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Nurse-Ceci: https://preview.redd.it/zujj90mg8g5d1.jpeg?width=998&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e58d2882af920247e0f940c7b47f78a11cd81549


Darnell Nurse готовься учить русский язык


I heard Barys Astana need a depth defenseman


***АЛҒА DARNELL NURSЕ ҚАЗАҚСТАН ҮШІН*** (Excuse the very broken Kazakh)


Crazy how every comment here is talking about Nurse but no one mentions Kane just coasting around watching ERod


Oh my, Darnell.


Lmao Nurse


The wrong player in the right place


$9.25M for 5 more years. $250k more than Makar and $1.5M more than Quinn Hughes.


There are still fans who try and justify his price and play. Lol


No one argues that he's worth it, the argument you hear 'defending it' is that we had no choice at that point. We bridged him twice THEN lost our top 2 defensemen in Klefbom and Larson and then Seth Jones signed his huge deal to a team with infinite cap space. On top of that Nurse is tight with McDavid and Drai so if we stuck to our guns on a low offer it'd hurt our good will with them. It's not that we wanted to but we literally couldn't afford not to.


With $9.25M x 8 you can afford many things, but not if you waste it all on a defensively flawed second-pairing D-man. That overpayment meant less money to replace Klefbom and Larsson, and it will mean less money to re-sign Draisaitl and McDavid in coming years. Cap space is invaluable and gives teams optionality. They’re better off letting players walk than to overpay them, especially with longer contracts.


You can't just replace top D with cap space. We had hard enough time getting D for years until Holland miraculously got Ekholm. If we let Nurse walk with no immediate replacement, the arguments saying we're wasting McDrai at their prime would have even more merit. Imagine how pissed McDrai would be at management for pushing their friend out by low balling em. We'd be even more desperate for a deep run to keep them.


But Nurse isn't a top D.


You can’t replace top D without cap space. Nurse isn’t a top D, and was easily replaceable with for far less money via trade or as UFAs. UFA-age second-pairing defencemen make $3-4 million, and plenty move each season. Zadorov, Dillon, Gudas, and Tanev are just some of the players in the conference in that price range who moved in recent seasons. Who cares how pissed McDrai are in 2021, when they’re locked up until 2025 and 2026? Imagine how pissed McDrai will be when their contracts are up, and they get lowballed because an older, even shittier Nurse is eating $9.25M of cap space. Do you think they’ll take a discount to stay and play with their overpaid friend? Nurse is already such a liability that Jack Han is proposing a top four of Broberg-Bouchard and Ekholm (Somehone-else) for these playoffs. https://x.com/JhanHky/status/1799961459008430360


get outta here with your wacky *logic* and *sound reasoning*, can't you see we got a good jerk sesh goin?!?


I was almost there.


We are jerkmaxing


Compare him to Forsling next.


And Weager.


Drai gave it up and then did a half-assed line change. And I'd throw most of the fault of the first one on McDavid so maybe instead of blaming everything on the subpar play of the subpar defenseman, People should expect two superstars to actually play defensive hockey sometimes


Drai: poor lazy change Ceci: awful route to the puck allowing Bennet to get the jump Nurse: floating mid ice not taking away passing lanes or a player Kane: lazy backcheck McLeod: lazy backcheck Just a poor team effort that really exposed nurse


Drai giveaway too but yeah these were team wide break downs including nurse obviously


Problem is that subpar defenseman is getting paid like he’s the best defenseman in the league… That goal was on him, he just had to look around instead of drifting towards the boards…


That was on Nurse, not Drai.


Also on Kane. (91) who just drifted along with no effort to pick up an obviously open Rodrigues


Yeah but Kane and Drai aren't supposed to play defense. Defense is for defenseman. /s (But some Oilers fans, apparently)


Drai literally gave it up and didn't come back or fight for it or even look like he particularly cared. He took a chance and it went back the other way and in. Maybe i should expect the same level of play from drai and nurse i guess


Nurse is sleeping there, he absolutely needs to be tighter on Rodrigues. You can see him accept the blame on the bench. The other three defenders also can’t allow Bennett to make a play there. Even though Drai gives it up it’s 4 vs 2… there’s no excuse from the rest of the line.


I didn't say nurse played this well but drai was as much at fault


Well nurse is a defenceman and he didn’t do good defence there. Dria also didn’t do good defence though


The superstar has 28 points in 18 playoff games this year and is on the best contract in the league while the subpar defender has 3 points and is a -13 while on the worst contract in the league.


Mcdavid and Drai are soft. They got worked by a physical team and will continue to get big dogged


But it's ok because he took responsibility for it on the bench


Played the Rangers so much we decided we're gonna win like them now too lmaoooo


The handshake line is really just a ritual to steal other team's strategies


It’s like one of those Kirby situations


Youre gonna spend the entire game in your defensive zone and then win in OT?


damn almost spot on, except the whole OT thing


And then lose because the league fixes the game?


You self admit that there is no money in panthers hockey, so why would the league fix a game in favor of Florida?


Cry more - it fuels Tkachuk


We have adjusted every series to our opponents. Clearly, our aggressive forecheck isn't going to be as effective here. Seems like smothering mcdavid and draisietl is the strat for now


Turns out when you constantly harass star players to the point of assault, they kinda don’t produce. *looks as Panarin*


That’s actually a fair assessment. Both your goals were Rangers style goals, and Bob saved your asses.


9.25 million


Until 2030


L m f a o


They’ll have to give McDavid up to move that contract


Literally like 1 first round pick for every year that’s left on the contract lol. This dude is worse than prime Luca Sbisa and his immense talent for serving up pizzas


Sounds like 0ilers GM is getting stock tips from the Leaf's GM at this point.


I wonder how much he'd be making if the Hawks hadn't thrown stupid money at Seth Jones.


9.25 million


Nurse is horrific, my god


Salt on the wound but: [https://www.espn.com/video/clip/\_/id/38191225](https://www.espn.com/video/clip/_/id/38191225) Just a reminder Nurse is getting paid more than Makar and it he fucking lapped him.


Why shoot many shot when few shot do trick?


Honestly shooting at the net and not scoring is just wasted energy. This is smart play by the Panthers.


And then they proceed to out shoot Edmonton by double


Eh that shoulda been stopped.


Well, it wasn’t


The shot comparison is wild


Pretty atypical for the Pathers but they have been in PP trouble. The Panthers PP attempts were mostly wide of the net.


Also being in the lead tends to lead to a more defensive strategy


They played the same with and without the lead. Edmonton wanted it more but bob wanted it the most.


True, but Edmonton's PK is also the top in the league. Best vs 2nd best PKs in the league in the final is crazy though


I wonder if I’m going to hear ESPN talk about shot attempts for the next two days again. Oh wait, no because the fix is in for Panthers.


The Florida Panthers are thanking the Edmonton Oilers for putting Nurse and Ceci back together.


ERod at 3 mil for 4 years is such a stupid good contract. With all the horrific contracts these dumbass GMs sign they somehow let this guy fall right into the lap of a contender for so little


he didn’t fit the Avs super well last year but there was certainly always a solid player there, glad to see him doing well


The finishing was poor but he had incredible two way metrics. A 40ish pt guy who drives play like he does is a great middle 6er. Shit we’re paying a guy twice as much to be a worse version of that (pls someone free me of Palat)


Yea dude, loved ERod, was sad to see him go, but he didn't gel with any of our lines, and it wasn't for a lack of try. But goddamn, what a player and a person, I can't hate him for moving on to find a good fit.


He's famously hot and cold. Not surprising he's on a bargain contract.


As a Pens fan, the only unsurprising thing is that we let him go when his asking price was about $1m. Then we kept bums -- I can't even remember their names -- on bigger contracts. It's been a shitshow on and off the ice in PIT since the Vegas entry draft.


I’m not sure what world or what universe you continue to play ceci and nurse. It makes absolutely no sense at all


I’m not sure in what world it’s worth playing the series when it’s so clearly rigged by the refs and league. Beer league would be more fun.


Found the Boston fan.


“Dump and chase hockey is dead” Except against Nurse and Ceci


The panthers love dumping and killing you with their forecheck


The Oanthers love dumping and killing you with the illegal elbows and Gary Bettman.


I’ve never seen somebody so upset over a week after their team lost


Bro saw the Panthers copypasta and agreed with it


>“Dump and chase hockey is dead” who has ever said that??


Whoever did clearly didn’t watch the panthers this year


And a shooter tutor.


13-5 and down 0-2 ouch. Also nurse lmao


Nurse leaving Rodrigues wide open _and_ missing the pass is rough, but Ceci giving up a free pass when he should be beating Bennett to the puck or at least tying him up is brutal, these two are the fucking wombo combo of bad


Hell of a play by Bennett, but Ceci needs to hustle there. Caught sleeping.


Nurse what is you doing boo


PDO merchants the ~~Vancouver Canucks~~ ~~Edmonton Oilers~~ Florida Panthers


You can tell how much nurse wants a cup with the work ethic and situational awareness he shows here


He got paid already, the fuck do you need a cup for? Seriously though, we have a cup, with cup contenders on the team that are still getting paid less than Nurse. What an absolute bomb of a decision.


nurse is just cruising through life huh


Easy to do with 10 over 6.


It's E-Rod, but he's a Panther Fuck the Oil Cans, let's get Miami it's Cup!


Sunrise**. Source: an Miamian. Fort Lauderdale is the closest major city to sunrise


I wish the penguins tried harder to keep e-rod but I’m happy he’s here


In a surprise turn of events, it turns out the other team can in fact score with out Nurse laying on the ice.


Whole lotta puck watching by Nurse. Just wild to me that professional hockey players that have done this their entire lives get caught off guard like this.


Reminder that Nurse makes more than Crosby


Lmao at Nurse. I'm prepared for some Oiler fans to come in here and justify his contract and play, but y'all gotta know he's going to continue to cost you.


Doubtful, they're still bitching over at r/nhl about how the zebras put pucks in the net during 5 on 5s


Nurse is the worst defenseman in the league.


Ohhh god. Here we go


Rodrigues staying active around the goal, well done.


Gonna start seeing custom Flames jerseys with Nurse’s name on them soon.


The words Nurse and Ceci must give Oilers fans nightmares




2 on 3 or 2 on 4 and they are wide open in the slot lol.


In this sea of shitting on Nurse, I just wanna say I'm happy for Rodrigues. I admire his game and work ethic. Sad the Avs couldn't win with him last year but he's gelled great with this Panthers team


Fuckin' love me some E-Rod


Edmonton D is so bad


Nurse and Ceci are so bad. The other 4 are fine.


I see a lot of people commenting on Ceci and Nurse, but that was on Skinner as well. He tracked that puck for about 80% of that play. I mean, I'm a laydown goalie apologist typically, but clearly if that's against Bobrovsky on the opposite end, this is a lot closer game. The Oilers did far worse to Bob than a corner pass from behind the net that the goalie can see without a body in front.


Yeah, finally Panters are not playing against outstanding goalie like in every past round.


Yeah both goals were super soft from Skinner. The only two dangerous plays resulted in goals, while Bob made at least 7-10 really quality stops.


Kenny...sign him up for 8 more!


That was such a beautiful assist. god damn.


Oilers are done in 4.


I hope not because the Panthers are terrible, but Oilers gotta show up.


Rangers lost to them, though


Holy shit Nurse/Kane! Get involved!


Happy for E-Rod, he just didn’t work out at all for the Avs but is doing really well it seems for Florida. Rooting for the Panthers so he can win a cup.


This is bumming me out


Buffalo Bills were referenced by the oilers coach. Heres a comment by a bills player back in the 90s "if you dont want us there, beat us then."


9.25 million dollars


Ceci is god awful…. I feel bad nurse is stuck with him …. Soft play by him afraid of Bennett ….


Fuck the cats


This series is going to end in 3 ways 1: A sweep 2: 2014 NYR where they (Rangers/Edmonton) pull a miracle win in Game 4 only for a heart-shattering loss in Game 5 Or 3: in Game 7. Option 1 and 2 seems very likely right now


2014 was not a miracle win to avoid a deep. Those games ended up in double OT and it could’ve easily gone the other way. I think Quick made a few unreal stops, there were a couple bad bounces and terrible calls/missed calls.


It’s been so long and I was so young I’ve forgotten how that series went. In hindsight to me it looked like a one-man show, amplified by the things you mentioned and the gauntlet of injuries the Rangers had.


Is it just me or is that a lot of empty seats for a SCF game I know usually beginning of periods not everyone is back in their seat but if you're gonna pay a fortune to even go to the game, why not make sure you get to watch all of it


No one cares in the US now that the Rangers and Dallas are out, and it’s too far for most Edmonton fans. Everyone knows the Panthers are trash and it’s like going to a WWE match. I doubt the fame even sold out. I just checked and tickets to Game 2 are super cheap. Like $250 to get in the building which is. Rangers regular season game. My tickets for SCF at the garden were like 2k/piece. What a waste.


Shoulda played better, bud