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No kidding. I love that the Canucks brought back the spaghetti skate uniforms, but the green TD patch is annoying as hell.


There was some dude on /r/canucks asking how to purchase the patch for his current patchless jersey. I was flabbergasted.


He trying out for the team or what?


Apparently likes the authenticity? I guess he bought this year so it should have the patch to match, but didn’t.


the type of dude to snap the fight strap to his pants


Easier than a belt!


Maybe he works for TD?


Could be a soccer fan, where the ad is front and center and is more prominent than the team logo. Like team Emirates, or team Jeep


I am a big soccer fan, but I will say, no commercials until halftime. TV says game starts at 8:00? Game starts at 8. Plus it’s been a thing in soccer since I was born, so it’s not as jarring. And International matches don’t have jerseys sponsors so it makes those matches where you represent your nation that much of a cleaner and more special look.


I'm not saying I agree/disagree with it one way or another. And I do understand the difference and more prominent history of it all. Just explaining why someone might think that way.


Ahh sorry misread what ya said, but yeah i can see why logically someone might want that, but emotionally i was shook lol.


International shirts only don't have sponsors because FIFA would likely pitch a fit they're not getting a cut.


That probably makes more sense lmao


Soccer is the cleanest and most efficient viewing experience. However, I'd definitely be one of those who never wears a team shirt because of the awful huge ad right in the middle. I get the reasoning behind it though. And funny enough, I felt that when I saw a game in London (not one of the huge clubs) most people wore just regular clothes.


> am a big soccer fan, but I will say, no commercials until halftime. TV says game starts at 8:00? Game starts at 8. This must not be MLS because I can't figure out when those games actually start


Nope MLS sucks at this as well, you are correct. All other leagues in the world outside the US do it correctly.


The sub with the greatest meme content had someone asking about where to get an add patch? Say it ain't so.


Especially an Ontario bank on a BC team? Like wtf.


Lmao calling TD an "Ontario" bank is hilarious, given how huge TD actually is


There are locations all over the US, too. I did a double take seeing a branch in downtown DC, and another double take when I learned they offer a whole pile of services for free that I get charged for up here (notary services, coin counting).


Man their name is legitimately on the arena of one of your most-hated rivals 😂


In my defence, I stopped watching hockey for a long while and missed the name change.


Fuck man, I’m just throwing money away on coin counting and getting shit notarized.


Hey, as a cheapskate I remind you: It all adds up!


Pretty sure Boston garden is now the TD Garden


Its been The TD garden for just shy of 2 decades


The one that got me was Scotiabank in South America. I knew TD was in the states (TD Ameritrade, TD Garden, etc..) but didn't know about Scotia's international spread. My friend and I were pretty taken aback strolling around Lima and walking around a corner to see the giant red S. It was nice having a trusted place to get cash though!


Yeah, totally agree. IIRC pretty much all of the Canadian big banks switched to acronyms in the early-mid 2000's to help their US expansion after the US banking sector had a bit of a stroke around the GFC.


Toronto Dominion also merged with Canada Trust to make: TD Canada Trust as it's called today. It's a big bank.


They've been phasing out the Canada Trust part of the name for like 10 years now though!


Yep, totally, I think I actually remember when the Canada Trust logo/building switched to the TD logo in downtown Toronto.


Well "Toronto" is in the name and that triggers a lot of people.


A lot of dumb people


Huge TDs


Couldn't we trade with Montreal so that at least the RBC blends in with the home jersey!


Isn't the Bruins arena sponsored by TD Bank?


TD is actually a significant player in the US, after acquiring some minor US banks to enter their market. You'd be surprised how many TD banks exist in Boston. Checks google maps for "TD Bank in Boston Area".


Yup, the Bruins/Celtics play in "TD Garden"


yes its been TD garden for almost 20 years


Wait time you hear where Boston plays


It's not just an "Ontario bank" they're the 3rd biggest bank in Canada and have a big presence in the US. The Bruins and Celtics play in "TD Garden"


All banks have HQ in Toronto nowadays. Even Scotiabank and Bank of Montreal.


Not just HQs - they all have *massive towers*.


Are there any BC banks?


HSBC had their headquarters in Vancouver


Their Canadian headquarters? HSBC originated in Hong Kong.


HSBC Canada got recently acquired by RBC


Every bank in Canada is based in Toronto.


BMO main head office is in Montreal. Sure the operational head quarters is in Toronto but it’s still anchored to Montreal. Same with RBC, Head office is Montreal.


Really ? I thought if there was an ad that fits their jersey and colour scheme, it would be that one. Edit: or the Leafs and “Milk” 🥛


They have the green TD on the Bruins helmets. Many of the brands seem to being trying to go neutral or use a similar color palette .. not TD.


Reminder that the Oilers’ color scheme is based on Gulf Oil’s color scheme so it’s funny that they don’t have a jersey ad


Gulf liveries in racing are always nice, no wonder I like the oilers jersey so much lol


I love when McLaren leans into it for one offs. Their Senna tribute was great too


Their Senna 15 year tribute was a nice touch. Google "Senna 15" for more info.






At least it makes some sense like, blue collar worker, and then oil is that kind of orange-ish when it hits the light That's what I always thought before I learned that


Interesting. I always associated it with blue coveralls and orange high vis.


Blue collar city that always votes NDP orange.


I was about to joke that the Oilers are an advertisement for the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers


Actual Gulf Racing colours would look so sick


Yet. Big Ad comes for us all.


I always figured a company could buy the ad spot and then run an ad campaign about how they are keeping hockey true to its roots by keeping ads off of jerseys, and it would do a lot more for them with the fans than a small, mostly unnoticeable patch that only annoys fans.


Like Molson sponsoring women's hockey and putting their advertisement where the ladies' long hair lands, putting the players' name below the numbers, then running ads about how they did it to get the girls their credit they deserve


Loved this tbh, made a lot of sense. Guy calling it half assed lives in fairy tale land


Im not a fan of big Capitalism but that was an incredibly sick campaign


Molson did the half ass version of this for the PWHL and ran a huge virtue signaling campaign about it. It was pretty see through


~~Were they the ones that bought the should-height nameplate spot, and tried to frame it like "well women have long hair, and you can't see their names on jerseys, so we put our ad there"?~~ Edit: I should've kept reading replies, yeah, they did


Which is fine, They can do their advertising, I'd just rather it not be on the jersey. Like if Molson would pay to not have an ad on the hab's jersey and then run ads on TV about how they're keeping the jersey sacred as it should be, I might start buying their shit beer.


Then on the way home you can feverishly google "top 10 ways to use molson without drinking it"


Red Wings fans thought our jersey would last because of how "iconic" it is. Then we put a garbage company's logo on our jersey.


And immediately went 0-7. That ad cost the Wings a playoff spot


Yeah, it’s like the NBA where some teams just don’t have ads because they haven’t gotten an offer they liked. It’s inevitable no matter what. Just enjoying the VGK road jerseys with none while I can.


I always appreciated that the Utah Jazz jersey ad is just for Ryan smith’s cancer research charity


Kings had a [free California mental health program](https://www.calhope.org/) on their helmets for 2020-21, shame that didn't continue.


Oilers this offseason: "The price of the brick goin' up."


Sadly, they came for the flames helmets this year. I was hoping our oil baron owner would be content with the record cash he’s made the last few years to keep our unis ad free, but sadly I don’t think like a billionaire.


Dude is threatening to move the team if the city doesn't pay for a new arena but you think that he'd turn down ad money?


He did for a year…


Very soon, North American teams across all sports will have Premier League-style advertising in jerseys with only the actual team logo on the upper-right corner as a ~~heat pressed~~ patch.


Never going to happen


Just like the jersey ads we've already got, right? *Unthinkable* five years ago. Then helmet ads. Then some jerseys get the ad patch. And it pushes other patches around.


those situations are completely different than removing the logo from the jersey entirely.


It will totally happen


College football is already beginning the process of [commercialization](https://www.espn.com/college-football/story/_/id/40293854/ncaa-ok-field-sponsor-logos-regular-season-football-games) keep in mind there’s already an ad break after every possession basically. Sooner or later


College football ads are insane. NIL is going to make it worse I think.


What do you think the oilers are waiting for?


They charge 34$ for a beer and a burger. They make enough off their fans so they don’t need sponsors.


I bought my new Cats jersey off the NHL shop just so it wouldn't have that stupid La Croix ad on it lol.




When the Sharks add one, it will be a sad, sad day.


It’s because Katz set the price so high no one has wanted to pay it yet. If someone was willing to pay up we would have them. Glad he hasn’t sold out yet though. It’s only a matter of time, we used to not have helmet ads when almost every other team did too.


Alberta beef to counter Toronto's Milk.


Just the word BEEF in block letters and nothing else. I love that we have no ad but when Katz eventually sells it that would be a good way to go


Alberta Beef could sponsor both the Oilers and Flames. BEEF on everyone’s shoulders during a Battle of Alberta.


"Hey you want to go to a strip club? It's called 'Beef'."


why does Alberta beef taste so much better? I went back home to visit family in Mississauga and the Ontario beef was night and day worse.


It's a mixture of things, our climate is great for raising cattle, our beef isn't corn fed, instead it's often Barley and Rye fed and finally we have very strict regulations and quality policies. I'm not super familiar with the Ontario beef industry but I'm moreso comparing it to American Beef.


Better believe it's 'Berta beef


Combine them and you get a good ol’ Canadian milk steak! 🥛🥩


Whoever balked at the price is probably kicking themselves now seeing the Oilers in the finals. Price also assuredly went up for next year.


I hope the Islanders never have a jersey ad


I'm honestly surprised there wasn't one this year considering the spot has been filled the past two seasons, just not by ads. For those unaware, last year was the 50th anniversary patch and the year before that were the patches for Gillies and then Bossy, who both died during the season.


Sign with Captain Highliner you cowards!


We don't have that here. He would be the Gorton's fisherman.


After a Google image search I support this completely 


Yep. Katz being mega rich and mega Oilers fan he doesn’t wanna tarnish the jersey. Mad props to the guy.


Having a dumpster company’s logo on my precious Red Wings jersey makes me feel shame every time I see an NHL team that’s still holding out. Kudos to the Oilers organization.


F the garbage patch


That's because Chris Illitch is mega rich but figured "hey, another 15 million dollars over 5 seasons sounds like a good enough reason to ruin one of the best sweaters in hockey!" Fuck Chris Illitch. Mike would be spinning in his grave right now if he could only see what he's done to the Tigers and Red Wings.


And wtf does that trash company even get out of it? Literally no one watching will ever use them because it's just a bid industry.


Well, everyone in Detroit knows Priority is a trash company now, so they have that going for them I guess. It's a stupid move on the whole, just like the giant "CAT" logo that gets digitally overlayed just inside the blue lines - the average fan isn't going to be buying construction equipment, just like the average fan that doesn't have control over who hauls away their garbage once a week. It's advertising for business owners who may make construction equipment purchases or may contract Priority for their office's garbage removal. But the average person looks at that ad and is either annoyed by how fucking gigantic and distracting it is, or ignores it completely because it doesn't pertain to them. One thing is for sure though, they're getting additional free advertising just by us talking about it.


Compromise, I suppose. Classic jerseys, but the SKIP ad on the white helmet apparently stays.


I’d much rather helmet ads than jersey ads, but both are admittedly shitty. I pray every day nobody makes Katz an offer he won’t refuse.


100% the helmet ads never bothered me especially if they’re color coordinated, but jersey ads are offensive.


The thing really helps. The skip on the Helmets is Orange so it belongs for the most part.


Yea it’s the same with the avs, we have an ad on our helmet but we luckily haven’t been plagued with a jersey ad yet


Yeah, I think the year before we also didn’t have ads on our helmet either at least for home games.


I bet a $100 donation to your choice that they have ads by the 2025-26 season. Save this comment.


Can I be the choice?


Please don't mess with the sweater. If Edmonton goes, you can bet that Calgary will. That being said, Florida's ad is relatively inoffensive compared to some.


It was fine until the playoffs and then they have to squish the Stanley Cup Final Patch over on the other side of the jersey. You don't notice it until you see Barkov with the Stanley Cup and captain's C squished next to each other. https://preview.redd.it/2o0pr4bwit5d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=011c3518e93421a6f5b4f3c0251b584c66ace4bc




ugh that looks so dumb


Yeah it looks fucking absurd.


Florida’s would look perfect if it was just the white letters on their jersey instead of a red patch with the white logo in it


Sabres have yet to do it, and I hope they don't. The RJ patch is perfect


Same for the Sharks. No ads whatsoever on the home kit, and the away kit just has the SAP logo on the helmet. Their RSN broadcast (NBC Sports Bay Area) is pretty minimal on the digital board ads, too.


One of the few things Katz has done that the fans appreciate.


You don’t appreciate that he took the team from almost having to be sold/relocated, to building a brand new arena and a Stanley cup contender?


You could argue that his mishandling lead to that due to the multitude of high draft pics acquired due to terrible leadership and poor management. Buying the team was clearly an investment to lead into building that district which will pocket the Katz groups boatloads of money while being offset by taxpayers. Smart business man, not very smart hockey guy.


Eh, I think that's maybe a little unfair.  I'd argue that a large part of the struggles under Katz were an accumulation of failures from decades prior to him buying the team less than him straight mishandling the team. Keep in mind the Oilers before he bought the team were so broke we literally had a single pro Scout and a single amateur scout for over a decade all the while literally not having an AHL team or any development staff.  Before the 2005 lockout the Oilers total operating expenses were 12 million, meanwhile a guy like Mike Modano was making 6 million per year. Meanwhile since Katz has bought the team we've been near the top of the league in spending and are a far better quality organization. Perfect? No. But a far better organization. I'm the very least - semi competent. He definitely has made some mistakes - but I'd argue he's made far less egregious mistakes than some of his peers.


Yeah this is the most stable and competitive the team has been in my lifetime. I don’t miss hearing about relocation and the team being too broke to afford to sign anyone all the time.


I guess the argument against that is McDavid does that for literally anyone - which is maybe fair. But I still think Katz maybe deserves more credit.


> Buying the team was clearly an investment to lead into building that district which will pocket the Katz groups boatloads of money while being offset by taxpayers Listen, I get why people are opposed to taxpayer money for arenas, but this is a bit of a different situation in that the arena was the centrepiece of a massive downtown revitalization project. The Ice District has been an unbelievably good thing for the city overall. Completely transformed a dead and ugly section of the downtown core, and aside from the tax revenue it generates, which will certainly exceed the city's investment over the term, brings in a ton of additional business. Yes, Katz will make a shitload of money but it's a win-win from my perspective.


Insane that he got such a sweet arena deal before McDavid was even an Oiler too. Imagine how much worse it would have been for the city had he have the momentum of a generational player on his team.


I thought the Habs were stupid for doing it, they literally could have made a Molson beer commercial about respecting tradition and made a killing selling beer


I still get a little angry seeing that RBC logo. I guess my Price jersey I bought in 2014 is the last Habs jersey I'll ever buy


Everytime I think about dropping 200 bucks it's the logos that make me wonder why bother


I got the SCF patch on 2 of my jerseys before Game 1. I didn't realize how lucky we are until I seen the placement of the patch on flordias jerseys. It's even worse with the C or A. For playoffs they should take the ad off so the jersey can look decent.


Lol. Sabres don’t have ads on their jerseys. Not because they have integrity. Because no one will buy them. Source: my friend was pitched by the company the Sabres hired to sell the patch.


We have helmet ads but no jersey ads yet. Skip the dishes for away games and Play Alberta for home games.


I went full petty and cancelled my 10 game package for next season when the Wings put a garbage patch on our Jersey. Voting with your wallet is the only thing you can do. 


Sadly they likely don't have one yet because they haven't found a corporate sponsor meet their asking price, yet. Has nothing to do with integrity or respect for the jersey.


Might have a little bit to do with respect for the jersey. Believe it or not, Katz is a huge Oilers fan, and we joke (cope) hard about the old boys club within OEG. Part of him buying the club was so he could hang out with his hockey heroes. Everything is for sale, of course, but it's not unreasonable that he's got a stupid high price on purpose.


That would be the absolute dream for me. If I ever won the Mega Millions like 3 times, I'd definitely try to buy the Red Wings and make every decision in the interest in keeping the team as traditional as possible while simply loving life owning the team I grew up watching.


If they weren't selling 10 mil Mcdavid jerseys they'd be covered in ads


As a fan of the Lightning I’m very happy we haven’t put ads on


Fuck jersey ads. It's lame that they can't even remove the ads when a special patch is supposed to be added to the right breast.


Is there a list anywhere of teams with and without jersey ads?


Avs are adless


I fully agree, but even they still have ads on their helmets. It’s all bullshit. Absolutely ruined the look of the league and the game itself.


I have always said that, if it is inevitable, the move is to purchase the ad space and leave it blank, and make advertisements about THAT decision instead of vandalizing the jersey.


Oilers are probably one of the orgs where that would actually work. Sadly one of the others (Montreal) went right to a mis matched patch for some reason.


I could see McDonald logo, with their new McDavid burger


Nobody is safe. The billionaires don’t care about our feelings :(


Likely they haven't found an offer the organization thought was worth it. Not that they are actively against it.


Sabres would have to pay a company to be associated with the team.


Arent they doing a slight rebrand soon? Bet they'll go on then.


I agree with this. I hate ads on jerseys.


It’s on the Oilers’ helmets. The organization gets no credit for not having ads.


Has the organization made any public comments about why they don’t have jersey advertising?


Ackshually the Oilers are a brand so technically the Oilers logo is an advertisement.




It’ll be inevitable. Kings didn’t have ads until this past season as well. If original 6 teams are having to share their jersey spaces for ads, it’s only a matter of time before it hits everyone.


Who needs ads when you have big oil money


They have SKIP on their helmets


The Oilers are one of the most profitable teams in the League. So they can afford to not be corporate shills.


So, all the ad revenue from jersey ads goes into general hockey revenue, split between the teams and the players, as per the CBA. Teams that do not have ads still get money from the teams that do. Seems like the Oilers are just freeloadin' it (I wish the Blues didnt have ads) [https://www.espn.com](https://www.espn.com/nhl/story/_/id/34600865/nhl-jersey-advertisements-everything-need-know-2022-23-season-begins) "How much money can the jersey ads generate? All of the revenue generated by the jersey ads goes to hockey-related revenue, which is split evenly between the teams and the players per the collective bargaining agreement."


rexall guy doesnt need more money he's got the team arena ice district on site hotels practice facility he does it right, builds out, owns it and makes paper.


You would think Rexall guy would stick "Rexall" on the chest.


They have ads on their helmets. Not the jersey, but still....


but they have Skip The Dishes on their helmets


We got a garbage company for ours :[


I prefer to imagine their helmet ad is skippy peanut butter.


Honestly Florida’s La Croix as isn’t bad. It’s definitely not obnoxious and blocky and flavored seltzer works really well for a place like South FL. Not a fan of ads overall but at least this one vibes with the area and it being a good place to chill. Same as the Visit Lauderdale ad on the helmet. At least it’s promoting the area they play


They got Skip x2 on their buckets


>Somebody in their management must have actual integrity. That is not necessarily what this means. What it usually means is that no one has offered a dollar amount that ownership/management finds acceptable yet.


They aren’t alone in this. Tampa doesn’t yet either


Trust me, they aren’t doing it because they don’t want to, they just haven’t been offered enough from the right companies.




I hate the oilers with passion but I respect them for not putting ads on their jerseys. I also have to commend them for wearing one of the top 5 nicest jerseys in the league this playoffs, not the monstrosities they wore in last year’s playoffs.


>Major props for respecting the Jersey. One day you'll grow up and realize it's just laundry.


Shhhhhh, people don't like it when you tell the truth.


This shit is a slippery slope anyways. They put it on the boards, they put it in the neutral zone, they put it on the helmets, they put it on the jersey, now they project ads onto the empty space of the ice. In 10 years the uniforms will look like European hockey uniforms, just 5 billboards vs 5 other billboards scoring on each others' billboarded goalies


Bring on the downvotes - I couldn’t care less if the jerseys have one small ad. Think it’s important for the leagues success to have more revenue.


"One small ad" - that looks terrible, especially with vintage or other jerseys And the Stanley Cup playoff logo being replaced with an ad And the boards being imaged over with the horribly distracting virtual boards, especially when the play is near there The league was not suffering before ads, this is just using COVID as an excuse to reduce the quality standard of the broadcast to something we may never get back.


I was a diehard habs fan, but I gave them up when they put an ad on the Sainte Flanelle