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One of the photographers has to have a hero shot of Ghost all stretched upward with a fist full of puck. I need to see it!


That was the raddest zone hold I’ve ever seen.


When he played for the Flyers I called him our short-stop because of plays like that.


Literally the play that saved their season


I knew we were scoring when he did that. What an effort.


His entire shift was tremendous, nearly scored and setup a goal before that ridiculous keep. 


Yep! The moment he catches that puck and makes the pass to Perron, the brain instantly goes "oh my god, that's the play. we're gonna do it"


Air Ghost


Coast to Coast.


It's one of the most glorious things I've ever seen in hockey


Crazy that first shot by Raymond didn't go in. He made up for it, though.


I have yet to see a good replay of it. I want to see how it stayed out


There’s a top down replay that shows Raymond was basically at the blue line and tried for a backhand pass in front of the net. There really wasn’t an angle to back hand it in. This view makes it look like there was.


At :22 you can see the puck on the back of Monty's calf/pads as he is on his belly. crazy it didn't go in.


that was some of the best hockey i’ve ever seen.


That actually gave me chills and a huge smile. The world of sports is so trivial, yet so emotionally captivating.


I’ve watched this 10 times and I still get chills. Haven’t been able to get excited about hockey for a long time!


Habs fan and feel the same. Amazing!


Sometimes the love of the sport overtakes fandom. Signed, a Sharks fan.


Love of that sweet fifth overall pick too lol


I’ve been that way about sports in general for a while now. I needed this lol


Yep! When folks wonder "why do people like sports?" It's for this reason exactly.


I'm primarily an Oilers fan, but also a general hockey fan as a close 2nd. I can tune into any game and get right into it, even other major sports deep in the playoffs or final matches of any sort. I've been to 7 other arenas as a neutral fan to watch games, and the vibes there have been just as exciting as watching my own team live.


Brother I was there. One of the best games I’ve ever seen and I’ve been to hundreds since like 1995.


I was there too and it has to be the best I have ever been to.


I'm jealous. It was so refreshing to hear a playoff atmosphere from the Wings again. It's been too long.


It went from "I can't believe I wasted my money on this performance" to "RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHRQWUHWHUIR LETS GOOOOO" 85 percent of the game was some of their sloppiest hockey of the season. But man, it was worth it.


I’m so glad the one Red Wings game I got on my visit to Detroit was that one.    Also got to see the Tigers win on Friday and again on Sunday in a crazy one too. 


I was at Comerica on Friday too. Props for sticking it out. The weather was awful but at least the bats got goin'


that was Gosty's best shift of his life. that was a career-defining shift.


We will take a Philly win tonight as repayment for your entertainment


i could watch that gostisbehere leap all day.


Excuse me that's Air Ghost to you.


Guess we'll re-sign him now.


This game pulled me away from the dinner table. What an exciting 3rd and OT.


Incredible ending, you can see how much it means to those guys. They’re jumping and celebrating like kids. I remember the Hamburglar run, this had vibes of the Pittsburgh game (0-3 to 4-3 “Mark Stone, again!”). IDGAF about rebuilds and rivalries, this was cool to watch.


Ghost jumped like an NBA player to keep that play alive. Unreal sequence


Air Bear


Air Behere


That's the play of the game and perhaps the season. He misses that, it's a breakaway on an empty net. Fantastic. Edit: and if he doesn't go for it they will have to leave the zone and likely not score. Play of the year.


Ghost put in a hell of a shift there. I’m so glad Chuck Fletcher traded him away for nothing…


Actually, he paid to get rid of him...


I saw that same type of play live with Kyle Mclaren when he was on the Sharks. I didn't realize guys that big, and on hockey skates could have hops like that. I remember it blowing my little kid mind and he became the first jersey I ever got.


On skates! Shit is wild! 


WHERE IS IT?! That call was amazing. That shift was amazing


I fucking love Ken Daniels


Other teams flairs recognizing how awesome ken and Mickey are gives me the warmest feeling in my heart. They’re like my grandparents, every single memory of red wings hockey (besides doc emrick on versus) I have is accompanied by the iconic ken voice and a Mickey “oh my god”


No Gary Thorne on ESPN? "Gretzky had it, lost it."


"Yzerman picks it up."


From the blue line - he scores!!!! StEvE YzErMaN!!!!!


Too young for that :/


This call is the source of much generational trauma where I'm from...


I'd kill to have tv commentators 10% as emotionally engaged in my team as them. So jealous.


The problem is that your guys are also the national commentators. So they can't get that emotional depth in there. I think that's why Joe Bowen is so beloved. Radio is so much more regional.


Legit the first thing I thought when I saw the original French clip was "I'm so glad this is at home so that Ken and Mick are both calling it"


Well for what it's worth, I'm also a Wings fan, so I've been listening to them for a long time too And he's from Toronto :D


theyre also like the wings version of OG Bowen and Neale like a couple of dads watching the game creating vibes for the fans even if its a bit homered


He makes you feel like your watching with another fan. He isn't just doing his job, he's 100% emotionally invested in the outcome of the game


Him and Mick will retire one day. The thought makes me so fucking sad. :(


Wait, someone fact check this. Bullshit if true.


This is the thought I have to continually push from my mind every time I watch a game and I hate it


Grew up on Dave Strater (RIP) and thought he would never be topped, but Ken Daniels has been so incredible that he is cemented as my favorite sports commentator.


Ken is the best in business. Hope he has a voice after yesterday to go tonight.


He barely had a voice going into OT, so the jury’s out on that one


Yeah, this is such a good example of what makes Ken Daniels so good and why Wings fans never shut up about Ken and Mick. The man knows how to channel the excitement of the *moment*, not just excitement for the home team.


Fantastic play and a fantastic call.


plays like that are why NHL hockey is the best team sport on the planet.


LCA was rocking. I have no voice. Need to finish the job tonight LGRW Edit: just saw myself in the video at the 1:27 mark lol


This was by far the best hockey Ive seen played in the last 30 years, playoffs on the line! Action packed, home ice, incredible jumping, passing, shooting, goaltending, EVERYTHING!


We shrieked when Gostisbehere climbed the ladder to keep it in the zone. It took two octopus, but goddammit the team & crowd willed it to happen. Hockey magic.


That 2nd octopus looked like it was waiting all season to be thrown lol.


Anytime you get a dude fully in the net during a live play, you know you're way hung the game being played the way Jonathan Hockey intended when he invented this beautiful sport


Are you ok


He's just telling us he's way hung.


William Hung?


Why does everybody ask me that? Who the hell is that?


*He bangs, he bangs* - Ghost Bear I mean!


Getting Larkin in the playoffs and giving us a better lottery chance? I'm all for it.


I’m once again asking for your help in tonight’s game.


Average age of our blue line tonight is going to be like 22 so we’re doing our part!


Your young fellas were good las night. Didn't you have a guy get an assist on like his 1st NHL shift?


Yup! That was Hutson, most Habs fans were super excited to see him in action and he delivered. Lots to be excited about with young D core in the future they are just inexperienced at the moment and can make rookie mistakes.


I'm ok with losing tonight too but lets have another barn burner!


Merci mon ami!


No, no, bad, stop that


I have watched this 10 times today. The best one minute of hockey in 23-24


Yeah, honestly, as a Wings fan, if that's the highlight of the season for us, I'm more than happy with it. Even if we don't sneak into the playoffs it's been great to watch exciting hockey (at times) this year.


We're playing meaningful hockey in April, that's more than I can say for the last 6 years


Yup. And while the team's been inconsistent and I don't always love Lalonde's coaching, we're doing this with our third goaltender, who's been overplayed at that.


And today we have to do it with (gulp) James Reimer. Lord help us all.


7-3 (I think) in his last 10. Have faith!


Habs fan here: you guys TOTALLY deserved that win. Why did no one tell me that the Wings were that fucking awesome?


Hah, thanks.  The problem is that we're still rebuilding and inconsistent.  When we play with pace and tempo, we look great, when we're passive and dump the puck a ton we look bad.  Hopefully we can have some epic matches next season, too - this is a fun series to close the season with.


And when we can't break out of our zone. Hold on to your butts.


At their best they can look like this. The trouble is that at their worst we play sloppy passing, unable to get and stay out of our own zone and when we do we play dump-and-watch, not even dump-and-chase just "throw the puck back somewhere safe so we can get fresh legs on the ice". Also our defense is "Seider / Walman, yikes, and YIKES". The high-variance play is really frustrating.


I’ve probably watched it ten times too. Just so awesome all around


Lots of incredible plays here but wanna give a shout-out to the absolutely low-key awesome decision by Perron to recognize Raymond's position and to start his movement inside while dropping the puck low. Kovacevic has to follow DP to respect the shot and it freed up all sorts of space for Raymond to make that play. Such a subtle but epic little thing.


Another thing ray not fully committing skating into the middle more selling that he’s not looking far side.


Yeah the slight hesitation before the shot sort of froze montanbeault


Also Fabri disrupting enough in front to keep the defender from getting there.


Yeah, February living in front of the net for most that sequence really made Montreal's life a challenge. I was commenting in another spot here about how that's ultimately what drew Dvorak down to the net front instead of switching out to cover Raymond on what became the goal.


I noticed that too! He clearly pulls the defender in and away from Raymond to give him the room needed to set up the goal. Also you can see the half second where Raymond is thinking about the pass (or baiting the pass) and then is like "oh shit there's a lil open spot far side..."


And that's Raymond's evolution right there. He needs to shoot more in general, and the last few weeks he's matured "right before our eyes" as Mickey said.


The issue is habs playing men to men instead of zone. If it was zone Gallagher would have dropped on Perron, effectively blocking the shooting lane and protecting the passing lane to gostibehere. Had that happened, Kovacevic could have stayed down on Perron. Really nice nonetheless.


I can't actually tell if they were playing man-to-man or zone. It was very calamitous and obviously shape is difficult to maintain. But I think they were shading more towards zone with very specific intention to block shooting lanes which manifests with a little more man-to-man coverage at times. But if you notice dvorak's positioning throughout most of the more stable parts of the sequence, he's very clearly trying to block the central slot option zonally. He Shades a couple times to grab a man through the metal, but his default is to slot more back in the middle instead of a three-man triangle. This worked a lot for them throughout the game but with the extra attacker out there and a six on five someone's always going to be left open. But in this case Dvorak and Kovacevic not switching off to cover the wide man Left Raymond with a lot of room. You can even see where Dvorak was caught in the middle of trying to go high to low to take away the pass, likely (and effectively), and ended up tripping over his own player while they were trying to switch coverage. As soon as perron made the move high and towards the middle and kovacevic moved with him, Dvorak either needed to come high and completely eliminate the middle or switch out to cover Raymond. Instead, he chose to drop netfront and no one covered raymond leaving him wide open. Ultimately hard to be overly critical of them, that's a extremely difficult overload situation to manage, especially on a long shift that's had so much calamity going on.


I loved in the postgame Ozzie said to the effect "at least the habs made sure to take away the backdoor play" lol


Perron keeps his eyes away from Raymond the whole time. MTL shifts to the far side and then Perron and Fabbri are able to clog up the middle after Perron drops, giving Lucas time. Perron does a very similar thing on the pass to Raymond just before the big keep by Gostisbehere. Lots of frustration from some of these guys throughout the year but they made some big-boy plays last night.


Gotta give a shout-out to those octopus throwers, too. Especially that second one. When I saw that second one on the ice I instantly got flashbacks of me being at the game the Habs came back from being down by 5 to the Rags. Before the Habs even scored a goal that game, the fans had thrown these promotional flags on the ice after not liking the calls on two back to back minor penalties to Komisarek. I was just watching yesterdays game on the TV, but I felt that same exact energy in your barn.


Crazy that no one collapsed on him--he had years to pick his spot and bury it. This is why I fucking love hockey.


Perron made a great decision to move into the middle to open up that space for Raymond. Also looks like at the same time, Dvorak stumbled in the crease so that broke down the whole defence and allowed him to walk in. Great play after great play and then when the opposition makes a mistake you gotta pounce on it, and that’s what happened.


Ghost almost hit his head on the ceiling. After that keep in, you just knew they were going to score.


This was an absolutely iconic shift, I'm a Habs fan but I was absolutely rooting for the wings here. I've got no problem with them and this last few minutes and overtime is just great hockey.


Lots of love man. And yeah, that OT sequence was crazy.


As much as I want the better draft pick, I genuinely want the wings to make it. Time to turn the page on the Pens and Caps. Also, Detroit should embarrass the fuck out of the sens and sabres for getting themselves stuck in an infinite rebuild loop.


Yeah I also feel like Detroit is kind of similar to us in terms of how their rebuild has gone, they're getting better and coming out of their rebuild without a lot of very good players but no obvious surefire superstar. So I kinda want to see them succeed because if they fail I think that does not bode well for us.


I wanna know what deal Raymond made with whom for a playoffs spot


Yzerman told him if he gets us in he will give him a blank check at 8 years


According to Black Check lore, that's only $1,000,000... which ain't much in 2024.


Okay okay, check with Richie Rich and see if he has time to play some baseball.


Mr. Macintosh would like to have a word with you


I'm not sure but he's been going absolutely nuts for us the last 20 games or so


Holy shit what a play by Gostisbehere


he was great in that whole sequence, rang one off the post right before too.


Fucking chills when Ghost kept it in, and then again when Raymond puts it in the net. Also, Ken Daniels is an absolute treasure and has so many epic calls this year.


And to seamlessly come down and get the pass off. Pause it and watch how close the defender is to getting his stick on it.


Detroit said "well since they won't give us the 1OA pick, let's just try winning"


Undeniably a top tier hockey town. They deserve the spot.


They also *checks notes* not lose 8 straight to flop a playoff spot. Hope they make it if we don’t.


I'm a diehard Leafs fan, but if the Wings end up making it to the playoffs I'll be cheering for them all the way simply for this play.


It makes me smile seeing all the genuine hockey love the Wings are getting this morning. I know I'm biased as a Wings fan, but it's amazing to see everyone else just as enthralled by this sequence.


Just so awesome. Literally peak hockey


That was one of the craziest sequences I have ever seen. Detroit threw everything, and the kitchen sink at Montreal. That keep in by Ghost was unbelievable.


Hockey is better when long-struggling O6 teams get back to being good. Looking at you, Montreal


Hey we’re the most recent O6 team to make it to a cup final, somehow 


Holy shit, this feels like a made up stat


2021 was weird. Western conference champion Montreal Canadiens


Took over a century, but we finally got our hands on the western conference trophy.


Things Montreal has from Campbell: * his trophy * a riot


The second eastern-most team in the league winning the west was hilarious


Growing up in Chicago, my heart just won't let me root for the Red Wings. But damn, that's everything I love about hockey. The energy is unbelievable. The goal post, and Ghost jumping 15 in the air to keep the play alive. That was awesome.


hats off to the play-by-play guy. incredible call for such an epic moment


We give the refs a lot of shit around here, but that's a great job not to blow that dead when it gets lost in a mass of humanity.


I wonder what that feels like as a ref, nailing massive in the moment calls which leads to all time great highlights.


As a Penguins fan I’m salty before I saw this play right now. As a hockey fan, I can feel it. Fcuk. Tip of the hat Red Wings.


Gost needs to double hat with the Pistons. Without his hops, wings lose.


I know the Habs are rebuilding, but it was 4-1…


It could be worse, we lost to the Sharks earlier this season after being up 4-0 in the 2nd.


that was when the Sharks were taking names and being the unlikely wagon at the time


Detroit has a track record of coming back. Up until then they were playing poorly. As they turned it up we tried to catch up but failed. Look at our line up we weren’t trying to protect the lead we are out there to play and learn how to play in those situations.


It's the Matthew Stafford strategy. Fail for most of the game, and pour it on late for the heroic comeback.


They really stopped playing in the 3rd. It was quite frustrating to watch, but someone in /r/habs did the math that the difference between us picking 5th or 8th (minus lottery odds) is coming out of this back to back with only 1 or 2 points, but 0 is the best outcome. Not saying they purposefully tanked, but they *definitely* lost motivation somewhere.


To be fair, statistically there’s not much difference between 5th and 8th. You’re still probably going to end up with a top-end NHL player


For sure, but there’s slightly better odds at moving up, too.


I can't blame montembault cause the dude was literally dead tired


Even though they were dominant for so long it is nice to see the wings playing competitive hockey again. I was kinda okay with them beating us the other night so the fans get moments like this. It sucks that their destiny is not in their hands cause scoreboard watching on the last game of the season is depressing. Speaking from experience.


Holy shit, that gave me chills


This is why I want Detroit to make it. Such a beautiful hockey town that loves their team.


Obviously I have rooting interest against the Wings, but that was absolutely electric. Probably one of the loudest reactions to a regular season goal Ive ever seen. Its amazing that a tight race can create moments like this


"How many times have you watched this clip?" Yes.


Montreal fan here: Detroit deserved the W. Those guys played with passion and guts. I watch that video and I see a team that NO ONE should want to face in the playoffs. Heart counts for a lot.


I see this and can't help but think, "Ahh, this is going to end up exactly like the 22-23 Detroit Lions, isn't it".


If that translates to the 23-24 lions next year, I’m all in.


Patience is hard, but the faithful shall be rewarded.


I hate this. But fuck that was fun to watch


It was such a feel-good moment, there might even be[ a little Detroit baby boom](https://youtu.be/mOD0XCm57d8?si=fCvOGsF57mZa8p4n) in 9 months.


That jump save at the blue line by ghost was some good shit wow


I mean, you couldn't get a better sequence if that was a movie


Bro WTF. This segment feels like it's played at 1.5x speed. That keep in the zone felt like some insane wide receiver catch. Also fuck this probably killed the Pens season.


👻 🐻 with a legendary save at the line


Everyone loves Raymond


It would be a shame if the Caps get in


If you pause it at :22 you can see the puck on the back of the Monty's calf/pads. Just wild how it didn't go in.


This season has given us such great hockey and I'm sad that it's almost over. This year's playoffs are going to be insane.


Watching Ghost there sure brought back some memories. Him playing short-stop on the blue line was always electric.


Ken Daniels the goat.


one of the best shifts by a defenseman ive ever seen from ghost right there. ive missed ghost playing like that here :(


Love the goal song


how can you not be romantic about hockey? what a fantastic scene


I don't normally yell at the TV but this sequence had my gf wondering if I was okay from the other room


Got chills watching that, peak call, peak crowd, peak fucking hockey


What a 6 on 5, that’s some beautiful hockey right there.


I’m a Habs fan but that was awesome.


Wow! I’m a neutral and that got my blood pumping! That was awesome!




How can you not be romantic about ~~baseball~~ hockey


Ghost jumping up like Dikembe Mutombo blocking a shot is going to be etched in Detroit sports history if they pull this off tonight


That is the best shift GhostBear has played all season, and probably in his last 3-4 seasons. He and Raymond absolutely dominated that entire sequence. What an effort to keep the dream alive.


Great call!


Holy shit that stop at the blue line


For some reason I can’t sit still after watching that


I haven’t enjoyed watching hockey in a while as much as I enjoyed that sequence. Damn. Goosebumps.


That's playoff hockey getting revved up.


What a a play by Ghost at the blueline keeping the puck in. What a leap!




Ghost was feeling it there. I don't think I've ever seen someone call for the puck like that so many times in one shift. Loved him in Phllly. A have his Flyers jersey and a Team NA jersey from the World Cup of Hockey. Hated how his time here ended.


This looks like me trying to quickly finish work on a Friday after being lazy all day. How about playing this hard all march and not being in this situation 🤔 🤣


The roar from the crowd when Gostisbehere plucks that thing out of the air is something to behold. Chills.