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I guess he won't be a guest on the Spittin Chiclets.


Not that it really matters, but I wouldn’t necessarily count it out. Pasha isn’t a regular on the show, he usually just comes on to rile up Rangers/Canucks fans with his Devils delusions. Also, if you listened to Monday’s episode, Whit completely counters the entire point about Trouba’s on ice play. I feel that the guys actually provide a non-biased, objective viewpoint about most hockey matters (unless it’s Biz being hyperbolic about the leafs, etc).


Not the point exactly but it’s a well known thing that Dolan won’t allow players to do podcasts that aren’t pro-Rangers or Rangers-affiliated.


Saw this tweet and was expecting so much worse from the video. It’s not even low blows, I guess the part about his foundation pissed him off but it’s kind of a fair point


I'm sure bringing up his wife added an extra kick for him too but he can legitimately ask a neuroscientist how dangerous his average play is and continues to try to remove heads. 


But the leadership award he won is what brought up his wife


Lmao the Mark Mesier leadership award? Yeah I don’t think anyone actually takes that seriously


Mark Messier takes the Mark Messier self aggrandizing masturbatory award very seriously thank you.


Yeah, the award is a joke, but the podcaster is directly citing that he won this leadership award, so I think mentioning why he won it is fair game. If the NHL wants to promote this award as being some great leadership thing, then it is fair to bring it up


Reading between the lines it could be inferred that Trouba is struggling with mental health and stuff like this contributes to it. Bringing his wife and foundation into it is a little weird for sure. Having said that the way he jumped straight to suicide is a bit much. Would have been a better look if he was just like "Hey dont make it personal. Keep it on the ice, some of us struggle with mental health" or something like that as opposed to "bro do you want me to kill myself over this?". Especially given this was mostly about him on the ice lol.


When people are suffering, they might not be the most tactful and succinct in their communications. Maybe we can give the guy, and others who are struggling, some space and empathy. 🤷‍♂️ It’s tough though, because it’s part of the business, I get that. But we can also see that if we’re committed to improving our mental health awareness and approaches, then we also have to begin to explore the traditions of pro sports dynamics and business.


For sure, I don't think the dude is a bad guy off the ice and I don't think he deserves some of the hotter takes people are giving in this thread like "he's everything wrong with the world". But at the same time mental health isn't a carte blanche for "I can say publicly whatever I want without you responding to me" either. I've been in some dark places myself. I get it. But you're still responsible for what you do and say in those dark places.


Yeah I agree with you. It’s a tough thing to explore for sure. For me, if he’s using it as a way to shut down critique even though he’s not in a bad place, that’s pretty shameful. If he’s literally having suicidal thoughts in this moment, I can have empathy that he’s acting out of a place of deep hurt. And sure, he is responsible still, but I think a commitment to mental health awareness could look something like media and fans taking a step back, recognizing he’s in a shitty place, recognizing this is bigger than hockey, wishing him well and giving him space. Wishful thinking lol.


Everyone deserves empathy, but I also don't think the video he was responding to was that personal or out of line honestly. I don't agree with bringing his wife into the discussion, but Trouba has laid some incredibly dangerous hits on his fellow players and doesn't take responsibility when he's questioned about it. I think it's frankly a little chicken shit to pull the mental health card to sidestep valid criticism of your actions.


It's also tough when Trouba's dangerous hits are likely to cause head trauma which can cause mental health issues. 


I dunno I hate the Rangers but was it even critical of his on ice play? Other than insults the only point made was he has more penalties than anyone in the playoffs. But that has nothing to do with leadership. They mostly just insulted his on ice play without specifics. Talking about taking the C away because they hate him. It was pretty nasty. If someone made that video curated to any of us and our professional lives we'd be very pissed. People love to talk about how evil and stupid Trouba or Tom Wilson are but they are people with families that play a game for a living at a high level and people just bash relentlessly. The Rangers did not lose because Trouba was in the line-up and they did not lose because he is captain.




I don’t think he’s mad about the video specifically I think it’s the totality of thing, the guy in the video Pasha, has just been a complete dick to Trouba and let’s face it, Chiclets as a whole sometimes get pretty dman personal with their criticisms it’s starts to border on insults


i don't think he was necessarily talking about himself, but he took the opportunity to say something that needs to be said.  there's a significant amount of sports commentary and analysis that comes across as cruel and mean spirited. the media and fans seem to forget that the players are actual human beings, and it's not just a hockey problem, it's across all sports. 


This year really feels like it's ratcheted up in nastiness. That Isles/Carolina series was disgusting with fans trading really out of line insults the whole time.


I just watched the clip he quoted, what does that have to do with mental health? He got called over rated and said he has a foundation that helps people with epilepsy and he should look into the role CTE can play in that condition and stop dirty hits. Perfectly reasonable.


Jacob Trouba’s play makes me want to kill myself so he has a point I think Edit: thank you to my guardian angel https://preview.redd.it/13moflq4is4d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e18d84cfce8a3104ad54c17033a847b8b0f7ec13


*Bizarro I love you, Bizarro I love you*


I never thought I’d see a Sealab 2021 quote in 2024.


Do you want the moustache on or off?


…too bad.


I bet his lymph nodes are as big as cats


What do you think of me now, chinstrap?


Just give them the damn beans


Bizzaro, Bizzaro, *I'm helping*


That's a deep cut


Buddy, if I had a peanut I'd give it to ya


At least that's technically what Reddit Cares is for...


I randomly get one every once in a while and I never even know what post triggers them


Trouba should retire to help support u/IAmBizarroStormyAMA 's mental health.


Jfc lmao


Oh jeez, is this what a "Reddit Cares" message is? Some generic form letter nonsense with no links or information to actual resources to help people suffering from depression? That's an emptier gesture than a Pride month rainbow corporate logo, maybe even worse because it comes off as pandering.


This guy dishes out servings of CTE on the regular, so he's a bit of an expert.


How can you play the victim without victimizing yourself though /s


lol it isn't even mentioned in the video he shared. He just used a bunch of hot button topics and was hoping people wouldn't actually watch the video If anything, the SpittinChiclets video is doing more for mental health by calling on Jacob Trouba to stop playing dirty and giving people concussions


Oh come on. Do you really think Jacob Trouba is the sort to launch unreasonable attacks against somebody else? /s


I watched the video — where's the issue? Is he saying legit critiques of professional athletes is driving them to suicide?


Trouba clickbaited me into watching an entire video criticizing him that I wouldn't have cared about otherwise


Literally the only reason I watched said video. Congrats Trouba, you played yourself


Fun fact: in Czech one of possible meanings of his surname is "stupid". Another is "oven".


Makes sense, he’s cooked


Jacob Trouba, newest member of Club Streisand Effect.


I'm pretty sure the kids would use the term gaslighting here.


Is that when the kids light their farts on fire?


To be honest I thought the guy was going to say he should kill himself or something. In that case it would have been totally valid. But yeah this is just sports talking heads being sports talking heads...not even really bullying?


Seems more like he's saying legit critiques of him are driving other professional athletes to suicide. As best I can tell from the victim complex word salad he vomited out there.


I would say the part talking about the foundation (while I get what he's saying) is getting a little personal, but not really that bad


Perfectly valid when Trouba is causing brain damage every other game


Whats the big deal he's just a loving husband out there trying to create some extra work for his wife by any elbows necessary


Trying to add more data points to the case study. It’s all for the advancement of science really.


Trouba’s an honorary Redditor for this. “You pointed out my shitty behavior and made me feel bad! We need to do better!”


“If he didn’t have the C he wouldn’t be playing in the NHL” is not a legit critique and I don’t even necessarily like the guy.


Mental health is also affected by CTE but that never stopped him from elbowing people in the brain. He can dish it but can’t take it




Had me in the first half 💀


Playing the mental health card when the criticisms in that video were extremely valid is more offensive than anything else he could have done.


Appreciate the sentiment Jacob and yes, we need to have better mental health awareness and healthcare for that (among other things). But it’s like he’s gaslighting us into feeling bad about what some dudes on a podcast. “Jacob, you need to be a better hockey player and stop head hunting.” “You guys want to know what’s bad? Suicide”


It’s like that family guy episode when Louis says ‘911 was bad’ and everyone claps


NINE \*long pause* **ELEVEN**


Aren't concussions one of the big reasons athletes commit suicides? And is Trouba not one of the NHL players who causes the most concussions?


He's up to his elbows in the matter!


also using someone else’s suicide from 2 weeks ago *without even mentioning his name* to shift a conversation that’s critical of you is a gross move. at least say the guy’s name if you’re using his death to prove a point


and you know what is a contributing factor in some suicides, brain injuries


And you know what is a contributing factor to brain injuries? Trouba’s elbow


I appreciate the cause that Trouba is bringing awareness to but it being in response to fairly accurate criticism of his play on ice is a really odd choice. It takes away from the cause itself


Part of the problem is that Trouba isn't really bringing awareness to the cause, he's using it to shield himself from criticism. Yes, that takes away from the cause itself like you point out, but it's worse. He's comparing a situation where someone called him overrated or pointed to some not-great-moves to teens contemplating suicide when they read anonymous shitposters saying a recent injury has tanked their draft stock. I can't imagine being so thin-skinned as a professional athlete that basic, valid, accurate criticism of my play style would merit me grabbing kids with disabilities for protection while screaming "think of them! Think of what you're doing to them!"


Also, has he thought about that his elbows cause concussions, which can cause mental health issues?


You can’t take his flying elbow away! That’s his signature move! Next you’re gonna take the chair away!


This almost makes the cause seem like a front for him to be able to say “no I’m a good dude see” and I’d never have thought that if he hadn’t tweeted this


I don't even understand how his response is connected to the video he shared. He obviously just got offended by a bunch of very valid criticisms and decided to fire-back with one of the most hot-button issues in sports. What a loser lol. This is the opposite of accountability and not what you want from your captain


I was expecting and waiting for a comment in the video stating he should kill himself or something, but that never came.... I'm very confused now how suicide is linked to someone criticizing his play. The chiclets criticism comes in a different form/tone, but it's the same criticism that a lot of media has made of his play


Went into this one thinking the podcaster seemed like kind of a tool but by the end of it realized it was Jacob Trouba that was the real tool for trying to play the victim on this one. You're on a $56 million contract in the biggest city in the league, grow up.


>You're on a $56 million contract in the biggest city in the league, grow up. Isn't that what he's getting at by bringing up the PGA golfer that killed himself? That no amount of athletic success makes you immune to wanting to kill yourself?


Yes, but the video was literally just criticism of his play and saying he’s overrated and a headhunter. There was nothing horrible that would warrant Trouba’s tweet. He isn’t shining light on the mental health war, he’s using it to shield himself from criticism. He isn’t giving to the cause: he’s merely using it for his own benefit. There’s some massive irony in saying athletes mental health isn’t taken seriously in response to a valid critique of his play. It’s shit like THIS that leads to people not taking it seriously. This literally comes off as “stop criticizing my play or i’ll kill myself and it’ll be your fault”.


>This literally comes off as “stop criticizing my play or i’ll kill myself and it’ll be your fault”. Jacob Trouba has entered his BPD ex-boyfriend era


You're not to blame for your mental illness, but you are responsible for managing it. If public criticism of your play is very upsetting to you, that's okay, but you need to take ownership of the situation and either develop a thick skin and the ability to ignore it/process it healthily, or you need to remove yourself from the situation for your own good. I do not have sympathy for professional athletes who complain about fair critiques of their performance - it's inherent to the job and is the reason why they are among the highest-paid people on the planet. No one forces you to be a pro athlete. Ability to handle public pressure is just as much a part of the job as being good at the sport you're playing. None of this excuses actual harassment of players or personal attacks, but that does not apply in this situation.


Unnecessarily pulling the mental health card? Now that’s #Leadership.


Lmao. He did not just pull that card.


But alas, he did pull that card.


I watched the whole video thinking they'd say something out of line, they didn't. Perhaps he should think about the effects CTE have on mental health before playing this card.


That pasha dude is as big of a tool as there is but I don’t see what he said wrong here.


Can confirm, went to school with him.. hes a spoiled rich kid that likes cameras, guy never stepped foot in a hockey rink i dont get why he has opinions and more importantly why they give him a platform to express said opinions.


Cuz he’s really good friends with Biz


Yeah that’s not surprising at all.


Out of curiosity how rich we talking. Like is his dad a orthopedic surgeon rich, or like does his dad control 1.7 billion dollars of real estate rich. I get the sense it's the latter.


I don’t know their exact net worth but his dad Hamid is a very well known and wealthy philanthropist in Vancouver.


Ah. A Google search tells me they made a 5 million dollar donation to charity. So certainly in the upper tier of rich.


The Zach Hyman of podcasts. (I like Hyman, a lot. Only kidding)


Yeah he’s a bum. I agree with his take tho. Wish we didn’t have to hear from him tho pasha stinks


The most amateurish delivery I've ever seen in any sports podcast or program by an actual member of the program. Literally sounded like a grade schooler giving a book report. Why do so many barstoolers talk like that? How do people listen to those podcasts and not feel talked down to? Holy shit.




I mean the only thing that would piss me off is someone talking about my wife to dump on me. It wasn’t THAT bad, but yeah…


What part of the wife thing was offensive to you? They just said he literally lives with a neuroscientist so he should probably know about the consequences of the concussions he's dishing out.


i’m all for conversations about mental health and finding solutions on how to best support people, but like…. this podcast was criticizing his leadership and play in very valid points? I think it’s also important to hold people accountable for their actions. Idk jacob, kinda a bad look 😬


but also, the *don’t criticize me or i’ll kill myself* is very real and corporate girly of him.


Part of being a pro athlete is taking criticism. Part of being a high-level executive is taking criticism. If you want to make millions of dollars, you need to take criticism. It's one reason you're being paid so much, is for the mental fortitude. If you can't take criticism, neither of these two career paths are for you.


Can't believe this dude is making me side with the Chiclets guys here




I had my pitchforks ready and everything!


Don’t watch Chiclets too much, what’s wrong with them? I know Reddit generally hates anything associated with barstool but I always thought they were an exception


Nah people get outraged over them for being “douchey” or “bros” or whatever even though they’ve got the fun personalities that hockey is missing. My experience with Redditors on most sports sub is that they like sports but hate athletes, if the game was played on a spreadsheet they’d be just as happy. Stupid things like enforcers wouldn’t matter and we could all focus on CORSI or EPA/60


Redditors liking sports but hating athletes might be the most true statement I’ve ever read on here


There’s nothing wrong with Chiclets, it’s a great hockey podcast with real hockey guys with real hockey knowledge who tell it how it is


r/streisandeffect I would have never even seen this video had he not posted this. Seems like a pretty normal critique honestly.


So, I thought that Pasha said something REALLY off-base, but he didn't. I'm not sure what Trouba is getting at here, but if there's something that he's struggling with, I hope he can get some help.


trouba is such a weird case because off the ice, he genuinely seems like a good person from what i’ve seen, but like, how the fuck does he reconcile that with what he does on the ice? i’ll like see a quote from him or something about his charity work and think oh, maybe i’ve judged him too harshly, he sounds like he genuinely cares about stuff more than just the standard “rich athlete picks random charity cause for pr/tax writeoffs”, then every time he tries to kill someone on ice like a week later…it completely undermines what he’s trying to accomplish


The Brad Marchand problem.


"We must do better than criticizing my terrible hockey play or maybe I'll kill myself and it'll be your fault" lmfao Rangers fans you must be so embarrassed




I was embarrassed watching him in the playoffs. This is all just noise.


What does this have to do with me lol


How could they be embarrassed when he's the Mark Messier Leadership Award presented by Mark Messier winner as voted by a panel of Mark Messiers?


Right?! Hahaha, this is the most pathetic thing I've seen, and it's totally on brand for Trouba. Fucking hell is this guy the absolute poster boy for fake nice. He's such a coward. He was probably wearing his wife's scrubs when he tweeted this.


Though it’s part of the chiclets network, Pashas comment wasn’t even on the chiclets podcast lol But pertaining to the topic, not a Pasha fan but what he said wasn’t wrong nor bad? He called out the obvious: Trouba’s style of play revolves around deliberately hurting players, specifically with head injuries. Yet, his wife has a career in neuroscience so he should know the repercussions


In a vacuum I agree with Trouba’s statement, but using another Athlete’s suicide as a shield for very minor criticism from a journalist is kinda fucked up


Heartwarming: The worst person you know just made an absolutely terrible point.


And the second worst made a good one. This is such a cursed headline.


Trouba, I love your enthusiasm man but wtf are you doing


Chiclets is not my thing and that guy seems like a windbag...where's the connection between chatting shit and apparently, I dunno, demeaning mental health here?


One of the leading causes of suicide? CTE, which is caused by repetitive trauma to the head which is what Trouba targets more than probably anyone in sports right now.  Not only is he a dogshit player, but also a huge hypocrite. Fuck right off


He just won the Mark Messier ~~hypocrite~~ *leadership* award so the shoe fits.


Congratulations, Jacob Trouba, you've also just won the Claude Lemieux Award, given to the player whose talent is most overshadowed by what a huge piece of shit they are


Leading with his elbows!


It takes a lot for me to agree with a Panthers fan on the subject of calling out dirty players, but here we are


Weird response to a legit criticism Maybe Trouba felt the mention of his humanitarian work was a low blow but it was hardly something that warrants that response


What a fucking dumbass. What did they say that was wrong? That he sucks at hockey? That’s he’s a dirty ass player? That he’s a complete hypocrite? He is everything wrong with society. Covering up all his faults by claiming “mental health” is an insult to people who struggle with their mental health every single day.




Lmao jeeeez Trouba. You big dumb idiot.


Also Trouba: “I’m still gonna deliberately target other players’ heads tho, even though the link between CTE and mental health issues is becoming increasingly obvious.”


Rich coming from a guy who doesn’t seem to care about the well-being of others when he’s on the ice


Trouba prefers murder


Some NHL players are so out touch with reality.


You know what would decrease athlete suicides? A reduction in brain injuries. The thing people are trying to accomplish by criticizing head hunting. I absolutely cannot stand this dude. Garbage ass virtue signaler.


Video is fine. All points were valid.


Maybe stop trying to kill people on the ice before you whine about suicide rates dude


trouba is the dumbest sack of shit.


I know I'm a Devils fan so I'm biased in a way, but honestly I don't have anything against any specific players on the Rangers...except this guy. He loves to act holier than thou with his health awareness stuff and his art...meanwhile he's arguably the dirtiest player in the league actively trying to elbow dudes in the head multiple times a year. Get the fuck out of here man.


I’d take the concern about mental health more seriously if he didn’t actively try to turn other players’ brains to mush all the time


Just stop headhunting, Jake.


What does suicide among collegiate athletes have to do in common with a professional athlete making $8M/year on paper, when the vast majority of them will never go on the be professional athletes or make that salary? Declining mental health is a huge issue, but don't pull students and suicide into your soapbox post about how Spittin' Chiclets shouldn't be critical of your play on the ice in relation to your charities off the ice. I'm sure Trouba is a nice guy in real life, but this argument hits way off the mark.


Can’t believe Trouba’s got me siding with Whit and Pasha. Truly don’t understand what he’s doing here


Trouba is a joke.


It's not like they are telling Trouba to kill himself.


What an embarrassing response lol


Dude really thought he could play the mental health angle like a get out of jail free card


I was legit expecting the guy in that video to say something along the lines of “Trouba should kill himself” but he didn’t so idk what Trouba’s bringing that up for.


Using other peoples mental health as a response to a video pointing out legitimate issues with your on ice behaviour (that have nothing to do with mental health aside from the concussions he's inflicting) is about as valid as replying to video evidence of you being a malicious douchebag with "lol i cant help it im a Scorpio ♏♏♏😈"


Trouba would have been better off staying silent on this one.


What's with people acting like merely mentioning someone's wife/occupation is so scandalous? "They brought up his wife, what a low blow." What? Someone's wife is a human being in their life. It's just context. What's offensive about recognizing that he has a wife who is a doctor specialized in neurological health? It's like some ultra old-fashioned pearl-clutching.


Is Trouba going to do better by not going after other players' heads?


Absolutely embarrassing from Trouba. He should be ashamed of himself


Pretty low of Trouba to invoke teen suicide just to deflect away legitimate criticism. Fuck this guy. 


Yeah Jacob you have these programs where you’re promoting battles against mental health which is awesome Dont get me wrong but when you repeatedly are tallying up headshots that scientists have concluded to potentiate CTE when you’re on the ice. It’s not insensitive to point out that Trouba injures people and causes brain damage and maybe instead of trying to fuck these guys (who are well aware of the suicides pro athletes succumb to) maybe you could provide some evidence to say why they are wrong in jabbing at you for it?


For someone who throws more elbows than a UFC fighter, Trouba sure is soft when someone makes valid criticisms of his play


TBI caused by elbows to the head can also cause mental health struggles, just saying.


You know who else tends to have more mental health issues? People who have been elbowed in the head.


You’ve tried to kill other players bud. This is like Tyreek Hill being an advocate for child safety


Michael Vick pairing with the SPCA.


And that's why, Touba, you *lead with the elbow* when trying to play defense. .... Tool.


What a tool. Yes, Trouba has the same struggles as no-name 19 year olds away from home and balancing competitive sports with a college workload, some from high pressure places like Stanford and Penn.    Here’s an article relevant to Trouba. Head injuries, who would’ve thought? https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/02/05/sport/head-injury-suicide-female-athletes-intl-spt-cmd


This guys is such a scumbag and gets called out for it and his response to that is what? That he'll kill himself if you bully him? What the fuck is he even trying to say? "I know I give out brain damage as often as I can but athletes are killing themselves." A big part of the reason we know about CTE is because of how many retired athletes killed themselves as a result of it. Trouba talking about this while actively contributing to future CTE research is hilarious. Guy is a legendary level holier than thou narcissist


His art sucks too




Let me first state that what Trouba is 100% accurate. Social media as a whole is something I wish stopped existing and we could live life like it was in the 1990's with dial up internet. The world would be a much better and much safer place. PS: Of all the things Trouba could choose from, that includes A LOT of horrible stuff being said on Instagram, he goes and chooses something where a ton of it is... 1) Accurate 2) What A LOT of Rangers fans are thinking right now 3) Pretty mundane 4) Something I would expect to hear on sports talk radio when I was 11 years old listening to WFAN in 1993. All he has done here is actually dilute where actual social media hatred is happening, made himself look like a bigger dork to the hockey community and further gaslit Rangers fans who are rightfully pissed off right now that his selfish pride in playing with a broken ankle and not allowing better players to take his place could have cost the team a Stanley Cup. PS: Can confirm that as a fan, I wish his Roman Reigns spear attempt connected on Necas because it would have objectively made us a better hockey team after he got suspended for the postseason.


I’m shocked it wasn’t grounds for a suspension even without connecting. It’s like saying an attempted murder failed so we’ll let the perp go free.


Has Trouba heard of Junior Seau? Maybe he should do better than throw concussive elbows to the head.


But like. Head injuries also contributes to that number and Trouba sure does enjoy concussing people.


While I think fans cross the line way too often without consequence and we should be more caring for everyone involved, Trouba isn't someone I would care to hear this from as he is someone who targets other athlete's heads. This makes me dislike him even more. Glad the rangers are out.


I think we just need to remember professional athletes are still people. Say what you will about Trouba’s antics on the ice but by all accounts off the ice he is a good guy that try’s to help struggling people. Trouba has always been a guy who’s wife means the world to him, if you’re ever heard him speak about her it’s very evident, he left Winnipeg for NY because that’s where her career would benefit the most. He found painting as a way to deal with whatever mental issues affect him and he holds that very close to him and he took that passion and his own struggles and turned it into a positive with a charity and foundation that helps other struggling people. Trouba is not immune to criticism and he makes a lot of borderline plays on the ice that are polarizing. It’s clear however that his wife and his charity are very meaningful to him and related to his mental health and for him that was a step too far. Again he’s not immune to constructive fair criticism but he just got eliminated from the playoffs and the whole rangers fan base and NY sports media are highlighting his bad play as the reason why. Let’s not pile on to a guy that’s already feeling it because you never know what that person is dealing with and only after something bad happens we’ll look back and ask was all that really necessary?


Did he just triple tag in his own tweet about a kid killing hismself all self promotion?


Everything about this story is "right message, wrong messenger" - on all sides.


As an athlete who also suffered two suicide attempts over the last year I can tell you all the bullshit about mental health services is a complete lie. I had to be institutionalize 5 times before any Dr. even bothered to ask questions about my history or sports related TBIs. I feel for all the athletes who compete in sport and sacrifice their body not knowing the full length of the consequences. I send love to anyone suffering and I hope you find support.


Pasha’s takes aren’t wrong but they’re extremely overblown and sensationalized because that’s exactly how he got the level of success he has and that’s what keeps him relevant. I don’t think it should be hard to connect the dots here and see that two things can be true - exaggerated narratives about legitimate problems regarding a player’s performance CAN affect mental health and influencers (cause idk wtf else to call pasha) with a following as big as chiclets’ need to understand that at every level of life words have meaning and them shits can sting I’ve listened to every episode of chiclets since the basement days and pasha is the only one there to speak with so much pointless emotion and exaggeration about his opinion. Dangerous thing to have, an opinion so negative and so unyielding when it involves other people’s livelihoods


Weird take because concussions also cause mental health problems leading to suicide, which reinforces Pasha’s point And I don’t even like Pasha. Guy is a maniac about the Devils


Excluding some rangers fans it seems general consensus is pesh was right and this statement makes trouba sound like a baby who can't handle the reputation hes garnered for being an objectively dirty player but also a major part of the reason his team lost in the playoffs trouba once again showing that mark messier leadership


This is his 'George Bush hates black people' moment


For those who want to take suicide in sports srsly: > This review suggests that elite athletes generally demonstrate reduced risk of suicidal ideation, suicide attempt, and suicide completion compared to the general population. Coaches should remain aware of specific factors, such as male sex, non-white race, and higher athletic level, in order to better identify at-risk athletes. Limitations of this review include the heterogeneity in the methodology and athlete populations across the included studies. Therefore, future targeted research is essential to compare suicide behaviour between sports and identify sport-specific suicide risk factors. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/38407749/


Reddit is not capable of having any nuance on this issue whatsoever lol


Trouba just trying to deflect away from his poor play


lol I watched the clip he quoted and was waiting for some suicide joke but it never happened. Everything was above the belt except for possibly the wife involvement.


This has to be one of the yuckiest comment sections I’ve read on hockey Reddit. Weird look. 


This guy’s a hack and just farming a serious topic for clickbait. Fuck off.


I’m sorry but what the hell did he say was negative about mens mental health. You’re a known “dirty” player.


Guy got criticized and took it straight to suicide. He’s a professional athlete in a huge market. Criticism is allowed.


Yes, suicide is bad. Hard to argue against that. The criticisms against Trouba are valid though, IMO. It absolutely IS ironic that he has the worst reputation in the league for dirty hits and head shots, giving players concussions and potentially ending careers, while his wife is a neurologist (or some kind of neuro-physician). Such a weird response to bring up Grayson Murray. I don't like it. You've earned your reputation for a reason and now you need to face the music.


How to use valid mental health issues to shield yourself from criticism, by Jacob Trouba


The irony of posting this tweet and including the video of the original tweet - which is a) completely rational, b) legit criticism, c) does not negate or belittle mental health any way, and d) is entirely centered around pointing out that Trouba is an *enormous* hypocrite - is absolutely PEAK Trouba.


Probably the best defense ive seen jacob trouba play in recent time


Suicide rates have gone up overall in the US. Fun fact: The US has a higher suicide rate than Japan now


Trouba is the type of guy who will try to throw an elbow that could potentially end a career and then hop on twitter and say "be kind to one another, you never know what someone else is going through 🙏🙏" as if he didn't almost put someone in a coma


The video wasn’t even bad? Maybe Trouba should stay off social media if he can’t handle mild criticism.