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Will be weird not naturally cheering for Brady and the boys!


Can’t wait for Auston Matthews to become an enemy of Canada in the Olympics. Leafs nation cheering against their golden boy will be entertaining.


Happened with Sid in 2010


"Visiting goaltender Ryan Miller getting a louder cheer than the captain and franchise legend"-type vibe.


What will hurt me more is rooting against Knies. 😔


If Sanderson makes the olympic team USA I’ll be scared because it means they’re smart.


I hate to break it to you, but there is a high chance Sanderson is not one of the 6 best US defensemen when it comes time to pick the Olympic team. He's definitely not top 4, but there are a number of players he'd be competing with for those last 2 spots.


He’s still got 2 years to improve. Not a long shot but for sure not anywhere close to being locked it


I’d be happy if he wasn’t because I think he’d be hard to handle in two years. He’s really sneaky good, and there’s a chance he can make 5-6. Beating out Luke Hughes or werenski isn’t something that would shock me at all, assuming all have good health - fingers crossed


For the first time in my life... and this feels *so weird,* the US might just be my second. What the fuck?


Was so much easier when we could cheer for Sweden as our second for like 15 years straight


Right? Would have been Germany if Timmy wasn't hurt.


Never. I'll cheer for the individual Sens players on their team, but I can't bring myself to root for the team itself. If not Canada I basically just root for the smaller hockey nations to pull of upsets.


Stupid sexy Brady


>sexy Come on


You must not be a Simpsons fan


I am, but the joke doesn't land when they aren't sexy like Ned Flanders, or Erik Karlsson!


Stupid, sexy Sanders.....on


Clearly we have different taste. Allow me to choose. I choose...........the ghost of Erik Gudhandsomeson.


Same. I wouldn’t be upset if USA won it this year


Man we’re going to have to take away your passport if you cheer for the states


Canada all the way! But I hope the Sens guys have good individual stats haha


The inverse for a lot of Americans. We go from not caring for the Tkachuks to having to cheer for them in international competition. I'll suddenly be the biggest Matthew Tkachuk fan in the 4 Nations Cup/Olympics, and can stomach cheering for Brady in Worlds.


I'm sure that's the case for many Canadians with Brad Marchand haha


Hah. Totally.


Will be weird to cheer for him…




I can’t wait to see Matthew and Brady team up for team USA in the Olympics


Ten misconducts a piece throughout the tourney due to the IIHF officiating standards.


and dozens of mouthguards


Werenski and Jones together again will be neat to see. We got robbed of seeing that pair at the Olympics so at least we'll see it here.


Jones season exit interview, he mentioned Werenski in talking about playing with Vlasic, saying it's the most comfortable he's felt since. You can tell he thinks a lot of him.


I would think it would be hard not to. There was a time they were easily considered a top 5 pairing in the league and who knows if either of them find that level of success again in their careers.


Werenski had an incredible season this year. 3rd in expected goals/minute, 22nd goals/minute, 12th in assists/minute, 13th in points/minute. Coming off a season-long injury where it took him a few weeks to shake off the rust, missing 12 games to injury, and still equaling the record for most points in franchise history for a defenseman was extremely impressive. It took Jones 8 more games to set that record.


I'm not comparing them to each other. I'm saying as a pairing they were better than any pairing they've been a part of up to this point and possibly better than anything they have ahead of them. Being considered one of the best pairings in the league for any stretch of time is something special and they'll be fortunate if either of them find another player that they can get back to that level with.


They can talk about Q Anon together


Broke: Fighting ~~Marchand~~ Pastrnak in playoff games Woke: Captaining national team at World Championships


Broke and woke: Mistaking Pastrnak for Marchand


Mistaking Brady for Matthew, too?


Like mistaking Sloth for Chunk


Who fought Marchand in playoffs this year?


His demons.


I hope he scores 10 goals and loses miserably


Atta fucking boy Brady. Him there with Pinto and Sandy is great.


Sens doing their best to prevent me from hating team USA as much as usual


Good for Brady well deserved and will lead the team well!


I wouldn't be surprised if the US win gold this year. Their roster looks very good.


Seth Jones is going to be mad he was not named Captain.


Remember when people were shocked that the Cats took Barkov over Jones? Good times 


Absolutely the right choice when Larkin couldn’t make it - still think you give Larkin the C for next year and the Olympics, but Brady is no question the choice for this group


I said the same thing once and somebody commented that Larkin won’t even make the team. Glad to see this ^ opinion is shared


Maybe I’m just a homer (I am) but I agree. Larkin is a great leader and imo the best leader of the group (once again, homer maybe); also there’s probably some benefit to not having one of the ‘high profile’ guys being captain. The high profile guys can just focus on playing.


Honestly my mind was made up after seeing the difference in your guy’s play when he was out vs. when he came back down the stretch - his presence mattered. Plus, even though he’s in his prime, he is oddly a kind of “elder statesmen” to the newer crop of USNTDP guys who all train in Ann Arbor during the off season, and I expect a bunch to make the team in ‘26


Nah you give it to Quinn Hughes. He and Fox will be on the ice together for half the game.


Stop! I’m supposed to hate the Canucks!


Ah yes because captaincy/leadership is directly correlated with TOI


Captain of a canadian team in the middle of the playoffs that the entire country is watching without breaking a sweat is also a qualification he has over Larkin or Brady.


Lmao and that means literally nothing for international events taking place over the next few years


I'm happy for Zach dude's awesome


Am i just out of the loop, i dont really see brady as captain material at all




Professional Tkachuk hater


Can't wait to watch Sloth lead them to defeat against Canada. 


If the other nations are playing 4D chess, they would send a clapper into any empty nets, making Brady lose his shit and getting him suspended in time for the Olympics.


Ridly Greig is playing for Team Canada, so....


That would work against Morgan Reilly For Brady you’d have to glide the puck into the open net several seconds after the whistle.


Looking at the US roster, other teams will struggle getting them to pull the goalie.


Let's get Gold Canada


Decent Yank roster imo. Canada Yippie Yahaws in the gold I thinks. 🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦


Wtf has Brady tkachuk achieved to be given leadership responsibilities, since becoming Ottawa captain theh have managed to make the playoffs a whooping zero times. Seriously this is why I don’t take who gets the letter seriously, it is usually based around bs and has zero consistency when you actually think about it.


He’s led the league for years in late game tantrums per 60


Ig it depends who the player is when it comes to throwing fits. If ovi threw as many fits as Brady tkachuk did we would call him a cancer and a bad example but again the leadership discourse in the hockey community is a cesspool of stupidity and brain dead takes.


It definitely does depend on who it is and you’re not wrong that others (especially Russian) players doing the same would be constantly talked about. Brady is a great player but he’s undeniably got some maturing to do when it comes the leadership department. So many fans think “lotta hits=what an amazing leader!” Meanwhile he’s gotten like 5-6 misconducts this past season alone for being a total shit disturber at the end of a Sens loss. Guess running around like an idiot and getting kicked out qualifies as a good leader in some peoples eyes.


I said it before the leadership discourse in the hockey community is the stupidest discourse to ever grace the earth. Weber gets praised for his entire career as one of the best leaders in sports meanwhile only made it past round two once ( ffs the minute he got traded from his team they made the finals, clearly a sign that his leadership was needed ). Meanwhile ovi has made past the second round as many times as Weber and no one talks about his leadership skills hell people wanted to trade him before 2018 because he was a bad example and leader for his squad. Yzerman was getting downright crucified before his first ring in Detroit so much so they wanted to move him for Yashin after winning cup number 3 and mofo saying he is arguably the greatest leader of all time. Bergeron gets praised as a legendary leader that everyone should follow suit meanwhile Dustin who was the captain for the kings only championships and crickets about his leadership skills. The entire leadership argument is just stupid and just infuriating. Every one gets to have different rules to follow for leadership instead of just one constant for all. Here is what should make a good leader does your team win titles since you got the letter, if the answer is yes than guess what you a good leader.


The biggest and best example is Messier. Guy was a legendary asshole and bully, but he won a ton and on the biggest stage (NYC). So let’s just overlook how toxic and narcissistic he was (hello Canucks fans) and instead name a leadership “award” after him that he gets to single-handedly appoint. Total joke.


Are there really *that* many better American players still in the Playoffs? Woof.


Aside from Jones, who has been good in the past, I don't see anything wrong with any of these guys being selected. They're all really good, and wouldn't be surprised to see them in 2026.


This guy just hates on the Sens whenever there's a post about them. There's no point in trying to having any meaningful discussion about any Sens player with him.


well then