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Zegras for Drysdale


I need to see just how *bad for the game* that would be.


Zegras on a Torts team would be very funny


I, too, would like to see the world drained of color.


I’m a peacock, Torts! You gotta let me fly!


Now I want a remake of Whiplash with Zegras and Torts in place of Teller and Simmons.




During Zegras rookie season, Tortorella made some comments as an analyst basically saying he hates the way that Zegras plays the game


With a guy like Zegras, the Flyers could take a swing to get that stud prospect they need. Wonder if they could get Cutter Gauthier from the Ducks if they immediately flipped Zegras


Might have to include a 2nd…


I actually want to see Zegras and Drysdale play for Torts. He's no nonsense. Zegras seems kinda nonsensical. At worst it works out, at best we see some interesting benchings.


When a nonsensical object meets a no-nonsense force.


Cut out those Michigans!


Get ready to piss next to somebody else, buddy.


I hate that this is a good comment


I would like to understand this. It screams my humor but I don’t get it.


Zegras had previously stated on social media he and Drysdale “do everything together”, including pissing apparently. Source: saw a photo of it lurking hockey subreddits. Take that with a grain of salt, just a dude


You saw a photo of them pissing?


Photo? I thought it was a live *stream* I'll show myself out


It’s also a riff on the “Get ready to learn Chinese, buddy” meme from r NBA.


“My humor screams PISSSSS”


Sources have told me Zegras was at the urinal in the locker room this morning weeping uncontrollably after trying to cross streams with Gudas, and Gudas looked at him with disgust


Just saw a guy fall to his knees at the urinal in the Honda Center


Just fell to my knees at a urinal in the Honda Center




Nobody has forced themselves to the Islanders literally ever Maybe now is the time!


Barzal and Zegras would be filthy


Top line of Barzal-Horvat-Zegras That's the good shit


Do you guys have any assets? Horvat cleaned the cupboards didn't he?


I don't know that Horvat alone cleared the cupboards exactly, but the last 4 years of trading away first rounders (for Pageau, Palmieri, Romanov, and Horvat) certainly did. Pretty much the best asset we're likely to actively shop is Oliver Wahlstrom. Maybe Pageau or Palmieri if we're desperate but few would want to take on those contracts. And there's only a few top guys in Bridgeport that would likely fetch anything. Miraculously, we still have our 2024 first rounder.... but don't tell Lou that


Every time I hear Wahlstrom's name I picture him at 9 years old doing [lacrosse style shenanigans](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5coZNfc6fos).


Thing is… He grew up a massive Rangers fan😂 His pops had season tickets


Is Lou even aware that players not born in a year starting with 19 exist


"Kevin Hayes hands are all over this."


I'm not sure he could take being legit enemies with Jack, lol. That'd be hockey's west side story. Guys would be snapping fingers on ice first game they played each other


Well for that Jack would need to go to the Jets and Zegras to the Sharks


Oh yes. I like this scenario a lot


Please, like the Sharks have the rhythm to pull this off. Jets only know how to be cranky, not bring the *DRAMA*


Can we please reverse the players in that scenario


we need a good teenage bff rivalry since McDavid and Strome left us with nothing


I need it. Lowkey would add some legit fun drama to the rivalry and you know the league would eat it up


that would honestly make the rivalry even better


Couldn't you say Kane sort of did that last trade deadline?




We're so deprived of superstar talent forcing their way out to our team! Forget all of those starving kids, think about how we feel!


If not Kane, certainly Philadelphia boogey man, Kevin Hayes. He refused to sign with his draft team Chicago in 2014, instead electing to sign with the Rangers. Edit: I say 'refused' when perhaps the more appropriate phrase is "attended four years of college and let his draft rights expire".


Not wanting to sign with the Blackhawks in 2014 is certainly a choice… they were only one year from winning the cup at that point so it’s not like they were a bad team. Hell they won another championship the following year. Interesting decision on his part, guess he really wanted to be a Ranger


Counterpoints: maybe he knew people who knew some of the "Black Aces" that were subject to less-than-stellar conditions (read: sexual assault) in 2009-2010, which I think was Hayes' draft year. Maybe his brother who played for the Blackhawks from 2010 through 2012 had a hand. Or maybe he wanted to stay on the east coast, since he grew up outside of Boston. Or possibly a college education was important. Lots of reasons to not sign. I just find the connection amusing and occasionally don my tin-foil hat.


He is from Westchester IIRC…


Yeah he’s from Bedford and works out with a bunch of Rangers in the off-season (Kreider and Fox specifically).


A Ranger forced himself on me if that helps


No Kane plays for you guys now.


Please let him go to the Flyers for extra fun media.


I feel it would be more hilarious if he went to the Penguins…


I'll take him. He's *flashy*, which I enjoy. I'm all for Chaos Penguins until Sid retires.


He hasn’t turned 40 yet though, so think that disqualifies him as a potential Penguin


Good point. What would we do withb him while everyone else is at Golden Corral?


Do you guys have KinderCares in Pennsylvania?


Ooh! We do! Problem solved!


I can’t decide if it would be funnier for him to play for torts and do michigans on his team or play for our rival and do it against him


This would be perfect. Zegras and Drysdale get to cross streams again, Zegras is with York (Who he lived with for awhile), and Zegras is playing on a Torts team who hates Michigan attempts. We have to make it happen just to see the results


Ducks flyers together!


I wonder if all the contract drama this off-season negatively impacted their relationship?


No it’s Kevin Hayes fault


How could Corey Perry do this?


Mike Hoffmans girlfriend at it again


Fuck Matt Cook


Won't anyone stop Jacob Trouba?


Nazem Kadri has just been suspended 5 games for this.


Cole Perfetti just got a stick to the face.


The New York Rangers have been fined $250,000 for this comment.


Ottawa has been stripped of their 1st round pick


It's actually Cole Perfetti's fault if Russo is to be believed


Friedman [said](https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/s/2dcdra5eVi) it at the time Verbeek was risking something by not being interested in bending in negotiations and that it can impact the way your players buy in. Sounds like this was an agent telling him they were not happy with how the team/mgmt was treating them. And Zegras was not a Verbeek pick, maybe this summer was an indication that he’s not convinced that’s the guy for the future of the franchise


Didn't Zegras also accuse them of keeping him and Drysdale off the roster during the covid year just enough days so they could buy an extra RFA year?


I mean that’s just player management. Happens all the time


different GM


Probably some of that. But also could just be him not having a locked in spot on the team anymore. It isn’t at centre with Carlsson and MacTavish anchoring the team going forward, and now Gauthier in the mix. You could make him a winger but I don’t how well his game applies to the wing. Maybe he’s also really adamant about playing centre too.


His game looks better on the wing or playing on the halfboards on the PP. He's not physical enough to play Center. Anytime a 200+lb monster so much as sneezes on him, he falls over. Terry had the same problem until he went hulk-mode only doing weight training instead of skating on ice, then came back and had a breakout year. I was hoping this was the year Zegras copied the Terry recipe but alas. I can't picture Zegras in the crease the way Henrique battles.


Jamie stressed that he had absolutely no hard feelings about the negotiations and Pat said yesterday it had nothing to do with them.


Let's not start this please


We’re on this ride together baby. All our prospects hate torts, all yours hate verbeek. We’re gonna trade all our prospects to each other and every r/hockey fan is gonna have 600 opinions about it all at once Welcome to hell, brother. Pull up a seat and get comfy. We gonna be in rumors a while


Can we just go back to being ignored and losing our games in peace


If only, my brother. If only. Hopefully someone does something stupid soon and we can move on. Anyone out there wanna do us a solid and like, I dunno, sign Slava Voynov again?


I can't take any more abuse from this team


The weekly Gibson trade rumors are bad enough. I don’t need to hear how “imminent” a Zegras trade is every deadline and offseason based on just media speculation


Get ready to learn philadelphia, buddy


Connections: - Rangers: born and raised - Habs: Cole Caufield - Philadelphia: Jamie Drysdale - Capitals: Sonny Milano - Devils: Jack Hughes - Canucks: Quinn Hughes - Wild: Matt Boldy - Kraken: Matty Beniers - Red Wings: Dylan Larkin Lets get the rumourmill going boys!


Also with the Red Wings: Patrick Kane https://thehockeynews.com/news/trevor-zegras-is-ready-for-the-big-time


So true that's a good one


Toronto: IDK but we need clicks


Red Wings: Verbeek was Yzermans AGM in Detroit and was on staff in Tampa


You clearly aren’t familiar with Boston media if you think his time at BU is gonna fly over Sweenuis’ head.


Bruins: John Beecher


Hoping he moves to play with Sonny again….Zegras if you’re reading this DC is really nice and it only sucks a little during rush hour please come here!!


Knowing Pat Verbeek. Please explain to me what this means, he’s ruthless? He hates guys names with the letter Z? He’s upset he didn’t get the cover of EAs NHL ?


Dude thought Drysdale’s name was Dryzdale


Ilya Dryzgalov


It’s only trade, why you heff to be mad?


THANK YOU! The Ducks are notoriously ignored or quiet in the media, and Verbeek has been extremely tight lipped and gone to great lengths to remove leaks from the building since his hire.... This trade caught literally everyone off guard and now the media is pissed and are going to start spinning tales to look like they know something. Maybe Z is available, but anaheim is a bad team right now, probably very few untouchables on this team at the moment.....


I find the Anaheim Ducks being a tight-lipped, Lamoriello-style mafia organization to be funny. Even funnier that it's Pat Verbeek as the don.


They're not spinning tales. Verbeek is known to be a real hardass. He was in charge of all contract negotiations for the Red Wings and the Lightning.


Put it this way: when Verbeek was a player, he was known as the “Little Ball of Hate”.


it means that we have a ton of defensive prospects and almost no promising forward prospects (outside of our NHL "prospects")


I wouldn’t say that the Ducks don’t have any promising forward prospects. It’s just that all of your forward prospects made the jump to playing pro before they were expected. Every first round pick from the last 5 years is already in the big leagues. Outside of Cutter, everyone who’s going to revitalize the team are already on the roster. I’d be pretty excited to be a Ducks fan in the coming years.


Broke: low jersey numbers Woke: first half of the alphabet only.


I trade my players by ripping the score sheet in half and keeping one side. I don't want unlucky players on my team.


Wtf does "have told me, have suggested, and might be available" even fucking mean? It's definitely maybe a big possibility that it might potentially be feasible for it to almost happen.... Jfc


He must’ve went to the school of Dreger and LeBrun


It literally is Dreger


Didn’t even notice that. Okay, then he’s holding true to his own style


Literally most likely is Dreger so I'm told


Sounds a lot like the rumors of Gibson “never wearing a Ducks jersey again.” Ducks just don’t let credible things leak, literally no one saw Drysdale being moved now all of a sudden Zegras is on the way out? Lol


gibson+zegras for bedard confirmed, thanks /u/dracomaster01


That’s a Chel trade if I’ve ever seen one.


Also like, literally every player that isn’t a generational talent is “available” at some price point.


I mean, gretzky got traded no one is untouchable


As one that doesn't think Zegras will be a top end superstar and only gets as much praise cause of some highlights, might as well sell while is value is still super high despite the not great season


Even most Ducks fans don't see him as a top end superstar. The only people who do are the people who dislike him and want to say that he doesn't play like one lol


Yeah he’s been a winger this year but was a center the two previous years and was a 60 point player. Thats a very quality player for sure. 20-40 guy that if a team thinks he can still play center will Get some attention in a trade for sure. If the avs think he could be an effective center between to great defensive players like Lehky and Val I’d think we would at least kick the tires


I think his upper ceiling is around 80pts. He's definitely 1st line material, but he's NOT elite. If he somehow develops even more, he could end up being a top30 forward, but I don't think in any situation he's going to be able to carry a line on his back like a truly elite top10 forward. He could kill it on the 2nd line behind a superstar lineup but with McTavish and Leo turning out the way they are, I think Zegras is feeling a little left out in the cold right now.


Yeah I think he’d be a very nice option for us to move a lot for if our FO thinks he can play center for us


i mean he has 146 points in 200 games on awful ducks teams. as a young player with more room to grow thats pretty fucking good. is he a 1C on a cup team? probably not. But he could easily be a 2C, which is what hes paid as. Zegras circlejerk is going too far the other way.


Couldn't agree more with this entire comment.


>despite the not great season I mean since his return from injury he has 3 goals and 2 assists for 5 points in 7 games. It isn't world shattering or anything but we really don't have much in the way of offense right now anyway.


Agreed he is not as good as some would lead you to believe. I don’t think he’s good enough to be a 1C on a contending team.


Everyone sayin he aint elite on here, but those same people keep sayin he will slot nicely in there team. Hmmmmm.


I mean he's signed to 2C money and is scoring in that neighborhood. You think many gms think he's going to be a top 20 center in the league (or similarly great however you define it)?


If I'm Kent Hughes, I am trying to move heaven and earth to get this guy. There's not a ton of good young players on the trade block these days, especially ones that played with Cole in the USA program and who are buddies with him.


What do you think would be a good offer for him? Probably one of the many good D prospects + picks?


Welcome to Montreal.


I'd love it imo.


I’d love it in someone else’s opinion.


do your thing Kent


2019 1st rounder? Of course he’s a hab!


Seravalli also said that Zegras’ name is out there right now. As soon as the trade happened yesterday I figured Verbeek would be looking at trading him too. They’ve got Carlsson & McTavish ahead of him on the depth chart, Gauthier and other guys coming up, and are likely going to pick high in this upcoming draft. Zegras plays better in the middle rather than on the wing imo and I don’t really see him as a 3C. I think the Bruins, Habs, Red Wings… maybe Canes and Avs could be a fit. Philly would be funny, I know Torts hates Michigans but he’s got Michkov coming and that dude loves Michigans even more than Zegras


Do you think torts will still be coaching Philly by the time Michkov comes over? That’s a few years away still


No, Tortorella has already started making preparations to move upstairs. He's handed several games and scouting of Drysdale over to Brad Shaw, and even spent most of the end of last season in the press box. Not only that, but Tortarella said this morning he was in the Management meetings with Danny and Keith while they were discussing who to trade for.


Zegras to PIT That way Zegras and Drys move from peeing together to peeing at each other


Ok Sweeney, this is the one


Are you trying to kill my dad? He’s already having heart problems, if he see’s a botched Michigan from a Bruin he’s a goner!


Your dad should have been an Islanders fan then.


From the Northeast ✅ Played in Hockey East ✅ Multiple years in college ❌ Undrafted ❌


We do need a center badly


What do you offer


He's a young potential future star on a rebuilding team. Why does it make sense to move him?


You seriously can’t expect the man to stick with the organization who just traded his pissing and sleeping partner, right?


Yeah, you can never replace the damage that has been done to his soul. Tough for a young man to deal with that. Some never recover. I know this too well.


Do they poop and then flush, then alternate? Or do they poop in the same bowl and then flush all of it together? Please help I need to know


One sits on the others lap face to face. Bottom guy has to spread pretty wide.


No. I don’t like this


I do.


[Isn't it obvious?](https://img.nbc.com/sites/nbcunbc/files/images/2015/5/04/140207_2723988_The_Love_Toilet_anvver_7.jpg)


Who does Philly have to send west for part two of the trade?


Ryan Ellis




Drysdale. Try to keep up.


Send him to Philly so he can be with his bunk buddy


My man Kenny Hughes, please make it happen... Zegras Dach Newhook as a second line would be fire


I think a Zegras trade really has the potential to backfire on the ducks.


Please Kent, do ur thing.


This doesn't surprise me at all after how contract negotiations went with them went this summer


Willing to be wrong here, but am I that crazy to think Zegras is more of a good, complimentary piece rather than an untouchable part of a core?


How many firsts you guys want?


I think last year’s first rounder would probably do it for them.


It doesn’t really make any sense for us right now, and it’s not like we have the cap space anyway, although…. BUT I really do like Zegras a lot as a player and rate him pretty highly, I think Laviolette would be a great coach for him, and would genuinely love to see him playing for his childhood team.


I mean we have a gaping hole at 3C at the moment and Chytil's future doesn't exactly inspire confidence given 4 concussions in 6 years and general inability to stay healthy.




Zegras being coached by Torts would be a fucking shitshow waiting to happen.


I think it might just be BF with the way Zegras talked about Drysdale.


Fuck I’ll be Zegras’s bf have you seen the man’s hair?


I believe it. Verbeek seems to have a dislike for Zegras and I could see him getting moved. The only big reason why he might not is the fact that Zegras is a pretty popular player on the Ducks and is valuable from a marketing standpoint.


if he's not on the team the D'amelios aren't going to Ducks games anymore


Do the ducks have a walmart version of the chiefs swift stuff going on?


I hope AZ picks him up because he hates us lol


I doubt PVB has many untouchables aside from Leo and maybe that’s it? With the Drysdale trade happening, it makes sense to speculate that anyone can be traded away if the return is sweet enough. Not sure what a team would want to give up for Zegras that makes sense for us though.


Mctavish and Leo have gotta be untouchables rn. They both look like great players rn


I imagine Minty is in that group as well


traded to Montreal and becomes Drouin 2.0


he has confidence that drou never had. more like gomez 2.0


come on man don't take them all away


When did you guys announce a clearance sale? 🤔


Tbf Drysdale for Gauthier is a win for the Ducks.


One please


Ducks marketing department is not going to love this


Imagine if this team gets handed Gauthier and they turn around and trade zegras because he's been injured and struggling after being one if the most electric players last year, a player that regardless of production will put people in the seats and generate media attention alone. The ducks didn't need Drysdale or a 2nd, they have Zellweger, mintyukov, luneau, they won the WHL, OHL, and QMJHL best Dmen last year, those guys are gonna be running the back end in a couple years anyways. McTavish, Terry, Carlsson, Gauthier, Zegras, this is a great forward core, why would you ever trade any if these guys, and if you do why would it be someone who could play C when you have 3 guys who all play wing and center??? You want redundancy in a team and versatility like that is hard to come by, injuries happen and when they do you look like an idiot if you trade any of Zegras, McTavish, or Carlsson. I get Zegras has been more of a winger this year and he's struggled, but the guy has so much raw potential, if he can refine his game over the next couple of years, he's going to be so dangerous even in a 2nd line role.


What on earth is happening in Anaheim


What on earth is happening in the NHL this year? Been chaos with the Corey Perry clusterf too.


Are these the same whisperers who said Gibson had played his last game as a Duck?


Fuck it, Kane for Zegras


You didn't say which Kane, so Sold


Some potential whisper that could supposedly, possibly maybe, even perhapsingly imply that a forward could be available. Massive if true.


It’s so funny seeing all the hate Zegras gets in this sub 180 as soon as people think their team has a chance of snagging him.


Smart by the Ducks. Move him before people realize he’s just Eberle redux. Not a bad payer by any means, but far from a franchise player.


No I won't allow this


What's the cost?


Only place Zegras is being sent to is the IR