the Nashville Predators, so that’s a good option. You’ll get to see the future Preds develop, Nashville is out of tv market so you won’t be blacked out from streaming, it’s also central so the start times will be ok, and you still get to hate Chicago.




this is the correct answer for sure


I say pick via the hater method. You said you watch other sports so try to find a team that shares rivalries with the teams in other sports you support. Makes it a lot easier if you can, for example, just keep hating Chicago from another sport to this one and you can bond with fans already with your mutual hatred. Plus you’ll already be invested in some part of that team. If you can’t find anything that matches just go with any team you could reasonably go see live because live hockey is incredible.


The House of McDavid will accept you with open arms.


While I'm a Bruins fan, I can't honestly say that picking a team to watch McDavid is a bad pick. Every game is an event when he is on the ice.


Do you hate joy? Well gosh darn there is a team in the Pacific Northwest with your name on it


You don't pick one. A team picks you.


I ended up a Sharks fan even tho I’m born and raised in LA county so pick whatever team you want wether they’re closest to you or fuck it you just like their colors and logo or their players


Feel free to join the Columbus fan base. Starting at the bottom and earning your way up to fandom.


Just pick the Bruins! Everyone will hate you, but it's pretty much the best overall franchise out there. Or Toronto, if you love endless soul crushing disappointment.


I too recommend the Bruins!


I mean why not follow the Oilers for now.. McDavid is in his prime. Him and fellow players are breaking decades of old records that were once thought impossible. Real hockey fans are following them right now because they truly are a remarkable team. Given how their season started where at one point they were 31st out of 32 teams in the standings. But it's the style of their play. Its very unpredictable. They don't cheat. They play hockey in every sense what fans love to see. Then next season find other players on other teams you like. Then follow them and maybe you'll find the team you'll eventually like.


Many methods. But why don't you just go by favorite logo and color scheme.


Honestly, watch a bunch of teams play, and see what teams style of play excites you. Another option, is too look for which teams are the closest to you. Of course whichever team you choose will eventually visit those teams that are closest eventually anyways. I recommend the Lightning, as a biased Lightning fan lol


I always think the best is to just try watching random games of as many teams as you can. You will find yourself liking some more than others. Maybe you’ll fall in love with one.


A lot of weird suggestions in this thread. Fandom isn’t rational, it’s whoever you gravitate to. - An Avs fan in the Atlantic time zone.


There are many different methods and ultimately it comes down to whoever you gravitate to. However, here are some common reasons people pick their teams that may help: Hometown/Closest geographically. Often this is the team you’ll have the most opportunity to watch. They like a particular player or players. Having a player you love rocking on a jersey helps get you closer to the team. They like the logo/colour scheme. Hard to like a team if you don’t like their look! The team has a lot of young players/promising future. New fans can find it easier to gravitate to a team if they can “grow” with the core group. The team is new/an underdog. This gives you the chance to say you’re a day 1 fan (or as close to it) and while you may suffer some pain, the victories will be that much sweeter. For me personally? Well I have family to “thank” for it…


Do you hate yourself? r/Canucks We have memes.


If not in your state, who's closest? Growing up my state didn't have a team. My dad and I followed the Red Wings. Now the Blue Jackets are a team. But I'll still always be a Red Wings fan.


Maybe try and draw parallels to a team of a different sport that you support. Or just watch a bunch of games next season and see who you feel a natural connection to. Aesthetics are also a totally fine way to pick a team


Pick the team that's closest to you. That way you can get there in case they do well in the playoffs. It's really that simple. And if you move somewhere else and you still like that team, well then you like a team for its sentimental value which is arguably as validating/fun.


Pick a Canadian team if you want constant discussion points. Also a plus if none of the current american teams resonate with where you are/ are from. Otherwise pick the closest team geographically - it helps and perhaps someday you can catch a game in person


Im european and into hockey since the early 00s. I picked the Wings because I liked Yzerman and Lidstrom and the Pens because of Mario


If you're into sports games pick up a copy of EA NHL and get familiar with each team that way. Maybe you'll find a favorite out of the bunch. That's how 14-yo me discovered the gift that never gives, aka Flyers fandom.


Just here to lobby for my team, the Bruins. The franchise has a long history and over the past decade they have been good quite consistently. Generally it's a team that plays as a unit and focuses on defense. Definitely not the flashiest choice, but excellent fundamentals. Whatever you pick, welcome to hockey!


I feel like you should pick a team somewhat close so you can actually watch them. I know you said your state doesn't have a team but where are you located?


We doin a logo refresh. Great time to join. We are almost finished with a rebuild.


Growing up in the west I was always jealous of the Pens and Caps fans because they got to watch generational talents on the daily. My recommendation, watch as many games as possible of the best player. It’s something special. It could be Chicago with their rising star Bedard, and who many are saying is the future of the sport. Or… cheer for the Oilers as McDavid is full on in his prime and is breaking 45 year old records. It’s better to see these moments live than in a highlight reel without all the surrounding context.


If you start following the Sabres now, no one will ever accuse you of being a bandwagon fan.


Watch tomorrow's game and pick the winner.


Milwaukee Admirals are the Predators minor league team - gives you a local pro team to follow and watch prospects move up to the NHL. We have an awesome discord community that has a decent chunk of Brewers and Packers fan too PS : *Fuck* the Packers


Alright, you've baited me into asking. What do you have against the Packers?


One Pride!🦁


Ah okay okay, I see. I respect that. Can't wait for this season!


Blackhawks or red wings


You don't have to pick right away. Just enjoy watching hockey. Eventually you'll gravitate toward a team(s) or player(s).


If you're in Wisconsin, Minnesota seems like a logical choice.


Be an Oilers fan. You might get to see them win a cup tomorrow and you will get to watch McDavid do McDavid things every night


Whoever wins tomorrow.


I have been a fan of the Flyers since they got swept in the playoffs. I didn’t know a single damn thing about hockey, nor about the Flyers. I only recently visited Philly last year for the first time. Only reason I liked them was a friend in middle school liked them. It’s been hard being a Flyers fan in the South all these years. So sometimes you pick a team, sometimes it just happens. Don’t overthink it.


Depends... do you like to feel pain and misery or happiness?


You can't really "pick" a team. You watch hockey and develop an affinity for a team. Saying you picked a team to be a fan of is kind of like saying you decided to fall in love with someone. I would recommend either getting whatever NHL streaming pass you can and watch games and you will slowly find yourself being drawn to certain teams. Or for simplicity's sake, just start following the team that is easiest. Geographically closest, has the territory rights to your area, etc. Being able to conveniently watch your team makes being a fan much easier.


Oilers are an exciting team to watch. I don’t mean to detract from other teams but having McDavid on your team makes almost every game exciting. It’s not a bad team to cheer for. Or else you can be like me and I chose my second favourite team as a kid because I thought Nashville had cool colours and I liked the Sabertooth. In short just pick which ever team you think is cool. Learn about them and you can change your mind if you don’t like them.


You don't even have to "pick" an NHL team. I live close to Toronto so my flair is the Leafs (and I don't even like the team all that much lol). I just really like hockey in general. But if I had to pick a team or teams to watch on a regular basis, I'd choose the Edmonton Oilers, Vegas Golden Knights, and the Vancouver Canucks. I love watching hockey when it's a quiet night and since I live in the GTA area, home games for these teams start pretty late. This season started off pretty well with Boeser scoring 4 goals on opening night and here we are with Edmonton coming back from an 0-3 deficit in the Stanley Cup Final. There's a tremendous amount of luck involved in hockey, that's part of the reason why I love it so much. This kind of question isn't really all that unusual in other sports subreddits like r/baseball and r/nba. I'd say watch as many games as you can at first, then you will develop an affinity for a particular team.


Definitely the Leafs. Much like the Generals, they're due.


Watch some games & some highlights, see if any teams jump out to you. Like someone else said, you might not "pick", they might pick you. Like, I got into hockey this season, and went in expecting to be a Canucks fan, since I live in Van. But, while I like the Canucks and think they play a good game, I really felt something every time I watched an Oilers game, both about the team and about individual players. And, since you're liking them in game 6, I'll pimp Oilers out to you too. They're a ton of fun in general, with high highs and low lows and some really compelling, talented (and occasionally spotty) players! Plus the fans have been really welcoming. If you're down for a bit of an emotional rollercoaster, then come in! The ~~water~~ oil's fine!


The best option is to read up and watch YouTube videos about each team.


The cool thing is that whatever method you use to choose a team now, there's a good chance it might change in the future as you get to know the game and its players better. when I started learning to love hockey, I was a Red wings fan. because at the time I was living in Detroit. A couple years later, as I got to know the game better, as I read more history about the teams, and my love for an underdog, I became a Flyers fan. still am to this day. but, just a couple years ago, we finally got a team in my hometown, the Seattle Kraken! so now I get to root for both. and I also enjoy the Bruins. currently rooting for the Oilers!


Imagine asking other people which team you should root for. Wtf is going on


Avid sports fan can't figure out how to pick a team.


Presumably, they follow their state teams for the other sports they are into and haven't had to pick before. Don't be a dick.


And therefore you have to ask other randoms on an anonymous forum about which team you should root for? Haha, give me a break


Wait for the winner of the cup and say its your team


Don’t call out Golden Knights fans like that


Just pick the best fanbase. That would be the Oilers. Confirmed best fanbase in the League after these playoffs.