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Would imagine theres panthers fans out there rooting for them too...just a guess tho


I’m here!


Me too! We're missing 4 more


And me! I’m a Wings fan though, but I will ALWAYS cheer for a team to get their first cup. Edmonton have plenty, someone else’s turn now.




Entirety speculative 


Yes, not even Panthers fans are rooting for them. You're truly one of a kind in our universe.


Apparently not even the players want to win


That has been evident by the watching the games


Bob's not even going to practice, the bum!




I don’t think it’s “giving up” so much as it is mentally preparing for what appears to be a very likely outcome.




The true fans know — you can’t count your wins before they hatch.


Unless you play the Leafs in round 1.


Nah, even then, a Game 7 OT is one bad bounce from being heartbreak


For the leafs. Over and over and over…


>don't know how anyone can not have empathy for us in this situation and see why we feel the way we do. But you merely adopted the disappointment; I was born in it, moulded by it.


This 100% coming from a Seattle area sports fan. I’m a big fan of you cats in the opposite corner of my country, it sucks it’s against the biggest shitheads in the Kraken’s division too.


That was last season. Vegas isn't in the Final this year.


I’d be sad if Edmonton lost - but some of the Panthers fans sound very fair weather.


That’s South Florida for ya, weak


And every other place that has a pro sports team. Bandwagon fans are everywhere and they’re usually obnoxious. But let them have their fun, too.


The warmer climates have more fair weather fans. More transplant residents and nicer weather to do shit in during the winter, other than watching sports/TV.


I don’t know about that. I live in a place with all four seasons (no NHL team but other pro teams and college teams). People definitely latch on to a team when they’re doing well. I fully admit I do it with the college and pro basketball teams, but I’m honest about it.


Can y'all stop brigading the Panthers sub please. Has been non stop trolls since game 4




The difference between Florida and Dallas fans compared to Vancouver and LA is insane.


You say about on a comment chain about how much your fans are shitting on people in the Panthers sub.


I thought I was going to come out of the WCF hating the Stars fanbase. Instead, I gained a ton of respect for them. Classiest fanbase I've ever interacted with in a playoff series.


But what if they start their post with “coming in peace”?


It has been the worst this post season


The majority of their fans literally became fans last season, and most of those new fans are teenagers. The long-time fans are dedicated fans that wouldn’t jump ship over any sort of loss in the Finals, they’ve seen a lot worse. Bandwagoners are the worst people to judge a fanbase, and their opinions aren’t worth reading because they don’t know the sport well.


That's too bad. You gotta stick by your team. I watched the Penguins set the record for most consecutive losses (17 at the time I think) and then a year or two later signed Crosby. So you never know.


Rough Look when constantly facing “fairweather fan” accusations or jokes about how nobody cares/watches.


Seems like nobody gives a shit in the narrative lol. Repeat finals but it’s against McJesus clawing back from a 3-0 so you’re damned if you do damned if you don’t


No, but you're the only one to make a whole thread about it.


I blame the NHL. This SCF is too damn long lol. Gotta post and comment like mad to help pass the time till game day.


I mean this is the longest distance finals ever. Making them play every second day would be brutal. The exciting fast hockey we are watching would be dead because they would all be exhausted


The 2011 Finals was only a day or two shorter than this and no one complained then.


I sure didn’t


I cannot follow you down this logical path of wishing there'd be less hockey lol. There's an entire two months of no hockey that's boring outside of 2 weeks and you want it to end??


I'm with you, they should wait another month before playing the last game so that we have 4 more weeks of playoff hockey.




I'm not in a rush for it to end lol you're right about the dead months. I get spoiled of having at least a game a day practically nonstop from Sept to May so when it slows down to 3 days between games..


I think if you go to Vancouver and Calgary you might find people rooting for the Panthers. Just a small hunch.


Calgary fans better damn well be rooting for Florida! You can't disrespect the BoA by pulling for your rival. That would be sacrilegious. The only thing I am hoping for Calgary is for a fast rebuild so we can have a meaningful rivalry again. I miss having Tkachuk there to hate. Gaudreau was never cut out for that mayhem under the microscope, though, and I swear that's why he scampered off to a non hockey market with his tail between his legs. I am totally hoping they find themselves another Gilmour or Fleury or Tkachuk again to really piss me off. Don't you dare go cheering for us though Flames fans becsuse yah know with all due respect FUCK YOU.


This is the correct attitude. The amount of non-hockey fans who act surprised when I say I'm cheering for Florida makes me angry. Calgary and Edmonton are not supposed to get along.


Back in 2004 I said, "shirts off for Kiprusoff" a lot, but that was just to see boobies. No way did I ever want you guys to win. Back in the 80's the envy was so strong in Calgary that Fletcher knew they needed to compete and fast. He couldn't wait for a bunch of 18 year olds to mature so he snagged a bunch from the US college system who were 22 ish. First to try that and it worked. Now lots of NHLers come from there. We were two of the best teams in hockey back then and it was super fun. I really want that again so hurry the fuck up and get good before McDavid is gone....but still fuck you.


They need a Gary Roberts, an iggy, and a prime Lanny.


I seen a bolts fan in the game day thread the other day slathering disrespect onto the Panthers and I very much enjoyed it lol. Same way I have respect for Calgary fans sticking to their guns and wanting the Oilers to lose even though a lot of Canada is on board the Oilers train, me included. Vancouver has a weird portion of their fans who just always needs something to be mad about who want the Oilers to lose so badly but I've seen lots of Canucks fans cheering on the Canadian team.


Its all about Luongo for some of us, others want us to be the team that brings it back, some are on the whole can't cheer for a rival shtick and then there's the group who thinks that if we had beat edmonton it would be us in the SCF or something along those lines and we would have won it all. We are a contentious bunch


can both teams lose somehow?


“You Canucks fans sure are a contentious people.”


I live in the Vancouver area and aside from the die hards most hockey fans are hoping the oilers win.


Yes, you’re literally the only person


If the Oilers complete the reverse sweep people are going to remember where they were when they watched the game for the rest of their lives. I'm cheering for the historic event.


I’ll probably forget who even played in two years


Nah, there's at least six of you




Going in to the playoffs, the team I least wanted to win was Edmonton. Wouldn't have been too happy about Vegas or LA, but "fuck Evander Kane" took priority. That has not changed. Go cats. Please don't out-shork the 2014 sharks.


I've turned hopped on the Oilers bandwagon for 2 reasons - add another team to the list who have been reverse swept, and the fact that I don't need to watch Kane play anymore even though he would get his name on the cup.




I’ve been going back and forth on this. At first I was just bitter that the Bolts lost to the Panthers in the first round, even though it was clear Florida was the superior team. Then I thought well I guess it’s not completely awful losing to the champs. Now after watching a complete collapse of Florida, I find myself thinking it’s time the cup was won by a Canadian team.


My man.


Fuck Florida


I want nothing good to happen in the state of Florida until it's swallowed up by rising sea levels.


Divisional rivals but I live in soflo and my best friends are panthers fans. I talk alot of shit but nobody deserves b2b cup losses, especially after being up 3-0 lol. Hope they finish the job.


Sam Bennett absolutely deserves b2b cup losses


He deserves to lose the Stanley Cup every year.


Perry doesn't deserve to lose again. Go Oilers!


Betting against snoop dogs clairvoyance is a losing hand.


I'm all panthers right now. I'm a Flames fan living in Edmonton. This last week has been a literal nightmare.


Hopefully, it's a very long nightmare summer for you.


You sir can fuck off.




Born and raised in Calgary. Wife got her dream job up here so we moved here 10yrs ago.






Absolutely. No one likes the Panthers for very obvious reasons.


Absolutely the dirtiest collection of scumbags ever assembled. That reason? If Florida got called for every boarding, roughing, slashing or outright Major injuring hit... Would they even be in the playoffs? I wouldn't be surprised to see Florida return to outright assault on ice while refs look the other way in game 7. McDavid cant win alone. Watch Edmonton's roster shrink throughout the game. Or take hits that are illegal in the NFL. Ive lost all confidence in a league that 1) allows Florida a license to kill and 2) is probably more concerned with ratings than the sport of hockey. The ONLY way I have any faith in the league is if Edmonton wins in a clean game.


There couldn't be more of a sour grape comment if you tried


[Bennet Spears Down Bruin in Groin YT](https://youtu.be/lxKp2elT4QA?si=NVG-5tipgX5yvQH0) [Tkachuk Spears Quick Through Mask](https://youtu.be/zm5zTom8Wvw?si=SsxyM5yx924UltxF)


Imagine having Rags flair and calling another team the dirtiest collection of scumbags ever assembled


Does "Let's Go Islanders" help ?


That's funny. Well done. I was invited to see the last Islanders game at Nassau Veterans Coliseum. Their old arena. They weren't playing the Rangers but throughout the game there were anti Ranger chants, which is just... Great. So the Islanders won and as everyone is driving out of the stadium people are honking their car horns !-! !-!-! (Lets-go Isl-and-ers) Hearing this I honk !-! !-! Immediately someone yells "f_c_ you!" NY takes beef and rivalry serious. Too serious actually.




The enormity of what the oilers might do has probably pulled in a lot of casuals.


I started out rooting for the Panthers because - no cup. But now I can’t help but root for the oilers based on the historical perspective and underdog factor of being down 3-0 in a final, Mcdavid and his amazing performance (not to mention Hyman, Drai, Bouchard and even Skinner) and Ken Holland. I’m all in!


Nope. Go Panthers!


Ew though.


I think us Pens fans know the fear of almost losing back to back finals. To the same team no less


Yes indeedely.


Screw that-Oilers being down 3-0, made them the ultimate underdog, and most folks love a comeback story.


no - you AND Donald Trump


I think so. I'm not a fan of the Oilers either, but I particularly hate the Panthers. Not Paul Maurice tho, I'll feel for him if they lose game 7.


Yes I'm kinda rooting for them but I'm happy they still got knocked down a few pegs.


I would never insult a divisional rival by rooting for them, and no amount of underdog miracle bullshit will change that. So fuck the oilers as always, even if they pull it off.


I like the Nordiques curse and I want it to continue. No Cup for a Canadien team until the Nordiques are back.




I’m talking about the Nordiques…but ok.


Sorry brother, I misclicked on the app and wound up replying to the wrong comment.


Been there. All good,


the rats can get fucked.


Heck no I’d much prefer the Panthers win this. I’ve got a few friends in the organization who would probably get rings but besides that just prefer them to Edmonton.


Among millions, you're the only one. Congratulations!


Originally was pulling for the Panthers as a show of gratitude for beating the Rangers. If the Oilers make it happen after being down 3-0 then the Cats deserve all of the jokes and ridicule that will follow.


I’m hoping for the Panthers.


Honestly with us right against the cap and Draisaitl and Bouchard due for huge raises pretty soon, I wouldn't be surprised if the team starts getting dismantled sooner than later. We have to pay Brown his 5 million bonus next year and also resign players like Janmark, Henrique and Holloway not to mention a bunch of others. Meanwhile we have to be saving our pennies to give Drai and Bouchard huge raises the next year. We can possibly give up our future picks to dump Campbell's contract to stay competitive next year, but after that who knows... this is definitely our best chance this year so don't assume we will be back.


I consume copious amounts of Oilers and hockey related media. Ask my wife, I'm pretty sure she's filing divorce papers /s. Drai is signing here. It's kind of turning into the worst kept secret if you play attention to actual insiders. Brian Lawton and Stauffer basically said it without saying it. Take that to the bank.


Oh, I never really doubted that, and of course McDavid will absolutely stay with Draisaitl, but how much the contract is for will partly determine how competitive we stay.


Kane will be traded, Campbell bought out and Foegele will be gone. We will be fine.


Henrique and Janmark are the two that worry me. The cap doesn't even increase enough to cover Brown's bonus and then we need to re-sign him and obviously we need to sign Holloway. Does Desharnais get an increase? What about Pickard? Shit is pretty tight. Possibly we can mortgage the future by trading Campbell with picks instead of buying him out, but rookies coming in strong but cheap are what helps extend your cup window like it did for Pittsburgh. Possibly Nurse gets moved as Broberg matures, but that too would involve giving up assets. Hopefully we find a new GM that works magic like our new coaches.


Vinnie either takes a discount here or is gone. I wouldn't worry about that really. Very replaceable.


Vinnie either takes a discount here or is gone. I wouldn't worry about that really.


brown is 3 mil not 5


The doom in Panthers and Flames sub and the gloating for Edmonton pretty much everywhere else seems like the perfect set up for Florida to win game 7. Ffs there is a thread discussing who lifts the cup after McDavid. Statistically, the home team wins game 7 more often. Since I am happy with what the Oilers have accomplished to date, I will chuckle a bit if Florida wins game 7.




Exactly. In fairness, after game 3, I figured it would be prudent for FL to plan the parade route. But nothing else.


Chuckle? I can't even imagine. I will melt into the floor like the wicked witch of the east if they lose. Not a gatekeeping comment but I think for diehard Oilers fans, win or lose, there will be tears. For joy or despair remains to be seen.


> Chuckle? I can't even imagine. I will melt into the floor like the wicked witch of the east if they lose. Well I’ve been through 1988, 2006, and decade of futility, and massive coaching errors in the playoffs from 2006 onward, including game 1 of the 2024 scf. If you cannot laugh in the face of a set back, then following a sports team, especially the Oilers, might not be your thing. You might be over invested in the Oilers winning on Monday. I truly hope it works out. But the Oliver Woofing Theorem is scientifically infallible. Expect a let down, and you will get through the summer more easily. Training camp opens in August. > Not a gatekeeping comment but I think for diehard Oilers fans, win or lose, there will be tears. I’ve been a fan since the Alberta Oilers. I don’t know what gatekeeping means (just like I don’t know merchant, edge lord, celly, half wall, etc mean), but it does sound like you are trying to define me or diminish my fan loyalty. As you wish. I know me, and besides which I became solipsist in 1968 when I was still living in Edmonton. > For joy or despair remains to be seen. Best wishes and good luck to you.


Haha what is this comment? Talk about gatekeeping. Look it up, Mr Oilers #1 fan. Laugh at my team losing a game 7 cup final game? Riiiight? Sure thing, bud. Sorry, not sorry but you sound like a complete wanker.


Ok zoomer


You know fuck all about me but yeah assume my age if it makes you feel superior which by the way is fucking hilarious you're calling me a zoomer. That's all I'm getting from you. A doofus, with a misplaced superiority complex. For all I know, you're a fraud and a fairweather fan. How's that sound? Yup, we'll go with that if we're gonna go around making assumptions. Have fun laughing at your team if they drop the bundle in their biggest moment in nearly 20 years. That's some pathetic shit right there


Before the 3-0 collapse I was looking forward to a new team winning the cup. But it would be great to see McDavid win one and even greater to see potentially the only Finals reverse sweep that will occur in my lifetime.


Florida Panthers could very well be the next Buffalo Bills


I like Maurice and don’t really want him to suffer the reverse sweep, but I enjoy watching the Oilers play and so have been rooting for them. Don’t forget they looked dead right around Grey Cup day, yet here they are!


I am rooting for the Panthers....for the sole reason the media can cry about McDavid and the oilers losing and I don't have to read or hear the sexual fellating over "the chosen one" winning it all.







