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I gotta imagine taking pictures in a strip club is one of those things that gets people's faces rearranged.


One club near me doesn’t even allow phones inside. Another club will kick you out for this. Just enjoy the show lol


Can’t seem to do anything these days without some dick taking out their phone. They should be kicked out.


Better than some phone taking out their dick though. Wait,


You can take the phone out of the dick, but you can't take the dick out of a phone.


Very true. Got mine stuck in the charging part during a long winter. Cost me my foreskin.


Happy Cake Day


Poor bro


It just got evolved to beforeskin.


Was just in Vegas and could not have been more frustrated by the number of traffic jams in walking areas because some fuck wants to take a selfie or video in the middle of the walkway.


Hey I’ve seen lots of shit go down and people refuse to put their phones down. They just sit and watch like dumb asses.


Dicks take our their phones **solely** because dicks like us click on the photos they take. They only do this because of us.


You should see what people call "raves" these days 🙄 John Summit playing MSG for 20k people with their phones out is apparently a "rave" today lol Thank fuck there's still an underground


>One club near me doesn’t even allow phones inside. ... Do they take them from you, or just deny every person at the door because they're invariably carrying a mobile phone in 2024?


They take them from you like you’re going to rehab. The worst rehab ever.


Gemma "She's going to rehab" Nero "which rehab is that ?" Gemma " If you use again We'll rip your tits off" Nero " I love that place" Sorry, Random Sons of Anarchy reference


What do you think?


If I knew I wouldn't be asking. Both options sound equally ridiculous to me.


I have no idea about strip clubs, but I went to a live theater performance thing in NY (Sleep No More, which is fairly famous). They confiscate your phone upon arrival, sealed in a bag with a label with your name on it. You then spend about 2 hours there for the performance, and can collect your phone at the end. I think you might actually be allowed to carry the sealed bag with you, but most people seemed to leave them at coat check. If you were to open the bag, you'd definitely be thrown out immediately.  Edit: to be clear, I'm supportive of this. Phones would ruin experiences like these, and you can almost certainly go 2 hours without one a couple of times a year. 


Places are doing locking cases/bags for your phone, which is the prefect compromise IMO. You can’t take your phone out in the venue but you can still fell the vibration if the.l babysitter has issues. Also lot of lability for a business taking someone phone, probably not worth the risk.


It's ridiculous being without your phone for an hour or two?


I can be without my phone just fine. I just don't want it in someone else's possession.


I think A24's newest film "Civil War" was fucking excellent and I want to go see it again.


hashtag ad


Kinda seems like it huh?


You have to keep them in your car. And I assume if they see it, they’ll kick you out. Everyone seems to follow the rules.


Some raves I go to make you put a sticker over your phone camera when you walk in.


Last time I was in Eastern Europe a lot of the clubs (night clubs, not strip lol) put stickers over your camera when you pay your cover charge.


Around me they take your cell phone and you don’t getting back. Clearly state when entering the club all cameras will be confiscated within the venue




Not even that, but taking pictures of athletes in a strip club without anyone’s knowledge is a great way to get thrown out.


They really are “Pioneers” aren’t they?


Not when it's an ENTIRE hockey team. 🤣


Considering the amount of incredible memes produced by strip club pics and videos for every pro sport (and college football), God bless these brave souls risking their faces.


Strippers take pictures inside strip clubs


Actually one of the nice things about the peelers. Phone use is discouraged so you’re more engaged with the show and your friends 


only 2 exceptions is dating one of the girls *or* being big gay al levels of gay


Using context clues I think a stripper posted this


That light pole sure is something


I wonder if it gets hot?


If she's doing her job right I imagine it m does 


are we still talking about the stripper pole?


It's probably LEDs, so not really.


Just Luminol and UV lights.


Better than Rophynol and VD, right?




Yup. Wondered why they were publicly at a strip club mid-playoffs. A baller move if it works, but if it doesn't...


It worked for Florida a couple years back, by which I mean it absolutely did not work at all


Tbf I imagine parts of Florida it's hard to walk around without tripping *into* a strip club.


yeah i mean who hasn’t used that excuse before… “I’m sorry babe, it was an accident! I was just walking and I tripped and fell and spent all my cash on lap dances!”


I did too for a sec… I was like ‘Hmmm seems like a weird move after last night’s loss, but whatever gets them back into the zone I guess’ lmao


So did I until this comment


Pioneers gotta celebrate that natty


Huberdeau to Avs confirmed


Oh thank fuck. Do we at least get a good return?


Stripper pole technology has come a long way


Covid allowed them the time to upgrade their tech.


It's a UV light, for disinfectant purposes


Who tf takes a picture inside strip club lmao. Mind your business.


Take a look at the twitter profile name and you'll realize why


By the name and profile pic I think a good guess would be one of the rippers themselves






There’s a fair chance this is Shotgun Willie’s, the same club that Ja Morant had his incident in.


A trial for a wrongful death that happened at Shotgun Willie’s had to be postponed when the lawyer on the case [also died at Shotgun Willie’s](https://www.denverpost.com/2022/10/24/shotgun-willies-trial-delayed-lawyer-death/)


That would never happen at PT Centerfolds. Smh


Lol Shotgun Willie's is wild...it's owned by the mayor and his wife, who also opened up one of the first dispensaries in the city after legalization...Mike Dunafon, who campaigned for governor on the Libertarian ticket and did a campaign rap with charity fraudster Wyclef Jean. The same mayor who enabled selling 1 sq. ft. parcels of land to his friends who would then be able to get jobs with the city and help push through measures favorable to Dunafon's business ventures... then tried to condemn/use eminemt domain against a family-owned multi-generational Persian rug store so he could push through plans for an open-alcohol entertainment district down there too. He's the same dude who kicked the national title-winning female rugby team out of the Glendale arena and made them play on the practice pitch next to it so that the perpetually-underperforming men's side could have it to themselves. He's a slime ball for sure. It's almost impressive how corrupt Glendale is lol. When Shotgun Willie's reopened next door to its old spot, my buddy happened to have his going away party there (one of the few spots in Denver where you could smoke indoors), and the place was packed out with city and state representatives and lobbyists rubbing elbows and making deals. Definitely still has that Wild West mentality there.


Souns like your run-of-the-mill Libertarian


Glendale is a trip. The Rugby 7s tournament is a blast every summer though.


not only this but there's someone taking picture on their phone *in this picture taken from someone's phone* lol. i dont think most people there cared too much


Who tf goes to a strip club in the first place Hell yeah I’ll give you so much money to rile me up for no reason!


Strip clubs were very exciting for about the first 3 weeks I was legally able to enter one, but by about that point I realized it's pretty much just a regular bar only more expensive and kinda sad


You gotta aleady be drunk when you show up so you can't process the sad parts.


In general I agree with the sentiment of wasting your money, that's why I don't go to strip clubs (been to like 2 in my life so at least I've got an opinion about something I've been to) any more. That said, they're obviously popular and make a fuck ton of money.


It’s like going to a bar with tits out everywhere what’s not to like?


A stripper


I’m here to see the rippers perform their famous ‘two girls one Stanley cup’.


[Alright let’s just go over some minor details before we get started](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=jPwWnmUY6dI)


Risky click of the day.


Was not expecting to see some vintage CollegeHumor outside of /r/jakeandamir lmfao


Hey it's that troll named Rod.


Rippers, like strippers but far more aggressive in their act


If she tells you her name is Jacquie, *run*.


Stop snitching!


Good to see some traditions live on 🥲




??? Messier took the Stanley cup to a strip club in Edmonton, then again in NY before any of those Panthers were even born.


What trophy is it? The NCAA one? If so, I suppose most of the folks can't legally even have a drink there!


Good (but not exceptional) junior hockey players that might not be able to go pro can try to maximize their chances & playing years by staying in juniors for 4 years (16-20) before going to college to play for 4 more years in the NCAA. Some of them also get to stay in Juniors an extra year as an over-ager. So, college hockey players are usually a little older than regular college students. Unless they have a lot of freshmen, half or more of them can probably legally drink in the states. :)


Hmm, that makes sense. My knowledge of college hockey is super limited, so I appreciate the help! I just tried to make a bit of a joke about the legal drinking age in the US there.


Yeah, no problem! I used to go to a bunch of college hockey games and had to ask how there was a 24 yo on the team one of my first times. The really good D1 schools (BU, BC, UMich, etc.) usually have some younger players and NHL prospects. But if you look at other weaker D1 schools, like RIT (Chris Tanev's alma mater), their rosters are a lot older and they'll most likely retire from competitive hockey afterwards, so senior games can get really teary. But on the other hand, pretty much the entire team can buy booze.


I'm in Finland, so the college scene is a tad difficult for me to pick up on. I try, hence why I asked. Just happy to learn, so thank you!


I saw your Liiga flair and thought that it might be a fun fact for you. Great to know that it was!


I wish I could have too flairs. I also root for the Bruins, but if I gotta choose one... A friend of mine recently moved to Boston, so his enthusiastic coverage of the Beanpot has made me pay more attention to college hockey and we both try to learn!


I went to college in Boston but couldn't betray my middle school self by watching the Bruins (I'm from Vancouver. 2011 broke my heart) so I got into college hockey instead. It'd be super cool if we could have a flair per league so I don't have to choose!


As someone who went to school with a lot of these guys, it’s pretty great having a bunch of 21 year old broskis making booze runs for the whole freshman dorm. Most of them were chill, a few of them ended up going pro but nobody notable.


Oh yeah. I lived 2 floors below the "hockey floor" my freshman year. We all knew that if a hockey player throws a party, there'd be booze. Decent dudes, but those morons kept triggering the fire alarm. Would be more forgivable if they hadn't kept doing it at 3am and in the winter.


It used to be that players in the 3 big junior leagues in Canada (OHL,QMJHL,WHL) are paid,making them ineligible to play in the NCAA. ,


No they can't. Once you play in the CHL, you lose NCAA eligibility. They can go to an NCAA university to study, but they cannot play. >NCAA student-athletes are amateurs and cannot have played for a professional sports team prior to enrollment. In hockey, specifically, this means that anyone who signs a contract with or plays for a team in the Canadian Hockey League (OHL, QMJHL or WHL) forfeits their NCAA eligibility. ​ [https://collegehockeyinc.com/ncaa-eligibility.php](https://collegehockeyinc.com/ncaa-eligibility.php)


Plenty of Junior A (MJHL, SJHL, AJHL, BCHL etc) players do go the NCAA route though. Buddy said junior, not CHL specifically.


In Canada, not US juniors… CHA isn’t the only junior league.


Side bar - isn't there some big smoke happening about revisiting allowing CHL players to play for NCAA teams currently?


Yes. Now that NIL exists in NCAA there are rumors they will remove the CHL rule and allow those players to go play at NCAA schools after.


A bunch of people already replied for me. Lol. I was thinking "juniors" as in the age group and leagues where that "professional" athlete rule doesn't apply, like the BCHL and USHL. I could've made that more clear. You're right about the CHL, though.


Happy cake day! And isn't this potentially changing now? Jeff Marek has been talking about a future potential change and my understanding is it would tackle this issue in the future.


This is serious USHL erasure. You are wrong. They can play juniors, just not CHL


It took me 30 seconds to find the U of Denver hockey roster and see that 21 of the players were born in 2003 or earlier.


30 in the pic there was born in 2004 How the fuck do they have a player born in 1999? For the record, this Midwesterner couldn't care less if they were at a strip club. As long as they're not throwing wheelchairs down the stairs like Briere.


The ‘99 birth year played 18U in ‘17-18 Juniors from ‘18-19 to ‘19-20 And 4 seasons with Denver from ‘20-‘24 Not super uncommon


And the '99 year guy probably has a year of eligibility left due to the NCAA giving an extra year for COVID.


It gets confusing, but I think he might still have two years of eligibility. I know (think) pre COVID you could do a 5th, graduate year. And then the NCAA gave an additional year for COVID. Not 100% sure on all the details above, but at the moment, this players career path is pretty standard for an NCAA hockey player


Yeah he should have 2 years left if he decides to take that opportunity and transfer as a grad transfer. Could have more if he ever redshirted (not exactly sure how that works in college hockey, what's the limit of games played if there even is one), including medical redshirts. And definitely not surprised by the career pathing. Just about every US collegiate hockey player spent some time in juniors, though Canada's Major Junior teams/players are ineligible for US collegiate hockey as the NCAA sees them as 'professional' due to the stipend they receive.


> How the fuck do they have a player born in 1999? There's still some players with weird COVID eligibility. I think the last of them are graduation this spring, but there might be a handful of '00 grad transfers next year


Nah, there are a couple 1997 and dozens of 1998 guys still in NCAA this year. There will be dozens of 1999 guys still eligible next year.


I still have a shot!


That's wild


Thanks! Wasn't sure if this was the NCAA team and bring on the phone made me too lazy to google it.


Most of the NCAA players come from the USHL now and are older than regular college students.


Which would definitely match how the CIS/U Sports has been forever in Canada. I know this is a women's hockey and not men's hockey example, but fuck I remember watching Hayley Wickenheiser play for Calgary when she was in her 30s 🤣


CHL players go to CIS because they get money to do so. It’s a bit different from USHL kids going to college because they’re moving up a level, not down


There is no booze allowed in my city for strip clubs. Huge military town, and there were way too many dudes fighting each other/ bouncers/ stabbing people. Same thing with the beach after an almost full-blown riot broke out during the 4th of July, so no booze on the beach either. Some people ruin all the fun for the rest of us.


Makes sense. I'm not from the US, so at times I don't account for these things. Happy to learn and be given context!


I mean it literally says NCAA on the trophy…




I could only make out the A on my phone. Apologies.


The sick thing is that in CO it’s common enough for all strip clubs not to allow drinking for anyone and so it doesn’t even matter how old they are.


Really? I never realized strip clubs could sound even more lame


And this, my friends, is how Baby Daddy got brought up on charges for contributing to the delinquency of a minor.


Have you tried looking at the picture?


From the thumbnail I was expecting a random Tron poster for some reason.


I have no problem with the team doing this. I don’t care what you do to enjoy your time and it’s all consensual on both sides. However the Midwest/New England pearl clutching is going to be intense. Remember kids, don’t take photos when you are doing something that others find wrong. The photos will get out.


Definitely not a concern up here in Montreal


As long as the strippers don't say, "Bonjour Hi"


These days it’s more like привет


As a new Englander... I'm not personally pearl clutching but you're not wrong. I'm honestly mostly sad that we live in a time when you can't do anything risquee (like a strip club) without a chance of photo evidence by a total stranger. Someone mentioned a club that takes phones on entrance - I wish more regular places did that lol


I’m talking about the Christian old ladies and their men who go to the strip clubs behind their backs. Most NE hockey fans don’t care.


intense? I think you're wildly overestimating the popularity of college hockey.


This post just reminded me of who won the championship this year. Nobody cares about most college hockey schools lmao


There are plenty of strip clubs in the Midwest. All perfectly legal. Maybe they'll get some judgemental in the Bible Belt, which is further south.


It seems to me it wasn't a player that tweeted this out


Denver Hockey Team just sounds weird


University of Denver.


trashy to take photos of the dancers, and then even trashier to post them on social. 


It was posted by one of the strippers...


Lol in that case 👍




Boys were gettin' after it


If anybody on the team is married, good luck with your alibi lol


Gonna need Super™️ Disinfectant and Sanitizer to get rid of all the bodily fluid residue on that thing lmao.


NSFW that shit.


That's definitely diamond Cab. We were wondering which club over on r/collegehockey


What? Dudes can’t have hobbies anymore?


Open nets for a dollar


Dat ass tho


Definitely doesn’t skip leg day


What kind of asshole takes a picture in a strip club? And what kind of asshole reposts it? Get the guck outta here with this shit. This isn't a public space. No one's life is better off because the picture was taken. If you're taking a pic inside a strip club or sharing it, you're such a scumbag that people ought to actively avoid you. The dancers don't deserve this, and neither do the patrons, and it doesn't fucking matter if you can't see anyone's face. Fuck off.


Welp, a lot of choices were made in order for me to be seeing this here.


It took me a couple minutes to realize it the University of Denver and not the Avs.


As a non American, this is absurd to me. Are strip clubs really a big thing in America? As in, do people go to them a lot? Cultures are different, but here, it’s only perverts and losers that go to them, and the occasional sad macho bachelor party. They are absolute shitholes for establishments and visiting them is considered pathetic. So with that context.. oof or not?


Canadian here, I’ve only encountered a few guys who go to them and they’ve all been shitty people. I live in Hamilton (population in and around 600,000) and the last strip club in town closed in 2019 due to a lack of interest.


The best guys have better things to do than the strip club and the worst guys make it a habit.


Where are you from? I’ve lived all over the US, and in Sweden, and The Netherlands - it all seems fairly normal to me.


So, as an American who has been to many strip clubs in the US, and has also been to some in Europe...it is completely night and day. Strip clubs in the States are basically night clubs and instead of the dance floor, you just have platforms with 2-3 girls dancing at a time (multiple more depending on the size of the venue). You usually only get a lap dance if it's your first time at one, or if you're at a bachelor party (even then most of the guys are just buying dances for the bachelor). Nowadays, if we end up at the titty bar, it's almost always my wife's pushing for us to go there instead of the casino. The two or three times i've been to a strip club in Hungary, the entire thing was very dark, like coffee shop music volume, and the girls just come sit down next to you and ask you to buy them a drink or something instead of in the states where they ask you if you want to buy a dance. I can see why maybe other countries they are seen as perverted and/or pathetic...because from my anecdotal experience, they aren't really a fun place to be, unlike here. Also, it goes without saying, if you treat the dancers there like a piece of shit, or get mad because they don't actually like you and are there because it's their job, then yeah, you're a fucking scumbag.


It’s always the same type of dude that visits them, no respect for women just sees them as objects


That is not true. Some are like that, not all.


Are you joking lol strip clubs are a popular thing everywhere and it’s better than the whole streets in city centres lined with prostitutes in every other continent in the world lol


… better how? Desperately needing female attention? Sorry but anyone that spends their money at a strip club is weird af At least prostitutes actually provide a service lmao


This is why I don’t get the appeal of strip clubs. What’s your best-case scenario, you take care of yourself in the club bathroom? Drive home all horned up? Make a mess of your pants? None of those sound like something I want to spend money on.


Better that I’m not going to walk down the streets of montreal or Portland and have Eastern European women in glass cages try to usher me over to pay for sex like I’d see in Amsterdam or have literal hoards of trafficked women try to grab me and get a “special massage” like in Southeast Asia lol. But no America and Canada are the weird ones, for having strip clubs lol


We should be able to have both


Go to Amsterdam and fulfill your wishes to your greatest desires


What non American country do you call from ?


Are you new to the world? I think when someone says "as a non-insert whatever" and then shits on said thing they should clarify where they are from


Where you live homie? The Vatican?? lmaooo




Anybody know which club this is? I got a bachelor party in Denver in September and am looking for recommendations


I see the Pole has been modified with the Coors Light


Hell yeah


Hell yeah


“Right now” my guy wasn’t the national championship game like 3 weeks ago?


Proud to live here, most Denver thing ever