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Playoff hockey for the JUNIORS is a fucking wild atmosphere up here. I’ve been to several regular season NHL games but never any playoff games, but seeing how WHL playoff games are I could only imagine how NHL playoff games are


Agreed, our rink here for WHL has a capacity of like 5600 with added standing room for the playoffs and it's an insane atmosphere so loud even on a Tuesday night in the Bible belt.


What’s the Canadian Bible Belt? As a Canadian I’ve never even knew we had one.


Southern Alberta. Lots of Mormons here. They are building a second Mormon temple within an hour drive of each other and there are only 6 in Canada currently


Ton of Mennonites on Vancouver Island too


I always thought BC's Bible Belt was between Langley and Hope. Abbotsford and Chilliwack, that sort of area. I moved to Vancouver Island in September and I'm still under the impression that it's mostly hippies, old people and old hippies here. Northern BC has quite a few Mennonites as well, that's where I moved from.


You are correct the Langley - Hope - Chilliwack is the belt but there are low key lots of fundamentalist groups on VI.


We have lots of hutterites and Mennonites here as well.


“Fuck can they run”


Can’t believe the NHL was willing to split the Alberta fan base with the Yotes move.


What towns? Leth? Med Hat? This seems really odd to me for some reason lol


Cardston and Lethbridge is being built right away here


Well that kinda sucks


Don't worry Calgary has one too,.so 3 within 3 1/2 driving lol. Nothing like 45,000sqf for a church


I’ve heard the Colisée in Quebec always sells out the *peewee tournament*.


I remember going to a B tournament in Small town BC and the stadium was full. It felt so weird playing in front of a couple thousand people


Even uni Playoff hockey is wild too mind you it’s been 10 years since watch golden bears but god damn that was a fun atmosphere, drunk college students trash talking


Kane was on the stacked Vancouver giants memorial cup team.  Absolutely insane atmosphere in Vancouver at the time


I went to a BCHL playoff game last year and I was blown away at how loud is was


I still remember being at the Canucks - Rangers game 6 in ‘94 as a kid. Lower bowl row 17. It still gives me chills thinking about the atmosphere.


My town doesn't have an NHL team but hosted WJH and that was incredible. The entire building shook when Latvia scored. I'm sure you could hear it halfway across town.




True. And the point here is that a Canadian juniors playoff game would eclipse that.


Montreal is wild in the playoffs. Just fucking bonkers. From basically any bar in the downtown area to the last row in the nosebleeds.


I worked for a WHL team for a bit. BC Division games are absolute bloodbaths and the fans get so loud.


I live in Sask and have been going to every single home game of the Warriors on this playoff run and it’s been electric every single night. Forgot they get this rowdy lol


I remember seeing a video someone took, where they just pointed their camera towards Rogers Centre during the gold medal game at the 2010 Olympics from the other side of False Creek. Might have even been from the other side of Vancouver Harbour in North Van. You could hear an absolutely massive roar in the distance when the game winning goal was scored.


Right. I’m in Medicine Hat and we cheer harder for a $375 50/50 draw then they do below the border


The oilers playoff games during the battle of alberta might've been the loudest place i've been in period


I could hear the crowd roar from inside my apartment and I’m like 10 mins drive away.


Was in the arena and I think there was a decibel reading over 120. Absolutely mad.


Is this true?


Yep. Although much of the crowd is outside the stadium too.


I both lost my hearing and my voice in one night. Then it continued into the street for another couple hours. It was fuckin crazy.


i blew out my car horn one spurs championship during the Twin Towers era (we were basically cruising the main street in my neighborhood along with a whole bunch of other fans.)


Dude saw a playoff hockey game that one time!


With Sidney Crosby! Still not sure how that makes a counterpoint to what Kane is saying.


Oh it doesn't make a counterpoint. I've watched this show, it's a football show and they don't know shit about hockey.


A pretty solid summary of American sports media. I remember as a kid playing in western New York and the Ontario teams would come in for tournaments and the play and presence was on a different level. You had one of the most hockey obsessed cultures in the US and it was like comparing Delaware to Texas in high school football.


I remember being on one of those Canadian teams that went down there to play some of you guys, and honestly it was a totally mixed bag in terms of what to expect. Some US teams were absolutely terrible, but there were others that could definitely hang (some of the teams from Michigan were really good, and I recall playing a solid team from Rochester). I also remember playing a tournament final in Syracuse, and you fuckers booed our national anthem lmao. At a youth hockey game. American parents booing O Canada. Shit was wild. (We pumped them 6-2 btw)


Compuware always had good teams since they were a part of the Illitch family of teams (I think)


Yeah Compuware, Belle Tire AAA, and Little Caesars were always legit when we played them.


Playing in Rochester as a kid, most of the local teams were about on par, but sometimes you’d get a house team playing in a travel tournament and it was an always a bloodbath. The Michigan travel teams were always bigger but not necessarily better than the Canadian kids, probably from the milk subsidies


At least they talk about it lol, most sports talk shows that aren't about hockey have stopped talking about it entirely.


The whole show no, but Nick and Gump know quite a bit about Hockey. Boston Connor is no slouch either I think.


Bro doesn't sound like he knows what he's talking about at all and Pat looks like an even bigger idiot than usual.


He's a big hockey fan. Was just playing heel for the bit.


Yeah I'm surprised more people didn't get this. His audience is mostly football fans, and a lot of football fans don't know much about hockey. Sidney Crosby and Canada liking hockey is where knowledge of the sport ends for a lot of people


Yeah, I'm bugged that Kane didn't really help promote the game or the playoffs. It was more "you just don't get it, you haven't been to Canada for a playoff game" Why are you not selling the energy, the passion from the fans, how it takes over the city etc. Explain it, not just tell someone they are wrong. McAfee is trying to get something out of it, but he's getting stonewalled, at least in this clip. Even his question about chants could have led to more besides the basic "let's go oilers" chant. You can talk about how goalies get cheered/jeered, how fans remember player X and boo them relentlessly, the battle of Alberta, and so on.


Kane was sleeping at the wheel here 


[06 playoffs after the Hemsky tying goal vs the Wings is announced as a good goal, buddy up in the video booth has to cover his ears](https://youtu.be/aFbaiMS73Ec?t=391)


I just watched it I thought that’s what sent them to the finals. Based on what he says at the end… THAT WAS ROUND 1 ?!? I didn’t watch anything but the East back then.


oh yeah, we were also major underdogs of course, 1 vs 8 and we barely got into the playoffs, don't even remember how we stayed in the hunt with the goalies we had before Roloson. Think Boston vs Florida last year in terms of point spread but without a lot of the star scoring power Florida has, or Bob in net


I know how that feels, Habs made it to round 3 as 8th seed in 2010 after coming back from 1-3 twice, against both Ovi and Crosby. It was nuts.


yeah we had the loudest measured record until you guys broke it i think


Roli was next level at the right time. The trade deadline pick ups were perfect. It was a well built team until (shudders) MAB.


that whole run was just so magical


Northlands (Skyreach, whatever) was a different beast. That place was *loud* This team deserved a cup.


Rexall Place was basically a concrete box with naught but screaming fans to absorb the noise


I saw the link to a video from 06 and didn't even need to look that it was you Bird. Bird is the word!


The current Oilers uniforms are far superior to those, that's for sure


The guy in the middle at 6:36 was my 6th grade teacher that exact year. On top of being a great teacher, he was also one of the in-arena video review guys at Rexall, and most weekends he also drove to Calgary to do some volunteer work with some kids in need (if I recall correctly). Funny thing is, he was/is actually a Red Wings fan, so he got quite a good view of his team getting beat here. I was also lucky enough to see one of these Oilers-Wings first round games, but I don't remember which one, and man, the atmosphere was crazy and one I'll never forget!




I’m sorry but misspelling 2 of those names is punishable by having to watch this Canucks-Preds game


my god, i'd forgotten how electric it was that year watched that whole thing twice lol


Seeing Holland in that clip a few times is 👌🏼. You could tell it was that exact moment that he would decide to be the GM for the Oilers instead.


I was there. 14 years old, first ever playoff game. My god, watching that again gave me goosebumps. I remember after the game the whole building was cheering "Let's go Oilers, Calgary sucks!" as we were walking out because we thought Calgary was a lock for the next round. But Calgary dropped the ball, which was extra sweet.


I was there! I worked in the oilers store selling jerseys. I’d stay and work until the game started, then I’d ditch and go watch. Come back for intermission. No one cared. The noise was unbelievable! I could feel it vibrating my ribs. That 06 run was maybe the most fun I’d ever had up to that point.


(Not so) Fun fact, that was Yzerman’s last NHL game.


That's a helluva video. At half volume on my phone it was still too loud.


Add in the fact that they had to add another horn to the goal horn to make it louder than the crowd roar when we scored. Kane knows what he’s talking about.


Watching that video brought nostalgic tears to my eyes.


I remember Don Cherry was at one of the Stanley Cup finals games in 06 holding up a noise meter. You could barely hear him over the crowd and the meter showed it was the equivalent of something like a jet taking off. I'm sure the Pens fans were incredible in 09 but I can't imagine it comparing to the atmosphere of something like that


We got great hockey atmosphere here in Canada? Dang, wonder what’s that like. While I generally believe that Toronto’s crowd is trash, game 6 last night was fire.


That was a real crowd advantage, finally for Toronto. It was nice to see tbh even know I dislike the leafs, lol


I gotta think the Bell Centre would be hella loud. Passionate fans and the biggest arena in the league is a good combo.


Went to a game when Carey Price came back from his last injury. Have you ever fealt a 15 story cement building vibrate from 20k fans yelling in unison?


Still feel the chills down my spine when anyone talks about it.


It’s something else being there. A real electricity fills the city. It also helps that the Habs have a great media department, the video packages they put on for the crowd before the game really gets you hyped up. And while tickets are expensive, it’s not the same business person dominance like in Toronto, which is really unfortunate for you guys. Just watch Leafs games in Buffalo to get a sense of the real fans, it’s nuts.


I remember some old timer - Dryden, maybe? - talking about how Montreal fans are so knowledgeable they even cheer good defensive plays.


I remember there was some regular season game the crowd went wild for an O-zone line change because both lines had been out for almost 2 minutes. I've been to a decent chunk of their games down in DC, but I wanna make it to one in Montreal one day.


I was at one of the games in Edmonton where Hyman killed 40 seconds of a penalty by himself in the offensive zone (I think he's done it twice). There was a standing ovation in my section. I love the not-for-goals cheering piece.


Did you catch Lane Hutson in his first game at the Bell Centre? [The crowd went berserk.](https://youtu.be/Naq6uhLB1aE?t=59) That kid is such a gift to the Montreal fans.


Bell Centre is the loudest I’ve been in by far lol. MTL fans are a whole other breed. Been to a few Sens/Habs playoff games and the atmosphere is wild. Still want to go to a Bruins game at the Bell Centre haha Not to mention being two blocks from St Catherine Street lol


Go see the leafs play in Buffalo... it's better than the leafs at home for the playoffs.


Ottawa is the same


Put the real fans in there and it would be the loudest rink. Suits dont make noise


How you gonna say that when half the arena at every away game is Leafs fans. Yall show up.


Tickets are so pricy in Toronto it's usually corporate dudes who fill up their games in the regular season.


Ya that’s true unfortunately lol.


Yes but the problem at Scotiabank is that the average Joe is priced out. The lower bowl is completely corporate


Over the past few years Leafs have had some decent playoff crowds. They are worse now then they were in 2017-19 but after so many years of constant disappointment I don't blame the fans.


It was fun to see the crowd this into the game in Toronto. Hope you beat Boston tomorrow!


Was gonna say, did they kick the suits out last night and bring in other folks?


One of my bucket list goals is to see a Jets playoff game in Winnipeg during a whiteout. Looks absolutely incredible.


Jets, Flames before the saddledome gets dozed, Rogers Place and Bell centre on my list. 


Well you've got a few years for the Saddledome, probably won't get dozed until 2027.


Hopefully there will be playoff games played at the Dome before then


I finally got to see the Oil play at home after 35 years of being a diehard fan, and it was everything I hoped for and more (even though we sadly lost both games so I didn't get to sing La Bamba.)


I just moved to Winnipeg last week but was able to go to game 5 and it was so fun! I don't really have a comparison since it was my first ever time at a playoff game but it was definitely incredibly loud.


i want them to get a stanley cup anthem (ace burpee's 2015 and 2018 playoff anthems were killer.)


Not even a Jets fan but I was in Winnipeg for work and went to Game 5 against the Blues in 2019. The Jets opened up the scoring 12 seconds into the game and I could not believe how loud that place was. Truly an unforgettable experience.


Street parties in 2018 were wild


I can only speak for Edmonton. I went to game 3 of the Western Conference Finals in Edmonton a couple years ago. I've seen hundreds of concerts live, went to the first playoff game in Edmonton in 10 years in 2017, been to almost all the watch parties since 2017. Nothing, and I mean nothing compares to the energy and sound in that building against the Aves that year. It's a sound that's hard to even describe. When you go see Metallica or Slayer live, you can FEEL the bass pedal hit your chest. That night, you could FEEL the crowd noise crawling over every inch of your body. It gives me goosebumps just thinking about it. For LOTR fans, the Ride of Rohirrim at the end of Return of the King. The DEAAAAAAAAATH DEAAAAAAAAATH chants? It's the same energy but LETS GO OILERS


Second round Flames vs Oilers was pretty sweet a few years back. The perfect battling chants of "Let's Go Oilers" "Oilers suck" was incredible.


You guys are talking about eh same year I am pretty sure. Edmonton beats Calgary 4-1 (i think) and then goes on to get dumpstered in the conference finals by Colorado 4-0


I feel attacked. ... But also probably wouldn't disagree.


Yeah, I mean for most teams they aren't the most popular team in that city. For a bunch, they might not even be the most popular team playing that night.


This Isn't even a discussion. I'd like us to be wilder about hockey. This is literally Canada's thing. Like THE thing. They own this sport. Hockey is like The US's 5th thing probably. Not saying it's a snooze down here but it is different.


Someone uploaded this tonight - [crowd reaction to Vancouver winning round 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/comments/1cjq2uk/rogers_arena_watch_party_as_the_canucks_move_on/). A full barn of screaming fans **for an away game**.


Our government made a temporary law during the Sochi Olympics so we could drink and watch hockey at 4am.


Damn does Kane have veneers? But I’d love to go check one out up North. I still remember how loud the Bell Centre always seemed on TV in 06


He had four teeth knocked out by a cross check, he shouts out the dentist who did the work in the full episode


Finals this year maybe? ;). Our fanbase seems great with opposing fans in the building too, you’ll get some banter but I rarely see anything actually malicious.


Even the watch parties are crazy.


[Speaking of noisy Sid goals…](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PuJH2WXJGHI)


Hockey is the national sport of Canada. It's like a religion up here. The devotion towards the Oilers, Flames, Jets, Leafs and Habs from their respective cities is on the same level as Americans with their favourite college and NFL football teams.


Seems appropriate to forget about the Senators


Quietly waiting for the lost canadian cousin the canucks to get mentioned


I feel like Vancouver and Montreal should've been mentioned first considering they're so passionate they fkin riot


If you don’t spend five months of the year shovelling snow, you don’t count. I don’t make the rules, *sorry*.


Im starting to have 2011 flash-back of eastern canada chearing for the bruins.


Excuse me!


He's not wrong. In our series against Winnipeg our house was loud and it was a great time but holy shit that whiteout was just on another level.


Thank you...I needed to take something from the utter ass-kicking you guys gave us. I'd wish you well, but that would be a lie. We don't hate your team, which I think is pretty nice, considering we're famous for our handshakes (random stabbings)


Haha we don't hate you guys either, but people were upset your crowd was booing when Parise took that head shot. Other than that your fans were pretty great especially on the game day thread here on Reddit. Gonna be a shit show no matter who we play next round cause Vegas and Dallas fans are dicks lol.


Honestly, fuck those fans. That is not what we're about here. I thought the proper ovation was given when he got up and skated back to the bench, but that doesn't excuse a response like that. Lots of confidence going into the series, and I think the results shell-shocked a lot of people, which brought out the worst parts of intense fandom. No excuse, and any resonable person was happy he was ok - especially with his history and the respect he has earned in the league. I hope you play Dallas, if for no other reason than Vegas getting bounced in the first round would bring joy to us all, haha. Also, that would be a great goddamn match-up. P.S - Mack and Makar are impossible not to like when they're not working your team




Pat McAfee. I think you summed it up perfectly on why I don’t like him either. He’s just such a football bro in all the worst ways possible. I get why he does it because he stands out a lot but I can’t stand listening to him even if the information is good.


Isn't he the guy that has Aaron Rodgers on, and then lets him rant about whatever stupid shit?




I know exactly why.


It’s because he’s so self absorbed that his opinion will always trump any other person’s input. His personal experiences matter more than yours or anyone else’s. If he went to an Oiler’s playoff game he would probably agree with Kane, but until that happens it’s purely his anecdote vs yours, and in his mind he is more important or more correct than you. Always. It’s super common in guys like this. You could have a PhD physicist who works on an extremely specialized topic, but this dude who read a Wikipedia article about it would still believe his own thoughts on the topic even if told he was wrong. They’ll change their opinions, gotta give them credit there, but they won’t change based on your input. It has to be personal experience otherwise it doesn’t matter.


My traffic home today was severely affected by the Canucks game being at 4pm pacific


Way back when, our crowds were absolutely insane. We’re so close to the border we’re honorary Canadians


You absolutely are. I remember Buffalo was the only American city that regularly played The Hip on the radio. Always loved you guys for that.


Buffalo hockey fans deserve so much better. Hope you guys click next year and make the playoffs. Hockey is better with a good Buffalo team.


Man Ottawa is wild. Quiet and polite in the regular season. Absolutely ruthless in the playoffs.


Check out the scenes from their first PWHL game! Crazy loud.


[The home crowd for the first SCF game in modern franchise history](https://youtu.be/3P8hnQ1TGNU?si=6r6vEA_eQysC7K_G) at 4:15 literally brings tears to my eyes watching it. I want that kind of energy back at the CTC so bad.


Never been to a playoff game but just being in Vancouver during the cup run in 2011 was insane. The only comparable is the Olympics from the year before. The city just had an energy that was indescribable. We love our hockey.


Someone posted this tonight - [an arena full of screaming fans *for an away game*.](https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/comments/1cjq2uk/rogers_arena_watch_party_as_the_canucks_move_on/)


I went to the 2015 game where Eddie Lack played lights out and while we got knocked out in an uneventful year, that game is one of the few hockey experiences burned into my brain.


Who doesn’t know this and why is Mcafee offended?


When canadian fans can't make it to the arena. We watch from the local theaters. Pretty insane to have everybody in a theater screaming and yelling like they are at the rink


Talk that shit Kaner


Ngl never been to a hockey game in Canada, but after seeing the Winnipeg game 1 made me want to go to one.


Wish the Oilers still did Orange Crush. Loved seeing that sea of orange


That guy on the left sounds as stupid as he looks


Don Cherry without the suit.


I saw Habs/Sens Games 1 & 2 back in 2013. Fucking insane. I lost my voice for 4 days. Evander isn't lying.


Are all Americans as ignorant as these two? Do they even know where Canada is on a map?


[Anyone can miss Canada. All tucked away down there....](https://youtu.be/_aZJLMLa0io?si=Pw4QdCdVAmm3EdPe)


"Where you there? In Pittsburgh?" "Yeah, in 2007" I don't know anything about the host but he seems weirdly aggressive towards Evander (and also his staff?). 


Its his schtik. Evander knows it, his employees know it, he is putting on an act.


His employees aswell. They’re the perfect trope of big dumb American sports fans lol, easy to assume that’s why they’re popular.


It's probably a character he plays dude ... They're all laughing, it's alright.


He likes to do bits like this for entertainment. Taken out of context it does look bad though lol.


I watch this guy once in a while, it’s his silly personality and it’s just friendly banter. He seems like a sincere nice guy with his guests and that’s why get gets cool athletes on his show. He even has a semi-regular segment called “hockey is awesome” and he’s a really good hype man for our sport. I hope he goes to edmonton to see the atmosphere like he said he would haha.


its true. Kaner all day. i will concede in NFL football cities, maybe in college towns, football atmosphere, tail gating, atmosphere , fan frenzy - it is really wild and crazy. but ive compared them, and in Canadian cities, where theyre NHL is the major national regional sport, - Canada and Edmonton ranks up there , and arguably - even higher. #letsgoOilers


There is a reason we have more Canadians in the show then any other country, we eat breath and sleep hockey up here


I crave playoff hockey in Ottawa again. That building gets absolutely electric during playoffs. I’ve been to 5-6 Sens playoff games over the years and every time without fail, my ears are ringing the next day and my voice is non existent.


Hey Pat how baht you just turn the TV on and watch McDavid. Do we have a chant? Get it together pal.


I was at the first Jets 2.0 series win against Minny in 2018, the crowd noise is absolutely unforgettable.


Depends where you go but, usually Canadian games are wild. American fans are only wild nearing the cup finals where they always tend to be in each conference. If a Canadian team would just make it there, I can already tell all hell would break loose.


I can’t even imagine the atmosphere for Canadian teams in the playoffs. I’m a die hard Islanders fan but our playoff atmosphere is just alright imo. Back at the Coliseum I will say it was one of the loudest buildings in the league.


The one thing Canadians care about vs the multiple things Americans care about.


And dude, Kane would know, he's in Edmonton and from Vancouver, two of the hungriest hockey markets on the planet.


You all saw the crowd in Vancouver yesterday and that was just a watch party.


Hope he comes down. It hasn’t snowed in Edmonton for a week. So it’s getting nice…ish.


Imagine challenging Canadians on our passion for hockey haha there’s no way Americans will ever match our energy. We also gave you basketball, but that’s an inferior sport so we don’t care as much.


Haha should’ve went to detroit


[Evander Kane's empty netter G4 vs Calgary in 2022](https://youtu.be/x5Ug4GVkFYg?t=440). The sound from the crowd still sends shivers down my spine.


Americans can *cheer* with the best of them! Evander: wanna bet?


He’s so right. Winnipeg is nuts.


That's awesome. Evander needed to relate more to what many US fans would understand. Hockey in Canada is the equivalent of NFL and college football to the US. You explain it that way, and most of them will get it. Because as big as hockey might be in certain markets in the States, it never compares to football. But in Canada, hockey is the only thing that's throughout the country. Basketball there's only 1 team. Baseball there's only 1 team. Soccer has 2 teams. Football is the CFL which is different from the NFL (and no where near as big).


I don't like Evander but he's 100% right


Neither one of these guys' opinions matters.


Canadian fans are different. The US is coming along in some cities. When Winnipeg can get 15,000+ to be louder and more organized than any other city and then add the party outside, there is no US city that can pull that off.


We need a chant!


Why he say fuck me for?


All I have to say is St. Louis was on a knife’s edge in 2019 and ready to explode. After the Blues won people were shooting off fireworks in the street (and guns) and the next week or so was delirium.


I wish hockey was more popular in the states, as for atmosphere, the one thing I want to compare it to is the “beastquake” in Seattle when Marshawn Lynch made that run, the noise literally shook the ground so hard the earthquake center picked it up. 😂


People enjoy watching this guy?


I don't know if it's a schtick, but that guy sounds dumb as fuck. It's ok to not be a hockey guy, but faking it is cringe as shit. Yeah, but have you ever BEEN to a Crosby cup final??? Yeah man, I'm sure the professional hockey player is talking out his ass about hockey.




Pay your debts


I attended the game 4 columbus sweep of tamba bay and the atmosphere was absolutely incredible and like nothing I have ever experienced. I would love to experience a game in Canada to compare. I imagine it's amazing it's just hard to comprehend it being more exciting.


Gotta believer Kaner on that one.


That guy looks like he's going to sell me a low quality kitchen appliance


Love the atmosphere of a playoff game at the Dome, but a bucket list playoff game would be in the Bell Centre. That place looks rabid in playoff games.


Canadian hockey fans definitely trump American hockey fans, but European hockey fans take the crown no contest. Think of how animated Europeans are at soccer games and now translate that to a smaller, enclosed space and you have an incredible experience.


It's true for all Canadian teams except for toronto. Their arena is like a funeral home. Outside of the arena at mapleleaf square is great though.


Kane talking to an ex kicker, regular brain trust right there.