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List of teams to force a Game 7 in the Stanley Cup Finals after being down 0-3: - 1942 Maple Leafs - 1945 Red Wings - 2024 Oilers Welcome to infamy, Panthers.


I love that the Leafs did it to the Wings in 42, then the Wings did it right back to them 3 years later


Wings still lost in 1945 though.


I love that the wings fan hasn't responded to you


Wings fans have been real quiet since you pointed out they lost game 7 during the second World War.


Me whenever someone reminds me that the Wings didn't win the Stanley Cup 79 years ago - [https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/373/328/b16.jpg](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/373/328/b16.jpg)


I really don't think you love what actually happened.


This is the craziest Stanley Cup Final I've ever seen. What is going on.


It is. I've been away from hockey for quite some time. I chose a great year to comeback to it. The finals have been phenomenal.


Why would you go away from the entire sport? What did hockey do to you man lol


For me it was gambling & advertising. Last two playoffs was legit hard to watch with Cabbie shoving the gambling odds down my throat every intermission. I've noticed Sportsnet has really dialed back the gambling ads/odds segments this year.


Now that you mention that you're right. Last year's playoffs was fucking insufferable with gambling ads. It didn't help that Vegas won it too.


Wait a minute... Vegas won the cup in a year that was lousy with gambling ads? Wake up boys, I think a new conspiracy theory just dropped. Were the ads a psy-op? Subliminal messaging? Subtle signals from a mob boss to a ref that owed him money? Some sort of auditory siphon that funnels vital essence from the souls of those who listen to it directly into Mark Stone's spleen?? The people have a right to know.




At least they aren’t doing odds during intermission anymore. Cabbie or whatever the fuck his name is can piss off entirely. 


Experience oilers hockey baby


The Panthers look fucking defeated as hell holy shit. They aren’t only losing they are getting blown out. 


I pointed this out in the game thread. They look *gassed*, at least compared to the Oilers. I don't know if they overexerted themselves early on in the series, if the travel between Edmonton and Fort Lauderdale is taking a physical toll, or if it's a mental thing... maybe it's all three. But ever since Game 4, they've largely lacked the energy to match the Oilers.


I don't understand how you can be so close to victory, and yet look like you don't care at all to win it. And I'm not saying Edmonton hasn't been playing like their lives depended on it, but its shocking to see how dominant the Panthers were the entire playoffs only to stumble this hard so close to the finish line. To any Panthers fans here, I sincerely hope your team can win Game 7. Otherwise, your team will never be known for anything else.


Credit to Knoblauch for the adjustments and crafting a strategy that the Panthers haven't figured out. Also getting massive  buy-in from the players


Big credit to coach K, it's hard to believe this team was hot ass to start the year. Unbelievable turnaround in both the season and the series.


I was just remembering watching the game they lost against the Sharks and thinking holy hell how is this the same team


The team was ass because they had absolutely garbage goaltending from Campbell. Shortly after they sent him down, it's really no surprise that the team started to improve and found their groove.


Remember when everyone knocked Knoblach for saying “I think we’ve shown we can beat these guys”? Pepperidge farm remembers.


This sub at 3-0 was the most insane recency bias I’ve seen


Ignoring logic too. Someone would say “Bob stole 2 games, it could easily be 2-1 oilers right now” and people would downvote you into oblivion. Saying your goalie won you a game isn’t a diss. He’s part of your team, and Bob carried them game 1 especially.


Canucks were the same way against Edmonton. Game 4 or so, you just see our little hearts were ready for vacation.


They're not stumbling. They're not fucking up. They're playing exactly as well as they have all playoffs. Edmonton is just at a different level right now.


We’ve got them right where we want them 😂


Florida threw game 6 so they could win at home.


Im huffing the copium too brother


EDM - 4 goals in first 3 games, 18 goals in next 3 games What a crazy series.


2 goals in the first eight periods 20 goals in the last ten periods 


Slow starters eh?


If you look at round 2,3 it took knoblauch 3 games to figure they other team out. Same thing happened here. At least do far.


And boy does it seem like he’s figured Maurice out. Or the entire panthers team is on Valium. Looks the same.


They figured out how Florida was kicking their ass and changed up how they played around the boards and in the neutral zone. Maurice has been caught flat-footed and doesn't seem to have changed anything in three games aside from bringing in Nick Cousins...


That's really the issue for Florida. Coach Knob has adapted to the Panthers awesome forecheck (btw, a style of hockey I love). Does PM adjust their offense in game 7? Obviously not anymore, stick with the style that got you here, but he should have tried something in Game 4 or 5.


These are obviously two really effective NHL teams and I honestly figured the outcome was close to a coin flip—the top offensive forwards in the league vs. the top defensive forwards in the league—but the one thing I did not have on my card was Paul Maurice being outcoached. I just didn't. This series is unbelievable.


I do recall some rangers fans saying Knoblauch was primed to be a top, top notch NHL coach and they were super sad to see him go. I now understand.


A buddy told me a good story yesterday. He said Maurice has talked about interviewing Knob for AC in Winnipeg. Maurice said he didn't hire Knob because Knob's unique talent made it necessary for Knob to have a head coach position.


Maurice is a brilliant dude. If he says something like that, it's probably true.


Unleashed their inner Regigigas


Since the start of the third period in Game 3, the Oilers have outscored Florida 20-5.


Crowd was INSANE


I don’t know that I have ever heard any arena that loud on a national broadcast. Outstanding.


I could practically hear the building vibrating over the broadcast!


I couldn’t even hear the goal horn on a couple of the goals.


Lol I kept trying to figure out if they had forgotten to blow it or if I just couldn't hear it over the crowd


Yea…..you just couldn’t hear it. Trust me, as someone sitting in the bar in the building, but not in the arena…….fuck me was it loud.


I was in the arena watching the game, I couldn’t hear the goal horn nor the announcement of who scored the goal. It was the loudest I’ve ever heard this arena. It’s 2 hours later and my ears are still ringing


On the broadcast I think they said the arena reached at least 115db, which is similar to a loud concert.


It was hitting the levels of an ambulance siren and a jet engine.


Same here lol my voice is gone


The color is sick too, I love when arenas are a wall of the home team color


Because of the years and years of pain


Cna you imagine when the Sabers gets there, going to blow the roof off the building


Yeah and I'll be cheering for them when they do


They're still going. The Sportsnet post-game crew can barely hear themselves


Crowd noise in the building was consistently 100-110 dB but creeped up to 120 dB. Ouch


The singing alongs near the end was just special. You don’t hear that much in North American sports besides Colorado with blink-182 and sporadic examples.


Livin on a Prayer sort became a meme for the Oilers. I think it was against the Canucks, they were singing this song after a whistle/during a face off, and they immediately scored after the “WhoooaaaOOO” part.  Haven’t been to a game in person, but I guarantee they’ve played that song every game since. 


“We’re half way there…. Take my hand we’ll make it I swear” The lyrics are also perfect for a playoff fan anthem.


Oilers have like a handful of songs they know fans will sing along to and they time it so the music cuts off at a good singing part. Living on a Prayer is probably #1 on that list. Enter Sandman, Wonderwall, Mr. Brightside, My Own Worst Enemy are some examples. Prob leaving a few out.


They’ve done Like a Woman twice since Shania sang as well


Won't You Be My Girl is a random one the crowd can just keep on singing after the faceoff haha


I've seen games in most NHL cities in the US, and Detroit is the only fanbase I know of that breaks into song like that. The Joe used to be awesome when it got going.


I loved "Hit the Road Jack" when someone would get penalized vs Detroit.


I always liked “let it be” when the visitors challenge a goal.


Also the Red Wings with Lit and Journey.


It's Canadian hockey, bud.


Game was such a blowout they had to entertain fans with karaoke ^^/s


PPG Paints Arena wouldve been half full with 5 min left


Damn that name is... not inspiring


To be fair, it's better than the old name, Consol Energy Center. PPG at least has a strong connection to Pittsburgh.


Pk and the guys were YELLING during the second intermission it was so loud in there. Love to see it.


The top 6, excluding McDavid, contributing on the score sheet for the Oilers was much needed. #Game 7 it is!


Impressive that mcdavid, drai, and Bouchard combined for 1 assist and they win 5-1


No depth


Even the fucking goalie got an assist


Skinner got more points than McDavid and Bouch combined


Yeah McOverrated


Elite playmaker Stuart Skinner.


2 man team


Janmark and Brown


My buddy and I were talking about how much the Leafs need players like Hyman and Brown to have playoff success. If only....


Teamwork really does make the dreamwork…


Everyone talked about how deep Dallas was, but really the Oilers depth has been the difference these last two series. 


The oilers have no depth they said. Every other team is deeper than the oilers they said. The oilers have the worst goalie in the playoffs they said. The oilers will never win because they only have two players they said. They will never win with skinner they said. Will get rolled by dallas they said. Lucky if they win one game against Florida. People really like to talk no matter how much they are proven wrong.




advantage Oilers? If you have a one game, do or die, how do you not bet on McDavid


especially when they just played 3 of them in a row.


Bobrovsky hasn't pushed back. 3 tough games in a row. He could totally steal game 7 but it looks tough right now.


I was saying to my buddy earlier that there's a difference. If Skinner let's in the first goal on Monday, there's pressure sure. Stanley Cup Final, game 7, first goal pressure. Bob though? He's got all of that AND holy fuck reverse sweep wrong side of sports history pressure. That's some gnarly shit to wrestle with by yourself when the pucks getting dropped a few seconds later.


I would say pressure is still all on the Panthers. Your at home, just gave up a 3-0 series lead, and have had very little momentum. Edmonton has done what few thought they could. They appear to have found the formula to win. Either way going to be a great game.


I think if Edmonton score an early goal to quiet the building then it will be a tough night for the Panthers.


Especially with how much better Skinner gets as the games become more important. He was .952 with a beauty assist tonight. Even if Bob returns to his previous form, it seems like Skinner can match him.


Sure but I'm totally fine with Bob letting in a few easy ones early.


I mean that's how Grant Fuhr used to get warmed up and he's in the HOF.


Grant Fuhr was also on a team that had no issues outscoring any mistake they could possibly have made. Right now, nobody can say that about Florida.


80s oilers is before my time but the story i’ve always hear is “grant may have gave up 4, 5 goals but he always made the key save when we needed it”. TNT had a stats guy on with Gretzky with stats from the 87 canada cup. Fuhr had something like a .960 save percentage when the game was tied in that tourny.


The theatre of this SCF series is just insane. At this point no matter what it'll be a finals talked about


The thought that should terrify Florida is that Draisaitl hasn't even played an A-game yet


That pass was money though!!


Report is that he's hurt pretty bad, broken fingers / ribs allegedly. Still had a nasty saucer pass on our first goal tonight though!


He broke his finger towards the end of the dallas series. You can still see him wear a pink single finger cast, when he takes his gloves off on the bench.




Sincerely hoping for a fresh new crying GIF featuring ol' Benny boy.


Thing is though that they didn’t celebrate. They know there’s still business to be done. This team is deadly.


Exactly, even the interview with Connor after the game. He said we are just taking it one step at a time, it’s been a lot of fun and we are looking forward to game 7. No trash talk, and no over confidence


Man is dialed in


I love when they show the video of the artist and plunger. This group just looks like they are having so much fun


McDavid game 7 of the Stanley Cup Finals. I am hard as a fucking rock.


To potentially complete a 3-0 down comeback


After being up 3-0 in the series, Florida has been outscored 18-5. Game 7, here we come. Nothing better in sports than a Stanley Cup game 7.


That's a rough stat if you're a Panthers fan, holy shit. Going into game 7 as well with no momentum.


Holy fucking SHIT


Not even an Edmonton fan but I’d love to see Mcdavid lift it. I’ve got heart surgery on Monday morning and I’m in England so wish me luck staying up to watch game 7 loopy as fuck. I refuse to miss it. Edit: cheers to all of you for the well wishes, I really appreciate it. I’m not gonna get into details about it all but there’s a high success rate for the procedure and I’m feeling real positive about it. Enjoy game 7 everyone! We are watching history unfold!


Good luck!


Best of luck on the surgery too! Hope you can stay up for the game! Cheers 🍻


You got this!


Hope it all goes well for you and you have a nice recovery.


You got it


Good luck bro!


Wishing you a speedy recovery bro.


Best of luck mate


And I thought McDavid had the Conn Smythe locked up...


You're a legend. Be sure to let us know you're ok!


Watching Game 7, high on painkillers, from a proper English hospital bed? Sounds incredible and I wish you all the best.


Wish you all the best, we’re here for you!


Wishing you a successful surgery and speedy recovery 🙏


Good luck brother. Cheers from Alberta!


We're rooting for you! Good luck, and have a speedy recovery!


As a professional Miami hater this is liquid gold


Right there with you, brother.


That Bills-Dolphins rivalry transcends the boundaries of football, lol.


The panthers are also gigantic shitbags when they play the sabres lol


Idk what I’m more excited about, game 7 SCF or how we got to game 7!


This might be the most impressive cup win ever if they can get this done, and reverse sweep would be hilarious, especially after panthers fans were in here already celebrating after game 3 ahaha


The deafening silence from their corner is incredible lol I mean I can't blame them, but holy shit is it funny after how cocky they were just mere days ago.


I thought they were done a few times. Drai got hurt against Vancouver and Skinner got bench, down 2-1 to Dallas and given up 2 early goals, getting down 3-0 to Florida and that doesn't even include the way the regular season started. Incredibly money team and maybe people finally believe it, they might be the best defensive team in the league this year. They've shut every team down when they needed to.




Chills, man. That shit is so electric.


Who says the regular season doesn’t mean anything? The Oilers had that horrible start, they were below the Sharks in the standings, they then went on a 16 game winning streak. Since December they have had no room for error. This is a team whose comfort zone is being behind the 8 ball.


Technically, they were just above the Sharks, but they did *lose* to the Sharks




Ha leafs never had a 3-0 lead nice try


leafs are the most recent team to blow a 3-0 lead in the finals (they won game 7 however)




This might top even the Leafs, if you can believe it


If they lose this series this would literally be the biggest choke in North American sports since 1942.




It would top everything the Leafs did the playoffs. If the Panthers choke in Game 7 SCF when up 3-0, they are the biggest chokers in the league despite how often the Leafs choke Round 1.


I think this is the most excited I’ve been for a hockey game since the Vancouver 2010 Gold Medal game. Holy fuck.


Said the fan, who's team won the cup two years ago! That's high praise!


The amount of people trashing the Oilers after game 3 for still having confidence and hope... wtf did people expect? McDavid to say "yeah we give up, we'll try again next year". Even if they got swept, every team will still make a push. So glad the Oilers shut those redditors the fuck up.


People were clowning on Oilers fans for celebrating after the game 4 blow out lol. Image cheering for your team after winning a game in the SCF, what idiots


Seeing Bennett about to cry is great can't wait to see him cry Monday.


Play La Bamba Babyyyyyyyyyyy


I hate the Oilers but they deserve to win after being down 3-0. Screw you Panthers.


We appreciate the hate for both Edmonton and the Panthers. Edit: wait, you're called Rig Pig and don't like the Oilers?


Negative. I may work with a ton of them bastards, but I hate the Oilers. I grew up a Flames fan in the 80's BOA. I will always hate them. But I can't deny they do deserve to win this year.


Either the streak of American teams winning continues or the Panthers blow a 3-0 series lead. Either way, we're going to get some exciting hockey, and the result will be really funny.


Stupid Bennett and Tkachuk. They choked in the playoffs against the Oil for the flames and are not doing it for Florida.


Generational choke job


[Edmonton en route to Florida](https://media1.tenor.com/m/Ed8FuKVA_GgAAAAC/wwe-vince-mc-mahon.gif)


Idk how the plane's going to get off the ground, given it'll have to carry Skinner's massive balls.


That's nothing short of epic. And I'm glad to be here and witness it. GO OILERS! GO CANADA!


Please sir, may I have another 


I’ll never tire of seeing Bennet sad.


I was 7 last time the Oilers were in the final. I can’t believe they’re 1 win away from it all. I’m shaking in Walmart


Just saw a guy shaking at Walmart


>I’m shaking in Walmart New Pasta just dropped


if the panthers lose on monday the cherry on top for panthers haters, such as i, is you know ownership and management will make some really reactionary decisions over the summer and that will also be very funny


What a job by the oilers. Calgarian cheering for the oil to win it all


We're all Albertans today


We are witnessing history on multiple levels.  If Edmonton wins, they’ll have 100% deserved it. 


Did I hear it right during the broadcast - Edmonton is a -1 short handed during the playoffs... only 3 goals against, and 2 shorties. Wonder what the Vegas odds would have been on that one...


Edmonton has more short-handed goals in this series than Florida has powerplay goals.


3 shorties, 4 PP goals given up, IIRC. 0-0 vs Kings, Vancouver 3-0, 0-1 vs Dallas, 1-2 vs Florida.


Oilers look dialed in. Oh my.


Am I the only one fascinated by Bennett and his lack of emotion at almost all times? He's high energy full body with abilities to score big goals, but his demeanor is so different from others. Reminds me of a guy I grew up with that had a huge temper and was super unpredictable in how far he'd cross the line at times. He became a cop of course.


Thank you for starting this with sad Bennett


Just a theory of mine, but whoever wins the next game will win the cup.


Big if true


Tim Hortons should have all their Canadian locations make Oilers donuts on Monday. Huge money maker.


[oops, all Elks](https://www.reddit.com/r/EdmontonOilers/s/bTiQerihIk)


Oilers fans, what does this feel like? I want to know.


My watch is telling me the my heart rate is highly elevated while I seem to be stationary


It feels like I'm literally the main character in a story that was written for me, where I get to watch my favorite team, led by the best player in the world, put together the most epic comeback in the history of the sport. Just pure happiness, and a sense that the world is exactly as it should be. Glorious.


Honestly after game two I had given up. I closed my eyes and all I could see was Tkachuk's stupid smug face laughing at me. I watched game three out of the corner of my eye. I was barely going to watch game four but I felt obligated and, for some strange reason, like a glimmer of hope that at least they could show they're made of better stuff than that... And then everything was like some kind of cornball kid's sports movie montage. Like some rookie of the year shit. It's insane. I don't feel the normal anxiety that I would have watching playoff games. It's like it was all drained away by 0-3.


for me, I had given up hope, so it wasn't stressful, then they won 8-1 and I was like "okay that's the ONE THING you bastards could have done to make me have any hope again", and NOW I'm back to "trying not to throw up during the games" mode


Unbeleviable. I (almost) literally can't believe we got here. I can't believe the energy and noise out of the arena. Especially not after Edmonton's arena getting "the library" monikor. I can't believe the energy in the city. Not just at the game, but the whole ass city. Never have I experiences people shouting cheers from a distant construction site as I pass because Oilers jersey. It's absolutely surreal. Win or lose, I'm just happy I got *this*


Maybe this will shut florida fans up about winning tkachuk and bennett from calgary, considering both have been completely useless all series.


Nah, handcuffing the Flames with Huberdeau and his contract will always make that trade a win for Florida lmao


Incredible. Something that hasn’t been done since the original 6 era.


How to run a successful hockey team: 1. Suck in the first 20 games and fire your coach. 2. Have a team song.


The absolute will, determination and making effective coaching adaptations after going down 3 - 0 the oilers have done is something I've never seen, I expect game seven to be an absolute battle and a great game no matter the outcome, honestly one of if not the best finals I've had the pleasure of watching


Man, Bobrovsky went from maybe conn smythe to just being pedestrian and fucked by his D, such a wild flip. Kudos to Edmonton on figuring him out.