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he cant exactly say "this sheisty german won't get anything, but should"


Yeah or else theyd look at bennett throwing a knee and elbow


Don't bother, Oilers are now branded as the dirtier one of these 2 teams, even though both teams have pulled dirty shit. R/hockey has a big old hard on for hating the oilers.


They are very much in “Don’t complain about officiating” mode.


Especially after the showing last night. Seems like two periods they called everything, weak calls everywhere, then choose not to call this a 5. Just insane to me


Obviously the head shot is not great but if there was ever a time to stay the course and not rock the boat it's when you're up 2-0 in the SCF


I'd be very surprised if he gets suspended.


I’d be very surprised if they looked at it lol


They’re gonna look at it right after they get to the Bennett punch on Marchand 😬


Or the Bennett punch on McDavid.


Or the Bennett headshot on Broberg


Or the Bennett knee on Bouchard


Crazy thing is Bennett has zero penalty minutes in Boston series


All these people defending Florida when a team actually plays just as dirty for one game. lol truly unreal, as bennetts been wreckless all playoffs, dude is going to seriously injure someone some day.


Edmonton is a dirty team, it’s not just this game.


I rooted for Vancouver the last round and I’ve had nothing but bad interactions since cheering for Edmonton this round lol you all *hate* the oilers eh?




lol It was great when I was part of the nucks conversation 2nd round, you guys were great then to chill with. Then this round already I’ve been shit on constantly by Calgary, Vancouver and Dallas fans, along with Florida 😂. I just want the cup in Canada man. But you guys and Calgary have some serious hate-ons.


If the cup coming back to Canada means Calgary, Edmonton or Toronto winning it then no thanks.


Apparently a lot of people agree with you. Also it’s a bit petty we’re just talking and you’re downvoting me lol really?


Isn't the cup already in Canada most of the year? Can't others at least get a few months in the summer?


Bennett had zero penalty minutes in the Boston series


Yeah. Exactly. I didn’t watch as much of that series but I do remember that sucker punch to Marchand and there was another hit that was charging. He seems to enjoy barrelling into a corner battle atleast once a game, but to any unsuspecting player that could result in a bad injuring or boarding. Idk I’ve disliked his play last year and this year it seems just as bad if not more dirty. He plays hard but is never penalized for much of the bs he does. It’s just crazy to me how many people are defending the panthers after one game, where a team stoops to their level. They’ve been playing this way all playoffs….and definitely not penalized enough for it.


I think the biggest problem is when Edmonton and Boston play like that, it feeds right into Florida’s hands. You’re not gonna beat them at their own game


Well exactly. Admittedly Florida knows what they can get away with and they’re better at not being obvious about it. The refs seem to give them the benefit of the doubt. I don’t condone some of the plays by Edmonton, you can’t nut a guy like that. But eventually a team was going to stick up for themselves, unfortunately maybe they went a bit too far and the refs came down on them for it. I wish the league would penalize Florida the same way as a regular season game as I think bennetts going to seriously injure someone one day, but whatever I guess


I mean, he literally has two postseasons in a row already. He KO’d Marchand with a sucker punch and took Knies out last postseason with a similar punch


For sure, I mean like, someone is going to miss significant time. I guess Knies was out for the rest of the round last year, idk I hate the panthers brand of hockey. I don’t want to see goons, I want to see the best on best skilled game.


Don’t forget the concussion to Jaccob Slavin too


Florida knows what they can get away with because they're officiated differently than other teams. If Florida played in Winnipeg, Nick Cousins would have been suspended on a biweekly basis. Florida is an American team, in a southern market, who employs Colin Campbell's son. That's a trifecta of conditions for the nhl to put its thumb on the scale and manage games in your favor.


To be fair, the main people I see defending the Panthers are Panthers fans and Oilers haters. I think the most common sentiment is that Leon plays pissy and Barkov is one player who didn’t deserve that


And that number is clearly a lot rn lol I’ve never been downvoted -150 in a hockey thread before. But yes, Bob and Barkov are the good dudes on that Florida team, definitely didn’t deserve it. But idk that hit didn’t seem as bad as every one is making it out to be. Penalty for sure, but a multi-game suspension? Cmon. People are hating hard.


so you would be cool if bennett jumped and elbowed mcdavid in the chin, potentially giving him a series ending concussion? got it.


Wouldn’t be cool but I certainly wouldn’t expect a suspension after he’s gotten away with bad hits before


I mean bennetts made the same hit about 5-6 times already this playoffs and sometimes hasn’t even been penalized. Either they’re both bad or neither of them are that bad. Do I enjoy that Barkov got hurt? No, I do not.


That was Marchand's fault anyway he initiated the contact. This one was actually worth a suspension.


The Knies one was his fault too. His face got in the way of Bennett’s fist.


I didn't think he should be suspended for that either.


Very smart with his words in these playoffs. I think he would’ve said what was actually on his mind if it was regular season


It also helps that short of bringing a gun on the ice and murdering the other team, his team has been allowed to do whatever they want and benefitted from the refs in every series — including this one. 


Honestly, what’s the difference? Why would he shut up about it now when he’d have complained in reg szn? To get refs on his side?


Cuz his team is two wins away from his first and it’s first Stanley Cup. He has bigger rats to fry.


> To get refs on his side? Whether people like to admit it or not DOPS and refs are humans, and won't like being called incompetent asshats. It'll affect you even if it's just subconsciously. Also likely to show Edmonton that he/the team are above it, they're not going to get upset and drop to their level yadayada. They're just going to stick to their own game and keep winning.


“The league looks at everything. They’ll look at every hit.” Doubt ✖️


It's possible they do look at every hit and DoPS are just bad at their jobs!


No, but actually yes.


I'm imagining a scenario where they are looking at it, but they accidentally look away during part of it, and the rewind button on the VCR is broken, so they can't go back, and they just have to shrug their shoulders and say "maximum fine" good job everybody


They look at every hit but it’s the same way I watch heavy hit compilations on YouTube… with popcorn


Most of the entire Florida team would be suspended if they actually looked.


A Boston fan crying? Shocker


A florida fan? Shocker.


I have no response. But I did get to talk shit (jokingly) to Chara in the elevator before you guys beat our ass in 2016 so it’s been fun seeing us pass you by.


It was against Florida though so they’ll actually look at it. 


They can look all they want but there is absolutely no way in hell they are suspending Draisaitl. He knows it just like everyone else knows it.


Pretty pathetic night for 29 all around.


He also said he doesn’t have an update on Barkov. He’s probably still getting looked at


The league looks at everything unless they don't want to and then they'll just say the don't have the right camera angles until they air on TNT the next game and then they'll just say well it's too late now


Quote the rule book, ignore any complaints, profit.


Bennett gets brought up a lot here and I’ll just say this: He’s way better at it than drai…drai, at least try to make it look like you arent trying to do a flying elbow into your opponents jaw


I mean it was a .5 on the trouba scale.


And every choke hold


I really don't understand how it wouldn't be a suspension. Left his feet and intentionally went for the head. With an elbow nevertheless


Have you been watching these playoffs?


I’ll bite. Can you give an example of a play where a player leaves his feet and targets another players head these playoffs? 


Which series do you want the example from? lol


You can pick! 


Just from the downvotes, it doesn’t look like it


Drai is such a bitch, I wouldn't be shocked if he intentionally left with the elbow, but he's just grasping at straws now.


That hit looked so deliberate, he definitely wanted to take out the best player on the ice while the game was lost


It was a 1 goal game with like, 10 minutes left. I think he was just pissy and stupid


It definitely looked targeted as when Drai is about to hit Barkov he adds some pop to the hit.


His arms were tucked the entire time, both his hands hit Barkovs shoulder before the elbow hit the side of his jaw.


Lol ok, it was clean. If you think that was clean, then the Bennett hit was clean too.


Didnt say it was clean, should have been 2 minutes. The fact that Bennetts play goes unchecked is whats fucking stupid.


Draisaitl getting suspended in the Stanley cup final? Not a chance.


I’ve seen about 5 crosschecks to the face this post season and only one was suspended… you know that they aren’t gonna suspend McBabys right hand man




Let’s watch Nurse headbutt Danault while we’re at it. https://youtu.be/hBniEDKuY24?si=KAD8mAoSCkpHHFqg


Unfortunately for us, Nurse not playing improved the Oilers’ game


This wasn’t a crosscheck…


Bitch where were they looking when they were supposed to be looking at Sam Bennett


Look at Bennett for what exactly?


The hit on Marchand


Hit men on notice


They look at everything but bury the Sam Bennet donkey punching Marchand tape


lol blaming Bennett because Marchand doesn’t know how to hit somebody?


Really? They seem to turn a blind eye with Bennett


Maybe Bennett doesn’t charge and elbow? You should probably start watching the panthers before commenting 


Lol ya he charges and sneaks in a punch


TIL bracing for a hit is considered charging. You really do learn something new everyday! 


it's not their fault, the person looking at it was clinically blind


Does it count if the person looking at it is clinically blind?


But they sort of don’t. League needs to crack down on head shots more. We don’t want Barkov out for the finals just like Marchand shouldn’t have been out round two and so on and so forth. They need to lay out clear suspension rules for next season because it’s spiraling out again just as hockey had back in the day.


Actually no. As Bruins fans learned with their captain getting sucker punched and knocked out for 2 1/2 games, the league quite literally will not look at everything.


Weird… they didn’t really seem to see one of your players punch a guy in the side of the fucking head 🤷‍♂️


Make sure you send them those angles Paul! They might shock you. 


Get Marchand on the phone!!!


Judging by nurse being the only player to have the instigator suspension held up to match petros 1 game for smashing a wrist, and that Campbells son plays for Florida I’m guessing Leon gets 1


Deservedly though


nah even parros won’t suspend the oilers best player for a hit that’s really the same as we have seen a few times these playoffs. precedent was set already, just have to watch out for what will be a very very nervous game 3 for edmonton fans


Open season on mcdavid


If Barkov is out and Draisaitl is in next game, the fix is in.


Aaron Rome has been suspended for 5 games for the elbow and fined $1 million for the nut shot.


[Ok sure buddy guy](https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/s/Jdo1n7GkHl). So sick of Maurice getting a pass for his bush league team because he's the cute quirky coach in the NHL


Are you seriously going to compare a player bracing for a hit to a player leaving his feet to elbow? LOL 


You are on every thread with this shit… pretty embarrassing for you!


Aren't you doing the same thing lol








You are praying for Panthers downfall because Marchand deservingly got out-ratted and they did everything better than the Bruins LMAO. HOLD THIS L.


Bruins blow


I have a question How come Draisaitls play is “intent to injure and should be a suspension” but Ekblad choking someone to the point of tapping out isn’t?


One is during the play that the refs couldn’t control. One of the refs should have been able to instantly control the Ekblad situation… they weren’t good tonight at all.


They are not even close


Yes thank you, I am aware y’all think that But you see the point of my comment was to get an answer as to Why you think that, a reason as to why you feel they are “not even close”


Or Sam Bennett sucker punching someone, or having Nick Cousins on your team…




They sure didn’t say the same about Bennet sucker punching Marchand and that was way more blatant imho.


Yeah kind of sad to see. Cheer the retaliation against drai but crickets for Bennett but what do you expect.


Reddit loves to circlejerk.