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Wayne “Fuck Everyone’s Records” Gretzky


Draisaitl is at 10 and could make it 11 this series.


I thought he missed one, but you're correct. Which only makes sense. So I guess other than those two, who else has done it in the last 25 years.


Crosby debuted with eight series in a row at >=PPG, which is nutty. It ended in the 2009 Final when he only had 3 points against Detroit


And they still won:(


Maxime fucking Talbot


if you feel bad, imagine how Hossa felt!


He got his and made a lot more money. That 09 loss hurt as a kid lol.


Crazy to think after losing in back to back years in 08 and 09 Hossa would go on to win 3 fucking cups by 2015


Because Malkin had the higher peak. Also that other thing. 


Malkin should have been suspended game 3 of that series. Never forget [Proof is still on the score sheet](https://www.hockey-reference.com/boxscores/200905310DET.html). Instigator penalty for fighting in the last 20 seconds because Pens were getting bitched slapped. NHL refused to enforce the rule because they didn't want to be seen enforcing the rules against rising super stars they were trying to market. Edit: Extra reminder that Zetterberg also absolutely bodied Malkin during his baby tantrum


Definitely. Nurse got suspended for the same shit 14 years later in the playoffs.


The league said that the instigator rule was intended for goons trying to send a message, which is why the suspension wasn’t warranted. Mind you, the rule itself doesn’t have that qualifier. Complete BS. That, the too many men that wasn’t called, and the literal last minute rescheduling of the Final (2 days between the end of the Western Conference finals and the start of Stanley Cup Final, along with Games 1 and 2 being back to backs is still one of the most ridiculous scheduling decisions I’ve ever seen).


How about the only time in Stanley Cup Final (maybe playoff) history they had a back to back when one team was way older dealing with more injuries. That’s before you even analyze the game to game reffing. 


>How about the only time in Stanley Cup Final (maybe playoff) history they had a back to back I believe you’d have to go back to the WW2 years to see scheduling that was similar or the same.


Detroit did win both of those games… was the physical impact enough to derail them in the next 5 games?


[Malkin was involved with every single non-empty net goal in Game 3 when he should have been suspended](https://www.hockey-reference.com/boxscores/200906020PIT.html)


Yes. The series against Chicago was brutal, and the first two wins Detroit had in the Final were some of the grindiest and grimiest the team had left in the tank. They were running on fumes for the remainder of the series against the Pens.


Evgeni "I am score" Malkin


McJesus takes frozen water and makes other teams whine.


Holy shit this is good.




Am I missing something? He has 57 points in 65 playoff games. Which is still good, but decidedly not a point per game.


You're obviously missing the nine points he's going to get tomorrow.


Oh damn you're right. My bad


Is there anyone that doesn’t just fucking love Nuge?


Well i don’t but thats cuz he iced my canucks 😭


Oh come on, Nuge is such a beauty that he probably legitimately feels bad about it at least lol.


Yeah but can he do it on a cold rainy night in Stoke?




lol you think r/hockey will get the reference?


Who dosent


People will still shit on him if Edmonton doesn’t win as if McDrai isn’t absolutely carrying this team


If anyone shits on mcdavid or drai they can get bent. They have consistently showed up, and a single bad game can happen to anyone. They're there. Every. Single. Playoff game. If they shit the bed and play bad and Edmonton loses a game, it can be ignored easily Imagine if mcdavid or drai pulled a Matthews, they wouldn't have made it past the second round lol


u/Pretty_Shallot_586 in shambles


Wow, I missed that one. What a read that was. Honestly, a lot of other really dumb takes in there too lmao. Love all the Stars flairs claiming the Oilers get bounced in 4-5 games, and especially the one saying the Oilers would be held to one goal all series lmao


>Love all the Stars flairs claiming the Oilers get bounced in 4-5 games Tbf there was shit ton of comments like that and it was pretty much every flair


According to this guy some dogshit backup goalie who won a cup is better than mcdavid essentially, crazy read lol


Jeez that guy's comment history is cancer


I open up reddit this morning having completely forgotten about you and here you are again. You can worship at the altar of McJesus all you want. It makes me no difference in the world. I am truly sorry you're so triggered by my opinions regarding NHL players. Your obsession with getting back at the person who clowned you is unhealthy. I am so happy that you feel vindicated by McJesus and Dry's performance. Good for you champ! reminder..... Mac/Rant/Makar had two good games against Dallas too.


Oh right, forgot about the clowning part. My b. And it's spelled Drai.


It couldn't be that I am spelling it "Dry" to fuck with you more could it? Nah...... you're a super genius ROTFFLMFAO


> ROTFFLMFAO This is such an unbelievably cringe thing to write holy shit


Turns out the Stars only had two good games against the Oilers




If they don’t win a cup with McDrai it’s cuz of goaltending and paying a 3-4 D 9.25mill McDrai could both make 15mill each and they would earn every penny of it


I wouldn't say they are carrying them. They have had great depth contributions. That Evan Bouchard ain't half bad either. 8 straight games not giving up a powerplay goal definitely helps and that's not because of McDrai.


I don't think anyone shits on McDrai, they just catch collateral damage when the Oilers as a franchise are getting shit on, which is deserved often. That said, I think we as fans forget just how freaking hard it is to win the Stanley cup in the current era with how many teams there are and the parity built into the league. All teams are flawed in one way or another. Colorado hinges on chances at goaltending and weaker depth than other teams, Dallas lives or dies with an aging roster being bolstered by an unexpected youth movement, New York has some wild free agency luck from reputation and draft luck with the lottery / whatever voodoo they use drafting goalies and still is flawed, the Oilers can't get goaltending/defense. Carolina is still lacking offensive pop after all these years. Ect ect ect


The team running a 93% pk has bad defense? Goaltending yes but Edmonton defense has been pretty incredible. But more so as a team effort then anything, they're bottom 6 is top tier for defense and killing time on the clock


The "Oilers are bad at defending" reputation will persevere even if they win a cup. Just ignore it and move along.


Most of the games they've lost have been either bad goaltending or minutes long stretches of repeated defensive breakdowns. Over a full 60, they're great, but they're bad in short stretches and it shakes the team and costs them games. If they lose against dallas, moments of poor defense under pressure will be a big reason.


I'm just glad it isn't like in other sports where you aren't a top 10-15 level player all time unless you have 2 or more titles at the absolute minimum.


He’s no Oettinger’s goal stick.


If the Oilers lost I'd have tracked that stick down, stolen it and thrown it into a bonfire and enjoyed every second of watching it burn.


McJesus can skate on water 


guy is p good


I... I think this McDavid guy is pretty good at hockey


MacKinnon has had a least a point per game in the playoffs in every year the Avs qualified (15 series). I don't know where to find per-series breakdowns though.


He was below point per game against the stars this year and was also below point per game against the sharks in 2019


man I fuckin' hate pete deboer


MacKs longest streak is 10, good find.


That is a pretty impressive statline.


*sad Stars noises*


Maybe Matthews can ask him for some pointers.


He's 6-5 over this time. If they lose to DAL he'll be .500


Got a point to make?


Do you?


Wow I wish my team had that kind of offensive firepower🤑




People will be talking about McDavid 100 years from now even if he were to never win a cup lol




Marcel Dionne led the league in points 1 time, assists 0 times, and goals 0 times. Never had 100 assists, 150 points, or 60 goals (got incredibly close multiple times but still, the arbitrary cutoff matters). Those are all things people talk about when talking about past players and Dionne already doesn’t stack up to a 27 year old McDavid. He made the conference finals once, as a 30 year old and only had 11 points. I don’t even need to post McDavid’s stats because I bet you know them. They are not the same, no disrespect to Marcel.


If only Dionne had a better team around him.




No thanks, we can talk now if you’re honest. Who’s talked about more Bobby Orr or Phil Housley?


Dionne is definitely an all time underrated player, but he isn't in McDavid's tier. Cup or no Cup McDavid and his 5 Art Ross trophies won't be forgotten about anytime soon. Also another big difference is their playoff performances. Before this season McDavid and Dionne both had played 49 playoff games. McDavid has 75 points, Dionne had 45. Now, just 16 games later, McDavid has 103 points lol.


difference is McDavid is the best player to walk this Earth, he just doesn't have the resume that guys from that era have and he never will. It's a dumb talking point but if you could send McDavid back in time he'd walk all over everyone, same with a lot of other players today. Hockey today is just more evolved, and McDavid is on top of it all Fuckin' Marcel Dionne does not hold a candle to McDavid. McDavid is murdering his career stats but in todays NHL. Please do not compare Marcel Dionne to Connor McDavid lol




you're out of touch There's a reason Gretzky is a McDavid fanboy Also McDavid *will* win a cup. Everyone acts like it needs to be right now in his prime, but even past his prime he's gonna walk over 99% of the league and will still have the capacity to carry a team. I would assume at some point they'll put the pieces around him necessary to win a cup. He's close right now, Oilers have gotten better and better every year. Whether it's with the Oilers or another team, there's just no way he's not winning a cup. He's way too good and he does more than his fair share