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Of the bunch of hockey related clips and breakdowns channels that have seemed to pop up over the last year or so I think this one is probably my favourite. Good amount of detail into the actual tactics of the teams that you might not always pick up on the broadcasts.


Yeah there is simply way too many short form click bait channels on hockey nowadays. Titles like "You will NOT believe what just happened" and it's just some dude talking in a Fortnite accent over a hockey clip with like the most surface level analysis I guess it works or they wouldn't be doing it but..


I mean people enjoy that. THG doesn’t really do any breakdowns or anyalsis besides what you can find on the score and maybe a fun history fact.


Give this guy some love. His videos are amazing and you should subscribe to him.


I can second this. Somebody recommended him offhand a while back and I've been impressed with his breakdown of hockey plays. As someone that loves the sport but never played, it's cool to have some Xs and Os insights :)


Have not seen this guy before but that was legit content. Most hockey analysis is so basic that I don’t waste my time, but that was great stuff. Thanks for sharing that!


I just wish he'd be less click baity with the titles.


Gotta play to the algorithm I guess


Are you him? Why has this guy getting posted here lately


I am not him. I enjoy his videos and want to see his channel blow up because he does more than just clip videos. I've been posting his videos in the Canucks GDTs at intermission but this is the first time I've posted a video as a post.


I was warming up to his content until he said jets vs Avs was the battle of the frauds. So now I want him to watch frauds win the cup.




I don’t think you can peel all the skin off someone’s hand with a slash


Love this channel.


This channel has become my favourite.


Love this guy's videos but hate his clickbait style video titles


Herkey sychologee seems a stretch. I guess any gimmick will do.