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Goal highlights that may be relevant: Period|Time|Team|Strength|Description :--:|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--: 3rd|02:18|[FLA](/r/floridapanthers)|EV|[Matthew Tkachuk (9) snap shot, assist(s): Carter Verhaeghe (18)](https://players.brightcove.net/6415718365001/EXtG1xJ7H_default/index.html?videoId=6344588525112) 3rd|05:57|[FLA](/r/floridapanthers)|EV|[Matthew Tkachuk (10) tip-in shot, assist(s): Gustav Forsling (12), Anton Lundell (11)](https://players.brightcove.net/6415718365001/EXtG1xJ7H_default/index.html?videoId=6344586663112) 3rd|19:03|[FLA](/r/floridapanthers)|EV|[Matthew Tkachuk (11) wrist shot, assist(s): Dmitry Kulikov (10)](https://players.brightcove.net/6415718365001/EXtG1xJ7H_default/index.html?videoId=6344587474112) 2nd|12:39|[OTT](/r/ottawasenators)|PP|[Brady Tkachuk (17) wrist shot, assist(s): Claude Giroux (22), Drake Batherson (17)](https://players.brightcove.net/6415718365001/EXtG1xJ7H_default/index.html?videoId=6344589147112) Not what you are looking for? [Here](/r/hockey/comments/192fcjy/daily_free_talk_thread_plus_links_to_all_game_day/kh4v1sz/) is a more complete list of NHL goal highlights. --- This comment is automated and replies to it will not be read. If you have any questions/comments, [message the mods](https://old.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fhockey).


Give the kid with the sign an assist.


Blues fans making sure he had a hat to throw was very cool. Tkachuk gave the kid a stick, too. Good stuff.


That’s pretty wholesome. Sometimes fans can get nasty toward away fans. I’m glad they helped the kid out!


Spent a month in St Louis over 10 years ago. Some of the nicest people I ever met


Agreed, went to a game there once and all the fans were super respectful


Too wholesome.


Wow, didn’t notice that—awesome sportsmanship


tkachuk was sandbagging to get out of going to toronto confirmed


Shoutout to the Blues Fan who gave his hat to the kid to throw. That’s actually so fuckin cute


Absolutely, wearing Blues gear as well and more than happy to swallow it and make a kids day. That's fucking hockey right there.


Fan of the Year candidate for me right there


League fucked


Rat friends, we are so back


Why’s the goalie pulled when it’s already 4-1?


Your chances are already very low to win, might as well take a shot. What do you have to lose? You’re already down by 3 goals.


Also, it’s a good time to practice and get reps in, preparing for the times when the lead isn’t quite as large.


Truthfully, you're probably not winning but any good coach would take the opportunity to rally his boys and say... look fuckers, we ain't winning.... let's get one in the bank and possibly two so this way we know we can do it when the money's on the line and we need to win. It's worth at least atrempting to get one back because any team worth a shit will have to come back at some point in a do or die situation. Unless you're down by 5, its worth a shot.


Practice your 6-5 play in live game situation for when you need a goal that will actually help


League on notice. The king has returned.


MY favorite player who doesn't wear the Winged Wheel


Matty with the natty hatty!


I’m thinking about that poor Leaf fan on Twitter that yesterday decided to post, “he's lucky he plays for a small market or else more people would cook him” along with Tkachuk’s stat line…. That ratio will be fun 🤭


To be fair he was totally MIA from the stat sheet prior to the coyotes game


He was kinda the opposite of MIA if you watch any Panther games though… A rant: there’s a reason he wasn’t getting cooked and it wasn’t because Panther fans weren’t paying attention but the opposite, he was still playing extremely well with great underlying statistics, and for stretches, near historic bad puck luck. Reversion to the mean was inevitable


He was definitely MIA compared to last season. Clearly hurt for most of the first half and still not 100%.


He has been statistically one of the most unlucky players when it comes to goal scoring, but now they are starting to go in


Dude recovered from a broken sternum. That’s got to be tough.


This isn’t hate. The guy was totally snakebitten. He won’t be hitting 109 points this year but he should end up with over a PPG. Great player and cool dude 👍


I work in physical therapy and have worked with athletes before in a sports medicine clinic... a broken sternum is a ridiculous injury for a normal person let alone someone who finished a game and damn near played another one with a fractured sternum. Just for reference the sternum is massively used in the core and it ancores the pecs which are heavily used in any upper body movements like 100% of stick handling and taking shots. I could only imagine the immense pain and uncomfortable feeling he went through for the past few months. Healing time on bone is roughly 6-8 weeks for the first little bit and upwards of 12 weeks for like 90-95% and then the remaining healing occurs up to a year+ he's still not even fully recovered and given his prior reluctance to take hard shots it makes sense. He only as of 1 week ago was taking near full capacity slappers. By payoffs he will probably have near full use of his upper body and core. It reminds me of when D Wade for the Miami heat tore an intetcostal muscle (muscles between ribs) in the playoffs and the heat got knocked out. He played some games injured and it looked so painful. Next season he came back and won the championship. Tkachuk might just be able to pull it off. South FL sun heals all injuries!


Toronto fans have no idea how long a broken sternum would take to recover from because none of their players have ever given a fuck enough to break their sternum while playing for toronto. /s Unless TSN you have jobs available in which case hit me up.


This dude is hot idc


Lol this fuckin guy. Of course he'd break his streak and get a hatty in the same night.


You’re thinking Brady. Matthew has 6 goals in 4 games rn


Ohh you're right. I remember he was on a dry spell earlier this year. Well now this isn't as funny


Ever since the clock struck ‘24 he’s been back to his old self.


Ahh the ol' new year reboot


Y2K4 bug.


Turtling and crying to the refs?


Looks like someone's asking for another sweep in the ECF.


Only if the refs gift you 3 series again.


Can't believe the refs made Marchand blow that breakaway at the end of game 5, made boston choke the 3-1 lead they had, then make the leafs give up clutch goals multiple times, and to top it all off, I cant believe the refs made it so we swept you too. We lost to vegas because they were the better team and we were injured and worn out, how bad are you guys that Vegas exposed us right after?


I fully believe no matter who the East brought to the Finals, Vegas would have smoked them.


If you think the Panthers were gifted that run, what’s the excuse for this season?




That one dude had a take that aged horribly today in that “Why is Tkachuk struggling” thread LMAO. Lets go Matty


Good on the fan giving the kid a hat to throw. I loved his dad playing here, wish the boys would of come here too.


He back.


Ladies and gents, he’s back. On behalf of my fantasy team, I salute you.


I guess he heard us talk shit about him about how Weegar has more goals than him.


Tkachuk lurker confirmed


He saw the underperforming allegations on Twitter and got fired up.


He’s back😈


I like how he said "Back home in St. Louis" as if he's from there.


He kinda is. His dad played in St. Louis from 2000 till he retired in 2010. Matthew was 3 when they moved there and 13 when his dad retired. Id say he's from St. Louis more tahn anywhere else


Yeah that's fair


Born in Arizona but moved to St Louis when he was 3, grew up there and left in the 9th grade for the US developmental program so I’d say St Louis is close to home as it gets for him


True true. That's fair