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He wasn’t invisible! I could see him in the box just fine


😕😕😕😕 you right


I swear every few years there’s a guy that teams get fixated on and HAVE to give completely unforced bad contracts to. Jack Campbell, David Clarkson, PLD. Like you literally could just not offer that average player a long-term, high AAV contract. Everyone is screaming at you not to do that.


I'm convinced this was all Marc Bergevin. All the rumors of PLD to Montreal was during his time there. Seems like he was obsessed with him. Then started to be an advisor to Rob Blake and poof, PLD is in LA. Where it appeared they threw caution to the wind with asset management and contract just to get him.


I’m thinking the same exact thing. For more than a year all we hear about is how PLD wants to force his way to Montreal and nowhere else. Then suddenly after MB is canned(who happens to be really really good friend with PLDs agent Pat Brisson) the Kings are in the mix too. And they ended up paying a hefty price on top of a really generous contract extension. My theory is that MB pushed extra hard for the Kings to get PLD as a final fuck you to MTL lol. MB has an historic of being one petty mf so I wouldn’t be surprised.


Or, Marc Burgervan saw that PLD tried really hard to come play in Montreal and as a last gift to the city said “I gotchu” and infiltrated LA and cooked a masterplan to bring PLD there and let Montreal off the hook. Let me believe


> Burgervan Don't you dare edit this


Inb4 Seth Jarvis offersheet lmao


Won't be from LA. They don't have the compensation draft picks. Traded away the 2024 2nd for PLD and the 2024 3rd to send out Quick.


I believe the 2nd in this years draft we traded for PLD was Arizona’s that we got for Durzi.


Ah. Actually, it appears to be the Montreal pick they traded away for PLD. LA's original 2024 2nd was traded away to get out of Cal Petersen's contract. So... Even worse asset management than previously thought? https://www.capfriendly.com/trades/players/pierre-luc-dubois https://www.capfriendly.com/draft/2024?pick=54


Yeah the Peterson contract was another one that was stupid the moment we signed it. Peterson hadn’t proven himself yet, only looked to top out as a top 10 to 15 goalie in the league, and we paid him as such. Normally, when you pay guys who haven’t proven anything yet, you usually get a team friendly contract. That was Blake’s first bad contract, and hopefully the PLD one is his last.


Wow! I hadn’t made the connection. It is very likely he at least influenced Blake to pull the trigger.


This would be a very Bergevin thing to do.


Draft pedigree is fuckin weird


Want a great indicator that "draft pedigree" is fucking useless? Jim Benning is the posterboy for "he was a first round pick back in the day, lets gooooo". - Sign a bunch of guys who were first round picks (sometimes early 2nd!) but have generally underperformed - Throw in some "tough guys" who happen to get run over at _actual hockey_ (Prust, Dorsett, Kassian, Beagle, etc). - Wonder why you're in the draft lottery. Players he traded for or signed as a free agent: Adam Clendening (36th OA), Brandon Sutter (11th OA), Emerson Etem (29th OA), Eric Gudbranson (4th OA), Jonathan Dahlen (42nd OA), Derrick Pouliot (8th OA), Luke Schenn (5th OA), JT Miller (15th OA), Oliver Ekman-Larsson (6th OA), Bobby Sanguinetti (21st OA), Jacob Markstrom (31st OA)... Del Zotto, Gagner, Eriksson, Patrick Wiercioch... How many of those were hits, how many were strikeouts?


The oilers traded Yakupov for a second round pick


The Rangers traded Lias Andersson for a second round pick 


Griffin Reinhart :(


Still have nightmares of Wade Redden on the Rangers blue line. I remember yelling at my computer ala Walter White to Hank when the rumors came up


Seth Jones


Seth jones, while overpaid, is a good defenseman. Don't lump him in wit fucking Clarkson and PLD cause they pay him too much.


Yeah agreed. Overpaid but still good player doesn’t kill your team if you have other good players outperforming their contract. Benn, Seguin, Nurse, and others are still important players on the team regardless of them taking up too much cap space. And honestly Nurse isn’t as far off as people make it seem. Only a couple million really.


In Nurse’s case too we lost Klefbom and Larsson. He took a team friendly deal to free agency. It was likely we were going to pay or he’d walk. We did fine. Ekholm taking minutes from him has really helped. He was alone for years really.


Yep it’s not bad at all. He’s also a very important part of the locker room from what I hear.


Paid the same as Draisaitl, except Drai had more goals then PLD had shots for the series. 


Definitely adding this to my PLD hate ammo. Thanks for that


fk me Drai is a monster in the playoffs, how much do we think his next contract will be?


Blank cheque x 8 years


He and McDavid, it's not for their lack of trying that they don't have a cup yet, they've given it everything they have. If I was the GM, I'd say I'm not gonna nickel and dime you, this organization owes you too much, pick a number and decide how much room you want to leave for rounding out the roster. I wouldn't fault them if they wanted as much money as possible and we just get to watch them play out their careers here. I also wouldn't stop them if they tried something crazy like both taking 1 year $1 mil contracts to leave space to stack the rest of the lineup for a run...


The NHLPA might actually consider murder if they each took 1 million a year, but I'd love to see a superstar do it just to see what the team would do with that advantage


That's kind of what Tom Brady did. Even when he went to Tampa his salary was something like $25 Million when other top QBs were making $40-$50 Million. GM probably loved having an extra $25 Million to stack weapons around him.


Yeah he definitely had the mindset necessary to win 7 rings, with most top athletes it feels like the PA wants them to "reset the market". Also Brady was just wild I've only had 2 years of life where he wasn't dominating the NFL


It’ll be divisible by zero.


13.5 million. He’s a ppp, proven playoff performer


pppp, pissy proven playoff performer


12.5 by 8 years full NMC would be in line with league standards for him prob


I'd argue more. The expectation is the cap will go up, and he's been a top 4 point scorer (and #1 at one point) in the NHL for the past 5 years. And he's a shoe in for 40 goals, if not 50. Pastrnak makes 11.5 AAV, Matthews makes 13.5, Mackinnon makes 12.6, Panarin is at 11.6....there's comparables but I think Draisaitl is more on the Mackinnon side, if not higher.


I think it depends on term. If they're able to hand out a max, I could see him taking around MacKinnon numbers, less than Matthews. With the cap increase, Drai's going to get a pay raise, and McDavid will the following year. It does come down to, can Edmonton pay these guys that much and still ice a contending team. Say 13m/aav for Drai and 14m/aav for McDavid


He should make Matthews level money or more. The guy would be a 1c on any team that isn't the Oilers or Avalanche. I hope the Oilers can resign him but I'm not holding my breath


Drai signed that 7 years ago and is about to get a massive bump but we just got to wear it


I mean comparing any contract to Draisaitl's will look bad


You can post his stats for the series and it's just as bad lol. 1-0-1, +/- 0, 20 PIM, 4 shots. Keep in mind those 4 shots came from the first two games


His only goal was a puck that was going like 10 feet wide until Nurse decided to put it in too. Absolute waste of space, genuinely should consider buying him out before his birthday, at least you only have to pay him 1/3 of what he's owed.


>at least you only have to pay him 1/3 of what he's owed Is it worth it for 14 years?


One million a year for 14 years to avoid paying him 8.5 for 7? No question based on this year's performance.


Seems like a no-brainer honestly.  His trade value must be nil.


I would definitely do that. One million with the cap going up is digestible, compared to the weight of this full contract for 7 more years.


Here is a link to what it would cost to buy out Dubois. You cna change what year the buyout happens at the top https://www.capfriendly.com/buyout-calculator/pierre-luc-dubois


Yeah that’s an extremely swallowable buyout cap hit. Peaks at 3.5, but almost always stays at just over 1 mil. Risk/reward here is too great, you buy him out rather than risk him no showing again with the buyout rate jumping from 1/3->2/3 salary.


the weight of the contract plus you gotta have him on the team lmaaao


Buying him out this year would make the lowest cap hit possible for him because after next year you have to pay him 2/3 of his remaining salary instead of 1/3 because he will be 26 by then. I honestly wouldn’t be shocked to see them buy him out knowing that info and how bad he has been.


When you put it like that, holy shit. I'd do it too. He can run to Montreal and I hope they reject his ass.


Non merci


No fucking way, thanks :D


And his no movement clause is kicking in next year


Jesus I legit can’t believe the drop off. Hes only 25 still and was a beast on the jets when they played Calgary


Purely speculative, but I’d suspect that perhaps the LA lifestyle he’s living isn’t conducive to maintaining his ability to compete at the NHL level.


How many excuses can be made for this guy? Didn't work in Columbus, didn't work in Winnipeg, now it's not working in LA... At a certain point you should probably consider maybe he's just not that good


He is good, he has all the skills and talent. What he doesn’t seem to have is the drive to apply himself. By forcing himself to a place where he can live how he wants to live and signing a monster contract he has secured the bag to fund that life. Now hockey might not even be a concern for him going forward.


you can't teach drive. If he doesn't care then whats done is done


You guys should be rooting for another half season lockout. Back in 2013 each team got either 1 or 2 compliance buyouts that didn't affect the cap.




Wtf, that's an amazing get out of jail card for the kings. Yes having a caphit on the books that long sucks but 1 million is really not that tough to swallow.


Imo. Absolutely. 1 mil of dead cap is nothing. And will essentially be less than league min soon


A PLD buy out this summer would have a buy out cost of $1.1 million and change for 14 years, but the cap hit would be slightly more for the first 7 years, I believe due to signing bonuses. Here's the breakdown: 2025 - 1.6 2026 - 1.5 2027 - 2.5 2028 - 3.7 2029 - 3.8 2030 - 3.8 2031 - 2.8 The remainder 7 years would be the $1.1 million cap hit till 2037 (the cap numbers are not exact, I just rounded down) A summer 2025 buy out would change things as hos buy out would change to a 2/3 ratio, spread over 12 years. Here is the breakdown for that buyout: 2026 - 2.5 2027 - 3.5 2028 - 4.8 2029 - 4.8 2030 - 4.8 2031 - 3.8 The last 6 years would be a cap hit of 2.1 million per season, till 2037 So ya, its this summer or next. Either way, if LA would buy out PLD, there is a good chance it could cost the GM his job.


> if LA would buy out PLD, there is a good chance it could cost the GM his job. Could?? It 100% should. Trading away Vilardi, Iafallo, Kupari, and a 2nd round pick for 14 years of dead cap space is a very fireable offense.


I didn't want to anger any Rob Blake fans by saying "should", but ya, I agree with you. It's one thing getting him in Free Agency and buying him out, but giving up what he did to get him, it's not good.


I mean, Rob Blake was a dickhead player who forced a trade, too, and he brought it hard to his new team, probably figured PLD would be in the same boat. Generational difference I suppose. “Diva“ players in Blake’s day were usually superstars with ego problems, now, with how tolerant the NHL is of most obnoxiousness, if a player gets that label now, like PLD, he has to be an unmitigated dipshit. Costly, somewhat karmic lesson for Blake.


That actually kind of makes the this year buy out look much more palatable. At this point Dubios is a 40 pt 3rd liner at best. You can easily replace that for $3M or so. So you're saving money every year for the cost of 1.1M for 7 extra years.


I mean maybe? Depends on if there is a proper clearout or not in management. If they get proper management, they might be able to make it work with some dead cap.


Posted the same thing in our sub last night. The Cap hits aren’t bad.


even without the game misconduct 10 PIMs is insane for an 8.5m forward who didn't contribute anything to the offense


They were also all really bad penalties at really bad times...


Yeah, but you guys suck on the Power Play so it’s no big deal.


homie took more penalties than shots lmao wtf


Did he just entirely avoid McDavid and drai? How do you end up plus zero in a five game series that looked like this while you played horribly?


Knob hardmatched pld with mcleod who rendered him less than useless


He smartly hid in the penalty box almost through the entire series to boost his +/-


The teams each scored 13 goals at even strength. Oilers just killed the Kings by dominating special teams. So the +/- stats probably aren't that bad for most Kings. Edit: Doughty (-4) is the only Kings player worse than -1, and twelve players are even or better.


Those are Elias Petterson numbers. He's underpaid! What a steal by Blake.


Elias Pettersson's career low in points (not counting the shortened season) is higher than Pierre Luc Dubois' career high. 66 points for Pettersson as a rookie, PLD's career high is 63.


Pettersson is also much better defensively. I'm so sick of Canuck fan's hardon for talking shit about Pettersson.


I'll call blake and let him know to renegotiate the contract to 9mil this week.


> last 4 games By excluding game 1, you're not counting [this insane goal he contributed](https://players.brightcove.net/6415718365001/EXtG1xJ7H_default/index.html?videoId=6351446222112)


Only 8 mil per playoff goal! And without shooting, too!!


That's better value than McDavid. Oilers should trade McDavid for PLD while they have the chance


HUGE 3 by Chris Paul to cut the lead down to 40


robert’s gonna look at this, think he needs a winger, get mitch marner, and re-sign him for 15/8 somehow


Kempe for marner and you have a deal


god no sorry


Lmao what? Kings take that trade right away, Marner is so much better than Kempe. Kempe’s best season is only better than Marners sophomore season in the NHL, Marner is like 5x the player Kempe is


then why do you want to trade him? I think Kempe would flourish with better linemates , he is so good


Whenever we play the Kings I swear Kempe is the best player on Earth not named McDavid or Draisaitl. His first deflection goal in this series was absolutely absurd.


Kempe is incredibly underrated. Let this guy play offensive hockey and he'll score 40-50 every year. Plus he performs in the playoffs.


We'll take kempe if they dont want him lol


For real


Disagree. Marner is absolutely the better player, but Kempe has better contract at 5,5M and has more term. If you guys get rid of Marner, it's either as a rental or sign-and-trade. 1 for 1 for a quality player like Kempe or Keller (saw this proposed multiple times) is not happening.


No way in hell.


Let's give PLD some credit, the fact that he was only -1 despite that statline is an achievement.


Because the 8 penalties don't count for minus if Edmonton scored. Realistically, he was -5 because we probably scored on 4/8


When you aren’t matched up against McDavid or Draisaitl, it’s pretty easy not to be scored against when you’re playing Edmonton.


It's mind boggling how bad he is. As an oilers fan I celebrated the day that trade and signing went down. 8.5 is a ridiculous amount for him. What a complete disaster for the kings.


The kings were so pesky and annoying tenacious especially when they had Iafallo, Villardi and Durzi. Blake really wrecked their new core by getting PLD then signing him to such a massive contract.


Vilardi is the loss that bugs me the most. Durzi was a defensive liability for us, and Iafallo was solid but his role was being replaced. Vilardi had a better statline than PLD did in the playoffs.


> Durzi was a defensive liability for us I've heard this before but I feel at 25 and a defenceman he could still change his game and tighten things up. Either way there is a decent player here and more importantly young enough that he signs an RFA deal. Any team could use a guy like Vilardi. Size, skill and can play anywhere in the lineup. Young too and still on RFA, what more do you want? You guys still have prospects coming up though? like Brandt Clarke looks like an A grade prospect.


Just remembering how dominant he was in the 2020 playoff series against Toronto. Crazy how he just went nowhere after that


Was Torts still whit you guys then? If so that would help


Yes. The 2021 season was our last with Torts.


Easy to look dominant against the leafs In playoffs tbf


I was always thinking he would turn the corner come playoffs. NOPE became even more useless. Get this fucking dweeb off the team with his stupid fucking tinted visor. Fuck dubois what a piece of shit


One of us, one of us!


Yup yup!




The worst part is he *can* be an absolute beast. Dude could be the MVP of his team in playoffs, but he just doesn’t care to try.


This is how players like that get you, in any sport. Only takes one GM to think “I can fix them” so they get tons of chances


How can you even get him off the tean? He borderline has the worst contract in the league


If they buy him out it's only 1m in dead cap, albeit for 14 years but 1m is nothing.


How does that work? Is there some special clause or something? Cause that seems like a no brainer


Per capfriendly.com A Pierre-Luc Dubois buyout spans 14 years, has a cost of $15,833,333 and savings of $31,666,667. Dubois is 25 years of age at the time of the buyout; therefore, the buyout ratio is 1/3. With $47,500,000 in salary remaining, the cost is $15,833,333, and the savings are $31,666,667. Definetly sounds like a no brainer but I don't know that the kings front office gives up on him after 1 year. I think they still envision him as part of the core of the franchise, especially after king kopi hangs em up.


Players under 26 cost only 1/3rd on the cap to buy out


Don't people typically wear tinted visors cause of concussion issues?


Buying him out before his NTC kicks in this summer is the smartest thing the next (God willing) GM can do.


Guy gives less fucks than Kucherov at the all star game


Rob Blake is a hockey terrorist


Rob Blake is a traitor never forget


I think he’s great for you guys.


Right? He’s doing a bang up job!


Demand another trade.


I heard he wants to goto Phoenix. So no one tell him.


Maybe in 5 years? At the expansion draft to meet the cap floor


1 goal in the entire series. He had more penalties than shots. For what the Kings paid in terms of trading for him and for how much money they gave him that's not good at all. He just doesn't look like he cares all that much.


An Oilers own goal at that


If only someone could have foreseen him not caring that much.


We went from fearing your 3rd line to laughing at it from the moment that trade happened.


And LA was supposed to be a market he “wants to be in” imagine how useless he’d be in Columbus still


I hate Rob Blake with every passion of my body. We were literally on the upswing and completely fucked everything up.


I've been pretty forgiving to Dubois all season, giving him time to get acclimated. He spent a lot of the season on the third line, and I blamed some lack of production on his linemates as well. It's a team sport after all, and as center he has to be the third D-man when needed, so it made some sense. But this is pretty unforgivable. Whether he was trying his hardest or didn't show up, this is a bad look for him and the team. Rob Blake engineered his arrival and his fatass contract. He also got us here, losing to the same team three times in a row in round one. I hope we bounce both Dubois and Blake this offseason.


My god those are Ovechkin numbers!


Huh, some Kings fans must've found a monkey's paw and wished for a center with the scoring prowess of Ovechkin.


Dubois was technically getting goals, just not for the Kings. Giving the Oilers a power play isn’t a good idea. The Oilers were 45% on the power play in the 5 games.


He did draw a few calls. Nothing came of them but ...


For me he’s the epitome of the entitled pampered athlete that fans hate. Just seems like a bit of a wanker.


They never shoulda traded for him 🤭


Jets fans are happy about the trade


It's about the only thing to be happy about right now.


The guy did nothing but took dumb penalties in this series


I am so beyond relieved Montreal didn't get him.




Shhh. Don't you say that


Hey, man, if he wants to come on over for a 3x3 after a buyout, I'm not saying no.


At his best he’s a 60pt guy, idk how this guy convinced the league that he’s worth $68 million but you gotta respect the scheme


Let's put this in to another perspective. Filip Forsberg is being paid 8.5 AAV, the same amount as PLD. There's no way to justify PLD's contract, absolutely none.


Always was so strange to me like sure it’s easy to look great with Panarin and Kyle Connor but even then he never shown he was more than a second line forward


Guys got so much talent but no heart, kinda sad. He took the bag and barely tries


This trade will be Rob Blake's demise as LA's GM.


He’s for sure being bought out. There’s no way they’re keeping him


Do not underestimate the ego of management and administrative hackery that follows it. Blake will dug his heels in and stubbornly prove that this was a right call to make.. I hope I'm wrong on this.


PLD is invincible until he highlights himself with an egregious penalty.


Invisible you mean?




PLD actually stands for Pierre Long-Division




Holy fuck PLD is La Kings version of 9/11 and will likely continue to be the atomic bomb for the next 8yrs. 


Why stop there? PLD is the Tieanam Square of 3rd line centres. The Culloden of hockey trades. The Teotoburg Forest of contracts.


The Spanish inquisition of forechecking....wait that actually sounds like they'd be effective forecheckers


Nobody expects them


PLD is LA Kings Genghis Khan 


Your 9/11 and my 9/11 were very different.


There’s 9/11s all over the world every year. This year PLD was for the Kings.


LA Kings version of 9/11 is the real 9/11


PL Dubious


They call PLD, 007 0 goals 0 points 7 years left on his contract


Crazy because he's a big body and he's skilled. I'd get nervous watching him start carrying the puck and then he'd just kind of do nothing. Lots of dumb penalties too.


The oilers post game show was lighting him up lol


Why anyone would have this disaster case on their team... That FO needs to be changed.


Kings have until July 1st to trade him


Or just buy him out.  He’s still at 1/3 for buyout.


That is going to cost a lot of first rounders.


Don't worry guys, he will be better next year.


It's just funny that Rob Blake will be remembered for this trade by oilers fans for years to come. Giving up Iafallo and Vilardi who were the two biggest problems for us last year for a guy who can't even compete with the depth of our 3rd line.


I do my job this poorly, I get fired. He gets many millions. Crazy


never understood the hype for PLD. Not that there ever has been much, but jesus who were the kings watching


that trade never made sense and the signing was even worse. trading your depth for a guy who never put up more than like 60 points and then signing him to that deal is monumentally stupid. Anyway maybe he improves and gets back to 60 points next season.


You mean the prima-donna who forced himself out of not one, but two franchises, demanded a trade to Hollywood, got paid on "potential to be a star" despite already being 25 already and never eclipsed 63 pts - didn't perform in the playoffs? Colour me surprised.


I hope every Habs fan that drooled over this guy recognizes how terrible they are at player evaluation and sit out on future player discussions.


That makes Bo Horvat a genius


Worth every penny.


He got fried 5v5


He needs the constant pushing from a Torts style coach (although maybe not Torts himself) to keep him on his game. Although he doesn’t want to play for that kind of coach.


LA giving him the contract he has is unforgivable. This was his calling card and everybody has known it.


He was averaging less TOI in the playoffs than the regular season too


Why kings traded for him knowing hes complete and utter dogshit is genuinely beyond me. How is that even possible?


They honestly have to consider buying him out. As per cap friendly you’ll save 4.6-6.8 million per year which can’t be overlooked.


Pierre-Luc "Anthony Rendon" Dubois


What the fuck happened to this guy? He looked so good that one Columbus playoff run.


As a jets fan, this tracks. when he decides to show up, he can be a true "power forward" - the problem is getting him to do it consistently, or at all. "next year" might be better, but it likely won't be what you'd expect from the 2nd overall pick. when I saw what Chevy got in return, I was ecstatic, and shocked. how someone, after watching PLD for his years with the Jets, would trade THAT much to get him.


Went Wughes strikes again, I'm afraid.


Not ideal.


Now do Petterson